THE VOTES OF THE HOUSE, Or the dayly Proceedings in PARLIAMENT Since the coming in of the secluded Members the 21 of February 1659, untill the dis­solution of the Parliament March 16 1659.

Published according to Order.

LONDON Printed by IOHN REDMAYNE in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-row 1659.

Numb. 1. A PERFECT DIURNAL Of every dayes Proceedings in PARLIAMENT
Tuesday 21. Feb.


THat the Resolutions of this House of the 18. Decemb. 1648. that Liberty be given to the members of this House to declare their dissent to the Vote of the 5 Decemb. 1648. that the King's Answer to the Propositions of both Houses was a ground for this House to pro­ceed upon for the settlement of the peace of the Kingdome be vacuated and made null and void.

Resolved, that the resolutions of this House of of the 20. Decemb. 1648. touching members de­claring their dissent or disapproval of the said Vote [Page 2]of the 5. of Decemb. 1648. to a Committee therein named, and every clause of the said Order be va­cuated and made null and void.

Resolved that the Order of the 23. Feb. 1648. that no Member that hath not sitten in this House since the 31. of Ian. then last, should sit in any Com­mittee until this House take further order, be va­cuated and made null and void.

Resolved that the Votes of the 9. of Iune 1649. touching suspending the sitting of such members as shall enter their dissent or disapproval of the said Vote of the 5. of Decemb. 1648. and should not be­fore the 30, of the said Moneth of Iune give satisfa­ction to the said Committee; and that the House would proceed to the Election of new Members in their room, be vacuated and made null and void.

Resolved that all Orders of this House made upon a Paper intituled A solemn Protestation of the Imprisoned and secluded Members of the Commons House, against the horrid force and violence of the Officers and Souldiers of the Army on Wednesday and Thursday last being the sixth and seventh of December 1648. be and are hereby vacated and made null and void, and the said Paper be taken off the File.

Resolved that the Resolutions of Parliament of the 5. of Ian. 1639. for confirming the former [Page 3]Votes be likewise Vacated and made null and voyd.

Resolved that all Votes of this House touching New Elections of Members to sit and serve in this Parliament, be and are hereby Vacated, and that Mr. Speaker be and is required not to signe any such Orders.

Ordered that it be referred to a Committee to expunge and obliterate the Votes and Resolutions of this House this day Vacated; and also to consi­der what other Votes there are of this nature. and report their opinion to the Parliament, which of them they conceive fit to be Vacated, who are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber at two of the clock this afternoon.

Resolved that General GEORGE MONCK be constituted and appointed Capt. Gen. and Commander in Chief under the Parliament of all the Forces of England, Scotland and Ireland.

Resolved that Vice Admiral Lawson be and is hereby continued Vice Admirall of the Navall Forces.

An Act constituting Commissioners for the go­vernment of the Army was read.

Resolved that all the powers granted unto Ge­neral George Monck, Sir Arthur Hasilrig, Col. Walton, Col. Morlcy and Col. Matthew Allured by the said Act appointing Commissioners for go­vernment [Page 4]of the Army, doe cease; and that the said Commissioners be required to forbear nor Proceed to Act any further thereupon; and that Col. Norley doe give them notice of the said Votes to the rest of the said Commissioners.

Resolved that an Act of Repeal of the said Act appointing Commissioners for the government of the Army be brought in by a Committee.

Resolved that Sir Robert Pye, Major Fincher, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Bludworth, Major Chamberlain, Col. Bromfield, Mr. Iackson, and Mr. Thomas Brown and Major Cox be discharged of their Impri­sonment in the Tower of London.

Resolved that Mr. Rolles be discharged of his imprisonment upon giving security to the Lieute­nant of the Tower not to disturb the peace of the Commonwealth.

Ordered, that the Lieutenant of the Tower doe give an account to the Parliament to morrow morning of the cause of the imprisonment of Sir George Booth and Major Peter Brook.

Ordered, that all such Orders as have been made since Saturday last by the Council of State, or Commissioners of the Army concer­ning the Forces and Garrisons, be commu­nicated to Generall George Monck, and that [Page 5]there be no proceedings upon any of the said Or­ders without the approbation of the said Generall George Monck.

Resolved, that all powers given to the Coun­cil of State, be and are hereby suspended untill the Parliament take further order; and that an Act be brought in for constituting a new Council of State this afternoon, and that Mr Weaver do give notice of this order to the Council of State, and leave the order with the Clerk of the Council.


Resolved, that the Order of Parliament of the 9 of this instant February, that the present Common Council for the City of London, Elected for this yeer be discontinued, and declared null and voyd, shall be & is hereby vacated and made null & voyd.

Resolved, that the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of London, have li­berty to make up their Gates, Posts, Percullices and Chains, as they shall see cause.

Ordered, that St Gilbert Gerrard, Mr Vassells and Alderman Atkins do deliver these Votes to the Lord Mayor and Common Council of the City of London.

Ordered, that a Committee do withdraw and bring in an Act for repealing the Act constituting [Page 6]Commissioners for the Government of the Army.

Mr Weaver acquaints the House that he had gi­ven notice to the Council of State of the Order of this House for suspending the Council of State ac­cording to the command of the Parliament, and that ready obedience will be yielded thereunto.

The Bill appointing and constituting a Council of State was this day read the first and second time, and Committed.

Resolved, that the number of the Council of State be one and thirty, and that General George Monck be one of the Council of State, and that the respective Members of Parliament do to morrow morning give in names to make up the thirty per­sons more to be of the Council of State, and that they be chosen by the Glasses as formerly was accu­stomed to morrow morning, and that a Commit­tee be appointed to meet this afternoon to consider of instructions for the Council of State.

Ordered, that Mr Peter Brook do attend the Par­liament to morrow morning.

Ordered, that Mr Speaker do write Let ters to he Sheriffs of the respective Counties to summon [Page 7]the respective Members of Parliament to attend the service of the Parliament, and sign the same.

Ordered, that the Order concerning the impri­sonment of any of the Members of the Common Council be discharged.

Ordered that Mr Chester High Sheriff of Buck­inghamshire be discharged of his imprisonment, also that Henry Brook be likewise discharged of his im­prisonment.

Ordered, that Generall George Monck be desired to take care that the Post have free passage for this night, and that Sr Iohn Temple do acquaint him with this Order.

Ordered, that Sr Iohn Norcott, Sr Richard Temple, Mr Courtney, Sr Copleston Bampfield be discharged of their imprisonment.

Ordered, that the keeper of the Castle of Wind­sor doe forthwith certifie to the Parliament the causes of the imprisonment of the Earles of Craw­sord and Lawtherdale, and the Lord St Clare now in prison there.

Resolved, that the Apprentices of London now in prisonin Lambeth-House be discharged of their imprisonment.

This Evening was ended with abundance of Bone­fires, Ringing of Bells, acclamations of joy throughout the whole City of London.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

Numb. 2 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The dayly Proceedings IN PARLIAMENT.
Wednesday 22. Feb.

Mr. Prin Reports what Votes are fitting to be expun­ged out of the Iournall Book.

Ordered that the entry of dis­sents by Members of Parliament to the Vote of the 5. of December 1648. be discharged, and made null and voyd, and to be expun­ged out of the Journalls of Par­liament.

A Proclamation dated 3. Iune 1659. against Major General Brown, and others, to render themselves to the Council of State was read.

Resolved that Major General Brown be admitted to come and take his place in Parliament.

Ordered that the order for the said Proclamation against Major General Brown and some others: [Page 11]and the said Proclamation, as to Maj. Gen. Brown, be, and is hereby vacuated & made null & voyd, the Members of the Council of State having declared that no­thing appeareth charged against the said Major General Brown.

