A Ready way, as is conceived, to Compose the present differences as the times now are.
By a Member of the House of Commons this present Parliament.
1. THat the King be immediately sent for to come to Hampton Court, without any conditions or guard whatsoever, but according to His Majesties own pleasure.
2. That the King, before His comming to Hampton, This is as much as the King can doe, or the people can require. doe Publish His Proclamation of free Pardon to all His Subjects of what quality or condition soever, and for all faults whatsoever, against Himself, His Crown and Dignity.
3. Without which He cannot administer Iustice to His people. That the King be forthwith restored to all His just Revenues and Regall Power, which by Law is due to Him.
4. This in substance, being but the same Oath as He takes at his Coronation, and iterated only to keep more fresh in memory: And being presidented by Magna Charta which was confirm'd 30 times at least: the first out of every succeeding Parliament. That His Majesty take a Corporall Oath not to Governe any way but according to the known Lawes of the Kingdome. And whosoever Sub-minister of His shall do otherwise, to the prejudice of the Subject, either in point of liberty of their persons, or propriety of their goods, He will grant them no pardon, but leave them to the justice of the Law. And likewise to give His Royall Assent to an Act of Parliament for His Successours to take the like Oath, the beginning of every Parliament before both Houses, for the same.
5. That a Proclamation be published for the Disbanding of all Souldiers within the Kingdome, and bringing in of their Armes within ten dayes after such Proclamation upon paine of High Treason, against all Refusers and their Abettors.
6. That the Church-Government may stand as it is Established by Law, having respect to tender Consciences untill such time as it shall be altered by due course of Law.
7. This being the motion of the Dutch Ambassadours, who came over to intercede a peace between the King and His people. That His Majesty will be pleased to promise the speedy convening of a Nationall Synod of forty Divines of His Majesties owne Subjects. And that the Reformed Protestant Churches may be entreated to send some of their Divines, such as themselves shall make choice of to assist therein, for Establishing and Rectifying such an Unity and Conformity with all other Protestant Churches as shall be by consent agreed upon, whereby to preserve Unity with them, both in Doctrine and Discipline; which agreement His Majesty will Consent to have confirmed by Act of Parliament.
8. This is as much as can be required for the peoples security both for the present and future. That His Majesty will be pleased to promise to give the Royall Assent to such Bils to be made Lawes, as shall be presented unto Him by both Houses, in a full, free, and Legall Parliament, which shall no way intrench upon His Majesties Legall Prerogative, Honour, or Profit, but only such as tend to the better Government, and ease of the Subjects, for the future.
9. This is presidented by Magna Charta, when it was first granted. That His Majesty will be pleased to grant these for the present under His Hand. And which He will confirme at His first coming to Liberty to some House of His own.
10. And if these shall be refused to be done, either by King or Parliament, the blame may justly be imputed to lie there: And are very necessary to precede a Personall Treaty, wherein all Interests may be taken into consideration.