PRECEDENTS OF MERCHANTS ACCOUNTS, In form of DEBITOR & CREDITOR, According to the Italian manner, and the most Modern method Epitomiz'd.
THe efficient and final cause of keeping Merchants Accounts after this manner, is for sundry respects in Commerce and Trade, by experience prov'd urgently necessary in steering an ample course of Traffique, yet waving all doubtful reckonings, and avoyding confusion in multiplicity of business, and diversity of affairs, of various natures, which a good form will procure, and produce these effects, viz. The Owner or Cash-keeper may at any time, and upon all occasions, [Page 204] readily find out any contract, either by way of Barter or Money, present pay, time limited, or mixt; also any summe of money, Goods imbarqued, shipt off, returned, or remaining in their Ware-houses, with the quantities, qualities, and value of them; also all Receipts and Disbursments, whether charg'd or drawn upon their Friends, Factors, Correspondents Accounts, their own, or any Company trading by Sea or Land, with the ballancing of their Estates betwixt Debitor and Creditor, as what he owes, or is owing him, with all Bills, Bonds, Obligations, Debts or demands contracted on either side.
Any man that begins to drive a Trade or adventure a Stock into forreign parts by way of Traffique, or Commerce in multifacious Negotiation, ought to take an Inventory of his present and personall estate, whether it be in ready Money, Goods, Debts, Wares, or Remainers, attracted by any state, Bonds, Bills, Leases, or Reversions transferred unto him, or by transportation of a trade, from some other Merchant or deceased Friend; which Inventory must be entred in form of Debitor and Creditor, according to the engagements of the Factors, Correspondents, Administrators or Assigns, inscribing the Creditors names, the summe, time, and day of payment; and likewise all such debts as are due to him; for all Contracts, whether by Paroll or Obligation in writing (if without limitation of time) are always due upon demand made.
An Inventory.
The Title entred, the form of it is usually like a common Bill, bearing date the year of our Lord, with the moneth and day when the Owners estate was surveyed, his name subscribed thereunto.
Upon the right hand or margent of each folio or page make 3 columnes, to inscribe the pounds Sterling, shillings and pence, both of the Owners Cash or ready money, with the Commodities, as Lands, Houses, Rents, Revenues, Reversions, Bonds, Bills, and Obligations, &c. according to their values or summes due, also the Wares (if any) in his hands unsold, with their quantities, qualities and values in number, weight and measure.
These entred and summ'd up, take a rveiew of the engagements, as whether in Factorage, Company-accounts, or intrusted for the use of others (expecting his own share or part if any) with all his proper debts, as wares of others unsold, ready mony in his hands accountable to others; all Bills, Bonds & Obligations by promises of payment, yet not satisfied; all under the notion of debt-demanders, decreasing the stock. This Inventory is best reserved privately in the owners possession.
Thus having ballanc'd his estate, the party may plainly discover what is his own, and so commence a Trade without confusion, imploying what stock he shall think convenient for any Adventure: and divers Merchants do continually keep an Inventory, but usually after this manner, viz. A book in a [Page 206] large Folio, every page hath 3 columns ruled in either margent denoting Pounds, Shillings, and Pence; on the left-hand page his debts are inserted, and on the right hand what is due unto him, and from whom, the money and wares with quantities and qualities inscribed between them; and sundry other books they use, the chiefest they use are these following.
The number and names of Books usually kept in great Merchants Accounts, are these:
I. A Book for petty expences, and daily disbursments of trivial summes of money, kept like a Compendium of the Cash-book, and these small accounts collected into one summe, each week and moneth with a general total every year.
II. A Book of Letters, or missive Characters, received, or sent upon publick or private business into forreign parts, with the dates thereof, and some breviate of the business.
III. A Copy-book of charges at home, or Forreign accounts, whether proper or for company, by assignment for others, or Factorage, with abreviate of Receipts or Acquittances.
IV. A Book in Octavo of Memorandums to help the memory, containing Bargains and Sales, Promises, Engagements by paroll, or designed affairs in Commerce and Trade, with the year, moneth, and day, the parties names, &c.
V. A Cash-book, for inscribing the summes of mony in the Ca [...]heers posse [...]sion, with all receipts [Page 207] and payments, whereby to find what remaines in bank at any time, and what debts are due, one inscribed against the other.
VI. A Wast, or Shop-book, wherein are to be inserted all Wares, Goods, and Commodities arriv'd or shipt off, received in or delivered out, imported, or exported, and to whom, with the year and day of the moneth, every parcel distinguished by a line drawn betwixt them, describe in the margent the mark of the said parcel, with some note of reference to the Journal page, and also the number, weight and measure of each parcel, with the quantities, colour, charges, value, or price of them.
VII. Besides these there are Diurnals and books kept of Ship-accounts, whether outward or homeward bound, viz. daily occurrences, Ship-expences, charges, and disbursements accidental, &c.
VIII. A book of Fraighcage, Cargazones, or bills of Lading, Mariners wages and necessaries for them, with divers other supernumerary Accounts, not commonly kept by all Merchants, nor yet convenient for this Treatise, or my intended designe.
The scope here aimed at is a compendious form in keeping the Journall and Leager-books, by way of the Italian manner, included by Debitor and Creditor, with divers precedents, in posting and entring the Commodities or Merchandises with the description of those books; for to nominate all those, which some particular Merchants Adventurers do keep, would make a Catalogue in a poore [Page 208] Scholars Library, and herein superfluous, each book of them being but a relative Index unto the two last.
The Diary, or Day-book, ought to be in a large folio; upon the front thereof write the year of our Lord and Saviour in numeral letters, Arithmetical characters or both, then the title of Journall noted with a capital letter, as A B, or C, &c. Thus made conspicuous, the title of each page or parcel within the book is dated with the year, moneth, and day of any Wares, Goods, or Commodities bought, sold, exchang'd, received in, or delivered out: every page on the right hand hath 3 columns in the margent, expressing in money the value of the said Goods or Wares inscribed, in pounds Sterling, shillings and pence, &c. and upon the margent on the left hand one column for, &c. as quotations to the Leagers, page and folio. Besides all this, 'tis convenient to enter the mark, number, weight and measure of the Commodities or Parcels, the Debitors and Creditors names, with the time place and manner of payment, or what is convenient to be inserted, in explaining the contract, whether imported or exported Goods, without blotting or interlining any thing.
