Junii 30.1645.
ACcording to an Order from the Honourable House of Commons to the Assembly of Divines, Desiring them to set Tuesday the first of Iuly apart, and to appoint severall Churches to meet in, to seek God for a Blessing on our Armies and Forces now in the West; It is Ordered by the Assembly, That these Churches following be designed for that purpose; Viz.
- Abbey VVestminster.
- Dunstanes VVest.
- Christs Church.
- Black-Fryers.
- Aldermanbury.
- Michael Cornhill.
- Aldgate.
- Dunstanes East.
- Olaves Southwark.
Severall Members of the Assembly of Divines, are appointed to Pray and Preach in the Churches above mentioned.
Adoniram Byfield, Scriba.