AN ACT For making Ships and Merchandizes Taken, or to be taken from The KING of PORTƲGAL Or any of His SUBJECTS, TO BE PRIZE.

[seal of the Commonwealth]

Die Veneris, 8 Novembr. 1650.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1650.

AN ACT For making Ships and Merchandizes Taken, or to be taken from the KING OF PORTUGAL Or any of His SUBJECTS, TO BE PRIZE.

WHereas the Parliament of England did lately send forth a Fleet to Lisbone, in pursuit of Prince Rupert and his Adherents, for Redu­cing of the Revolted Ships (part of the Navy of this Com­monwealth) which the Adherents of the said Rupert Treacherously ran away with in the year One thousand six hundred forty eight, and after many Robberies and Piracies by them [Page 1082] committed at Sea, put into the Harbor of Lis­bone, belonging to the King of Portugal, for safe­guard and protection.

And whereas upon the arrival of the Parlia­ments Fleet before Lisbone, Application was made by the General thereof to the King of Portugal, and liberty desired, That they might assail Prince Rupert, and the said Revolted Ships, in the said Port; who denyed to con­descend thereunto, and professed to maintain that Port and Territory as Neutral, and a place of Safety to both parties: Notwithstand­ing which, several Barbarous Murthers have been committed by the said Rupert and his As­sociates, upon divers of the Parliaments Fleet whom they met on the Shore in the said Har­bor, and Imprisonment enjoyned to others there, for their good affection to this State; besides divers Spoils and Horrible Offences perpetrated by the said Revolted Fleet: For all which, no Iustice hath been executed upon any the Offenders, though often Represented and Demanded of the said King and his Mini­sters, in the Name of this Commonwealth, according to the Law of Nations, to the great Loss and Damage of this Commonwealth: The Parliament thereupon finding, That (by the Law of Nations) there did justly lie Repri­sals against the King of Portugal and his Sub­jects, and their Ships and Goods, for Reco­very of the Damages sustained by this State, Did impower the Councel of State to Grant Letters of Reprisal against the Portugals, and their Ships and Goods, on behalf of this Com­monwealth; By vertue whereof divers Ships have since been taken, having Goods therein [Page 1083] belonging to Portugals: Be it therefore En­acted and Ordained by this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That all Ships, Vessels, Tackle, Ordnance, Ammu­nition, Wares, Merchandizes or Goods what­soever, belonging to the King of Portugal or any of his Subjects, which are or shall be seized, surprised or taken by all or any part of the Fleet or Ships in the Service or Pay of the Commonwealth, or by vertue of Reprisals granted against the said Portugals, shall be pro­ceeded against according to the course of Iu­stice, in the Admiralty Court, and brought to Tryal and Iudgement there: And the Iudges of that Court shall be, and are hereby Enabled to take full Cognizance thereof, and of all the Dependances thereupon, and of all the Cocquets, Books, Bills of Lading, Com­missions, Letters and Writings found aboard such Ships and Vessels; and upon due Exami­nation and Proof to be made or exhibited before them (a [...]ording to the course used touching Prizes) That the said Ships and Goods are of the Portugals, or do belong to, or Consigned for the Accompt of the said King of Portugal or his Subjects, or any of them; and upon observa­tion of what is Required by the Law of Na­tions therein, to proceed to Sentence and Ad­judication, and Condemn the same to be good and lawful Prize, and shall be disposed of as in and by this Act is hereafter limited and ap­pointed.

And whereas many Merchants and other persons have had their Goods and Effects seized upon, and divers have been Imprisoned by the King of Portugal and his Ministers, [Page 1084] for their Duty and Faithfulness to this Com­monwealth; The Parliament taking the same likewise into Consideration, do think fit, That some Reparation be made unto them for such their Losses and Sufferings, and do further Enact and Ordain, That the neat Proceed of all the Portugal Ships and Goods, that are or shall be seized and adjudged in pursuance of the said Reprisals, and of this Act (after all incident Charges of Condemnation, Taking up, and Sale of the said Prizes, together with the Tenths, and Salary of the Collectors for Prize Goods, which from henceforth is to be onely Three pence in the pound, are deducted) shall be divided into six equal parts, Three six parts thereof to the Vse of the Commonwealth, towards Satisfaction of their great Charges and Damages sustained as aforesaid, to be imployed for the Vse of the Navy; One other sixt part to the Vse of the Marriners, who have been or shall be imployed in the taking of any of the said Reprisal Ships [...]r Goods (where no Imbezlement hath or shall be made) and the two remaining Sixt parts to be di­stributed to, and amongst such faithful and well-affected People of this Commonwealth, whose Goods and Effects have been so unduly seized, or their persons Imprisoned for their Duty and Faithfulness to this Commonwealth; which distribution shall be made and proportion­ed (as to the parts thereof) in such sort as the Councel of State shall think meet.

Provided always, That no proportion at all shall be allotted, nor distribution made to any other person, but to such onely as shall sufficiently appear to the Councel of State to [Page 1085] have faithfully adhered to the Parliament, and to have been, and so still to continue well-affected to this Commonwealth; and who shall likewise make it appear by Proof, That they had really and bona Fide Goods and Effects which have been seized upon by that King or his Ministers, or their persons Imprisoned since the coming of the Parliament Fleet, and riding before Lisbone in pursuit of the said Re­volters.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

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