A Brief Description OF THE Fifth Monarchy, OR KINGDOME, That shortly is to come into the World.

The Monarch, Subjects, Officers, and Lawes thereof, and the surpassing Glory, Am­plitude, Unity, and Peace of that Kingdome.

When the Kingdome and Dominion, and the great­nesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people, the Saints of the Most high, whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome, and all Soveraignes shall serve and obey him.

And in the Conclusion there is added a Prognostick of the time when this fifth Kingdome shall begin.


2 Pet. 3.13.

Neverthelesse, we according to his promise, look for New Hea­vens, and a new Earth, wherein dwels righteousnesse.

Psal. 2.10, 11, 12.

Be wise therefore O yee Kings: be instructed yee Jud­ges of the Earth. Serve the Lord with feare, and rejoyce with trembling. Kisse the Son least he be angry, and yee perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.

Psal. 76.12.

For, he will cut off the Spirit of Princes; he is terrible to the Kings of the Earth.

Job 12.21.

He poureth contempt upon Princes: he is terrible to the Kings of the Earth.

LONDON: Printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes head-Alley. 1653.

A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy.

IN handling this Subject I shall observe this method. 1 I shall shew that there is such a thing to be expected in the world, as a fifth Monarchy. 2 Who shall be the Monarch, or absolute Soveraigne thereof. 3 Who are the Subjects and Offices of this Kingdome. 4 Who is the Law­giver, and what are the Lawes of this Kingdome. 5 And lastly, The necessity and benefit of this Kingdome, and all this briefly from Scripture-light.

1 Therefore, that there is such a thing as a fifth Monarchy to be expected in the world, is evident from Daniels vision, Dan. 7. where he saw four Beasts, interpreted to be four Kings or King­domes, v. 17.23. or four sorts of Monarchy, and all of them a­rising out of the earth, or modelled & moulded by humane pru­dence. The last of which Beasts or Monarchies, is differenced from the other three former Monarchies, by the extent of it, and by a distribution of the ten hornes, or Kings that shall arise out of this Monarchy, v. 23, 24. And the last of those horns or Kings, is differenced from the rest of the horns, by the extent of his sove­raignty over 3 Kingdoms, v. 8.24. and by his fierce and arrogant persecution of the Saints, v. 25. and by a determinate extirpation of his Kingdom and Soveraignty, and the reason thereof, v. 9, 10, 11, 26. All which was fulfilled in Charls, late King, or absolute so­veraign of 3 Kingdoms, a fierce & arrogant Tyrant & persecuter of the Saints, whose dominion continued till the judgement was set, to wit the Parliament, and High Court of Justice, who slew the Beast, and utterly overthrew his dominion, by an Act made against Kingly power. The Beast or chief Soveraign, was slain or beheaded, v. 11. and his Body, that is, all reliques of royal power, which are as karkasses of royalty, all of them first or last must be demolished and destroyed. This is the doom of the little horn, or soveraign of 3 Kingdoms, and hath been fulfilled to a jot. And the karkasses of royalty have begun to be demolished, and more and more wilbe till they be utterly destroyed. As touching the other 7 Kings, or horns under this fourth Monarchy, they have a little prolonging in life granted after the death of Charls Stuart, and and the destruction of all Images & karkasses of royalty, in those [Page 2]Nations. But the space will be short, it will be but for a season and time, v. 12. and then will their lives goe for it, as well as Charles, and then these four Monarchies being destroyed, the fifth Kingdom or Monarchy follows immediately, v. 27. The Kingdom, and dominion, and greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the people, the Saints of the most high, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. And this I call the fifth Monarchy, which in extent is more large then the foregoing Monarchies, for all Nations shall serve and obey him, Dan. 2 35. & Dan. 7.27. Psal. 72.11. & 47.2. And for durance it shall continue as long as the world lasteth, it shall never be destroyed, Dan. 2.44. & 7.27. Luk. 1.33. Ps. 72.8. Mic. 4.7. Zech. 9.10. Act. 1.7. Isa. 9.7. So that it is certaine that such a Monarchy or Kingdome shall be in the world.

If it be Objected, That the Kingdome spoken in the foregoing Scriptures, is onely a spirituall Kingdom or Government exer­cised in the Church, which in Scripture-language is also called the Kingdome of God, or of Christ, or of Heaven.

