[blazon of the Commonwealth]

ORdered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and His Council, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and Published.

Henry Scobell, Clerk of the Council.

London, Printed by William du-Gard and Henry Hills, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1654.

[blazon of the Commonwealth]

AN ORDINANCE For admitting Protestants in Ireland to Compound.

BE it Ordained by His Highness the Lord Pro­tector, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Council, That the Lord Deputy of Ireland; and the Council there for the time being, be authori­zed and impowred by themselves or such per­son and persons as they shall appoint, to com­pound with all and every person and persons being Protestants in Ireland (other than the Protestants in Munster mentioned in an Ordi­nance, entituled, An Ordinance for Indempnity to the English Protestants of the province of Munster in Ireland) who having been Delinquents there, [Page 714] have not been excepted from pardon, and to set such Fines for the composition of all and every such person and persons for his and their Estates both real and personal as shall be fit.

Provided, That the Fine and Fines to be set and imposed for the real Estate of such person and persons shall not be less than two years full value of such Estate, as the same was worth to be let in the year one thousand six hundred fourty. All and every which Fine and Fines shall be paid into the Publique Treasury there, at such time and times as the said Lord Deputy and Council shall appoint. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That upon pay­ment into the said Treasury the Fine and Fines, which shall be so set and imposed as a­foresaid by the respective person and persons so compounding, and within the times which shall be so appointed, all and every such person and persons so paying in the same, and his and their heirs and assigns, and all and every the lands and estate which shall be so com­pounded for, shall be from thenceforth freed and discharged of and from all and all man­ner of Sequestration, Confiscation or For­feiture, for or in respect of any Delinquen­cy aforesaid, and the said Lord Deputy and Council, and such person and persons as shall be by them so appointed, are hereby authorized and enabled to give order for such discharge accordingly.

ORdered by His Highness the Lord Protector and His Council, That this Ordinance be forth­with Printed and Published.

Hen. Scobell, Clerk of the Council.

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