Coll. Morley Reports the Warrant by which Sir George Booth was committed to the Tower, which was read.

Resolved that Sir George Booth be discharged of his imprison­ment in the Tower, upon giving 5000 l. Bayl to answer any thing that shall be objected against him, and that the Lieutenant of the Tower do take Bayl of him ac­cordingly.

Resolved that the Sequestra­tion of the Estate of Sir George Booth be suspended, untill the Parliament take further order, and that the Commissioners for Sequestrations, and all other per­sons whom it doth or may con­cern, are required to forbear, fur­ther to proceed upon the said se­questration.

A bill for the continuance of the Customes and Excise, from the last day of Feb. 1659. untill the [...] day of [...] was this day read the second time, and committed to a Committee, who are to meet this afternoon at two of the clock in the Court of VVards, [Page 13]and ordered that it be brought in to mor­row morning.

Resolved that a new Parliament be summoned to appeare the 25 day of April 1660. and that the Lords Commissioners for the great Seal do issue forth Writs for Elections of Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and Barons of the Cinque­ports, with the Members thereof, and the Town of Barwick upon Tweed, to sit and serve in Parliament returnable the said 25 day of April 1660.

Ordered that it be referred to a Com­mittee to prepare qualifications. for Members to sit and serve in Parliament, who are to meet this afternoon in the In­ner Court of Wards, and bring in the qualifications on Friday next, the first bu­sinesse, nothing to intervene.

Resolved that the names of the She­riffs be presented to the Parliament for their Consideration, the first business to [Page 14]morrow morning nothing to intervene.

Resolved that Mr. Faunt Sheriffe of the County of Leicester, be and is hereby discharged from his Imprisonment.

Sr. Gilbert Gerard reports, that he ac­quainted the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London with the Resolves of the Par­liament made yesterday according to the command of the Parliament, & that they returned their humble thanks to the Parliament for their respects to the City.

Resolved that the Knights and Bur­gesses of every County be added to the Committee for nominating Iustices of Peace.

Ordered that Mr. Swen & Coll. Iohn Birch be added to the Committee of the Army.

Ordered that a Committee be ap­pointed to go to the Lord Mayor, Alder­men and Common Councill of the City of London to confer with them about the advance of such sums of moneys, as they [Page 15]conceive necessary upon security of the Assessements for the Army: for the pre­sent supply of the Army and Navy.

Resolved, that the City be desired to advance money, and that the Assessement be security for repayment of the said money.

Ordered, that Letters be written and signed by Mr. Speaker to the Commissio­ners of the Assessement for the Army in the City of London, and to the Com­missioners for the respective Counties to quicken the paying in of the Assessement.

Ordered, that a Committee be ap­pointed to bring in an Act for repealing the Act appointing the forme of a writ for Members to sit and serve in Parliament.

Resolved, that the Gates, Percullyces and Posts of the City of London be made up at the publick charge of the State.

Ordered, that the House do proceed to morrow morning at ten of the clock [Page 16]to the Election of the Councill of State, and that the Members of this House doe prepare their names accordingly.

Ordered, that Mr. Serjeant Maynard do bring in an Act for repeal of the Act, con­stituting Commissioners for management of the Army.

Ordered, that Mr. Wheeler doe bring in a Commission to constitute Generall George Monck Capt. Generall under the Parliament of all the Land Forces in En­gland, Scotland and Ireland

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 3. A PERFECT DIURNAL Of every dayes Proceedings in PARLIAMET.
Thursday, 23 Febr. 1659.


THat Sir William Man, Sir John Boys, Mr, Sumner, now Prisoners in Dover Castle; and all other persons who stand committed onely for tendering an Address or Declaration for a Free Parliament, be discharged of their Im­prisonment: And that all Warrants for appre­hending persons for making any such Declarations or Addresses, be null and vacated.

Resolved, That no private business be admit­ted during the sitting of this Parliament.

That an Act be brought in, for repealing of the [Page 18]Acts for setling the Militiaes in the several Counties, Cities and Boroughes of this Common­wealth.

Resolved upon the Question by the Parlament, That all the Militiaes in the respective Counties, and the Powers given to them, be and are hereby revoked, and that the Le­vying of any Men, Moneys, Hor­ses or Armes be forborn: And this Vote be forthwith Printed and Published, and sent down into the respective Counties, Cities and Bo­roughs: And that the respective Members of the several Counties do send them into the several [Page 19]Counties by the Post this night.

That a Committee be appoint­ed to bring in an Act for setling the Militiaes in the several Coun­ties.

Ordered, That the Vote con­stituting. Mr. Scot Secretary of State, be repealed, and is hereby vacated and made void.

A Draught of a Letter to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and sent to the Commissioners for the As­sessments to expedite the bringing in of the Assessments, was read and approved, and it is Ordered, that Mr. Speaker sign the same.

Several Aldermen and Common Council-men of the City of London attended the Parliament; and being called in Alderman Fowke delivered himself in a Speech to them; wherein he congra­tulated them in reference to their happy U nion, and the return of the Members to the discharge of their Trust; And having insisted upon some other things, he came to desire them that the Mi­litia of the City might be setled, and presented them with the Names of the Commissioners of the Militia, the List whereof followeth:

The Names of the Commissioners for the Militia of the City of London.
  • The Lord Major, Thomas Alleyn.
  • The Sheriffs for the Time being.
  • Alderman Atkins
  • Alderman Foote
  • Alderman Fowke
  • Alderman Viner
  • Alderman Thompson
  • Alderman Robinson
  • [Page 21]Alderman Bateman
  • Alderman Lawrence
  • Alderman King
  • Alderman Bolton
  • Alderman Wale
  • Col Bromfeild Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Richard Ford Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Major Chamberlaine Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • William Bateman, Esq; Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • John Jolley, Esq; Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Major Jo. Taylor Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Deputy Antrobus Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Deputy Staines Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Mr. John Wynne Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Theoph. Biddulph Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Capt. Storie Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Capt. Johnson Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Mr Sanders Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Tho. Bludworth Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Maximill. Beard Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Major Cox Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Major Eardly Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • [Page 22]Deputy Lenthall, Gower, Esq; Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Peter Mills Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Nicholas Penning Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • Capt. Cleggat Common-Coun­cil-men.
  • William Vincent, Esq; Common-Coun­cil-men.

The Aldermen and Common Coun­cilmen being again called in, The Speaker returned them the hearty thanks of the House, and told them that they had approved of their Com­missioners for the Militia.

Resolved upon the Question by the Parlament, That Tuesday next be set apart for a Day of Thanksgi­ving to the Lord, to be observed by the Parliament in Margrets [Page 23]Church Westminster, for the hap­py Union of the Parlament, and the Returne of the Members of Parlament to the Discharge of their Trust.

Ordered by the Parlament, That Mr. Calamy be desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanks­giving at Margarets Church West­minster, before the Parlament on Tuesday next. And Mr. Annesly is desired to give Mr. Calamy notice hereof.

The House proceeded to the Nomination of a Council of State, which are as followeth.

The Names of the Council of State.
  • Gen. George Monck.
  • Lord St. John.
  • Mr. Pierrepoint.
  • Sir William Lewis.
  • Mr. Crew.
  • Col. Rossiter.
  • Mr. Knightley.
  • Col. Popham.
  • Col. Morley.
  • Sir Gilbert Gerard.
  • Sir Anth. Ashley-Coop.
  • Lord Widdrington.
  • Mr. Evelyn of Wilts.
  • Gen. Montague.
  • Sir John Temple.
  • Col. Waeley.
  • Lord Fairfax.
  • Col. Norton.
  • Sir John Holland.
  • Mr. Annesley.
  • Col. Thompson.
  • Mr. Hollis.
  • Mr. Trever.
  • Sir Harebotle Grimston.
  • Sir John Potts.
  • Sir William Waller.
  • Col. Birch.
  • Mr. Weaver.
  • Mr. Swinfen.
  • Mr. Serjeant Maynard.
  • Sir Richard Anslow.