X. The Leager is a collection of all the merchants books drawn together in a large folio, charged upon some account in this order: as the book is o [...]ened, [...]lace the Creditors upon the right hand page, and all the Debitors on the left, the pages number'd by so as the Dr. and Cr. make but one folio u on either side in both margents, there are also columnes (which bound the matter [Page 209] inscribed) in number various as the Merchants please, or the multiplicity of their employments shall require, whereof I will r [...]nder some precedents hereafter: the words (most frequently used) in transporting or posting of Wares or Commodities from the Journall or Diary into the Leager-book, are these: In the first place (on the Debitors side) inscribe the word [To] after which let the Account immediately follow: and on the Creditors part, usually the first word is [By] preceding the name of that Account; and note that every parcel is charg'd and discharg'd with the same summe: and observe that most Accounts are best written in one line, or so compendious as you can; some men of very great Commerce and trading keep a Kalender, Register, or an Alphabeticall Index, of the names of Men, Wares, Ships and Voyages, with a mutuall reference of numbers to these and the Journal-pages, where the Goods are e [...]red, according to Debitor and Creditor: and this is alwayes annexed before the Leager, either side or page of the Leager being noted with one and the same numbers.
The Definitions of Debitor and Creditor.
By Debitor or Debitors in Merchants books, is understood the account that oweth or stands charged, and the word Creditor or Creditors signifies the discharge. So all things received, or the Receiver is alwayes made Debitor; the things delivered, or the Deliverer, is the Creditor: all which are compendiously com [...]rised by some Accountants [Page 210] according to these following breviats. And thus stands all Bills, Bonds, Obligations of things lent, or promises to lend, or cause to be lent or paid, included in the same predicament with the two former (whether simple or mixt) the foundation of this structure.
What Debitor and Creditor contains in summe, unfolded in the Merchants books, viz.
All Goods, Men, Money, Voyages, Ships, Cargazones, Bills of Exchanges, Wares, or Commodities, &c. with Profit and Loss, are contracted into two kinds, viz. Debitor and Creditor, and those contained in these Predicaments under 12 Species, whether proper for Company, Factorage, Domestick or Forraign, or mixt with the other two.
How these are comprehended under the notion of Debitors or made so by Commerce and Trade.
I. Lands, Rents, Revenues, Money, Wares, or Commodities, either in possession or shipt away to forreign parts, with all those who are engag'd to pay or deliver, must be inscrib'd in the Merchants Books, Debitors to the Owners, to their Cash or Stock.
II. Whosoever receiveth, or the Goods received, whether Money or Merchandizes, upon their own proper account, for Factorage or Company, w [...]ite them, o [...] the Wares Debitors.
[Page 211]III. If a man delivers Wares, or payes money, Bills or Exchanges upon the account of another, that party (upon whose account tis paid) becomes Debitor.
IV. A man who delivers an Assignation in payment, whether his own or not, but for the use of another, then the party (upon whose account 'twas delivered) is made Debitor.
V. Money received that was taken up at Interest, then is Cash commonly written for the Principall, Debitor; but the Lone, or Profit and Loss, for the Interest money is made Debitor.
VI. An Adventurer or any other for him, that sends merchandizes unto a forreign place or Region, whether proper or for any Company, consign'd to a Factor or Resident there, the Voyage or Ship is written Debitor.
VII. A Merchant that insures any wares, and receives the money presently, then is the Insurer or Cash written Debitor; but in case the Insurance be not immediatly paid, then is the party (for whom they were insured) Debitor for the Insurance reckoning.
VIII. Upon advice that any Goods insured for Proper, or Company-account, and those shipt to sea were cast away in part, or all, the Insurer or Insurance reckoning is Debitor; but if otherwise, then Profit and Losse are subscribed Debitors.
IX. Upon Returns or Advice from a Factor, that the shipt wares were received, whether for Proper or Company-account, enter the Factor there resident Debitor.
[Page 212]X. A Factor that drawes an Echange upon the Merchant, Company, himself, or others; to the party or parties (u [...]on who [...]e account it was drawn) inse t Debitor, and the like upon Exchanges remitted, the acceptor (who must discharge it) is Debitor.
XI. A Merchant or Company that loses by the sale of Wares, by Bank-routs, Exchanges, Insurances, Interests, Gratuities, or whatsoever proves a detriment in Commerce and Trade, to all or any of these subsc [...]ibe profit and loss— Debitor.
XII. In balancing of Accounts, if there be money or wares in the house unsold, or in the possession of their Partners and Correspondents, who have not rendred satisfaction; then must People and Cash, b [...]th in the old and new books, be written—Debitors.
Creditors in Merchants Accounts are generally but reconversions from Debitors discharg'd, or the Principall, included briefly in these 12 Species.
I. Stock or Cash for wares unsold, Creditor and the people, to whom any one is indebted; whose names are distinctly to be specified under the notion, or by the subscription of Creditor.
II. What things soever a Merchant delivers, or engages to be delivered, whether for Proper, Factorage, or Company-account in money or wares, either the goods delivered or the party promised is Creditor.
III. Any man that delivers money, Wares Exchanges or Assignations upon anothers account, [Page 213] that party or parties (upon whose account 'tis received) mu [...]t be subscribed C [...]editor.
IV. A Merchant borrowes money at interest, which being received, the party who delivers it, or the lender, is Creditor for the Principall, and enter the Lone reckoning or profit and loss for the interest money Creditor.
V. A man having a Principall of anothers in his possession, the time of payment expired, and yet detained, the owner of the principall is for the interest of that time onely to be written Creditor.
VI. A Merchant receives advice from his Factor of the sent Goods received and sold, or not, enter then Voyage to such a place, consign'd to his correspondent Creditor.
VII. Any Wares or Adventures safely arriv'd, the insurance not paid, but customes and charges defraid, inscribe one of these, viz. Cash, Charges, the Insurer, Insurance reckoning, or Profit and Loss, Creditors.
VIII. Goods or Commodities insured for Proper, or Company-account, shi [...]t to sea, and by misfortunes cast away, as by letters from the Factor or Resident appears; subscribe Voyage to the place consign'd, to such a man for Proper or Company account Creditor.
IX. A Me [...]chant from his Factor or Resident receives Returns in money or merchan [...]izes, in lieu of the Wares received and sold, whether for Proper or Company account, the Factor or Correspondent that caused these goods to be delivered is Creditor.
X. An Exchange drawn by a Merchant upon his [Page 214] Factor for his Proper, Company, or any others account, or remitted; then the party or parties for whose account it is drawn, charg'd, sent or remitted, make Creditor the correspondent Debitor.
XI. A Merchant or Company that gaines by Gratuities, the sale of Wares, Exchanges, Insurances, Interests, or what things are beneficiall in Commerce and Trade, to all or any these subscribe Profit and Loss—Creditor.
XII. In balancing of Books, Factors, Partners, and all others unsatisfied (if Fortune hath favour'd the Merchant) Stock and the People will be in the old and new books Creditor.