I answer, That Christ doth indeed exercise his Kingly power in his Church, and the discipline thereof, but not onely there. He also puts forth acts of Kingly power, as acts of judgment and justice, in relation to Civil Government, and of that Esay speaks expresly, Isa. 9.7. Yea this new Monarchy or stone cut out of the Mountaine without hands, shall crush and break in pieces all the other four Monarchies, Dan. 2.34.45. which is inconsistent with Church-power. Moreover, David shews that this Dominion is universal, Psa: 72.8, where the word used for Dominion, cannot rightly be applyed to Church-power, neither can the obeysance and worship yielded to this Dominion, Ps. 72.9.11. nor the pro­rection of the subjects of this Kingdom from force and violence, v. 12, 13, 14. nor the tribute & presents rendred therunto by seve­ral Nations, wel suit with Church-power, but manifestly argue a Dominion in reference to Civil power. If it be yet said that all these expressions are Metaphorical, I deny it, nor can it be safe for us to coin metaphors of Scripture, where no necessity doth re­quire it. Had it been the purpose of the holy Ghost to hold forth Christs spiritual Government in the Churches, he could have ex­pressed himself in proper phrases and words. Wherefore I con­clude, that it is safest for us to take the plaine meaning of the words, unlesse the holy Ghost had elsewhere declared himselfe to the contrary. And let this suffice to shew that such a thing [Page 3]shall be in the world as a fifth Monarchy, after the destruction and dissolution of the four Beasts, or Monarchies.

2 Touching the Monarch or Soveraigne King of this King­dome, I affirm that Jesus Christ shall be the Monarch, or absolute King and Soveraigne, according as it is writtten, Revel. 11 15. The Kingdomes of this world are become [the Kingdomes] of the Lord and of his Christ, and he shall raigne for ever and ever. Isa. 9.6. Ʋnto us a Child is borne, unto us a Son is given, and the Government shall be on his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderfull, Counsellour, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his Government and Peace [there shall be] no end, upon the Throne of David, and upon his Kingdome to order it, and to stablish it with judgement and justice from henceforth and for ever: The zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this. And Daniel speaking of the same time, and the same Kingdom or absolute soveraignty, saith, I saw in the night, visions, and behold with the clouds of Heaven, as it were the Son of man was coming, & he came to the ancient of dayes, and he brought him near before him; and to him was given absolute soveraignty, and glory, and a Kingdom, & all people, Nations and languages shall serve him; his ab­solute soveraignty is an everlasting soveraignty that passeth not away, and his Kingdome that which shall not be destroyed, Dan. 7.13, 14. And the Angel which was sent to Mary the Virgin, said to her, Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call his name Jesus, he shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his father David, and he shall raigne over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his Kingdome there shall be no end, Luk. 1.31, 32, 29. Zachary also prophecying of the same time, and same Monarchy, saith, Jehovah shall be King over all the earth; in that day shal there be one Jehovah, and his name one, Zec. 14.9. And he means that Christ alone shall then be universal soveraign, and no name or authority acknowledged or exercised, but his a­lone. And Paul prophecying of this very Monarchy, chargeth Ti­mothy with a most solemn charge, That he observe his command [in that Book] spotlesse, and unrebukable, untill the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which in his time he shall shew, who is the blessed and onely Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, 1 Tim. 6.13, 14, 15. And thus is Christ described when he makes war, and doth righ­teously judge that mother of harlots (which is the very stump of the fourth Monarchy) He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and on his vesture, and on his thigh, hath this name written, King of Kings, and [Page 4]Lord of Lords, Rev. 17.14. & 19.11.16. He must reigne, till he hath put all his enemies under his feet, 1 Cor. 15.25.27. No things or per­sons shall be exempted from his soveraignty, his Father only ex­cepted, By all which it is evident, that Christ Jesus shall be the ab­solute soveraigne in this Kingdome, and that not only in relation to Church-power, but also in reference to Civil and Military power. Not that I am of their judgement, who say, That Christ shall reign personally upon earth 1000 years, but his Saints shall be his Vicegerents during the time of this Monarchy, according as it is written, Dan. 7.27. And the Kingdome, and absolute soveraign­ty, and greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven, shall be gi­ven to the people, to the Saints of the most High, whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome, and all soveraignties (or soveraignes) shall serve and obey him.

