AN ORDER OF PARLIAMENT; With the Consent of His Highness the Lord Protector, For a Day of PUBLIKE THANKSGIVING WITHIN The Cities of London and Westminster, the late Lines of Communication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, on Wednesday the Third of June next; For the great Success God hath been pleased to give the Navy of this Commonwealth under the Command of General Blake against the Spaniard. Together with a NARRATIVE Of the same Success, as it was Communicated in a Letter from the said GENERAL.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Narrative be Printed and Published, with the Order of the House for the Day of Thanksgiving.
LONDON: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1657.
ORdered by the Parliament, That Wednesday next be set apart for a Day of Publique Thanksgiving, within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the late Lnies of Communication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the marvellous Goodness of God to this Nation, in Preserving the Fleet of this Commonwealth in their late Action at Sancta Cruz, in the Island of Teneriff, under General Blake; and giving them great Success against the Ships of the King of Spain.
AFter taking in the Supply of Victuals that was brought us the latter end of March, we spent two or three days before the Town of Cadiz, and finding the Enemy there in no great forwardness to come forth with a Fleet as was expected; The General on the Thirteenth of April, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, called the Commanders together, and communicated his thoughts to go for Sancta Cruz on the Island of Teneriff, laying before them the reasons that induced him to it, which they all approved of, and a favorable Gale just at the time presented to carry us thither. On the Eighteenth following in the evening we discovered Land, supposed to be Point Negro, but being thick and hazy, could not certainly make it till Noon the next day, whereby the Enemy had longer notice of our being on the Coast, then we designed he should before we came to Action.
On Munday the twentieth of April one thousand six hundred fifty seven, we were by break of day fair in the Offin of Sancta Cruz, and, as soon as 'twas light, perceived by a signal from one of our Friggots a head, that the West-India Fleet were in the bay. Whereupon, after a short conference how to order the attempt, and earnest seeking to the Lord for his presence, we fell in amongst them, and by eight of the clock were all at an Anchor, some under the Castle and Forts, and others by the ships sides, as we could birth our selves to keep clear one of another, and best annoy the Enemy.
They had there five or six Galleons (whereof were Admiral, Vice-Admiral, and Rere-Admiral, with their Standart and Flags aloft) and other considerable Ships making up the number of sixteen, some having Goods brought from the Indies still on board them, others had taken in Goods and Provisions to carry back again: Most of them were furnished with Brass Ordnance, and (as we have been informed since) had their full companies of Seamen and Souldiers kept continually on board them, from their first coming thither, which was about the beginning of February last, their General himself in all the time lying but one night out of his Ship: they were moared close along the shore, which lies in the manner of a Semicircle, commanded, as far as the Ships rid, by the Castle, and surrounded besides with six or seven Forts, with almost a continued line for Musqueteers and great shot, as the Ground between admitted; And we were forced to come so near to do our work, that many of the men we have slain and wounded, were shot by the Musqueteers from the shore; Notwithstanding it pleased God that in four hours time their men were beaten out, and all the Ships put ashore, except the Admiral, and Vice-Admiral, who made the most considerable resistance. About two of the clock the [Page 4] Vice-Admiral was set on fire, and the Admiral, by some happy shot, or other accident, suddenly blown up; having (as we perceived just before) many men on board her; by the evening all the rest were fired, onely two that sunck down to rights, and had little but their Masts appearing above water.
It remained to compleat this Mercy, that our own Ships should come off well, wherein the greatest hazzard & difficulty lay; for some riding near into the shore and being sorely maimed, did require to be warped off, others when we came to weigh, drove with the winde all the while blowing right into the bay, and one of our best Frigats strook: The enemy in the mean time supplied fresh men into his Forts for those we had killed and beaten out in the heat of the Action, and from them and the Castle continued plying upon us, till about seven of the Clock at night, every Ship and vessel belonging to our Fleet, were by the good hand of God got safe out of Command.
In this service we had not above fifty slain outright, & one hundred and twenty wounded, and the damage to our Ships was such as in two daies time we indifferently well repaired for present security: Which we had no sooner done, but the winde veered to the Southwest (which is rare among those Islands) and lasted just to bring us to our former Station neer Cape Maries, where we arrived the second of May following: For which merciful appearance all along with us, we desire the Lord may have the praise and glory, to whom onely it is due; And that all that hear of it may turn and say (as of a truth we have found) that among the gods there is none like unto him, neither are there any works like unto his works.
- Don Diego Diagues, General.
- Don Josepho Sentenno, Vice-Admiral.
- Roque Gallindo, Rear-Admiral.
- Gasper Goteras, in the great Campeachan.
- Martin De Lazondo, in the little Campeachan.
- John Quintero.
- Francisco De Estoeta.
- Pedro Fegoroa.
- Don Francisco Velasques.
- Pedro Oreguel.
- Francisco Martines.
- Francisco De Arana.
- Pedro Sorrillio Commander of the Ship which came from Sancto Domingo.
- Gregory Gomes.
- Francisco Marcadel.
- Fernando Sohes.
Thursday 28. May, 1657.
ORdered by the Parliament, that this Narrative be Printed and Published with the Order of the House for the day of Thanksgiving.