AN ORDER OF PARLIAMENT; With the Consent of His Highness the Lord Protector, For a Day of PUBLIKE THANKSGIVING WITHIN The Cities of London and Westminster, the late Lines of Communication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, on Wednesday the Third of June next; For the great Success God hath been pleased to give the Navy of this Commonwealth under the Com­mand of General Blake against the Spaniard. Together with a NARRATIVE Of the same Success, as it was Communicated in a Letter from the said GENERAL.

Thursday the 28 th of May, 1657.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Narrative be Print­ed and Published, with the Order of the House for the Day of Thanksgiving.

Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Parliament.

LONDON: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1657.

Thursday the 28 of May, 1657.

ORdered by the Parliament, That Wednesday next be set apart for a Day of Publique Thanksgiving, within the Ci­ties of London and Westminster, and the late Lnies of Communication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the marvellous Goodness of God to this Nation, in Preserving the Fleet of this Commonwealth in their late Action at Sancta Cruz, in the Island of Tene­riff, under General Blake; and giving them great Success against the Ships of the King of Spain.

Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Parliament.

Thursday 28. May, 1657.

ORdered by the Parliament, that this Narrative be Printed and Published with the Order of the House for the day of Thanksgiving.

Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Parliament.

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