Now the Saints who shall exercise and mannage this supre­macy of power, in the first rise of this fifth Monarchy (as appears to me most probable) are such as have been actors with Christ in warring against the whore, who are called, chosen, and faithful, Rev. 17.14. I mean the Lambs Military Officers, with whom he be­trusteth the Militia, or supream power of his Kingdome, Rev. 19.14. who for many reasons may seem most meet to mannage the su­pream power, as the Judges of old, and after them David a man of war did, untill the Churches be settled in Peace. The supream authority I conceive will rather be placed in others, who as the supream Councel of the State or Nation, are to mannage the af­fairs of State, and to study how they may enlarge the Kingdom of Christ, and demolish the Kingdom of Antichrist, or the relicks and remainders thereof. And to them it will appertain to con­stitute faithfull and choice men, fearing God, and hating cove­tousnes, in every City, to execute justice and judgement accord­ing to the Statutes and Lawes of this onely potentate and abso­lute soveraign. To them also it apertains to displace and censure such as prove unfaithful. To them also it belongs to call meet men unto all publick places of trust, and to call them to a due account thereof.

This I conceive to be the office and duty of the supream Au­thority, or Councel of the State, and the supream power is to in­courage them, and strengthen their hands in this work, until Mel­chizedeck become King of Salem, I mean till Christ have setled his people in peace. Then shall they beat their swords into ploughshears, and [Page 5]their spears into pruning hooks: Nation shall not lift up sword against Na­tion, neither shall they learn war any more, Isa. 2.4. Mic. 4.3. And in that peaceable state will the Churches continue for a thousand years, and the Saints shall reign with Christ, or for him, Rev. 20.4. After which, Gog and Magog, the last publick enemies of the Saints in this world, shall ingage against them, Rev. 20.7, 8. Ezek. 38. & 39. which adversaries being destroyed, the Churches shall continue in peace and purity, untill Christs coming to judgment, as appears by the parable of the ten virgins, Mat. 25. for that is a special Prophecy of those last times.

3. The next thing to be cleared is, who are the subjects and Officers of this Kingdome or Monarchy? And that will appeare from the words of David, Psa. 72.9, 10, 11. They that dwell in the wildernesse shall bow before him, and his enemies shall lick the dust. The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents: the Kings of She­ba and Seba shall offer gifts: yea all Kings shall bow down before him, all Nations shall serve him. And Psa. 110.2, 3. Jehovah shall send the scep­ter of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the middest of thine enemies. Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holinesse, from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. So you see all Nations shall be his subjects, and all people in all Nations of what degree soever, shall yield obeysance to him, e­ven the Governours themselves. Yea his very enemies shall lick the dust, they shall be subject too.

As for the Officers of this Kingdome, they are of two sorts; ei­ther they are supream, or subordinate. The supream Officers are either Kings, Rulers, or Governours, as the word [...] doth also signifie; or the supream Councel of State, Psa. 72.10, 11. Isa. 1.26. The subordinate Officers are, either Judges, Overseers, or Exactors, Isa. 1.26. & 60.17. These all of them that exercise any place of Authority, power or trust, whether Civil or Military, within this dominion, must be Saints, Dan. 7.27. Rev. 19.14.

The supream Councellours and Judges under them, shall be holy men, throughly purged, Isa. 1.25, 26. The words are very emphaticall, I will refine according to purity, thy tyn; alluding to the manner of Refiners of mettal, who melt their mettal upon the test until the tyn or allay be separated or wasted, and the mettal redu­ced to its finenes. Even so will God deal with his peoples Judges and Councellours, and by consequence with all other inferiour Officers, until he hath reduced them to the Primitive purity, and [Page 6]if yet any drosse should remain, he will put them on the test and refine them anew, till the work be done. And how will God do this? Verily God hath a fire in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem, Isa 31.9. to wit, in his Churches, and there will he teste them, and re­fine them, and if any pride or hypocrisie hang about them, he wil either burn it or them, in his oven or furnace, Mal▪ 4. till at length he awe the spirits of men, that either they shall not dare to joyn to the fellowship of the Churches, or not dare to accept such Of­ficers, unles they be refined indeed. O that men in place of autho­rity, power or trust, Civil or Military, would seriously consider what and with whom they have to doe in these refining times!