LONDON, Printed by D. Maxwel, in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle.

Numb. 4 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The dayly Proceedings IN PARLIAMENT
Friday 24. Feb.

Courteous Reader,

YOu are desired to take notice, that yester­day being the 24. Feb. there was a Printed Pamphlet in imitation of this Book, as if done by the same hand: and that it is both false in it self, and the Title forged to deceive: Therefore the continuation of this which is the Extracts from the Original, you are constantly to expect from the Printer hereof.

Ordered, that Mr. Manton be desired to be assi­sting, in carrying on the work of publick thanks­giving before the Parliament, on Tuesday next at Margarets Church Westminster, for the union of the Parliament, and restoring the Members hereof to the discharge of their trust, and that Coll. Leigh do give him notice accordingly.

A Bill Constituting George Monck Esquire, to be Captain Generall and Commander in chief of all the land Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, was this day read the first and second time, and up­on the Question committed unto a Committe, who are to meet this afternoon at two of the clock in the Speakers Chamber, with power to send for persons papers, and what otherwise may be of con­cernment to that businesse.

Resolved that Coll. Hutchinson be discharged from being Sheriff of the County of Nottingham, and that Iohn Rayner Esq; be Sheriff of that Coun­ty according to former order.

Resolved that Coll. Crook be discharged from being Sheriff for the County of Oxford.

Resolved that the Sheriffs appointed for the County of York do stand.

Resolved that Edward Williams Esq; be and is nominated and apppointed Sheriff for the County of Breeknock.

Resolved that the Sheriffs for the last year, not otherwise altered by the Parlia­ment this day, doe continue Sheriffs, un­til the Parliament take further order.

The Amendments to the Bill for conti­nuing the Customes & Excise, was twice read and agreed unto.

Resolved, that Nathaniel Manton be and is hereby constituted and appointed one of the Commissioners for Excise in the place of Mr. Bulstrod, and that Mr. Bulstrod be and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner for the Excise.

Resolved that Capt. Stone, be and is hereby constituted and appointed one of the Commissioners for appeals in the place of Capt. Adam Baynes, and that Capt. Adam Baynes be and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner for appeals.

Resolved, that Mr. Scowen be and is hereby constituted one of the Commis­sioners [Page 28]for appeals, in the place of Luke Robinson Esq; and that the same Mr. Luke Robinson be & is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner of appeals.

Resolved, that Iervace Bennet Esq; be and is here­by constituted one of the Commissioners for Ap­peals in the place of Dr. VVilliam Barker, and that Dr. VVilliam Barker be and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner of Appeals.

Resolved, that the Commissioners, Collectors and Governours of the Excise and Customes in Ireland shall continue untill the 24. of Iune 1660.

Resolved, that the Bill for the conti­nuing of the Customes and Excise be en­grossed and brought in the first business, nothing to intervene.

Resolved, that the Assessement for the Army shall be the security to be given to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen & Common-Council of the City of London, for the moneys which shall be advanced by them for the use of the Army and Navy.

Resolved, that an Act be brought in for settlement of the Assessements for the Ar­my, as their security accordingly.

Resolved, that the Quorum of the Commissioners for the Militia of the City of London be nine.

Resolved, that Alderman Viner, and Alderman Robinson be nominated Trea­surers in the said Act, for receipt of the said moneys, to repay the said moneys to be advanced as aforesaid.

The Committee for Qualifications of Members to be Elected to sit and serve in Parliament made their Report.

Resolved, that the Debate upon the said Qualifications be taken into con­sideration, on Munday morning next.

The House adjourned untill three of the clock.

Friday 24. Feb. Afternoon.

A Bill for holding an Assize for the County of Lancaster, was this day read the first and second time, and committed.

Resolved that Mr. Molineux be Sheriff for the County of Lan­caster.

Ordered that it be referred to a Committee to consider of the Chamberlain of Northwales, and of the Seal there, and report their opinion herein to the Parlia­ment.

The Bill for repealing an Act constituting Commissioners for [Page 31]government of the Army, was this day read the first, second, and third time, and upon the Questi­on passed.

Resolved that this be the Ti­tle to this Act, viz. An Act making voyd the Acts appointing Commissioners for government of the Army, and for making Charles Flectwood Esquire Commander in chief of the Land Forces.

Ordered that this Act be forthwith printed and publish­ed.

The House likewise read the Bill for constituting a Council of State, and ordered the said Bill to be engrossed.

Resolved that a Bill be brought in on Munday next for the dis­solving of the Parliament, and that a Committee do prepare and bring in the said Bill according­ly.

Resolved that the Bill consti­tuting George Monck Esquire Capt Generall, and Commander in chief of all the I and Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland be engrossed.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1650.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 5 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The dayly Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Saturday 25. Feb.

A Bill engrossed for constitu­ting George Monck Esq; Capt. Generall and Com­mander in Chief under the Par­liament, of all the Land Forces in [Page 34] England, Scotland, and Ireland, was this day read the third time.

Resolved, That this be the Ti­tle of this Act, Viz. An Act consti­tuting George Monck Esq; Capt. General and Commander in Chief under the Parliament of all the Land Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the said Act being put to the question, passed.

Ordered, that Sr William Wheeler, Sr Iohn Temple and Mr. Raleigh do carry this Commission to his Excellency Generall George Monck.

A Bill for settling the Honnors and Mannors of Hampton Court, and other Lands upon Generall George Monck and his heirs, which was this day read the first time.

Ordered, that this Bill be read the se­cond time on Munday morning the first businesse.

A Bill engrossed constituting a Coun­cil of State, and Instructions given to the said Council was this day read the third time.

Resolved, that this be the Title of this Act, viz. An Act for constituting a Council of State, and the said Act being put to the question passed.

Resolved, that William Love Alderman and Sheriff of London, upon his own de­sire and request, be and is hereby dischar­ged from being one of the Commissioners of the Customes, and that Edward Wigate Esquire, be and is hereby constituted one of the Commissioners for the Customes in the place of the said William Love.

A Bill engrossed for continuance of the Customes was this day read the third time.

Resolved that Col. Iohn White be dis­charged from being a Commissioner for the Customes, and that Mr. Swinfin be and is hereby constituted a Commissioner in the place of the said Iohn White.

Resolved that Mr. Harrington be and is hereby discharged from being one of the Commissioners for the Customes, & that Mr. Samuel Vassalls be & is hereby constitu­ted one of the Commissioners for the Cu­stomes in the place of the said Mr. Har­rington.

And the said Bill so amended being put to the question passed.

Ordered, that this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Resolved that all the Circuits for the Lent Assises, for the severall Counties of this Commonwealth, be and are hereby put off.

Ordered that Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, and Goal delivery, do is­sue under the great Seal to the Iustices of peace in the respective Counties of this Commonwealth, and that the Lords Commissioners for the great Seal do issue forth Commissions accordingly.

The House read the Humble Petition of the poor maymed Soldiers, Widdows and Orphans at Ely House and the Sa­voy.

Ordered, that this Petition be referred to a Committee to examine the businesse, and to consider how the case stands, with the Petitioners, and how the two thou­sand pound formerly granted unto them, and their Pentions for the future may be paid and satisfied, and report their opi­nion to the Parliament on Munday mor­ning.

Ordered, that a Committee do pre­pare [Page 38]a Proclamation declaring the grounds and reasons for putting off the Circuits for this time.