To shun mistakes betwixt Debitor and Creditor, and not to be prolix, I prescribe these rules and instructions, more compendiously then others have delivered them; yet those I have seen in some copies epitomiz'd (like the good works of this Age) easily to be remembred, without over-fraighting the Readers memory, which for the assistance of young men I will render in this breviat a transcription of others presented to your view in two tables, one balancing the other.
- [Page 215] 1 What Goods we have
- 2 Who receives any thing
- 3 All Wares that we buy
- 4 The men to whom we sell
- 5 Those for whom we buy
- 6 Those for whom we pay
- 7 The men who are to pay
- 8 Goods that are insured
- 9 Those for whom we insure
- 10 Voyages where we send
- 11 Goods on which is gained
- 12 Profit and Losse
- 1 From whence it ariseth
- 2 Who delivers any thing
- 3 Those of whom we buy
- 4 The Goods which are sold
- 5 The parties which sell
- 6 Goods wherewith we pay
- 7 Those who are to receive
- 8 The party who insureth
- 9 The insurance reckoning
- 10 Goods sent or shipt off
- 11 Goods on which is lost
- 12 Profit and Losse.
The Title of the Journall.
L | S | D | |||
Dr | 1 |
The pages prepared according to th [...] Diaries former description, yet in multiplicity of affairs many do make two columns in the left margent, the first for to insert Debitor or Creditor, the other with figures in reference unto the Leagers page to shew where each party or parties, parcel or parcels stand charged or discharged. And where any party or parcel is discharged, draw a line between the terms in form of a fraction, placing Debitor [...]bove the said line, and Credito [...] beneath it, with the figures or numbers of the Leagers page; one shewing they are discharged, and the other where. But as for this, the figures onely in most Jou [...]nals are conceived to b [...] sufficient directions, as in the following Diary our Journall shall be made conspicuous. |
000 | 0 | 0 |
Cr | 2 | ||||
Dr | 1 | 000 | 0 | 0 | |
Cr | 2 | ||||
000 | 0 | 0 |
Here insert the year of our Lord. | [...]he journall page. | The Title of the Leager, Anno 1658. in LONDON. The form of ruling the Leager. Cash Debitor. | Where Creditor in the L [...]ager. | L | S | D |
1658 | 1 | First Jan. Creditor to stock for several Coyns of money. | 1 | 800 | 00 | 00 |
Which signifies no more but the figure 1 in the second columne on the left hand points to you that Cash in the first page of the Journall is made Debitor, and the figure 1 in the first column on the right hand tells you that Cash has his Creditor entred in folio 1, viz. Stock is Creditor as may appear by the said question in the said page of the Journall and page of the Leager the like, mutatis mutandis is to be observed in the Creditors side of the Leager, will be conspicuous in the Leager hereunto annexed. |
THE JOURNALL; Number A in LONDON. 1658.
L | S | D | |||
The form of inscribing Debitors and Creditors in the Inventory. | |||||
Dr | |||||
Gr | [...]/ [...] | CAsh Debitor to Stock 800 l for several coyns of gold and silver remaining, as by conclude of my former books appear, which amount to in Sterling mony to | 800 | ||
Goods or Merchandizes in the warehouse, or otherwise in my possession, and, are unsold. | |||||
[...]/1 | Fustians Debitor to Stock 226 l 13 s 4 d. for 200 Pieces resting unsold, which cost 22 s. 8 d. per piece | 226 | 13 | 4 | |
[...]/1 | Spanish Tobacco Dr. to Stock 293 l 6 s 4 d. for ten Potacoo's remaining unso [...]d, weighing neat 880 poundat 6 s 8 d per pound, is | 293 | 06 | 4 | |
[...]/1 | Colchester Sayes Debitor to stock 34 l 6 s 8 d. for 20 Pieces unsold, which cost 34 s per Piece | 34 | 6 | 8 | |
2/1 | Couchaneal Debitor to Stock 230 l 11 s 3 d. for 14 C 3 qu. 14 po. neat at 15 l 10 s per C. | 230 | 11 | 3 | |
Ships, Parts, Houses, Land, &c. Inventored. | |||||
[...]/1 | Ship the Sampson of London Debitor to stock 200 l for my [...]/8 part thereof, which cost me | 200 | |||
[...]/1 | House the Nags head at Rumford Dr. to stock 350 l for the principal, it cost me | 350 | |||
Money due upon Bond, Bill, or other agreement, insert thus. | |||||
3/1 | Abraham Bland debitor to stock 387 l 11 s. payable the last of this moneth, as appears by his Obligation dated the 5. of December last | 387 | 11 | ||
[...]/1 | Thomas Goodman debitor to stock 82 l 3 s 4 d, as by his bill under his hand appears payable on demand | 82 | 3 | 4 | |
3/1 | William Lane of Ipswich debito to stock 36 l 11 s 4 d being the rest of an old account due on demand | 36 | 11 | 4 | |
Money due to others from us by bond, bill, or agreement. | |||||
¼ | Stock debitor to Barnaby Clemens 300 l being so much due by my Obligation dated the 3. of November last, and payable the 5. of March next | 300 | |||
¼ | Stock debitor to Thomas Spilman 36 l 11 s 4 d. by my bill payable on demand, for certaine houshold-stuff bought of him, the particulars appears by his bill | 36 | 11 | 4 | |
¼ | Stock debitor to John Maz'oon 305 l payable on demand | 305 |
L | S | D | |||
The form of inserting Debitors and Greditors in Traffiques continuace, and first of goods sold for ready money, secondly for time. | |||||
½ | Cash debitor to Fustians 24 l 14 s. for 13 pieces sold to John Deport at 38 [...] per Piece | 24 | 14 | ||