Now all subordinate Officers, whether Judges, Clerks, &c. Col­lectors of Customs, & Tributes, Treasurers, &c. are places of trust, and comprehended under that name of Exactors, and unto these the wisdome of God saw it needfull to add Visitors, or Overseers, not only to have inspection into their actions, but to controul or restrain them, and if cause require, to acquaint the supream au­thority or Councel, whose office it is to call them to account, & censure them according to their merit, placing faithfull men in their steads, & so preserve the Civil Government sound and up­right. These Overseers or Visitors are as eyes, both to the Exact­ors, to inform them their duties, and to the supream Councel, to inform them of miscarriages and corruptions, & therefore ought to be men of singular wisedom, courage, faithfulnes, and integri­ty. Which office of inspection will be a wholesome preservative to the spirits of men.

Now that choice men may be designed unto this service, ob­serve the rule which Jehojadah (who at that time had the supream authority and power in his hand, as Guardian to the young King) took in appointing Visitors for the house of God, 2 Chron. 23.18. He did it by the hands of the chief Officers in the Church, or upon their recommendation, and the Churches approbation. For, as was said before, the Church is Gods furnace, & they have a test to try the spirits of such as they recommend unto the supream authority, unto whom it appertains to call upon the Churches, and the Overseers thereof, to recommend faithful and able men unto them for such imployments, whether Exactors or Visitors. And truly as these Visitors are to be put upon the test by the Church, so should all other Officers be tryed by the test, & throughly purged and refined from their drosse and tyn, and so [Page 7]recommended by the Churches. And till this be done, til a Nation come up to this height, that all their supream and subordinate Officers be tested and tryed, and refined from their tyn, and so re­commended by the Churches to such services, I say til then, they cannot be deemed to be under the fifth Monarchy, but are still parts and members of the fourth Monarchy, which must be bro­ken in pieces every toe of it, and still tested in the furnace, till the tyn be taken away, til then a Nation cannot be called the City of righteousnesse, the faithfull City, Isa. 1.26.

Oh! how should this awaken the spirits of all that are Israe­lites indeed, in whose spirit is no guile, to strive with holy emu­lation, to com under this form. And were this care taken amongst us in these Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to purge and test all Officers, supream and subordinate, civil, and military, so that none might be employed in any place of authority, power, or trust, but Saints more pure then the gold of Ophir, how renoun­ed should we be amongst them that wait for the appearing of Je­sus Christ, how dreadful and terrible to carnal men, both in these and neighbour Nations? How formidable in all expeditions by Sea and land? So that the very Kings of the earth, and great men, and rich men, and chief Captains, and the mighty men, and every bond-man, and every free man [that is not thus refined] would hide them selves in dens, and in the rocks of the Mountains, and say to the Mountaines and to the Rocks fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand, Rev. 6.15, 16, 17.

Me-thinks if God were pleased to wind up the hearts of Ru­lers, Councellers, and people unto this height, and open their hearts and ears to such a voice as this from heaven, saying, Come up hither, Rev. 11.12. I should with much faith and confidence, a­ver, that a tenth part of the City (which is spiritually called So­deme, and Aegypt) was fallen already.

I know humane prudence, and carnal reason, wil hardly digest such a proposition as this of a thorow purgation (adjudging it more safe to do it by degrees) until the beginning of this fifth Monarchy, or a little before. But let none be deceived with such carnal reasonings. It would be wholesom and safe for men in chief places of authority and power, to follow Pauls example in another case, Consult not with flesh and blood (though sanctified) but if God by som voyce from heaven, I mean out of his Church­es, [Page 8]say Come up hither, Rev. 11.12, 13. follow his cal, and fear not enemies; though you see them, & they see you ascend up to hea­ven, you shall be safe. Some commotion or earthquake wil ensue, but no detriment to you that obey the voyce from heaven. The detriment wilbe to the enemies themselves, the tenth part of the City shall fal immediately, and some men of name amongst them shal be slain, and the rest shal be affrighted, and give glory to the God of heaven. And what danger can be to the Saints in all this, let all men judge, it wil undoubtedly caus the name of Christ, yea and their names also, that are fellow-workers with Christ, to be magnified, from the rising of the sun, to the going down thereof.

