[blazon of the Commonwealth]

AN ORDINANCE For Relief of Persons that have acted in the service of the PARLAMENT.

WHereas many good and necessary Acts, Ordinances & Or­ders of Parlament have heretofore been made for the encouragement, In­dempnity and sa­ving harmless of such persons as have in any sort either by Sea or Land Enga­ged, or Acted, or Commanded to be done, [Page 184] any matter or thing whatsoever by Authority, or for the service or benefit of the Parlament; And Committees having been appointed to take care therein, And that Iustice should be done accordingly, the Power of which Com­mittees being determined, and so no course settled for Parties grieved, His Highness, having a continued and lively Sense of such mens undertakings and hazards for the Ser­vice of the Publique in times of eminent dan­ger and extremity, And being willing that full remedy should be provided for their safety, Doth, by and with the Consent and advice of His Council, Declare, Establish and Or­dain, That all and every the said Acts, Or­dinances and Orders of Parlament, and eve­ry Article, Clause and Sentence in them, or any of them contained, shall stand, remain, and be in full force, effect and virtue, and be put in practice and execution, and be pleadable and made use of in all Courts of Iustice, as fully and absolutely, to all intents and purpo­ses, as if the same had been now particularly made for such purpose.

And it is further Declared, Established and Ordained, That the words, Clauses and sentences, in all and every the said Acts, Or­dinances and Orders of Parlament, shall be adjudged, expounded, and taken in all Courts and proceedings of Iustice, and else where, most beneficial and available, to all and singu­lar the Persons that have so Acted or done by Authority, or for the Service or benefit of the Parlament; And if, upon any Tryal or Pro­ceedings, in any Court of Iustice, it shall ap­pear unto the Iudge, or Iudges, before [Page 185] whom such Tryal or Proceeding shall be had or made, That the Party, that hath so acted by the Authority, or for the service or benefit of the Parlament, hath not had, or cannot have such full and just Relief therein, as by the said Acts, Ordinances or Orders of Par­lament was intended or provided, Then such Iudge, or Iudges shall, and are hereby Required to make Certificate thereof to the Barous of the Exchecquer, upon which Cer­tificate, the said Barons, or any two of them, shall have Authority, and are hereby Im­powred, Authorized, and Required, upon such Certificate and complaint of the party grieved, to proceed, and do therein to all intents and purposes; And they have hereby given unto them the same and like Powers. Authorities, Iurisdiction, and Course of proceeding, in all Causes for relief of such partie or parties grieved in the premisses, as any Committee or Commissioners of or for Indemptnity, ap­pointed by Authority of Parlament, had, or lawfully might have exercised.

And be it further Ordained by the Authori­tie aforesaid, That where any person, that ought to have been Indempnified, by the true meaning of the said Acts and Orders of Indempnity, hath any Iudgement or Ver­dict already obtained against him at Law, for any matter or thing for which he ought so to have been indempnified, by reason whereof he is disabled to plead his matter of Indempni­ty before the said Iudges, before mentioned, that then in every such case, upon complaint exhibited before the said Barons of the Exche­quer, setting forth his case, and alleaging such [Page 186] matter for his Indempnity, as that Court shall Iudge sufficient; and also give in such Security, as the said Barons shall approve of, to pay Costs unto the party molested or drawn so in question before the said Barons, in case he shall not prove the suggestion of his said Complaint, The said Barons, in such special case, also may proceed to do therein, for In­dempnifying the said party grieved, as hereby they are Authorized to do, upon the Certifi­cate of the Iudges before mentioned.

Provided alwaies, That nothing in this Ordinance be Construed or understood to re­vive the power of the said Committees in any the former Ordinances or Acts of Parlament named, so as to enable the said Committees to intermedle in the execution of any the said Acts or Ordinances.

ORdered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published.

Henry Scobell Clerk of the Council.

London, Printed by William du-Gard and Henry Hills Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1654.

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