Ordered, that it be referred to the Council of State to give directions that the streets before Whitehall be repaired, and that they see that the Surveyors be paid, and satisfie the disbursment for re­pair thereof.

Ordered, that Peter Brook, Col. Hol­land, Henry Brooker and Col. Charles White, be discharged of their imprisonment, and that the sequestrations of their Estates be suspended, and that the Commissioners for sequestration be and are hereby required to forbear any further procee­dings touching the sequestration of the Estates of them, or any of them.

A Pardon for Iames Pyper, Samuel Eden, Richard Iackman, Winifrid Iones Wife of Edward Iones, Wil­liam Love, Henry Warner, Iane Odford, Will. Auck­land, [Page 39]William Hele, Iohn Christopher, Agnes Hake­wood, Iohn Norris, Samuel Warren, otherwise Pul­ling, Ioane Skinner Wife of William Skinner, Iohn Brodrip, Henry Sanson, otherwise Chippet, Gregory Sanson, Iohn Hunt, Richard Green, Nicholas Watts and Iohn Watts; and the Iudges Certificate of the Crimes of which they were convicted were read, and the said Pardon upon the Question agreed unto.

And it is Ordered, That the Lords Commissio­ners for custody of the Great Seal, do passe the said Pardon for them, and every of them, under the Great Seal of England.

Ordered, That the Sheriffs and Iustices of Peace for the respectiue Counties, wherein the said Wini­frid Iones, William Love, Iohn Christopher, Iohn Brodrip, Henry Sanson, otherwise Chippet, Gregory Sanson, otherwise Chippet, Iohn Hunt, Rich. Green, Nicholas Watts and Iohn VVatts, do send the fore­persons into Foreign Parts or Plantations, according to the Iudges Certificate.

Ordered, That Iustice Newdigate do give order for the execution of Edward Weeks convict for Ro­bery according to Law.

The Committee unto whom it was referred to draw up a Proclamation, declaring the grounds and reasons for putting off Circuits for this time, re­ports the draught thereof, which being read, was [Page 40]a greed unto, and Ordered to be forthwith Prin­ted and Published: which followeth.


THe Parliament, for divers weighty reasons to them appearing, do Declare and Order, That the Circuits for the holding of Assises and Trialls of Nisi Prius for the several Counties of England and Wales be not held this present Vacation of Lent, 1659. And that all persons be discharged of their atten­dance thereon: and that this Order be forthwith Printed, and sent down to the respective Sheriffs, that notice may be taken thereof.

Ordered, That the Bill for the Militia be repor­ted on Munday morning the first businesse.

Ordered, That the Committee touching Qualifi­cations be revived, and sit this afternoon, and that they consider of Qualifications, as wel as of persons that are to give Votes in Election, as of the persons to be Elected,

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 6 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Munday 27. Feb.

ORdered that the Sequestrations of the estates of Robert Pier­point be suspended, and that the Commissioners for sequestrations do for­bear to proceed therein untill further or­der, and that the said Robert Pierpoint be [Page 42]and is hereby also discharged from any imprisonment or restraint.

Ordered, that Earnestus Biron and Mr. Malcome Smith prisoners in the gatehouse be discharged of their imprisonment, and that the Sequestration of their estates be suspended, untill the Parliament take further order.

Ordered that Will. Cork, Timothy Cork, and Michael Bret Iunior, Sir Thomas Mid­dleton, and Thomas Middleton his son, and the other persons who were taken upon surrender of Chirk Castle, have their li­berty, and that the sequestrations of their estates be suspended, and that the Com­missioners for sequestration do forbear any further to proceed in the sequestra­tions of their said estates, untill the Par­liament take further order.

Resolved, that the Votes of the 17. of Septemb. 1659. touching the dissolving and disincorporating of the City of Che­ster, [Page 43]and for making voyd their Charter, and that the County Palatine of Chester be no distinct Iurisdiction, be vacuated and made null and voyd.

Ordered that the sequestrations of the estates of Mr. Thomas Fanshaw and Sir Thomas Leventhorp be suspended untill the Parliament take further order.

Resolved that William Lenthal Speaker of the Parliament, be and is hereby con­stituted Chamberlain of Chester, and Chanceller of the County Palatine of Lancaster.

Resolved, that an Act be brought in for reviving the jurisdiction of Chester and Lancaster, and that a Committee do bring in the said Act accordingly.

Ordered that the Lord Kilmurry and his brother Mr. Thomas Needham Mr. Sper­ten and Mr. Reinald Lacy be discharged of their imprisonment, and that the seque­stration of their estates be suspended un­till [Page 44]further order, and that it be referred to a Committee to consider who are in prison and upon what account, and who are fit to be discharged of their imprison­ment, and the sequestration of their e­states to be suspended, who are to meet this afternoon in the inner Court of Wards, and to report their opinion forth­with to the Parliament.

A Report of an Oath to be taken by the Officers attending the Council of State, which was read.

Resolved, that the Parliament doth approve of the said Oath, and that the Council of State, or any three of them, be and are hereby impowred and autho­rized to administer the said Oath to the respective officers and ministers appoint­ed to attend the Council of State accor­dingly.

A Report was also made from the Councill of State of a Proclamation, which was this day read the first and second time and agreed unto, which followeth.

By the Parliament.

The Parliament being desirous that good order and discipline may be still continued in the Army, to the end that the soldiers thereof may not any wise be an oppression to the Country, and where as divers Officers of the Army whose Regiments Troops and Companies are quartered in severall Counties of this Nation, do still continue hereabout the Town, & absent from their respective charges; doth therefore hereby require all such Officers of the Army forthwith to repaire to their respective charges, and not to depart from them without spe­ciall order from the Lord Generall, and in case that any of the Regiments, Troops, or Companies of the Army are removed from their quarters last as­signed them without order from the Lord Ge­nerall, the Parliament doth require such Regiments Troops & Companies to return forthwith to their said last quarters formerly assigned them, or to such other quarters as shall be assigned them by dire­ctions from the Lord Generall: and the Parliament doth further require that such Regiments Troops or Companies, as are not removed doe continue in the quarters last assigned unto them, and none of them to remove from thence without the speciall Order of the Lord Generall in that behalf.

Ordered by the Parliament that this Proclama­tion be forthwith Printed and Published,
Tho. St. Nicolas Clerk of the Parliament.

Ordered, that all Sheriffs of the respective Coun­ties within this Commonwealth, and all Mayors and other head Officers of the respective Corpora­tions and Burroughs within the same, be and are hereby required to proclaime the said Proclama­tion in their respective Counties and Burroughs,

Ordered that the Councill of State do take care, to see that this Proclamation be proclaimed, and the said Order put in Execution accordingly:

Vpon a Report from the Councill the House


That this House doth agree with the Councill of State, that liberty be given to the Councill of State, in case of speciall exigencies for the publick safety to seize and secure any person or persons, that they shall have just grounds to suspect, to carry on any designes of publick danger, though such Person or Persons be for the present Members of Parliament.

A clause ingrossed in Parliament was tendered to this Bill in these words, whether it be by pretence or colour of Authority from Charles Stewart, Son of the late King, or from any single Person whatsoever or otherwise: and the question being put that this clause be read, it passed with the Negative. And the said Act being put to the question passed.

Ordered, That Sir Iohn Temple do make Report of the state of the Navy, and that the same be taken into consideration on Wednesdry next, upon a Report of an Information given to the Council of State which was read.

The House Resolved, That Sir Iohn Seymer a Member be dis­charged of his imprisonment, and every other Member of Par­liament, restrained by Collonell Okey be discharged of their imprisonment and restraint, and that the matters in this Report concerning the Citie of Bristol, and the safetie and peace of the Nation be referred to the Council of State to do herein as they shall think fit.

