August .12. 1651. An Act concerning y e Militia's in y e respectiue Counties within this Com̄onwealth. vide voll. 10 th fol. 14. single sheete.
Aug 13. 1651 An Act with instructions to y e Com̄issioners of y e respective Militia's. vide voll. 10 th. fol. 16. single sheets.
AN ACT Impowering the MILITIA OF THE City of London TO RAISE HORSE.
WHereas by one Act, Entituled, An Act of the Commons assembled in Parliament, for setling the Militia of London and Liberties thereof; the persons therein named, or any nine or more of them, were constituted and appointed a Committee for the Militia of the City of London, and Liberties thereof; and on the Ninth of February, One thousand six hundred forty eight, and Twelfth of this instant August, One thousand six hundred fifty one respectively, divers other persons were added to the said Committee; Be it Enacted and Declared by this present Parliament, That the persons before [Page 1432] mentioned, or any nine or more of them, shall be, and are hereby authorized and enabled, to do and execute all and every the Powers and Authorities granted by the said Act: And by another Act, Entituled, An Act enabling the Militia of the City of London to raise Horse within the said City and Liberties, for defence of the Parliament, City of London and Liberties thereof, and the parts adjacent: And by any other former Act or Ordinance of Parliament; which said persons so Authorized as abovesaid, are hereby further Impowered, Ordered and Directed, to raise such number of Horse as the Councel of State shall appoint; and to charge upon the Citizens and other Inhabitants of the said City, such Horses, Arms and Furniture, and a Moneths pay for each Rider, as the said Committee shall think fit and appoint: And in case any of the said Citizens or other Inhabitants shall not Furnish the said Horses, Arms, Furniture, and Moneths pay as aforesaid, within the time that shall be limited them by the said Committee for that purpose; then each of them failing therein, shall forfeit, and forthwith pay for each Horse, Arms and Furniture which he shall neglect to send in, Thirty pounds; and the said Committee have hereby power to Levy, or cause the same to be Levyed by way of Distress, and sale of the Offenders Goods, and shall imploy the said Money raised thereby for the Service aforesaid, and restore the overpluss, if any be, to the respective Owners thereof; which Horses, Arms and Furniture raised according to this Act, and brought in within the time limited, are to be valued by Commissioners appointed for that purpose, and Tickets to be given to the Owners for the same, and shall be restored to the respective [Page 1433] Owners, when the intended Service is performed, or such damage as shall be sustained by not restoring, or by spoiling the said Horses, if restored, to be set and valued by the Commissioners aforesaid, shall be paid or reimbursed by appointment of Parliament, out of, or by way of Assessment or otherwise. And the said Committee are hereby also Impowered, Ordered and Directed, to do and execute all such further Acts and things, as they from time to time shall receive from this present Parliament or Councel of State. Provided, That this Act shall continue and be in force till the First day of December, One thousand six hundred fifty one, and no longer.