4/2 | John Thurrowgood of Chester debitor to Fustians 39 l 10 s for 20 Pieces sold 39 s per Piece, payable within 30 dayes | 39 | 10 | ||
Jan. 15. 1658. Goods sold part for time, part for ready mony. | |||||
4/2 | John Benning debitor to Couchaneal 51 l 15 s for 3 C neat, at 17 l 5 s per cent. ½ at 6 moneths rest instant | 51 | 15 | ||
¼ | Cash debitor to Dito John 25 l 17 s 6 d. received in part this day | 25 | 17 | 6 | |
Goods bought, paying present money. | |||||
5/1 | Lead debitor to Cash 204 l 11 s 3 d for 95 Pigs, weighing 13 tunne 12 C 3 qu. at 15 s per C. | 204 | 11 | 3 | |
Wares bought not paying present money. | |||||
¾ | Claret Wines debitor to Jane de Clare for 5 tunne at 12 l per tunne | 60 |
L | S | D | ||
Commodities bought part for time, part to be paid ready money. | ||||
5/5 | Sugars Debitor to James Wilson 54 l 7 s 4 d ½ for 10 hh. wai. gro. 42 C 3 qu. 11 pound tare, of each hh. 22 po. neat, 30 C 0 qu. 23 po. at 30 s per cent. all duties cleared, ⅓ to pay money ⅔ at a moneth | 54 | 7 | 4½ |
5/1 | Dito James Debitor to Cash 18 l 2 s 5 d ½ for ⅓ paid in part | 18 | 2 | 5½ |
Jan. 19. 1658. Wares sold and delivered in Barter. | ||||
5/5 | Edward Price Debitor to Sugars 12 l 12 s fot 2 hh. wad. net. 6 C at 42 s per hh. to receive for the same Province oyles in barter. | 12 | 12 | |
6/5 | Province Oyles Debitor to Dito Edward 9 l 3 s. for 1 Cask taken, content in part in truck for Sugars | 09 | 03 | |
⅕ | Cash Debit. to Dito Edward 3 l 9 s. received in full satisfaction to cleare the said Truck | 3 | 9 | |
Jan. 29. 1658. Moneys borrowed at interest. | ||||
⅙ | Cash Debitor to John Malthorse 300 l received of him upon interest | 300 | ||
6/6 | Interest reckoning our Profit and Loss Debitor to Dito John 4 l 10 s, for 3 moneths allowance for 300 l at 6 per cent. | 4 | 10 |
L | S | D | ||
Moneys borrowed to be paid upon demand, or otherwise. | ||||
⅙ | Cash Debitor to Simeon Peters 50 l borrowed of him and payable on demand | 50 | ||
Money let out at Interest. | ||||
5/1 | Edward Price Debitor to Cash 100 l. delivered him at Interest | 100 | ||
⅚ | Dito Edward Debitor to Interest reckoning or profit and losse 1 l 10 s for 3 moneths allowance for a 100 l at 6 per cent. per ann. | 1 | 10 | |
House-keeping charges entred. | ||||
6/1 | Profit and Losse Debitor to Cash 50 l paid my servant for 3 moneths provision for house-keeping to end 25 March next | 50 | ||
Febr. 2. 1658. Moneys paid that are due, the time of payment being com [...]. | ||||
4/1 | Jane de Clare Debitor to Cash 60 l. paid him in full of all accounts | 60 | ||
5/1 | Jam. Wilson Debitor to Cash 36 l 4 s 11 d. paid in full for his Sugars as by his Acquittance appears | 36 | 4 | 11 |
Febr. 9. 1658. Moneys received that are due, time of payment b [...]ing come. | ||||
¼ | Cash Debitor to John T [...]urrowgood 39 l 10 s. received in full of all demands to this day | 39 | 10 | |
Moneys received (for goods sold at time before due) upon rebate. | ||||
¼ | Cash Debitor to John Benning 24 l. Received in full | 24 | ||
6/4 | Profit and Losse debitor to Dito John 1 l 17 s 6 d for payment before due | 1 | 17 | 6 |
L | S | D | ||
Moneys gained by Exchange. | ||||
⅙ | Cash debitor to Profit and Losse 58 s 4 d for advance of 100 Dollers exchanged for English money at 4 s 7 d per Piece, which cost me but 4 s. the difference at 7 d per Piece is | 2 | 18 | −4 |
To discharge a debt by Assignment. | ||||
4/3 | Thomas Spilman debitor to William Lane for my Assignment, poid h [...]m in full of his debt | 36 | 11 | −4 |
Debt sold to another from whom it was not due. | ||||
⅓ | Cash debitor to Thomas Goodman 50 l, Received of William Short for Dito Thomas his Bill of 82 l 3 s 4 d. which I have sold for | 50 | ||
6/3 | Profit and loss debitor to Dito Thomas 32 l 3 s 4 d lost by the sale of his bill | 32 | −3 | −4 |
Febr. 19. 1659. Part of a debt lost by a Bankrupt and the rest received. | ||||
⅓ | Cash debitor to Abraham Bland 259 l 7 s 4 d being but ⅔ Received in full of a debt of 387 l 11 s ⅔ | 258 | −7 | −8 |
6/3 | Profit and Losse debitor to Dito Abraham 129 l 3 s 8 d. lost by him when he fail'd | −129 | −3 | |
Merchandizes sent into another Countrey, consign'd to a Factor for my Account. | ||||
7/2 | Voyage to Amsterdam consigned to Hans Butter box debitor to Fustians 80 l for 40 pieces at 40 s per piece, shipt by James Hope to Dito Hans to be sold for my account | 80 | ||
7/2 | Dito Voyage consigned to Dito Hans debitor to Spanish Tobaco 440 l for so Pot [...]en's w [...]d net 880 l at 10 s per pound, shipt by Dito James to the said Hans to be sold for my account | − 440 |
L | S | D | ||
Charges for a voyage, or otherwise. | ||||
7/1 | Dito voyage debitor to Cash 9 l 16 s for charges upon the Fustians and Tobaco, for Fraight, Custom and Excise, &c. | 9 | 16 | |
Goods ensured. | ||||
7/1 | Dito voyage debitor to Cash 7 l 16 s for insurance of Dito Fustians and Tobacco, paid John Mazoone at 30 s per cent. is | 7 | 16 | |
Feb. 22. 1658. Money received for fraight of a ships part. | ||||
⅓ | Cash debitor to Ship the Sampson of London, for fraight received of John Wright Master thereof, for my ½ share | 35 | 3 | 8 |
Money or goods given away to any person. | ||||
7/2 | Profit and Losse debitor to Fustians 1 l 2 s 8 d for one piece given to A.B. | |||
