A Generall ADVERTISEMENT For the better observing and keeping of our monthly Fast, commanded by His Majesty and both Houses of Parliment.

And for the better ordering of Innes, Tavernes, Ale-houses, and all manner Victualling houses, and the like.

That thereby this Fast being kept from all manner of Disorder, wee may hap­pily attaine to true peace and quietnesse, and the Grace of God, for which it was institu [...]ed.

Novemb. 28.

London, Printed for JOHN Hanson. 1642.

A generall Advertisement for the better ob­serving of our monthly Fast.

FOR the better observing and keeping of this our great and Generall Fast, commanded by His Majesty and both Houses of Parliament, for the generall good of the whole Kingdome, in which is found much neglect by many sorts of people to the great dishonour and disobeying His Majesties Command, and the Command of both Houses of Parliament herein.

It is thought fit and requisite therefore, that all Good Christians and true Subjects, of what nature soever, that are Housholders, to order themselves and their affaires, so that upon that day or dayes wherein they are commanded to fast, they have not any let or hindrance to withdraw them from so good a worke, but for that time or times to lay a­side all manner of worldly affaires, and tend onely to the service of God, and to be carefull to see that their Children, Servants, and all such as be under their charge, may truly and duely, keeping the Church, hearing Divine Service and Sermons, abstaining from all manner of Flesh, or delicious [Page] meats, and likewise from all manner of vices or any thing that is contrary to the keeping of a tru [...] fast, or may any waies hinder our deuotion or draw us from the true service of God, To the breach of the command of his Majesty and both the Honorable Houses of Parliament.

and for the better understanding of the true fast is that as I had said before, we must first abstain from flesh and all maner of Delitious meats; hot wines, or strong drinke or the like, whereby the flesh is pampred and made high, that many times it rebels against the spirit, causing in us a neglect of the ser­uice of God, and carlesnes of our duty towards out parents, and Prince, or regardlesse of the loue we ought to beare to our neighbour, and make us more apt daily and hourly to run into all manner of viees which is the cause that at sueh times of fast we ought to abstane from flesh not for that it is hurtfull to the body to eate, but hurtfull for the soule, in that we are hereby drawne into temtati­ons and so herehy loose the benefit thereof which is the grace and fauour of God, for when are men more apt to sinn then in the heate of flesh the heate of blood, and the like.

Then if we will fast from sinn as we pretend let us first fast from the causers of sinn which is deli­tious meats, hot drincks and the like as I said be­fore and by that doing we may with out doubt the better fast from sinn and so fasting from sinn, gain the grace and faiuor of almighty God his eternall [Page] love, and in love of our Neighbor which are the things required of us in this Fast, it is good also that all Innes, Tavernes, and Alehouses be more strictly lookt un­to, and that they be not suffered on these dayes appointed for Fast, to open their doores to let in any company to drinke, more then upon necessity, as to Strangers, Travellers, or the like.

For it hath beene observed and noted, that many disorders have been and daily are seene in this Fast, commitred by di­vers people on those dayes, as extraordi­nary eating, drinking, swearing, and di­vers other abuses or absurdities, not fit­ting the time, nor indeed not fitting any time, especially upon such a time as we are commanded to offer to God the sa­crifice of our hearts, by Fasting and Ptayer, which are workes to bee done with a true and sincere devotion, in a godly and most Christian-like way, [Page] suppressing our wonted untam'd wills, and not to run on headlong, not minding what wee goe about and like bruit beasts make all dayes and times alike, which is no fast at all.

Therefore if wee meane hereby to gaine the Grace and Favour of God, the love of our King and Parliament, and our owne generall good; Let us obey their Commandements, and if comman­ded to fight, let us fast; if to pray, let us pray, but in this we are strictly commanded to fast and pray not for the good and benefit of them in particular, but for the generall good and benefit of the whole Kingdome, the establishing of the true faith, and the obtaining of true peace and unity amongst us all.

For which we are commanded to offer to Al­mighty God in recompence of our disobedience to his eternall Maiesty every month a day, and that day to be seriously kept according to the promises it being not sufficient, as is afore said, to fast all day and to feast at night, or to fast all day and to be drunke at night, as too many in this City and Kingdome doth, but we endeavour to keepe it du­ly and truly, not violating and prophaning any part of it, but that the night as well as the day being observed from all manner of vices, dedicating our selves for that time wholly to the service of God, otherwise it is no Fast at all, but a deceiving of our selves, and a robbing of God of his Honour and [Page] Glory, for which it was instituted and comman­ded.

Surely we have more need to offer to God eve­ry weeke a day, and every day an houre to be spent in prayer and good workes, whereby to appease the wrath and anger of God, which we are so daily like to fall upon us in this dangerous time of war, being altogether uncertaine how long wee shall live, or how soone we shall be cut off; therefore if we duly consider with our selves the dangers that wee now live in, we shall finde that we never had more neede to Fast and pray then now.

Wherefore let us all with one assent submit our selves to His Majesties iust Command, and the iust Command of both Houses of Parliament, in the true keeping of this great and generall First, as a worke of piety, craving the aid and assistance of Almighty God herein, that we may the better dis­pose our selves thereto, to His honour and glory, and so doing there is no question but wee shall thereby gaine the Grace of God with his love and Fauour in all that we desire a true unity betweene Mis Maiesty and the Parliament, an establishment of the Lawes Spirituall and Temporall, the abo­lishing warre, and the setling of peace throughout the whole Kingdome, Almighty God grant it.


Wheres quiet pe [...]ce
there God alone abides,
Wheres wrath and anger,
nought but mischiefe rides,
Wheres Love and Friendship,
goodnesse doth remaine,
VVheres hate and envie
discord there doth raigne;
VVhere Neighbours love,
and loving all love God,
There will true happinesse
finde in that Land abode,
VVhich here in England
I wish may increase,
All rest, repose, content
and quiet peace.
Then Fast and pray,
all Discords to suppresse,
Serve God each day
and live in happinesse.

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