AN ORDINANCE Appointing a Committee of the Adven­turers for Lands in IRELAND, for deter­mining differences among the said Ad­venturers.

WHereas the proportions of seve­ral Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, have fallen by lot within one & the same Barony, which may occasion som differences among the said Adventurers, in case the to­tal of the escheated Land within such Baro­nie shall not bee sufficient to answer the pro­portions of Land allotted to the respective Adventurers; Now for the better composing of any differences that shall so fall out, & on the humble desire of the said Adventurers, Bee it Ordeined by His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of ENG­LAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, by and with the advice and consent of His Council, That [Page 466] the persons hereafter named, beeing equally chosen and nominated by the body of the said Adventurers: That is to say, Sir Thomas Dacres, Sir John Clotworthy, Alderman Tho­mas Andrews, Alderman John Fowke, Alder­man Samuel Avery, Thomas Ayers, John Blackwell, Senior, William Webb, William Hawkins, Charls Lloyd, George Almory, Thomas Barnardiston, John Greensmith, Lawrence Bromefield, Thomas Bright­well, Deputy Hutchinson, Michaël Herring, Alexander Jones, John Wood, Thomas Steane, Sir David Watkins, Alexander Bence, Thomas Gower, William Penoyer, Henry Colborne, Wil­liam Hickhocks, Thomas Vincent, Alderman Foot, James Russell, Alderman Waring, Maurice Thompson, Francis Ashe, John Mosyer, John Holland, Edmond Harrison, and Ambrose Moore, Esquires, bee, and hereby are impowred and authori­zed by themselvs or any eleven or more of them, or by such others as they or any eleven or more of them shall from time to time nominate and appoint, in such cases where several Lots have been drawn by several persons, of Lands lying in the same Ba­rony, to settle a way and method for de­termining by Lot, how many and which of the said Adventurers proportions, falling within one and the same particular Baro­ny, wherein the escheated Lands shall fall short of the Allotments, shall bee continued and laid out in such Barony, or how much thereof, and which of the said Adventu­rers shall take his proportion, or how much thereof elswhere, according to the Act of Parlament made in that behalf; And the Lord Deputy of IRELAND, and Council there [Page 467] for the time being, are hereby authorized to settle such persons as shall be so removed in such other places as is provided by the Acts of Parlament in that behalf. And the Committee and Committees hereby au­thorized, are also impowred to settle a me­thod by Lot, for ascertaining the subdivision of Adventurer's proportions, that shall con­tinue in all and every the several Baronies according to their respective allotments. And further, That the said Lord Deputy and Council bee, and hereby are impowred and authorized, to hear and determine all differences that shall happen and arise con­cerning any the premisses, among the said Adventurers, or any of them: Provided that this Ordinance shall continue in force for one whole year, from the fift of June last, and no longer.

Tuesday, 1 August, 1654.

ORdered by His Highness the Lord PROTECTOR and the Council, That this Ordinance bee forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen. Scobel, Clerk of the Council.

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