6/1 | Profit and losse debitor to Cash 12 l given towards the relief of a fire at Enfield in the County of Middlesex | 1 | 2 | 8 |
Gratuities received. | ||||
⅙ | Cash debitor to Profit and Losse for 200 l received for a Legacy given m [...] by A. M. | 12 | ||
Febr. 28. 1658. Commodities formerly shipt to another Countrey, and advice of the sale thereof. | ||||
7/7 | Hans Butterbox at Amsterdam, my account currant, debitor to voyage to Amsterdam 613 l 15 s 4 d. as appear [...] by his account sent me, and dated at Amsterdam, Novemb. 25. instant, being the neat proceed of my goods sol [...] there | 613 | 15 | 4 |
L | S | D | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commodities received to sell for another mans account in Commission. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/1 |
Hans Butterbox at Amsterdam his account of Wheat debitor to Cash 18 l 5 s for several charges paid at the receit of 100 quarters (received out of the Elephant of
Amsterdam) as followeth:
18 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commission Goods sold. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/7 | Cash debitor to Hans Butterbox his account of Wheat for 100 quarters so [...]d to John Sutton Junior at 58 s per qu. is | 290 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Provision for Commodities sold. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/6 | Hans Butterbox his account of Wheat debitor to profit and losse for my provision for the said Wheat at 12 d per l. | 14 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
March 3. 1658. The proceed of commodities paid by bill of Exchange. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/ [...] | Hans Butterbox his account currant debitor to Cash 257 l 5 s. remitted him for his account in Bills of Stephen Swabbers payable at sight to dito Hans by Simon Newman of Amsterdam, being the neat proceed of his wheat, all charges deducted | 257 | 5 |
L | S | D | ||
Commodities bought for Companies Accounts. | ||||
8/8 | Tobacco in Company between John Mazoon and my self debitor 210 l fo 30 hh of Vi [...]ginia each ½, the whole a [...] 7 l per hh is | 210 | ||
⅛ | Cash debitor to John Mazoon his account by me in Company for his ½ part received | 105 | ||
Commodities sold for Company Account. | ||||
⅛ | Cash debitor to Tobacco in Company between John Mazoon and my sel [...] each ½ for 30 hh sold to Henry Beak at [...]0 l per hh. | 300 | ||
8/ [...] | Tobacco in Company debi [...]or to John Mazoon his account by me in company 45 l for ½ advance | 45 | ||
8/ [...] | Tobacco in Company debitor to profit and loss 45 l for my ½ of advanc [...] gain by the sale of the Tobaccoes | 45 | ||
8/4 | John Mazoon his account by me in Company debitor to dito John his account proper 150 l, v [...]z. for his principall brought in, and gaines thereof made good upon his particular account | 150 |
L | S | D | ||
Order of Balancing. | ||||
2/9 | Balance debitor to Hans Butterbox my account currant 613 l 15 s 4 d. due to me in ready money | 613 | 15 | 4 |
4/9 | John Mazoone debitor to Balance 455 l. due to him by conclude | 455 | ||
4/9 | Barnaby Clemens debitor to balance 300 due to him 5 March last, by my obligation | 300 | ||
9/5 | Balance debitor to Edw: Price 101 l 10 s due to me the 30 of April next | 101 | 10 | |
6/9 | John Malthorse debitor to balance 304 l 10 s due the 29 of April next | 430 | 10 | |
7/6 | Voyage to Amsterdam debitor to profit and loss 76 l 3 s 4 d. gained by sale of goods there | 76 | 3 | 4 |
⅞ | Hans Butterbox his account of Wheat debitor to his account currant 256 l 5 s. being the neat proceed of his wheat | 256 | 5 | |
9/2 | Balance debitor to Fustians 142 l 16 s for 126 pieces remaining unsold, at 22 s 8 d per piece | 142 | 16 | |
2/6 | Fustians debitor to profit and losse 61 l 9 s 4 d gained by the sale of 73 pieces | 61 | 9 | 4 |
2/6 | Spanish Tobacco debitor to profit and loss 146 l 13 s 8 d gained by the sale of 10 Potacoes | 146 | 13 | 4 |
9/2 | Balance debitor to Colchester Sayes 34 l 6 s 8 d for 20 pieces unsold, at 34 s per piece | 3 | 6 | 8 |
9/2 | Balance debitor to Couchaneal 184 l 1 s 3 d for 11 C 3 qu. 74 pound, at 15 l 10 s per C. unsold | −184 | 1 | 3 |
[...]/6 | Couchaneal debitor to profit and loss 5 l 5 s gained by the sale of 3 C | 5 | 5 | |
9/5 | Balance debitor to Lead 204 l 11 s 3 d for 95 Pigs wa. 13 tun 12 C 3 q. at 15 s per cent. resting unso'd | 204 | 11 | 3 |
9/5 | Balance debitor to Claret wine 60 l for 5 tuns, at 12 l per tun resting unsold | 60 | ||
9/5 | Balance debitor to Sugars 43 l 11 s 4 d ½ for 24 C o qu. 23 pound, at 36 shillings per cent. being unsold | 43 | 11 | 4 ½ |
⅙ | Sugars debitor to profit and loss 1 l 16 s gained by the sale of 6 C. | 1 | 16 | |
9/6 | Balance debitor to Province Oyles 9 l 3 s for 1 Cask taken content unsold | 9 | 3 | |
6/6 | Profit and loss debitor to Interest reckoning 3 l lost by giving of interest for money | 3 | ||
9/3 | Balance debitor to Ship the Sampson of London 200 l for my ⅛ part thereof | 200 | ||
[...]/6 | Ship Sampson debitor to profit and losse 35 l 3 s 8 d. gained by fraight | 35 | 3 | 8 |
9/3 | Balance debitor to the Nags head at Rumford 350 l for the principal worth of it | 350 | ||
9/1 | Balance debitor to Cash 1561 l 4 s 1 d resting in hand | 1561 | 4 | ½ |
THE LEAGER: NUMBER A. Anno Dom. 1659. in LONDON.