Ordered, That the Information given concerning Coll Okey be re­serred to the Council of State to examine the same, and Report their Opinion therein to the Parliament.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State to dispose of the Post-Office for the best ad­vantage of the Commonwealth.

The humble Petition of VVilliam VVithering Es­quire was read.

Ordered, That the Petition of Mr. VVithering be referred to the Councill of State to examine the matters of fact, and also to hear all parties claiming interest in the said Post Office, and to examine their respective interest to the said Post Office, and to State matters of Fact, and report their opinion therein to the Parliament.

Vpon a Report from the Council of of State, the House Resolved that Iohn Thompson Esquire, be one of the Secretaries of State.

Resolved, That Iohn Thurloe Esquire be appointed another Secretary of State.

A Bill for settling the Honors and Mannors of Hampton Court, and other Lands upon his Excel­cy George Monck and his Heirs, was this day read the second time.

Resolved, That there be a full addition of Lands to the Lands mentioned in this Bill.

Resolved, That this Bill be committed upon the whole Debate with the former Vote to the former Committee.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, to whom the Bill for settling Lands on Generall George Monck is referred, to consider how the Title of the Hamper Office stands, and if they find the Title to be clere in the state, that the same be con­ferred on Dr. Clergius: But if it appears that the Ti­tle is not clear in the state, that then the said Com­mittee [Page 48]consider of some other Office to be confer­ed on the said Dr. Clergius, and report their opinion therein to the Parliament.

A Bill for dissolving this present Parliament was this day read the first time.

Resolved, That this Bill be red the second time on VVednesday morning next.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committe that brought in the Bill for dissolving the Parliament, to bring in a form of a Writt for Elections of Mem­bers to sit and serve in Parliament, and how and in what manner the new Parliament shall be summo­ned, and that they Report their opinion herein to the Parliament with all speed.

Resolved, That the House at the arising be ad­journed untill Wednesday morning next, saving power to all the Committees to sit notwithstanding the said Adjournment.

An Act for the settling the Militia's in the respe­ctive Counties of this Common wealth was this day read the first time.

Ordered, That this Bill be read the second time on Wednesday morning next, the first business nothing to interveen.

Ordered, That Iohn Vaughan Esq; be and is hereby discharged from being Sheriffe of the County of Caernavan so this next year, and that Rowland Gwinn Esq; be Sheriffe for the said County of Caernavan for this next year, and that the Lords Commissioners for the great Seal of England, doe pass a Pattent or Commission for him to be She­riff of the said County accordingly.

London, Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovets. Court in Pator-Noster-Row. 1660.

Numb. 7. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Wednesday, 29. Febr. 1659.


THat the Thanks of this House be given unto Mr. Calamy for his great pains taken yesterday in Margarets Church Westminster, in carrying on the work of Thanksgiving for the Union [Page 50]of the Parliament, and restoring the Members of Parliament to the discharge of their trust; and that he be desired to print his Sermon.


That the thanks of this House be given unto Mr. Manton for his great pains taken yesterday in car­rying on the work of thanksgiving at Margarets Church Westminster, for the union of the Parliament, and restoring the Members to the discharge of their trust, and that he be desired to print his Sermon.


That Sir Gilbert Gerard, and Colonel Lee, do give them the thanks of the House accordingly.


That it be referred to a Com­mittee, to consider of setling of Ministers, and of all matters con­cerning Religion and the Confession of Faith, and present their opinions herein to the Parliament what they think fit to be done, by Friday next, who are to meet this afternoon at two of the clock, in the Speakers chamber.

An Act for security and repay­ment of such summs of money as shall be advanced by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London, was this day read the first and second time, and committed unto a Committee, who are to meet in the Inner Court of Wards this afternoon at two of the clock.

A Bill for setling the Militia of the City of London and the Liber­ties thereof, was this day read the first and second time.


That Major General Brown be inserted into the Bill one of the Commissioners for the Militia of the City of London.


That this Bill be committed unto a Committee, who are to meet this afternoon at two of the clock in the Exchequer-chamber, and all that come to have Voices.

A Bill for setling the Militia of the several Counties of England, Wales, and of Berwick upon Twede, [Page 54]was this day read the second time, and committed to the same Com­mittee, that the Bill for the Militia of the City of London is commit­ted.


That the Report of the Qualifi­cations of Members to sit and serve in Parliament, be made to morrow morning at Ten of the Clock.

The Bill declaring this present Parliament to be dissolved, was this day read the second time.


That the Committee to whom it is referred to consider of the Form of Writs, do bring in an Act for setling the Form of Writs, and do also bring in a Clause in that Act to dissolve this present Parliament, and that they bring it in on Friday next.


That further power be given to the Committee to whom it is refer­red to consider of Matters of Re­ligion, and the Confession of Faith, to consider of such Ministers as are [Page 56]in Livings upon Sequestrations, and of Ministers sequestred, and to ex­amine the business touching such Ministers in Wales, as have been put out of their Livings, and state matters of Fact, and Report it to the Parliament.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 8 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Thursday 1. March.


THat this morning the House do receive Reports from the Com­mittee for Religion, and spend one hour therein every morning, and that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

Ordered, that Sir Gilbert Gerard Knight be and is hereby constituted and ap­pointed Custos Rotulorum for the County of Middlesex, to hold, exercise, and en­joy the said office as fully and amply, a any person formerly might and ought to hold and execute the same.

Ordered, That Coll. Norton, Sir Willi­am Lewis, Mr. Bulkley, Mr. Grove, Mr. Button, and Mr. Whitehead, be added Commissioners for custody of the new Forrest, for the preservation of the tym­ber, Wood and Vert in the said Forrest, and that any four of the said Committee be a Quorum.

Ordered, That Iohn Alderton Mayor of Guilford, Henry Baldwyn, and Iohn How, be added Commissioners for the Assesse­ment for the County of Surrey, and the said Commissioners be, and are hereby Authorized and required to sit and act as Commissioners for the Affessements, [Page 59]as fully to all intents and purpo­ses, as if they had been named in the Act intituled An Act for rai­sing a 100000 l. a moneth upon Eng­land, Scotland, and Ireland, for six moneths.

A Bill for repeal of two Acts for Sequestrations, was this day read the first time.

Resolved, That this Bill be now read the second time, and upon the question it was committed unto the Committee that brought in the said Bill, who are to meet at two of the clock this afternoon in the Inner Court of Wards.

Upon a Report from the Committee, concerning distres­sed Widdows, Orphans, Maimed Souldiers, &c.

Ordered, That the summe of 2000 l. formerly ordered for re­lief of the poor Widdows, Or­phans, and Maimed Souldiers, be charged to be paid out of the first moneys that shall come into the Exchequer, other then the Customes and Excise.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider how and in what manner the said VViddows, Orphans, and Maim­ed Souldiers at Ely-house may be provided for and paid for the fu­ture, [Page 61]with the least prejudice, and most case to the Nation; and how a weekly revenue may be settled for their maintenance, and how the Maimed Souldiers may be disposed of, so as the Nation may be eased of the charge, and how they may be provided of a preaching Minister. VVhich Committee are to meet this af­ternoon at two of the clock in the Exchequer Chamber.

Ordered, That the Committee of the poor Knights at Windsor be revived and joyned to the Committee touching the Widdows and maimed Souldiers at Ely House and the Savoy.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to take into consideration the state of the Revenues of the Commonwealth, and to present to the Par­liament what the charge of the Commonwealth is, [Page 62]what Obstructions hinder the bringing in the Re­venue, and how the Revenue may be managed for the best advantage of the Commonwealth, who are to meet in the Treasurie-Chamber with power to send for persons, papers, and what else may con­duce to the businesse.

