AN ORDINANCE for continuing the Powers of Commissioners for COMPOUNDING, &c. THE COMMITTEE FOR Advance of Money, AND Commissioners of INDEMPNITIE.

[blazon of the Commonwealth]

LONDON, Printed by William Du-Gard and Henry Hills, Printers to His Highness the Lord PROTECTOR. MDCLIII.

[blazon of the Commonwealth]

AN ORDINANCE For continuing the Powers of Com­missioners for Compounding, &c. the Committee for Advance of Money, and Commissioners of Indempnitie.

BEe it Ordained by His High­ness the Lord PROTECTOR by and with the advice and consent of His Council, That an Act of Parlament, entituled, an Act impouring several Com­missioners to put in execution all and every the Powers and Authorities heretofore given to the Commissioners for Compounding with Delin­quents, and for managing all Estates under Sequestration; And to the Committee for Ad­vance of Money, formerly sitting at Haberdashers Hall, bee, and is hereby continued, and shall stand, bee, and continue in force until the first [Page 52] day of February 1653. And that Samuel Moyer, Johas Berners, Richard Moore, John Upton, Ed­ward Cary, and Rice Williams Esquires: or any four of them bee hereby impowred and autho­rised to put in execution the said Act, and all and every the Powers and Authorities in and by the said Act given, and every Clause, Article and thing therein conteined. And bee it further Ordained by the Authoritie aforesaid, That one Act of Parlament, entituled, An Act for Transferring the Powers of the Commissio­ners for Indempnitie, bee, and is hereby conti­nued, and shall stand, bee, and continue in full force, until the said first day of February, 1653. And that the Commissioners herein named, or any four or more of them, bee hereby impowred and authorised to put in execution the said last mentioned Act, and all and every the Powers and Authorities in and by the same Act given, and every Clause and Thing therein con­tained.

ORdered by His Highness the Lord PROTECTOR and His Council, that this Ordinance bee forthwith printed and published.

Hen. Scobell Clerk of the Council.

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