- Abrah: Bland. fol. 1
- John Benning. 4
- Hans Butterbox my account currant. 7
- Dito Butterbox his account of Wheat. 7
- Dito Butterbox his account currant. 8
- Ballance. 9
- Cash. fol. 1
- Couchaneale. 2
- Barnaby Clemens. 4
- Jane de Clare. 4
- D
- E
- Fustians. fol. 2
- Tho: Goodman. fol. 3
- House Nags head. f. 3
- Interest reckoning. f. 6
- K
- William Lane. fol. 3
- Lead 5
- John Mazoon. fol. 4
- John Malthorse. 6
- John Mazoon his account by me in company. 7
- N
- Oyles Province. fol. 6
- Edward Price. fol. 5
- Simon Peters. 6
- Profit and Loss. 6
- Q
- R
- Stock. fol. 1
- Sayes. 2
- Ship Sampson. 3
- Thomas Spilman. 4
- Sugars. 5
- Tobacco. fol. 2
- John Thurrowgood. 4
- Tobacco in Company for John Mazoone and my self each ½. 8
- Voyage to Amsterdam. fol. 7
- Wines Clarret. fol. 5
- James Wilson. 5
- X
- Y
- Z
L | S | D | ||||
Cash Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | First Jan. to stock for severall coins amounting to Sterling money | 1 | − 800 | ||
3 | 3 Dito to Fustians for 13 pieces sold to John Deport at 30 s per piece | 2 | 24 | 14 | ||
15 Dito to John Benning, received in part | 4 | 25 | 17 | 6 | ||
4 | 19 Dito to Edward Price received to clear a Truck | 5 | 3 | 09 | ||
29 Dito to John Malthorse received at interest at 6 per cent. per an. | 6 | −300 | ||||
5 | 30 Dito to Simon Peters being so much borrowed of him | 50 | ||||
9 Feb. to John Thurrowgood received in full demand | 4 | 39 | 10 | |||
Dito to John Benning received in full upon rebate | 24 | |||||
6 | 12 Dito to profit and loss fo [...] gain in exchange of 100 Dollars | 6 | 2 | 18 | 4 | |
2 Dito to Thomas Goodman, received of William Short in full | 3 | 50 | ||||
19 Dito to Abraham Bland being 13 s 4 d per l for 387 l 11 s | 3 | −258 | 07 | 4 | ||
7 | 22 Dito to Ship Sampson for my ⅛ part for fraight | 35 | 03 | 8 | ||
Dito [...]o profit and loss for a Legacy [...]eiv'd, given me by A. M. | 6 | −200 | ||||
8 | 29 Dito to H. Butterb. his account of Wheat for 100 qu. sold at 58 s per qua [...]e [...] | [...]7 | −290 | |||
9 | 24 Mar [...], to John Mazoon his account by me in company for his part received | 8 | −105 | |||
- Dito to Tobacco in company for 30 [...]at 10 l per hh | −300 | |||||
2508 | 19 | 10 |
Contra Creditor. | L | S | D | |||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. by Lead for 95 Pigs wa. 13 T. 12 C. 3 qui at 15 s per C. | 5 | 204 | [...]1 | 3 |
5 | - Dito by James Wilson for ⅓ of his debt paid him in part | 5 | 18 | 2 | 5 ½ | |
30 Dito by Edw. Price delivered him upon interest at 6 per c. 3 mo. | 5 | 100 | ||||
- Dito by profit and loss for house-keeping for 3 moneths | 6 | 50 | ||||
5 | 2 Feb. by Jane de Clare, paid him in full of all demands | 4 | 60 | |||
5 | - Dito by James Wilson paid him in full of all demands | 5 | 36 | 4 | 11 | |
7 | 19 Dito by Voyage to Amsterd. paid charges of Fustians & Tobac. | 7 | 9 | 16 | ||
7 | - Dito by dito voyage for Insurance at 30 s per cent. | 7 | 7 | 16 | ||
7 | 22 Dito by profit and loss given in relief for a fire | 6 | 12 | |||
8 | 28 Dito by H. Butterb. his account of Wheat at the receit for charges | 7 | 18 | 5 | ||
8 | 3 March, by H. Butterb. his account currant remitted him by bills | 8 | 257 | 5 | ||
9 | 24 Dito by Tobac. in Company, paid in full for 30 hh at 7 l per hh | 8 | 210 | 11 | ||
1659 | 9 | 25 Dito by balance resting in Cash | 9 | 1524 | 19 | 2 ½ |
2508 | 19 | 10 |
Stock Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. to Barnaby Clemens by my Obligation due 15 March | 4 | 300 | 6 | |
2 | Dito to Thomas Spilman due to him on demand | 4 | 36 | 11 | 4 | |
2 | Dito to John Mazoon payable on demand | 4 | 305 | |||
1659 | 25 March, to balance for conclude carried thither | 9 | 2359 | 4 | 1 | |
3000 | 15 | 5 |
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. by Cash for severall Coins of money amounting to Sterling money | 1 | 800 | ||
- Dito by Fustians for 200 pieces cost 22 s 8 d per piece | 2 | 226 | 13 | 4 | ||
- Dito by Spanish Tobaco for 10 Potatoes wa. net. 880 pound, at 6 s 8 d per pound | 2 | 293 | 6 | [...] | ||
- Dito by Colchester Sayes, for 20 pieces unsold at 34 s per piece | 2 | 34 | 6 | 8 | ||
- Dito by Couchancal for 14 C 3 qu. 14 po. at 15 l 10 s per C. | 2 | 230 | 11 | 3 | ||
- Dito by Ship the Sampson of London, for my ⅛ part | 3 | 200 | ||||
- Dito by house the Nags-head at Rumford, for what it cost | 3 | 350 | ||||
- Dito by Abraham Bland, for his Obligation due the last instant | 3 | 387 | 11 | |||
- Dito by Thomas Goodman for his Bill | 3 | 82 | 03 | 4 | ||
- Dito by William Lane being the rest of an old account | 3 | 36 | 11 | 4 | ||
1659 | 25 March, by profit and losse gained by this 3 moneths trading | 6 | 359 | 12 | 2 | |
3000 | 15 | 5 |
L | S | D | ||||
Fustians Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for 200 pieces which cost 22 s 8 d per Piece | 1 | 226 | 13 | 4 |
1659 | 25 March to profit and loss gained by the sale of 73 Pieces | 6 | 61 | 09 | 4 | |
288 | 2 | 8 | ||||
Spanish Tobaco Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for 10 Potacoes wa. net. 880 pound, at 6 s 8 d per pound | 1 | 293 | 6 | 4 |
1659 | 25 March to profit and loss gained by the sale of dito Tobaco | 6 | 146 | 13 | 8 | |
440 | ||||||
Colchester Sayes Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for 20 Pieces cost 34 s per piece | 1 | 34 | 06 | 8 |
Couchaneale Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for 14 C. 3 qu. 14 pound, at 15 l 10 s per C. | 1 | 230 | 11 | 3 |
1659 | 25 March to profit and loss gained by sale of 3 C. | 6 | 5 | 05 | ||
235 | 16 | 3 |
L | S | D | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 3 Jan. by Cash for 13 pieces sold to John Deport at 38 s. pe [...] piece | 1 | 241 | 14 | |
3 | - Dito by John Thoroughgood of Chester for 20 pieces at 39 s per pi ce t 30 dayes | 4 | 39 | 10 | ||
6 | 19 Feb. by voyage to Amsterdam to be sold for my account, 40 pieces at 40 s. per piece | 7 | 80 | |||
7 | 22 Dito by profit and loss for one piece given away to A. B. | 6 | 1 | 2 | 8 | |
1659 | 25 March by balance for 126 pieces unsold at 22 s. 8 d. per piece | 9 | 148 | 16 | ||
288 | 02 | 8 | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 19 Feb. by voyage to Amsterd. consigned to Hans Butterbox to be sold for my use 10 Potacoes of Spanish Tobaccoe wa. net. 880 pound, at 10 s. per po. | 7 | 440 | ||