Ordered, That the several Commissioners for the Assessments in the several Counties, Cities and Borroughs of this Commonwealth do take spe­cial care to put the Act entituled An Act for an As­sessment of 100000. l. by the moneth, upon England, Scotland and Ireland for six monethes, in speedy and effectual execution; and that the Members of Parliament who serve for the respective Counties, Cities and Burroughs, do send down this Order into the respective Counties, Cities and Burroughs, And that this Order be Printed and Published.

The humble Petition of the surviving Warden and Assistants, with the Brethren of the Trinity House of Deptford Strand, for relief of distressed Mariners, their Orphans and Widdows which are fallen into necessity, poverty and need, was read.

Ordered, That this Petition be refer­red to a Committee to consider of this petition, examine the businesse, state matters of fact, and Report their Opinion therein to the Parliament, who are to [Page 63]meet this afternoon at three of the clock in the Dutchy Court.

Resolved, That the time of the disso­lution of this Parliament be at or before the fifteenth day of this instant March.

Resolved, That after the businesse con­cerning Religion be over, every morning the House do proceed upon the Bill for settling the Militia untill it be fini­shed.

Ordered, That the Members that doe serve for the several Counties, Cities and Burroughs do bring in the names of Commissioners for the Militia.

Resolved, That the Council of State have the trust of ordering the Houses, Forrests, Chases and Parks belonging to the Commonwealth, and of disposing the Care and Custody thereof and of the places and services relating thereunto, and of the Timber and Wood growing and being in any of the Forrests, Chases [Page 64]and Parks as shall be from time to time necessary for the best advantage of the Commonwealth.

Ordered, That Sr. Anthony Ashley Coo­per be added a Commissioner for Custody of New Forrest.

Ordered, That a Committee do repair to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Com­mons of the City of London & propound unto them the desire of the Parliament that they will forth with advance so much monies as the Assessments for the City will amount unto for the present service of the Army and Navy instead of the mo­ney by them offered to be advanced upon security of the Assessments.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 9. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Friday, March 2. 1659.

A Bill for approbation of Ministers, before they be admitted to any publick Benefice, was this day reported from the Committe for Religion, read the first and second time, and committed to the same Committee that brought in the Bill, with an addition of several Members thereunto, and with power to consider of the Fees of the Register, and to consider of the Ministers doing their duty, and the Committee is ordered to bring in the Bill with all convenient speed.

The Confession of Faith, presented from the Assembly of Divines by Doctor Burgesse, and o­thers of the Assembly, Friday the Five and twen­tieth day of September 1646. was reported and read.

Resolved, That the House doth agree to this publick Confession of Faith contained in all the Chapters, except the Thirty and thirty one Chap­ters.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Commit­tee that brought in this Confession, to bring in an Act declaring and owning this to be the publick Confession of Faith, of the Church of England.

Ordered, That the Thirtieth Chapter of Church Censures, and the One and thirtieth Chapter of Synods and Counsels be referred back to the same Committee that brought in the Confession of Faith to consider thereof, and to confer with such per­sons thereupon as they shall think fit, and present their opinion therein to the Parliament.

Upon Report from the Council of State, that the Lord General Monck be Commissionated one of the Generals of the Fleet for the next Sum­mers expedition; And that Colonel Edward Moun­tague be one other of the Generals of the Fleet for the next Summers Expedition.

Resolved, That the House doth agree with the Council of State, that the Lord General Monck [Page 67]be Commmissionated one of the Generals of the Fleet for the next Summers expedition.

Resolved, That the House doth agree with the Council of State, that Colonel Edward Moun­tague, be one other of the Generals of the Fleet, for the next Summers expedition, and that a Com­mission be prepared and granted to him accor­dingly.

Resolved, That William Androse of Bridgwater be a Commissioner for the Assessments in the County of Somerset, in stead of Tho. Andrews mentioned by mistake as a Commissioner for the said County, in the Act of Assessments entituled, An Act for an Assessment of 100000 l. by the moneth upon England, Scotland and Ireland, for six moneths; And that the said Tho. Andrews do forbear to act by vertue of the said Act, and the said William Androse is hereby impowered and authorised to fit and act as a Commissioner for the Assessments as sully to all intents and purposes as if he had been rightly named in the said Act.

Ordered, That Hugh Powell, Morgan Jones, James Penry, Rowland Lloyd, William Bowen and Thomas Powell be and are hereby nominated and appointed Commissioners for the Assessment in the County of Brecknock; And that they and every of them be and are hereby impowered and authorised to sir and act as Commissioners for the Assessments [Page 68]as fully to all intents and purposes, as if they had been named in the Act entituled, An Act for the Assessment of 100000 l. by the moneth upon England, Scotland and Ireland, for six moneths.

The like Orders passed for Sir Francis Hollis Baronet to be one of the Commissioners for the Assessment in the County of Wilts and the County of Dorset. For Robert Pemberton, Robert Ivory, and Robert How, for the Borough of S. Albans. For Cant. William Meredith, Richard Evans of Collenny, William Deere of Lluntrit Major, Nicholas Robin, Miles Matthew of Blaengwawre, Edward Jones of S. Michaelston, and William Watkins for the County of Glamorgan. For Edward Exton, Nicholas Cle­ments, William Stanley, Peter Clungion, and Henry Pitt Aldermen, for the County of Southampton. For Thomas Lord Viscount Wenman, Sir Thomas Spencer Baroner, Sir Thomas Penniston Baronet, Thomas Cobb, Miles Fleetwood, Edward Clerk, George Crook, Crompion Read, Robert Dormer, Vincent Barry, George Greenwood, and Arthur Jones Esquires, for the County of Oxford. For the Borough of Albrough in the County of Suffolk, the Bailiffs for the time being, Francis Bacon Re­corder, Richard Brown and William Skippon Gent. For the Corporation of Bury S. Edmonds in the County of Suffolk, John Southerby Esq; Recorder, John Clark Esq; John Moody Alderman, Thomas [Page 69]Chaplin, and Jasper Shepherd, Gent. For the County of Caermarthen, Sir Erasmus Philips and Sir Edward Mansell Baronets, Edward Rice, Nicho­las Williams, James Jones, Thomas Gwyn, Iohn Powell the elder, Owen Price, Morgan Iones, Walter Iones, Thomas Evans, Humphrey Brown, Rawley Mansell, Owen Brickstock, William Lloyd, Lewis Lloyd, Henry Mansell, Philip Vaughan, Captain William Slowman, Richard Lewis, Robert Birt Esqs the Mayor of Caermarthen pro tempore, An­thony Iones Alderman, Rowland Philips, Edward Doonligh, Iohn Price, Iohn Philips; Morgan Lloyd, Maurice Thomas, Mugulstone Allen, Iohn Evans, Richard Williams, Iames Lewis, and Howell Philips.

For the City of Sarum and Close of the same, Robert Good, Iohn Holt Esqs For the County of Cardigan, James Lewis Junior; John Vaughan Ju­nior, Thomas Evans, William Lloyd of Bronwith, Will. Lloyd, Richard Jones, Reinold Jenkins Esqs David Lloyd of Alt-yr-Odin, Thomas Powel, Howell Philips, and Thomas-Jenkins Gent.

For the City of Westminster, Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, Sir William Waller, Sir Anthony Erby, Sir William Plater, Sir William Wheeler, Knights, William Bell, Henry Peck, and Gabriel Beck Esqs

The House adjourned till two of the Clock in the afternoon.


The House had under consideration consideration, the Bill for setling the Mi­litia, and made some further progress therein. They also passed an Act for se­curing the 27000 l. advanced by the Lord Mayor, and Commons of the City of London.

