[seal of the Commonwealth]

AN ACT Concerning Mortgages, Extents, &c.

BE it Enacted and Or­dained by this present Parliament, and by Authority of the same, That all such persons as have since the twen­tieth day of May, One thousand six hundred forty two, entred upon, or shall hereafter enter upon, or possess the Estate of any Delinquent, by vertue of any Ex­tent, [Page 964] Mortgage, Iudgement, Forfeiture or other­wise, for which as yet no Composition hath been made, Do pay into the Treasury at Goldsmiths-Hall, such Sum and Sums of Money as the said Delinquent should or ought to have paid for his Composition, according to the respective Rules and Proportions prescribed, and appointed by Authority of Parliament, for so much of every such Delinquents Estate as every such person hath so entred upon and possessed, or shall here­after enter upon or possess; consideration being therein had to all such just Debts as are or may be Legally charged upon the said Estate, and which the Parliament have Declared shall be allowed, and not otherwise; and upon payment of the said Composition, every person so paying as aforesaid, is hereby authorized and enabled to enjoy the said Estate, as well till the said Fine, as his own just Debt owing him by such Delin­quent as aforesaid, be fully satisfied: And in case any person having such Extent, or being so possessed of any Delinquents Estate, shall not before the Thirtieth day of August, One thou­sand six hundred and fifty, deliver in a true par­ticular thereof to the Commissioners at Gold­smiths-Hall, and pay in and secure the Fine and Composition, according to the Rules set and ap­pointed, that then the same estate shal be forthwith seized, and Sequestred to the Vse of the Com­monwealth; and the Rents, Issues and Profits thereof paid into the Treasury at Goldsmiths-Hall, for the Vse of the Commonwealth, Not­withstanding any Extent, Seizure or Entry made or had thereupon: And the said Commis­sioners have the same Authority hereby given them, To proceed to Sequester all such Estates [Page 965] as aforesaid, and to use such means for disco­very thereof, and bringing in of the Rents and Profits arising out of the same, as by any Act, Ordinance or Order of Parliament they are enabled to do in other cases.

Die Jovis, Primo Augusti, 1650.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

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