440 | ||||||
Contra Greditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by ballance for 20 pieces resting uns [...]d, which cost 34 s. per piece | 9 | 34 | 6 | 8 | |
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. by John Benning for 3 C. at 17 l. 5 s. per C. ½ instant, rest at 6 moneths | 4 | 51 | 15 | |
1659 | 25 March by ballance for 11 C. 3. qu. 14 pound unsold, cost 15 l. 10 s. per C. | 9 | 148 | 1 | 3 | |
235 | 16 | 3 |
L | S | D | ||||
Ship the Sampson Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for my ⅛ part, which cost me | 1 | 200 | ||
1659 | 25 March, to Profit and Losse gained by fraight | 6 | 35 | 3 | 8 | |
235 | 3 | 8 | ||||
House the Nags head at Rumford Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 1 | 1 Jan. to stock for the principle it cost me | 1 | 350 | ||
Abraham Bland Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. to stock for his bond dated 5 Decemb. last, due the last of this moneth | 1 | 387 | 11 | |
Thomas Goodman Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. to stock for his bill to be paid on demand | 1 | 82 | 3 | 4 |
William Lane of Ipswich Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. to stock, being the rest of an old Account | 1 | 36 | 11 | 4 |
L | S | D | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 7 | 22 Feb. by Cash received for my ⅛ part for fraight | 1 | 35 | 3 | 8 |
1659 | 25 March, by Balance for my ⅛ part thereof | 9 | 200 | |||
235 | 3 | 8 | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance for the principall it cost | 9 | 350 | |||
Contra Greditor. | ||||||
1659 | 6 | 19 Feb. by Cash received at 13 s 4 d per l for 20 s | 1 | 264 | 7 | 4 |
16 | - Dito by Profit and Loss lost by him when he failed | 6 | 123 | 3 | 8 | |
387 | 11 | |||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 12 Febr. by Cash received of Will: Short in full of my said debt | 1 | 50 | ||
6 | Dito by Profit and Loss lost by the sale of my said debt to dito William | 6 | 32 | 3 | 4 | |
82 | 3 | 4 | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 12 Feb. by Tho: Spilman order'd to receive of dito William | 4 | 36 | 11 | 4 |
L | S | D | ||||
Barnaby Clemens Debitor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March to balance due to him by my obligation the 5 of March last | 9 | 300 | |||
Thomas Spilman Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 12 Feb. to William Lane for my [...]ssignment | 3 | 36 | 11 | 4 |
John Mazoon Debitor. | ||||||
1659 | 3 | 25 March to balance due to him by conclude | 9 | 455 | ||
John Thoroughgood Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 3 Jan. to Fustians for 20 pieces [...]t 39 s. per piece, to be paid with [...]n 30 dayes | 2 | 39 | 10 | |
John Benning Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. to Couchaneal for 3 C. neat, at 17 l. 5 s. per C. ½ instant rest at 6 moneths | 2 | 51 | 15 | |
Jane de Clare Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 5 | 2 Feb. to Cash paid in full of all demands | 1 | 60 |
L | S | D | ||||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Januar. by stock payable 5 March next | 1 | 300 | ||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. by stock payable on demand | 1 | 36 | 11 | 4 |
Contra credito. | ||||||
1658 | 2 | 1 Jan. by stock payable on demand | 1 | 305 | ||
8 | 24 March by his account by me in company | 8 | 150 | |||
455 | ||||||
Contra cred tor. | ||||||
1658 | 5 | 9 Feb. by Cash received in full of all demands | 1 | 39 | 10 | |
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. by Cash paid in part | 1 | 25 | 17 | 6 |
5 | 9 Feb. by Cash received in full upon rebate | 24 | ||||
- Dito by profit and loss allowed for payment before due | 6 | 1 | 17 | 6 | ||
51 | 15 | |||||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. by Claret wines being 5 Tun, at 12 l. per Tun | 5 | 60 |
L | S | D | ||||
Lead Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. to Cash paid for 95 Pigs wa. 13 Tun 12 C. 3 qu. at 15 s per C. | 1 | 204 | 1 [...] | 3 |
Clarret Wines Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 3 | 15 Jan. to Jane de Clare for 5 [...]uns at 12 l per tun | 4 | 60 | ||
Sugars Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 15 Jan. to James Wilson for 30 C. 0 qu. 23 pound neat at 36 s per C. ⅓ instant, rest at 9 moneths | 5 | 54 | 7 | 4 ½ |
1659 | 25 March to Profit and Losse gained by the sale of 6 C neat | 6 | 1 | 16 | ||
56 | 3 | 4 ½ | ||||
James Wilson Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 15 Jan. to Cash for ⅓ paid him in part. | 1 | 18 | 2 | 5 ½ |
5 | 2 Feb. to Cash paid in full of all demands | 36 | 4 | 1 | ||
54 | 7 | 4 ½ | ||||
Edward Price Debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 19 Jan. to Sugars for 2 hh wa. neat 6 C. at 42 s per C. | 5 | 12 | 12 | |
5 | 30 Dito to Cash dd. him upon interest at 6 l per C. | 1 | 100 | |||
- Dito to Interest-reckoning for allowance of dito C l. for 6 moneths | 6 | 1 | 12 | |||
1 [...]4 | 2 |
L | S | D | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance for 95 Pigs resting unsold | 9 | 204 | 11 | 3 | |
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance resting unsold, 5 tuns at 12 l per tun | 9 | 60 | |||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 19 Jan. by Edward Price for 6 C. at 42 s per C. in barter | 5 | 12 | 12 | |
1659 | 25 March by Ballance for 24 C 0 qu. 23 l resting unsold | 9 | 4 [...] | 11 | 4 ½ | |
56 | 3 | 4 ½ | ||||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 15 January by Sugars for 30 C. 0 qu. 23 l. neat at 36 s per C. ⅓ instant, rest at 1 moneth | 5 | 54 | 7 | 4 ½ |
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 19 Januar. by Province Oyles 1 Cask received content | 6 | 9 | 3 | |
Dito by Cash paid in full satisfaction of dito truck | 1 | 3 | 9 | |||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance due to me 30 April next | 9 | 10 | 10 | ||
114 | 2 |
L | S | D | ||||
Province Oyles debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | To Edward Price for 1 Cask taken content | 5 | 9 | 3 | |
John Malthorse debitor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March to Ballance due to him 29 April next | 9 | 304 | 10 | ||
Interest reckoning debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 29 Jan. to John Malthorse for 3 moneths allowance of 300 l. at 6 per cent. for 3 moneths | 6 | 4 | 10 | |
