AN ACCOUNT How the Earl of Essex Killed Himself in the Tower of London, The 13th. of July 1683. As it appears by the Coroners Inquest, and the several Informations following.

Tu [...] London ss.AN Inquisition Indented, Taken at the Tower of London, in the County of Middlesex, the Fourteenth day of July, in the Five and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of Our Soveraign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ire­land King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Anno (que) Dom. 1683. before Edward Farnham Esq Coroner of the said Lord the King, of the Liberty of the Tower of London, upon view of the Body of Arthur Earl of Essex then and there lying Dead, by the Oaths of Daniel Colwell Esq William Fisher, Thomas Godfel Esq Thomas Hunt, Nathaniel Mountney Esq Thomas Pot­ter, William How, Robert Burgoine, Eleazar Wiggins, Thomas Hoggsflesh, Henry Crips, Richard Rudder, William Knips, John Hudson, John Kittle­beater, Lancolet Colson, Morgan Cowarn, Thomas Bryan, William Thaxton, Richard Cliffe, Zebadia Richard, William Bayford, and Theophilus Charter, good and lawful men of the Liberty of the Tower of London afore­said, who being Charged and Sworn to enquire how and in what manner the said Arthur Earl of Essex came to his Death, upon their Oaths say, that the aforesaid Arthur Earl of Essex the thirteenth day of July, in the said five and thirtieth year of His now Majesties Reign, at the said Tower of London, in the said County of Middlesex, about the ninth hour of the same day in the Forenoon, not having God before his Eyes, but being moved and seduced by the Instigation of the Devil, of his Malice fore­thought at the Tower of London aforesaid, in the said County of Middle­sex, then and there being alone in a Closet, with one Rasour of the value of one shilling, Voluntarily and Feloniously Cut his Throat, and did thereby give himself one Mortal Wound, it being cut from the one Jugular to the other, and through the Wind-pipe and Gullet unto the Vertebres of the Neck, both Jugular Veins being also quite Divided; of which said Mor­tal Wound the said Arthur Earl of Essex instantly Died; and thus the aforesaid Jurors, upon their Oaths say, That the aforsaid Arthur Earl of Essex, in Manner and Form aforesaid, did Voluntarily and Feloniously, as Felo de se, Kill and Murther himself, against the Peace of our Lord the King, His Crown and Dignity. In Witness whereof, as well I the said Coroner, as the Jurors aforesaid, to this Inquisition have put our Hands and Seals, the Day and Year abovesaid.

Vera Copia Examin'cum Originali, Per E. FARNHAM.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, 1683.

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