An Act for disinabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporall Jurisdiction or Authoritie:
WHereas Bishops and other persons in holy Orders ought not to be intangled with secular Jurisdiction (the Office of the Ministerie being of such great Importance, that it will take up the whole Man) And for that it is found by long experience, that there intermedling with secular Iurisdictions, hath occasioned great mischiefs and scandall both to Church, and State; his Majestie, out of his Religious care of the Church and Souls of his people, is graciously pleased that it be Enacted, And by Authoritie of this present Parliament be it Enacted, [Page] That no Archbishop or Bishop or other person that now is, or hereafter shall be in holy Orders, shall at any time, after the fifteenth day of February, in the yeer of our Lord, one thousand six hundred fortie one, have any Seat or Place, Suffrage or Voice, or use or execute any power or authority in the Parliaments of this Realm, nor shall be of the Privie Councell of his Mafestie, his heirs or Successors, or Justice of the Peace of Dyer and Termiuer, or Goal-dcivery, or execute any Temporall authority by vertue of any Commission, But shall be wholly disabled, and be uncapable to have, receive, use, or orecute any of the said Offices, Places, Powers, Authorities and things aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Acts from and after the said fifteenth day of February, which shall be done or executed by any Archbishop or Bishop or other person whatsoever in holy Orders, and all and every Suffrage or Voyce given or delivered by them or any of them, or other thing done by them or any of them contrary to the Purport and true meaning of this present Act, shall be utterly boid to all intents, constructions and purposes.
An Act for the better raising and leavying of Souldiers for the present defence of the Kingdoms of ENGLAND and IRELAND.
FOrasinuch as great Commotions and Revellions have been lately raised and stirred up in his Majesties Kingdom of Ireland by the wicked plots and Conspiracies of divers of his Majesties Subjects there (being Traiterously affected) to the great endangering, not onely of the said Kingdom, but also of this Kingdom of England, unlesse a speedy course be taken for the preventing thereof, and for the raising and pressing of Men for those Services; And whereas by the Laws of this Realm, none of his Majesties Subjects ought to be impressed, or compelled to go out of his County to serve as a Souldier in the wars, except in case of necessity, of the sudden coming in of strange Enemies [Page] into the Kingdom, or except they be otherwise bound by the Tenure of their Lands or Possessions: Therefore in respect of the great and urgent necessity of providing a present supplie of men for the preventing of these great and imminent dangers, and for the speedy suppressing of the said hainous and dangerous Rebellions;
Be it Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament, That the Iustices of the Peace of every County and Riding within this Realm, or any three, or more of them, as also the Major or other head Officer or Officers of every Citie or Town Corporate within this Realm, having Iustices of the Peace, together with any two or more Iustices of the Peace of the same Citie or Town Corporate respectively, or in default of such Iustices, then with two or more Iustices of the Peace of the Countie wherein the said City or Town is, shall and may at any time or times, between the first of December, one thousand six hundred fourty and one, and the first of November which shall be in the yeer of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fourty two, within their severall limits and jurisdictions, Raise, Levie, and Impresse so many men for Souldiers, Gunners, and Chirurgions, as shall be appointed by Order of the Kings Majestie, his heirs, or Successors, and both houses of Parliament, for the said services; and to command all and every the high Constables, other Constables, and inferiour Officers, of, and within every such County, Riding, City, or Town Corporate or the Liberties thereof respectively, by warrant under the hands & Seals of such Iustices of the Peace, Major or other head Officer, or Officers as are authorized by this Act, as aforesaid, to bring before them any such person or persons as shall be fit and necessary for [Page] the said services; which said persons so to be Imprested as aforesaid, and every of them shall have such Imprest money, and such allowance for Coat and Conduct, unto the place of their Rendevous, as likewise such wages, and entertainment from the time of their first entring into Pay, during their continuance in the said Services, and such other necessary charges and allowances shall be made touching the said Presse, the said Money, and other charges and allowances to be paid by such persons, and in such manner, as by Order of his Majestie, his heirs and Successours, and of both houses of Parliament, shall be appointed: And if any person or persons shall wilfully refuse to be Imprested for the said Services; That then it shall and may be lawfull, to and for the said persons so authorized as aforesaid, to the said Presse, to commit such offender to prison, there to remain without Bail or Mainprise, by the space of six moneths, and untill he shall pay the sum of ten pounds to the Treasurers for the maimed Souldiers of the same County, City, or Town corporate where any such Treasurers are, to be imployed for and towards the relief and maintenance of such Souldiers, Gunners, and Chirurgions as shall happen to be maimed in the said Services, or if none such shall happen to be, then for the relief of other the maimed Souldiers of the said County, City, or Town corporate respectively, and in default of paiment of the said sum, then the said person offending, to remain in prison by the space of one whole yeer, over and above the said six moneths, without Bail, or Mainprize.
Provided alwayes, That this Act shall not extend to the Pressing of any Clergie-man, or any Schollers, or Students, or priviledged persons of either of [Page] the Universities, Innes of Court, or Chaneery, or any of the Trained Bands of this Realm, or to the Pressing of any other person who was Rated towards the paiment of the last Subsidies, or that shall be Rated or taxed towards the paiment of any Subsidies hereafter to be granted, before the time of such Impresting, or to the eldest son of any person, who is, or shall be, before the time of such Impresting, rated in the Subsidie Book at three pound Lands, or five pound Goods, or to any person of the rank or degree of an Esquire, or upwards, or to the son of any such person of the said rank or degree, or of the widow of any such person, or to any person under the age of eighteen, or above the age of threescore yeers, or to any Marriners, Sea-men, or Fishermen.
Provided also, And be it Enacted, That no Money or other reward shall be taken, or other corrupt practice used, in, or for the Pressing, Changing or releasing of any person Imprested, or to be Imprested by force of this Act, by any person hereby authorized in that behalf, or their Agents, under pain of forfeiture of twenty pounds by every person so offending, for every such offence to be payed, and imployed to the Treasurers of the maimed Souldiers in manner and to the uses aforesaid.
Provided also, and be it Enacted, That this present Act shall not extend to the Impresting of any of the meaniall Servants of the Members or Assistants or Officers of the Lords house of Parliament, or to the meaniall Servants of the Members or Officers of the house of Commons, or of any of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Wight, or of the Isle of Anglisey, or of any of the Cinqueports or Members thereof.