[seal of the Commonwealth of England]

AN ORDER AND DECLARATION OF His Highness and His Council, FOR Continuing the Committee for the ARMY.

WHereas in pursuance of the seven and twentieth Article of the Go­vernment, His Highness the Lord Protector and Council, did by their Or­der and Declaration, (Entituled, An Order and Declaration of His Highness and the Council for an Assessment of Threescore thousand pounds by the Moneth for Six Moneths, from the 24. day of June, [Page 202] 1656. to the 25. of December following, and pub­lished in print the Fifth day of February 1655.) appoint an Assessment for Six Moneths, af­ter the rate of Threescore thousand pounds by the Moneth, to commence from the 24. day of June as aforesaid; And in the said Or­der and Declaration, did enjoyn and require the several and respective Commissioners, Receivers-General, Collectors, Sub-colle­ctors, who are or shall be intrusted or imploy­ed in the assessing, levying, collecting, or re­ceiving of the said Six Moneths Assess­ments, or any part thereof, to observe such Orders and Directions as shall from time to time be made and given forth by the Com­missioners for the Treasury, or by the Com­mittee or Commissioners for the Army, or any three of them: Now for the more effe­ctual putting in execution of the said Order and Declaration, It is Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That the several and respective persons, or any three or more of them, named and appointed to be a Committee for the Army in an Ordi­nance, Entituled, An Ordinance appointing a Committee for the Army and Treasurers at War, published the 28. of January 1653. shall be, and are hereby continued and authorized to be a Committee for the Army; which said Com­mittee for the Army, are hereby enjoyned and required to put the said Order and De­claration in execution accordingly.

And it is further Ordered, That all and every the Powers and Authorities, Rules and Directions, which were by the last reci­ted [Page 203] Ordinance, or by any Act or Ordinance therein mentioned, expressed to be given to the said Committee for the Army, for the bringing in, receiving, disposing, and issuing forth of the Assessments, and Moneys in that Ordinance mentioned, shall be, and are here­by given and continued to the Committee for the Army, for the bringing in, receiving, dis­posing, and issuing forth of the said Six Moneths Assessment, commencing the 24. of June 1656. to all intents and purposes, and of all other Moneys, that are, or before the 25. of December, 1656. shall be appointed for, or towards the maintenance of the Armies of this Commonwealth: And the Treasurers at War, and also the several and respective Commissioners, Receivers-General, Colle­ctors, Sub-collectors, and all other persons, who are, or shall be intrusted or imployed in the Assessing, Levying, Collecting, and Pay­ment of the said Six Moneths Assessment, or any part thereof, shall observe such Orders and Directions, as shall from time to time be made and given forth by the said Committee for the Army, or any three or more of them, in the due execution of the Powers and Trust hereby continued and committed unto them.

ORdered by His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, That this Order and Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Council.

London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1656.

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