Resolved, That the Members of this House be enjoined to take special care, that to the best of their Judgments, the Commissioners of the Militia which they present, be persons well affected to the Cause of the Parliament.

Ordered, That the Letters, and pub­lick dispatches out of Ireland, which were brought by Colonel Iemple and others, and are directed to Mr. Speaker, be sent to the Council of State, to consider, and take order therein, and present their opi­nion therein to the Parkament, if they see cause.

Ordered, That the Council of State, do give order for payment of the 2000 l. to the poor Widdows, Orphans, and maimed Soldiers of Ely-House, and the Savoy Hospital.

The Committee to whom it was refer­red to consider what Votes were fitting to be expunged, made Report of several Votes to be expunged.

Resolved, That the Parliament doth agree with the Committee, that the se­veral Orders made against Denzil Holles Esq; touching his impeachment, and the exclusion of him out of the Parliament, be discha ged and obliterated.

The like Order passed for expungiug the Votes against Sir Robert Pye, and Ma­jor Harley.

The House this day passed the Act for repealing of two Acts of Sequestration, and ordered it to be forthwith printed and published.

Resolved, That Commissions be granted under the Great Seal, unto General George Monek, and General Edward Mountague, to be Generals of the Fleet for the next Semmers Expe­dition, and that the Commissioners for the Great Seal do pass Commissions to them under the Great Seal of England accordingly.

Resolved, That General Edward Mountague do forthwith go to the Fleet.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 10 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT
Published according to Order.
Saturday 3. March.


THat Charles, now Earl of Warwick, be and is hereby constituted Cu­stos Rotulorum for the County of Essex, to hold, exercise and enjoy, the said Office in as full and ample manner to [Page 74]all intents and purposes as any person or persons formerly held and enjoyed the same.

The Bill for reviving the jurisdictions of the Counties Palatine of Lancaster and Chester, was this day read the first and se­cond time, and upon the question, com­mitted with power to revive the Dutchy of Lancaster: who are to meet on Munday at two of the Clock in the aftenoon in the Dutchie Court.

A Letter from Colonel Whichcot from Windsor Castle, the 22 Feb. 1659. and a Warrant of the 27 of Novemb. 1656. signed He. Lawrence President, directed to the Governour of Windsor Castle, to receive into his charge John Earl of Craw­ford Lindsey, and another Warrant, signed He. Lawrence President, dated 17 Ian. 1656. directed to the Governour of Windsor Castle, to take into his charge the body of the Lord Sinclare: and ano­ther [Page 75]Warrant dated 14 Ianuary, 1656. signed Oli­ver P. to detain and keep under impisonment the body of the Earl of Liwtherdale, which were read.

Ordered, That the Earl of Crawford Lindsey the Earl of Lawderdale, and the Lord Sinclare, now prisoners in Windsor Castle, shall be discharged of their imprisonment, upon giving security to the Council of State, unto whom it is referred to take the same, not to act any thing prejudiciall to this Common-wealth.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, upon conference with the Generals at Sea, or either of them, to nominate and approve of all the Captains and Lieutenants to be imployed in the Navy, and that the Generals at sea, or either of them, under the Seal of the Admiralty, do grant Commissions, unto such Captains and Lieute­nants as they shall approve of accordingly, or in their absence, to the Commissioners of the Ad­miralty.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to send for Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Owen, and to examine the businesse concerning Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Owen, touching the Deanary of Christ Church, [Page 76]and that the Committee to state matters of fact, and report it to the Parliament on Thursday next, and that Dr. Owen be summoned forthwith to at­tend the said Committee.

Ordered by the Parliament. THat Sir William Roberts Knight, William Warren of Wapping Esq; John Limbery & VVilliam Northey Esqrs be and are hereby nomina­ted and appointed Commissio­ners for the Assessement in the County of Middlesex, and that they and every of them be and are hereby impowered and authori­zed to sit and Act as Commissio­ners for the Assessements as fully to all intents and purposes, as if [Page 77]they had been named in the Act Intitled, An Act for an Assessement of 100000 l. by the Moneth upon England, Scotland and Ireland, for six Moneths.

Resolved, That General Mountague be and is hereby constituted and appointed one of the Commissioners for the Admi­ralty, and that he be and is hereby im­powered and authorized to act as one of the Commissioners for the Admiralty, as fully to all intents and purposes as any o­ther the Commissioners may or ought to doe.

Ordered, That no persons go as Chap­lains in any of the Ships, but Ministers, or such as shall be approved of by the Ge­nerals at Sea.

A Report was made of Monies char­ged on the Assessement, for the use of the Navy, and what have been received thereupon, and also an Estimate of the Debts of the Navy due unto the first of this instant March.

Ordered, That the Council of State, with the Generals at land and sea, doe advise with the Committee of the Army, Commissioners of the Admiralty and Na­vy, and the Committee of the Revenue about the charge of the Debts of the Common-wealth, with the incomes, and to consider how the Forces at land and sea may be so retrencht, as that the char­ges may not exceed the incomes, and how the Debts may be satisfied, and Mo­nies proportioned betwixt the Armie and Navie.

Upon a Report from the Commissio­ners of the Admiralty and Navy, it was ordered that the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, be and are hereby impowered to place Pursers in stead of Cheques and Stewards, if they see cause.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, to take care, and they are hereby impowered to bring the late Commissioners for Prize Goods to an accompt, for the Arrears re­maining in their hands, and also to get in such monies as have been impressed by the late Committee for the Navy, or o­thers, to any person or persons not yet accompted for, and that the Prize Goods be disposed of, and imployed to the use of the Navy, and that the said Commissioners for the Admiralty do al­so take care of such Prizes as are or shall be brought in by the ships of this Com­monwealth, [Page 80]and the Commissioners of the Admiraltie are hereby impowered to proceed in a summary way touching Mer­chants Ships of this Commonwealth, sur­prized by the Enemy, and retaken by the States Frigats.

Resolved, That Dr. Walker and Dr. Tur­ner onely, be Iudges of the Court of Ad­miralty and Probate of Wills.

Resolved, That Dr. Wiseman be Advo­cate of the Commonwealth, instead of Dr. Walker.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 11. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Monday, March 5. 1659.

AN Act declaring the Publique Confession of Faith of the Church of England, was this day read the first, second and third time, and passed: Ordered that it be forthwith printed and published.

Ordered, That it be referred to Dr. Reynolds, Mr. Calamy, and Mr. Manton, to examine the same at the Press, and also to examine the Scriptures for proof of every Article, and insert the same in the Margin of the Book.

Orderd, That Major Iohn Black­more be and is hereby discharged from being Sheriff of the County of Devon, and that the Gentlemen who serve for the said County do presently bring in Three Names, that out of the same the Parliament may approve of one to be Sheriff of the said County.

Resolved, That the Sheriff for the County of Sussex be discharged, and the New Sheriff be and is here­by approved of, and that he do forthwith sue out his Patent.

Resolved, That Edmund Waring Sheriff of Shropshire, be discharged of being Sheriff, and that the Gen­tlemen [Page 83]who serve for the said County do present Three Names to morrow morning, out of which the Parliament may nominate one to be Sheriff of the said County.

Resolved, That Mr. Crowcher be discharged from being Sheriff of Hampshire, and that the Mem­bers of Parliament who serve for the said County do present the Names of Three Persons to mor­row morning, out of which the Parliament may nominate and ap­prove one to be Sheriff.

Ordered, That the Members of Parliament do bring in the Names of Sheriffs to morrow morning, [Page 84]for the approbation of the Parliament, in such places where they desire the old Sheriff [...] should de discharged.

