WHereas in an Act made this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act for an Assessment upon England, at the Rate of Sixty thousand Pounds by the Moneth, for Three Moneths; from the Twenty fifth day of March, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, to the Twenty fourth day of Iune then next ensuing, It is, amongst other things, Provided and Declared, That in case the ordering and payment of the Moneys by the said Act appointed, into the immediate Receipt of the Exchequer, shall be found inconvenient, so as the Moneys raised thereby cannot be paid in by the time limited in the said Act for the seasonable supply of the Publique Service, That then it [Page 2] shall and may be lawful for His Highness the Lord Protector and Council (if they shall so judge it fit) to Order and Direct the Managing, Levying and Payment of the said Moneys in such a way, method and maner, as the Monethly Assessments for the Army have been formerly managed, rated and paid, Any thing in the said Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
And for as much as the time for bringing in of the said Three Moneths Assessment draws so nigh, and the present necessity of the Commonwealth being so urgent, that it will not admit of so much delay, as the Alteration from the former way and method in bringing in Assessments will necessarily produce, It is Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector, by, and with the Advice and Consent of His Council, That the Commissioners in the said Act named, do take Security of the Receivers-General for the respective Counties, Cities, Towns and Places, in such sort as formerly. And that the said Receivers-General, and every of them respectively, are hereby Authorized and Required from time to time, to make payment of the several sums which shall be by them received, of all and every Collector and Sub-collector, upon the said Three Moneths Assessment, by vertue of the said Act, unto John Blackwel the yonger, and Richard Dean, Esqs Receivers-General for the said whole Three Moneths Assessment, at Guild-Hall London (or where, or to whom they shall appoint) to be by them paid into, and accompted for, in the Receipt of His Highness Exchequer; And that all [Page 3] and every the Acquittance and Acquittances of the said Receivers-General for the said whole Three Moneths Assessment, shall be unto the said Receivers for the said respective Counties, Cities, Towns and Places, a sufficient Discharge.
ORdered by His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, That this Order be forthwith Printed and Published.
LONDON: Printed by Henry Hills and Iohn Field, Printers to His Highness the Lord PROTECTOR. 1657.