4 In the fourth place I shal declare who is the Law-giver, and what Laws the Saints shal have for administration of judgment and justice in the time of this fifth Monarchy. For as in earthly Monarchies, such as these beasts in Daniel did prefigure, there is some person or persons that are acknowledged to have a Legisla­tive power, and some Statutes, Laws, or Edicts made by that po­wer to regulat their proceedings in civil Courts: so in this Mo­narchy there is a proper subject of Legislative power, and certain Rules or Statute, to regulat all Officers in their Administrations. And because these are of such a nature, as ever hold proportion, and such as is the Law-giver, such are the Laws or Rules given by that power, I shall first and principally endeavour to shew who must be the Law-giver, and only of right can chalenge this Legi­slative power.

And let me crave leave without regreat or offence to any god­ly mind, to avouch for an irrefragable truth, that in this fifth Mo­narchy Christ alone hath this Legislative power, and none but he. So saith Isaiah, ch. 33.22. Jehovah is our Legislator, or Law-giver: to wit, that Jehovah which was to be born of the virgin without the help of man, of whom Jacob prophesies, Gen. 49.10. that be­fore Shiloh (to wit, the Messias) came from between his feet, there should no Law-giver come from between the feet of Judah; and yet ma­ny Kings & Princes came from between Judahs feet, that is, were born and sprung out of his loyns, and yet none of them, nor all of them, had any Legislative power til Shiloh came. I shal not need to spend time to prove Shiloh to be the promised Messias, being a truth generally received both of Jews & Christians. And til this time God preserved that tribe or septer distinct. And Christ him­self saith. Mat. 28.18. All power is given unto me in heaven & in earth, [Page 9]if all power, then Legislative power. This his right by donation from the father, as also is judicial power, Job. 5.22.27. and none can chal­lenge power to either without delegation from Christ. Judicial po­wer I find delegated unto Ministers of Justice, Isa. 1.17. & 1 K. 6.12. Ezek. 45.9. but Legislative power Christ hath not any where delega­ted to any person or persons that I find since the world began, but reserveth that as a peculiar Royalty to himself. And therefore [...] or absolute soveraignty is given to him, Dan. 7.14. His wil, word, or command, is a law to the subject, this is absolute soveraignty, & such as Christ will not allow to any of his subjects. He knows it were not safe nor wholsome, because of the imperfection of mens wisdom, and inconstancy of their judgements. But to be regulated by Christ, and to receive Laws from him, with whom is no unrighteousnes or shadow of change, is the priviledg, honour, and safety of saints, for his wil is certain, and it is always good. And this wilbe the perfect state & mo­del of Civil Governments under the fifth Monarchy, Christ alone shalbe Law-giver, and if he be the Law-giver alone, you may easily conclude that he will own no other Laws but what himself hath gi­ven, which though they be few and brief, yet are they compleatly sufficient and perfect, other wise it would reflect upon the wisdom of faithfulnes of this only Potentate, as Paul cals him, 1 Tim. 6.15. I shall not need to expresse particularly the Laws, but leave it to every sub­ject to make diligent search for them where they lye scattered up and down in the holy Scriptures. And if this wil shortly be the glory and liberty, and safety of this fifth Monarchy, let every godly mind e­qually poysed, that waits and prayes for the coming of this King­dom, as our Saviour teacheth us, Mat. 6.10. let them judge whether it would not be for our honour and safety to model and conform our civil state according to this form and platform, we being cast upon the end of the fourth Monarchy that is already begun to break, and wil suddenly come to ruine.

But it wilbe said, That this and sundry other Nations have been accusto­med to have Parliaments, Dyets, &c. consisting of a number of select men, as a Representative of the State, with Legislative power.