Simon Peters debitor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March to Ballance due upon demand | 9 | 50 | |||
Profit and loss debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 5 | 30 Jan. to Cash paid A B. my servant for 3 moneths house-keeping | 1 | 50 | ||
9 Feb. to John Benning allowed for payment before due | 4 | 1 | 17 | 6 | ||
6 | 12 Dito to Thomas Goodman lost by sale of his debt to Will: Short. | 3 | 32 | 3 | 4 | |
19 Dito to Abraham Bland lost by taking 13 s. 4 d. per l. when h [...] failed | 3 | 129 | 3 | 8 | ||
7 | 22 Dito to Fustians for 1 piece given to A.B. | 2 | 1 | 2 | 8 | |
- Dito to Cash given towards the relief of a Fire at Enfield in [...]he County of Middlesex | 1 | 12 | ||||
1659 | 25 March to Interest reckoning lost by the same | 6 | 3 | |||
- Dito to Stock gained by this 3 moneths trading | 1 | 359 | 12 | 2 | ||
5 [...]9 | 19 | 4 |
Contra Creditor. | L | S | D | |||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance for one Cask unsold | 9 | 9 | 3 | ||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 4 | 29 Jan. by Cash received upon interest at 6 per cent. for 3 months | 1 | 300 | ||
- Dito by Interest reckoning for 3 moneths allowance for 300 l. at 6 per cent. | 6 | 4 | 10 | |||
Contra Creditor. | 304 | 10 | ||||
1658 | 5 | 29 Jan. by Edward Price for allowance of 100 l. for 3 moneths at 6 per cent | 5 | 1 | 10 | |
1659 | 25 March by Profit and Losse lost per summe | 6 | 3 | |||
Contra Creditor. | 4 | 10 | ||||
1658 | 5 | 30 Jan. by Cash borrowed and payable on demand | 1 | 50 | ||
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 12 Feb. by Cash gained by exchange of 100 Dolars for Eng. mo. | 1 | 2 | 18 | 4 |
7 | 22 Dito by dito given as a Legacy by A. M. | 200 | ||||
8 | 28 Dito by Hans Butterbox hi [...] account of Wheat for my provision at 12 d. per l. | 7 | 14 | 10 | ||
24 March by Tobaccoe in company for ½ of my advance | 8 | 45 | ||||
1659 | 25 Dito by voyage to Amsterd. gained by the sale of goods there | 7 | 76 | 3 | 4 | |
- Dito by Fustians gained by the sale of 73 pieces | 2 | 61 | 9 | 4 | ||
- Dito by Spanish Tob. gained by the sale of 10 Potacoes | 14 [...] | 13 | 8 | |||
- Dito by Couchaneale gained by the sale of 3 C. | 5 | 5 | ||||
- Dito by Sugars gained by the sale of 6 C. | 1 | 16 | ||||
- Dito by Ship the Sampson gained by fraight | 3 | 35 | 3 | 8 | ||
588 | 19 | 4 |
L | S | D | ||||
Voyage to Amsterdam configned to Hans Butterbox Deb. | ||||||
1658 | 6 | 19 Feb. to Fustians for 40 Pieces at 40 s per Piece | 2 | 80 | ||
- Dito to Spanish Tobacco for 10 Potacoes neat 880 pound at 10 s per pound, to be sold for my account | 440 | |||||
7 | - Dito to Cash for charges upon the Fustians and Tobacco | 1 | 9 | 16 | ||
- Dito to Cash for Insurance John Mazoon at 30 s per cent. | 7 | 16 | ||||
1659 | 25 March to Profit and Losse gained by sale of dito goods | 6 | 76 | 3 | 4 | |
613 | 15 | 4 | ||||
Hans Butterbox at Amsterdam my Account currant debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 7 | 2 Feb. to Voyage to Amsterdam for the neat Proceed of my goods there | 7 | 613 | 15 | 4 |
Hans Butterbox at Amsterdam his account of Wheat Deb. | ||||||
1658 | 8 | 28 Feb. to Cash for charges at the receit of 100 quarters | 1 | 18 | 5 | |
- Dito to Profit and Losse for my provision at 12 d per l. | 6 | 14 | 10 | |||
1659 | 25 March to dito Hans his account currant for the neat proceed thereof | 8 | 257 | 5 | ||
290 |
L | S | |||||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 7 | 28 Feb. by Hans Butterbox my account currant | 7 | 613 | 15 | |
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by Ballance due to me in ready mony | 9 | 613 | 15 | 4 | |
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 8 | 29 Feb. by Cash for 100 quarters sold to John Sutton at 58 s per qu. | 1 | 290 |
L | S | D | ||||
Hans Butterbox at Amsterdam his account currant debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 8 | 3 March to Cash remitted him payable by Simon Newman of Amsterdam | 1 | 257 | 5 | |
Tobaccoe in company for John Mazoon and my self debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 9 | 24 March to Cash for 30 hh. at 7 l. per hh. | 8 | 210 | ||
- Dito to John Mazoon for his ½ advance | 45 | |||||
- Dito to profit and loss for my ½ of advance | 6 | 45 | ||||
300 | ||||||
John Mazoon his account by me in company debitor. | ||||||
1658 | 9 | 24 March to dito John his account proper for principall and gains | 4 | 150 |
L | S | D | ||||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March by dito his account of wheat, being the neat proceed the [...]eof | 7 | 257 | 5 | ||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 9 | 24 March by Cash for 30 hh. sold to John Brown at 10 l per hh. | 1 | 300 | ||
Contra creditor. | ||||||
1658 | 8 | 24 March by Cash received for his ½ part | 1 | 10 [...] | ||
9 | 24 March by Tobaccoe in company his ½ advance | 8 | 45 | |||
150 |
L | S | D | ||||
Balance Debitor. | ||||||
1659 | 5 | 25 March, to Hans Butterb. my account currant due in ready mon. | 7 | 613 | 5 | 4 |
- Dito to Edward Price due to me 30 April next | 5 | 101 | 10 | |||
- Dito to Fustians for 126 pieces resting unsold, at 22 s 8 d per piece | 2 | 142 | 16 | |||
- Dito to Colchester Sayes for 20 pieces unsold | 34 | 6 | 8 | |||
- Dito to Couchaneal for 11 C. 3 q. 14 l at 15 l to s per C. unsold | 2 | 184 | 1 | 3 | ||
- Dito to Lead for 95 piggs remaining unsold | 5 | 204 | 11 | 3 | ||
- Dito to Clarret Wines for 5 tuns, at 12 s per tun unsold | 60 | |||||
- Dito to Sugars for 24 C. 0 qu. 23 l unsold, at 36 s per C. | 43 | 11 | 4½ | |||
- Dito to Province Oyles for one Cask unsold | 6 | 9 | 3 | |||
- Dito to Ship Sampson for my ⅛ part thereof | 3 | 200 | ||||
- Dito to House Nags head at Rumford for the principal worth | 350 | |||||
- Dito to Cash resting in bank | 1 | 1524 | 19 | 2 ½ | ||
3468 | 14 | 1 |
Contra Creditor. | ||||||
1659 | 25 March, by John Mazoon due to him by conclude | 4 | 455 | |||
- Dito by Barnaby Clemens for my obligation due 5 March last | 300 | |||||
- Dito by John Malthorse due to him 29 April next | 6 | 304 | 10 | |||
- Dito by Simon Peters due on demand | 50 | |||||
- Dito by Stock for difference, there being my present estate | 1 | 2359 | 4 | |||
3468 | 14 | 1 |