At a House holden in the Counsell Chamber upon Ouse-bridge, in the City of York, this Twenty-Fifth day of August, in the Third year of the Reign of our Soueraign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Graee of God King and Queen of England, &c. Anno (que) Dom. 1691.
THE Zeal of their Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary to work a Reformation in Manners as well as in other things throughout their whole Kingdomes; is so manifest and conspi [...]ous, That with gratitude to Almighty God we acknowledge our great happiness in living under their gratious Government, who by their pious Examples do teach their Subiects to live vertuously and by their Precepts do require their Magistrates and Officers to punish all those that shall do otherways. And therefore to restrain the detestable yet spreading sins of Cursing, Swearing, Drunkenness, and other Enormities, and to prevent the frequent prophanation of the Lords Day, (too commonly prophaned) by people unnecessarily Travelling, Selling, or Exposing things to sale on that day, by excercising their ordinary Callings, by using other Imployments, or vain Sports, and especially by Tippling thereon and neglecting the Worship and Service of God): We thought it our Duty strictly and impartially to put in Execution within this City, and County of the same City, all the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, provided against the Offences aforesaid. And to the intent that neither the Offenders nor those that ought to be instrumental in bringing the Offenders to condigae Punishment may pretend ignorance of the Laws; We do hereby make known, That
Whosoever shall prophainely Curse or Swear, 20 Jac. 1. cap 20 convict before a Justice in his hearing, or by 2 witnesses or confession. he shall forfit for every such offence 1 s. to be levyed by distress, and for want of such distress, to sit in the Stocks 3 houres, if the Offenders be 12 years of age, and if he be under 12 years of age then to be whipt.
Whosoever shall be convicted of being Drunk, 4 Jac. cap. 5.21. Jac. 1. cap. 7. convict by view confession or one Witness. shall forfit for every such Offence 5 s. If he refuse to pay, it shall be levyed by distress, and if he be not able to pay he shall sit in the Stocks 6 hours, and for the second Offence be bound to the good behaviour.
VVhosoever shall remain or continue Tipling, 4 Jac. 1 cap. 5.21 Jac. 1 cap. 7 convict by view confession or one witness. or Drinking, in any Inn Victvailing-house, or Ale-house, shall forfit 3 s. 4 d. to be levyed by distress, and if not able to pay shall sit in the stocks 6 hours
Every Innkeeper, 1 Jac. 1. chap. 9.21. Jac 1. cap. 7. convict by view confession or one VVittness. Victualler or Alehouse keeper, who shall permit or suffer persons to sit Tipling or Drinking in his house, shall forfit for every such offence 10 s. 1 Jac. cap. 9. and by the Statutes 7 Jac. 1 cap. 10.21. Jac. 1. cap. 7. be utterly disabled for 3 years to keep any Alehouse.
VVhosoever shall frequent or use any Bull batings, 1. Car. 1 cap. 1, convict by view confession or one wittwess. common Plays, or any other unlawfull Exercises, Sports, or Pastimes, on the Lords day, shall for every such Offence forfit 3 s. 4 d. to be levyed by distress, and for want of a distress the Offender shall sit in the stocks 3 houres.
VVhatsoever Tradesman, 29. Car. 2. cap. 7. convict by view confession or one wittness. Artificer, workman, Labourer, or other persons whatsoever, (being 14 years of age) shall do or exercise any worldly buisiness or work of their ordinary Calling on the Lords day, (except works of necessity and charity) shall for every such Offence forfit 5 s. to be levyed by distress and for want of distress or inability in the offender to pay, shall sit in the Stocks 2 houres.
Whosoever shall publickly cry, 29 Car. 2 cap. 7 convict by view confession or one wittness. shew, f [...]rth [...] or expose to Sale any wares, Merchandizes, Fruit, Herbs, or other goods or chattells on the Lords day, shall forfeit the goods so cryed shewed or exposed to sale, which by warrant may be seised.
Every Drover, 29 Car. 2 cap. 7 convict by view confession on one wittness. Horse-courser, Waggoner, Butcher, Higler, or their Servants, that shall travell or come into his Inn or Lodging on the Lords day, shall forfit for every such Offence 20 s. to be levyed by distress, and for want of distress or inability in the Offender to pay, he shall sit in the stocks 2 houres
VVhosoever shall use imploy or travel on the Lords day, 29 Car. 2. cap. 7. convict by view confession or one wittness. with any Boat VVherry, &c (Except on extraordinary occasion, to be allowed by some lustice) shall forfit 5 s. to be Paid as aforesaid or sit in the Stocks 2 houres.
Whosoever by himself, 33. Hen. 8. cap. 9. or his Servants shall keep, set up, or maintain any House or place, wherein Carding, Dicing, or any kind of unlawfull Gaming whatsoever is or shall be set up used or practiced, the keeper, setter up, or maintainer thereof shall forfit for every day 40 s.
Whosoever shall refort to, use or haunt, any such House or place, and shall there game or play shall forfit for every time. 6 s. 8 d.
If any person shall Receive, Entertain, or maintain any incontinent or lewd Women into their houses, unto which divers, loose persons, Apprentices, Servants, and other the youth of this City, do frequently resort, to the corruption of their Manners, and mispence of their time and estates, every such offender, as well the Keeper of such houses, as the Resorters to them, ought to find Sucrties for their good behaviour, and are indictable and finable,
AND for the more effectuall preventing the prophanation of the Lords day, It is Ordered that such of the Posternes of this City, as the Lord Major for the time being shall think fit, shall be kept close shut every Lords day from Morning till Evening, and that every Barr of this City, shall be kept shut on every Lords day from nine till cleaven of the Clock in the Forenoon, and from halfe an hour after one of the Clock till three of the Clock in the Afternoon, and that none shall be suffered to come in or go out thereat, but upon good and lawfull occasions: And it is likewise Ordered that in Service and Sermon time on every Lords day, the Searchers in every Parish, shall walk through the Streets and also search such publick houses as they suspect, to have any lewd or disorderly persons in them, and bring all such persons as they shall find offending against the Laws, before the Lord Major of this City, or some other of their Majostics Justices of the peace, that they may be delt withall according to Law.
And all and every the Constables, Church-wardens, Sidemen, and other Officers, and Ministers of Justice within this City, and County of the same City, are hereby required diligently to do and performe their severall and respective duties, in the due and effectuall prosecution of the said Offenders, as the Laws and Statutes in the severall Cases abovementioned, have directed and provided.
And it is further ordred, that in case any of the said Officers shall saile or be negligent in their respective duties, That then the penalties (apointed by the several Laws and Statutes above mentioned) shall be severely inflicted upon them for their Neglect.
And to the intent that no Constable or any other Officers, may be slack, or any ways discouraged in their lawfull and due prosecution of the promisses, it is hereby Ordered and declared, that if they or any of them shall be Resisted, Vexed, or Molested, in the just and lawfull execution of their respective Duties, they shall be Encouraged, Desended, and vindicated by this House, and the Offenders shall be presecuted and punished according to Law.