'Tis true, de facto, such hath bin the usage of this, and sundry other Nations, during the fourth Monarchy, but de jure, let the Scripture judge. Clear it is Christ had this Legislative power confer'd on him by the Father, Mat. 28.13. And who can assume this power out of Christs hand, without delegation from him, but it wilbe an incroachment upon his Royalty? If it be said, they assume it not, but the peo­ple [Page 10]give it them. I demand what power have the people so to do? or When did Christ betrust the people with power to make Lawes; o­therwise they can have no such power to confer, and it is not im­possible for them to give more then is originally, and intrinsecally in themselves. And this is all the trust which I find committed to Princes or people, to execute judgment and justice, Jer. 22 3. Ezech. 45.9. 1 Kings 6.12.

What use then will there be in this fifth Monarchy of Parliaments, dyets, &c. if Legislative power be denyed them?

There wilbe great and necessary use of supream Councels, as hath been shewed; for 1 They ought carefully to provide that wise, godly, and faithful Judges and Justices, be placed in all meet places of the Nation, to execute judgment and justice, according to the judicials given by Christ. 2 They are to constitute Exactors and Visitors, I mean all subordinate Officers in all places of power and trust, and to see they be men throughly purged and refined. And for that end it wilbe meet to send unto the several Churches (which are Gods refi­ning houses) to commend unto them, by the hands of their known Officers, men of integrity, throughly tested, and fit for such and such employments. Not to gratifie friends and acquaintance, much lesse men that carry an outward splendor in the world, and out of a cor­rupt and covetous principle seek to croud themselves into places of gain and profit. 3 They are to displace unfit or unfaithful persons, for Cujus est instituere, ejus est destituere, and if cause be, to censure and punish them. 4 They are to act in all matters of Councel, touching war and peace, and transactions with forreign States. All which du­ly attended unto, wilbe work enough for the chief Councels of State. As for the names of Parliaments and Dyets, &c. though there be no evil in the names, yet I suppose they wilbe laid aside in the time of this fifth Monarchy, when men begin more to affect the lan­guage of Canaan, then the imitation of idolatrous Nations.

If we should only take the Judicials to be our rules for justice and judge­ment, it would make the Government arbitrary; for the judicials are few and short, and will not reach all cases, or at least, much will lye in the breast of the Judges, who are to interpret and apply those general Rules to particular ca­ses, and that wilbe dangerous.

The Laws indeed are few and brief, and therefore require a spirit of wisdom, and of the fear of the Lord, in such as are to execute ju­stice and judgment, according to those Laws and Rules: Men that are to be designed to such work, should be such as walk close with God, [Page 11]and are wel versed in Gods law, rather then in humane Laws. 2. I answer, that though the Laws be few and brief, yet they are perfect and sufficient, and so large, as the wisdome of God judged needfull for regulating Judgment in all Ages and Nations. For no action or case doth, or possibly can fall out in this or other Nations, by sea or land, but the like did, or possibly might fall out in the land of Isra­el, Eccl. 1.9. and yet they had no other Laws or Rules of Judgment, but what now remains to all posterity. Nevertheless that people were counted even by the Nations to be the only free and wire peo­ple in respect of their Statutes and Judicials, Deut. 4.5, 6, 7, 8. And truly had the wisdom of God judged it needful, he could have com­piled a larger systeme or body of Lawes for direction of his people. Wherefore from his silence we may safely conclude, that no more were needfull: And Paul doth avouch that the Scripture is compleat to furnish a Christian to every good work, 2 Tim. 3.17.

And whereas the object. presumes it would leave the government arbitrary, if the application of those generall rules, be left to the Judges understanding and application of the Rule: I answer, there is lesse cause of fear, that men in whom the fear of God dwels (having a promise of assistance from God, 2 Chr. 19 11.) should mistake the perfect laws of God, then that Students at Law and Judges should mistake the the imperfect Laws and dictates of men, which have not the like promise of Divine assistance. But suppose a sincere-hearted man, in some obscure and difficult cases should mis-apply the rule of Judgment; or which is worse, suppose the Judg through corruption pervert judgment, either of which may possibly fall out, yet that wil not argue the government arbitrary. For who knows not that Judges can mistake, & through corruption pervert the laws of men, and yet the government is not counted arbitrary, because it hath bounds and limits, even so is it in the other case. Besides, the dan­ger pretended is far lesse if we be regulated by Gods book of Sta­tutes, then if we follow our own. For if the Judg be corrupt, he is punishable; and if he mistake, it is but the Judges personall failing, and that of ignorance, and such sins God doth not charge upon the Nation. But if the Nation, or the Representative of a Nation, make Laws dissonant to Gods Law, or make mis-interpretations of Gods Law, and enact the same for Laws, it will turn to sin to the Nation, and Christ will visit it as an incroachment upon his royalty, 2 K. 16.7, 8. Ezek. 43.7, 8. Christ counts it a karkas of Kingly power to set up their posts by his posts, and Mic. 6.16. doth complain that the statutes of Omri▪ were kept.

