Grocers Hall.At the Committee of Adventu­rers for Lands in Ireland the 9 th day of March 1653.

BY direction of his Highnes, the Lord Protector, We desire the severall Ministers or Church­wardens of each Parish Church and Chappell within London, the Liberties thereof, and the late line of Communication, to appoint some meet persons to give notice in their severall Congregations upon the next Lords day being the 12 th day of this instant March: That all Adventurers for Rebells Lands in Ireland, Are requested to meet at Grocers-Hall upon Munday next, being the Thirteenth of this instant March, at Two of the clock in the afternoone, To receive an Accompt of the proceedings of their Committee since the late Generall meeting.

RICH. DEACON Clark Attending the Committee.

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