The Appointments of EDWARD RUSSELL, Esq; now Earl of Orford, when he was Admiral of the Blue, and Admiral of the Fleet.

  l. s. d.
IN the Years 1689 and 1690, he was Treasurer of the Navy at 3000 l. Commissioner of the Admiralty at 1000 l and Admiral of the Blue at 1277 l. 10 s. and Table-Money 365 l. tho' he was not at Sea; the whole for each Year 5642 10 00
In the Years 1691 and 1692, he was Treasurer of the Navy at 3000 l. First Commissioner of the Admiralty at 1000 l. and Admiral of the Fleet at 2555 l. The whole for each Year 6555 00 00
He had the Year 1691, to make his Equipage, the Grant of Suffolk-Street, which was valued at 18000 00 00
He had the Year 1692, to make his Equipage, a Grant out of the Under Woods of the Forrest of Deane 10000 00 00
In the Years 1694 and 1695, he was Treasurer of the Navy at 3000 l. First Commissioner of the Admiralty 1000 l. and Admiral of the Fleet at 2555 l. The whole for each Year 6555 00 00
And for his Equipage at his going to Sea, a Grant of the Ground-Rents of the House behind the Pay-Office in Broadstreet, valued at a­bout. 10000 00 00
Besides, for the Years 1696 and 1697, he was continued in all the a­foresaid Employments; as also Admiral of the Fleet, with Table-Mo­ney▪ tho' he was not at Sea; and Sir George Rook's Commission as Ad­miral and Commander of the Fleet, bore date the 28th of April 1696; so that, for these Two Years, he was paid as a Supernumerary Admiral of the Fleet, which Sum is 5110 00 00

He pass'd his Contingent Account for Nineteen thousand Pounds by Sign Manual, the Navy Board having refus'd to pass it for want of Regular Vouchers, and some extraordinary Articles, as the bringing to Account the gratuity he gave to the Person that brought him the Jewel from the King of Spain, that was valued at 7000 Pistoles, and the Apo­thecary's Bill, and Fees that he gave to the Physician that attended him during his Sickness at Alicant, hire of his House, Coach-hire, Expences on the Road, &c.

And pass'd his Victualling Account of Eighty thousand Pounds, with­out Regular Vouchers, by Privy-Seal.

And had paid to him by Sir Martin Westcombe, Commissioner of the Prizes at Cadiz, on the account of Prizes, about the Sum of Ninety thousand Pounds, which has never yet been accounted for to the Pub­lick.

Without taking notice of his laying the Genoueze Captains in Irons till they had bought their Passes.

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