[Page 12] And let any that fear God answer me, Can any statutes made by men, be equally perfect as Gods statutes be? or can it be conceived that the wisest of the sons of men should excogitat a more compleat system, or body of Laws, then Christ the wisdom of the father, hath don? I suppose ther's none but wil answer negatively. And if so, then what need men desire a more ample body of Laws? or what should hinder the Nations, now towards the end of the fourth Monarchy, from conforming themselves to this platform of civil Government, w ch Christ will shortly erect in this fifth Monarchy here spoken of?

As touching things of a middle nature, which you carry this way or another way, without breach of any rule of righteousnes (as for instance, to secure their fields by a common fence, or by a keeper, and many such like things) they are not to be regulated by Laws, but by Covenants amongst the neighbour-hood, for their mutual good, and the breach of that Covenant, is a trespas, and punishable by the Law.

5 The fift and last thing I proposed to consideration, is the necessity and benefit of this Monarchy and model of Civil Government, ac­cording to the will and word of Christ alone.

There is a three-fold necessity of the coming of this Kingdome.

1 That the will of God may be done in earth, as it is done in hea­ven, which cannot be expected til this Kingdom come, Mat. 6.10. Thy Kingdome come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Why, can that possible be? yes verily, according to the meaning of that Petition, which intends not a conformity to the Angels and Saints in heaven, in respect of the perfection of our obedience to the rule, for that is not attainable in this life, but it hath respect to the perfection of the rule of our obedience, to wit, the wil, and word, & law of God, w ch is one and the same to them and us, and shall certainly be attain'd to in this world, in the time of this fifth Monarchy, we shall have no o­ther rules of obedience, then the Angels in heaven, to wit, the will & word of Christ, that blessed and onely Potentate, unto whom all po­wer in heaven and earth is given. And truly that Petition excludes all Statutes, Ordinances, and Acts of Parliaments, Dyets, &c. out of this fifth Monarchy, as wel as out of heaven. And I believe there is no man doth conceive that the Angels or Saints in heaven, are guided by any Acts or Edicts, made in any convention of States here below, no more shall they be ruled in such a way, when this Monarchy is set up, there shall be but one Lord, and his name one.

2 There is a necessity of the coming of this Kingdom, that the Saints may be conformable to their head, Rom. 8.24. and have their time of [Page 13]reigning with him, as they have had of suffering, 2 Tim. 2.12. Ap. 20.4.

3. There is a necessity of the coming of this Kingdome, that the Creation may be delivered from the vanity and bondage, whereto Christ saw meet to subject them, in hope of deliverance, Rom. 8.19. to 23. For during these Monarchies, men have ruled by their own laws, Edicts, and wils, yea the whole Creation was subjected to their rule; but yet they groaned under this as under a bondage, earnestly waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God, when the dominion wilbe con­ferred upon Saints, that they may no more be subject to the wils and pleasures of men, but to the will of Christ the only potentate, and this is called The glorious liberty of the Sons of God. The benefits of this Monarchy are exceeding great, both in respect of spiritual and tem­poral blessings. It far exceeds all other Monarchies, both in the per­fect constitution of all civil and ecclesiastical administrations, and in the fruits and effects of both. In the Common-wealth there shall be no Tyranny, Isa. 35.9. but full of brotherly love, mercy and truth, Isa. 65 25. & 11, 6, 7, 8. Rev. 22.2. their leaves or their words shalbe of a healing vertue. Their Officers shall do righteously, Isa. 11.4, 5. Isa. 1.25.26. & 60.17. And from all these flows peace and tranquility, Psal. 85.10. & 72.7. Isa. 14.13. cessation of wars, Isa. 2.4. Mic. 4.3. Hos. 2.18. Isa. 33.20, 21. store of provisions, Hos. 2.21, 22, 23. Psa. 67.6. Amos 9.13, 14. and treasure, Isa 60.17. And all these blessings shalbe accom­panied with health, Isa. 33.24. and holines, Zech. 14.20, 21. This will be the glory and happines of the Saints under the fifth Monarchy, in relation to civil Government.

As for the Churches, their membere shalbe all precious as gold, Rev. 21.18, 19.20, 21. their administrations pure, Rev. 22.1. their light clear without darknes, Rev. 22.5. & 21.11. Isa. 60.19. all idola­try and false light done away, Isa. 2.20. Zech. 13, 2, 3, 4. in all their as­semblies shall appear a manifest presence of God, Isa. 4.5. & that w ch is more then all these, they shalbe full of the joy of the holy Ghost, rejoy­cing with joy unspeakable, and full of glory, for so much I conceive is in­cluded in that phrase, Isa. 4.5. [...] for above all the glory [shalbe] a covering, or bride-tent, or Chamber of love. Allu­ding to the manner of the Jews, who at their marriages spread a tent or covering, for the Bridegroom and his Spouse to solace themselves in their mutual embraces, which is the highest of all earthly joyes. In like manner will the Lord reveal himself to his people in the bed of his Ordinances, and there wilbe a mutual and reciprocal return of love, Cant. 7.12. until the Saints be filled with joy unspeakable, and [Page 14]full of glory, Isa. 62.5. 1 Pet. 1 8. which seems to be a peculiar privi­ledg reserved for that Monarchy, and for that season, more then for any other.

Having thus declared and proved, That such a Kingdome shall be, and the Soveraigne, Subjects, Officers, and Lawes of that Kingdome, I shall in a word give some hint of the time when this Kingdome shall begin.

KNow therefore that the uttermost durance of Antichrists dominion, will be in the yeare 1673. as I have proved from Scripture in a brief Chronology, rea­dy to be put forth. Ere which time it will be necessary that the ten hornes, or Kings, which are the strength of the Beast, be broken off, which work is already begun in the Beheading of Charles, late King of three Kingdomes, Anno 1648. ac­cording to that in Dan. 7.11 24.26. and the rest of the Hornes or Kings are to continue but a little longer, v. 12. Now this Kingdome of Chr st which I call the fifth Monarchy, shall begin a little before the fourth Monarchy be destroyed, Dan. 2.44. For which end it is set up of God, to consume and break in pieces the other Kingdomes It shall fill the whole earth, and shall stand for ever, such will be the prevalency thereof against all opposition, the universality and durance of this Kingdome.

But to come yet a little nearer to the first rise of this Monarchy, it is said, That judgement was given to the Saints, and they executed judgement on the little horne, Dan. 7.22.26. which was fulfilled 1648. and this is not the beginning of the fifth Mo­narchy, but it comes near it, for Daniel speaks de futuro, That the Kingdome, and Do­minion, and greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the Saints.

As for the precise yeare, I dare not determine, but this I say, that when God a­wakens the Saints and Witnesses to hearken to a voyce from Heaven, that is, from the Churches, saying Come up hither, Rev. 11.12. when they are content to forget their old formes of Government, Civil and Ecclesiasticall, called the first Heavens, and first Earth, Rev. 21.1. Isa. 65.17. when I say the Saints are come to this pitch, that they will have no Lawes, Statutes, or Rules of Government in the Church or Civil State, but what Christ hath given in his word, even from thenceforth doth this fifth Monarchy begin, which Peter calls the new Heavens, and new Earth, wherein dwells righteousnesse, 2 Pet. 3.13. Of this Paul prophesieth, Heb. 12.27. that not onely the Earth, but also the Heaven, to wit, the Government, Civil and Ecclesia­sticall, should be shaken towards the end of the fourth Monarchy, under which he then wrote. And by shaking he means removing of them, that the Kingdome of Christ uncapable of shaking, might come in room thereof. And verily there hath been a great shaking already, and more yet remaines, for the work will not be wholly finished untill the Jewes be called, and the fullnesse of the Nations come in. For which let all Saints pray, Come Lord Jesus, come quickly, and let thy Kingdome come, (that) thy will may be done in earth, as it is done in heaven, Rev. 22.17. Mat. 6.10.


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