Ordered, That a Proclamation do issue forth for putting all the Laws and Sta­tutes against Popish Recusants, Priests and Jesuites, in speedy and effectual exe­cution; and that a Committee do bring in the Proclamation accordingly.

Ordered, That the summ of Twenty pounds shall be given by every Sheriff to such person or persons as shall discover any Popish Priest or Jesuite, upon the Conviction of every such Priest or Je­suite; and that the same shall be allowed to the respective Sheriffs upon their re­spective Accompts; and that the said Reward be inserted in the Proclamation.

The humble Address of the Mayor, Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lyme in the County of Dorset, was read, which followeth.

To the Right Honorable, the Commons of England Assembled in Parliament:

The humble Address of the Mayor, Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lyme in the County of Dorset.
Humbly sheweth,

THat though we are a small, and in our selves an inconsiderable People, yet it pleased the most wise and powerful God to make us among others instrumental for your preservation from the violence of the late King, his evil Counsel­lors and their Adherents, before that illegal force of your own Armed Guards upon you in the year 1648. And we hope, in some degree and measure (according to our capacity) successfully helpful for your late Restitution, which we have not only endeavored by our Prayers, but also by taking Arms for you, when yet we had but little, or no hope of effecting your Readmission. And there­fore we have taken this boldness upon us of Ad­dressing our selves to this Honorable House; that by so doing, we may manifest our dislike of that long continued Force upon you, (the source and spring of all those evils that have befallen [Page 86]these almost ruined Nations) Our adhering to you in our affections whilst under that force; Our cordial rejoycing in the wonderful providence of God shewed in your Restitution to sit, and exer­cise the Trust reposed in you, (which we judge the onely probable means under God of healing our breaches, and restoring our paths to dwell in) Our revived hopes of much approaching good to these Nations by your wise and moderate Coun­sels; Our unchangeable resolution of adhering to you in the defence of your just Priviledges and Authority, with the uttermost hazard of our lives and fortunes; and to acquiesce in such a settlement as your grave wisdom shall judge best for us and these distressed Nations: For the effecting where­of, you shall not fail of the most importunate prayers of

Your faithful Servants to command.

Resolved, That the Thanks of the Parliament be given unto the Mayor, Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lyme; and that Mr Moore do give them the thanks of the Parliament accordingly.

The House likewise agreed upon the Militia's of the Counties of Salop, War­wick, Norfolk, Devon, the City of Westminster, the City of Exeter, the Borough of Southwark, and the places adjacent, Radnor, Somerset, the County of York, City of Worcester, the County of Gloucester, City and County of Glou­cester, Essex, City of Norwich, County of Lincoln and City and County of the same, County of Cambridge, Middlesex, County of Dorset, the Town and County of Poole, the Hamlets of the Tower of London, County of Oxford and City of the same, County of Sussex, County of Wilts, and the County of Cornwall.

Ordered, That such Justices of the Peace who were formerly of the Quorum, And such other Justices as the Commissioners for the Great [Page 88]Seale shall think fit to nominate, any five, four, or three of them be of the Quorum, And the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal are to issue forth Commissions ac­cordingly.


That the SOLEMN LEAGƲE AND CO­ ƲENANT be Printed and Published, and set up and forth­with Read in every Church, and also once every yeare according to former Order of Parliament, and that the said Solemn League and Covenant be also set up in this House.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 12 A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Tuesday 6. March.


THat Mathew Heale Esq; be and is hereby nominated and approved of, to be Sheriffe for the County of Devon: [Page 90]for the year ensuing, and that the Lords Commissioners for Cu­stody of the great Seale doe passe a Patent to him under the great Seale to be Sheriffe of the said County of Devon: accordingly.


That William Okeley Esq; be and is hereby nominated and ap­proved of, to be Sheriffe for the County of Salop, for the year ensuing, and that the Lords Commissioners for Custody of the great Seale doe passe a Patent to him under the great Seale, to be Sheriffe of the said County of Salop. accordingly.

The Petition of John Lambert major Generall was Read.


That the Parliament doth ap­prove of what the Councill of State have done in committing of Collonel John Lambert to the Tower.


That Sir Arthur Hesilrig doe attend the Parliament to morrow morning.


That the Councill of State be injoyned to take speciall care of the Safety and Peace of the Na­tion, [Page 92]and to proceed vigorously in securing such persons as they shall think dangerous to the Peace and safety of the Nation.


That Colonel Overton be and is hereby discharged, from being Governor of Hull, and that his Commission to be Governor there, and to be Colonel of a Re­giment of Foot be and are hereby revoked and made void.

The House adjourned untill three of the clock.



That the Report touching the commissioners of the Customes [Page 93]be made to morrow morning the first bu­siness.

The House made a further progresse in the Militia's of the severall Counties, and passed the Militia's of Surrey, Northwales, Southwales, Bedford, Carmarthen and Hert­ford.

Mr. Speaker acquaints the Parliament, that divers persons with store of Armes are apprehended, and at the door.


That the Serjeant doe detain the per­sons taken with Armes untill the Coun­cill of State doe sit, and that no body be permitted to speak with them.

The House likewise passed the Militia's of Berks, Kent, Suffolk, Southampton, Not­tingham, Derby, Monmouth, the City of Bristoll, the Town of Barwick, Stafford, Hereford, the Town of Southampton.


That the Earle of Bedford be and is hereby Constituted Custos Rotulorum for Bedfordshire, to hold and enjoy the same in as full, and as ample a manner as any other person, or persons formerly held or enjoyed the same, and that Coll. John Okey be and is hereby discharged from being Custos Rotalorum of the said Coun­ty.


That the fortnights pay formerly or­dered to the Gent of Oxfordshire, be­forthwith paid unto them, and that the Committee for the Army doe take care to pay it.


That the Pistols, Sadles, and other goods that were taken from the Lord Falkland in or since August last be restored to him and that he takes them where he finds them.


That Mr. Henry Ashurst be added a Commissioner for the Militia of the City of London.


That William Beecher Esq; Iohn Thompson Esq; Iohn Charnocke Esq; Henry Chester Esq; Oliver Luke Esq; Sir William Palmer, Sir Thomas Alston Baronnet, Iohn Alston, Iohn Neale, Iohn Harvey, William Butler, Walter Rolt, Edward Cator Esquiers, be and are here­by nominated and appointed Commis­sioners for the Assessement in the Coun­ty of Bedford, and that they and every of them be and are hereby impowred and Authorized, to sit and Act as Commissio­ners for the Assessements, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if they had been named in the Act Intituled an Act for an Assessement of 100000 l by the Month, upon England, Scotland and Ireland for six Moneths.


That if the Members, whosoever for any County doe not present Commissioners for the Militia, that then the Gent. who serve for any other County, doe bring in Names to be incerted into the Bill.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 13. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Wednesday, March 7. 1659.

THe House had under consideration the Bill for approbation of Mi­nisters, and agreed upon severall Amendments to be made thereunto, and likewise referred it to a Committee to bring in a Clause to be inserted in the said Bill, to authorise and impower the [Page 98]Approvers to delegate other persons to approve Ministers in several pla­ces of these Nations remote from London, for ease of the charge and trouble of Ministers in making long Journeys, and intedious attendance to be approved, and other Clauses upon the debate of the House.

The House this day passed an Act for explanation of certain Clau­ses and Provisoes inan Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act for the continuance of the Customs & Excise, from the last of Feb. 1659. until the Twenty fourth day of June 1660. and ordered the same to be printed and published.

Ordered. That it be referred to the committee of the Revenue, to consider of the duty of Prisage, and to settle the difference about the same, and report to the Parliament their Proceedings therein, and in case they cannot end the difference, then to state the matter of Fact, and report it to the Parliament, with their opinion therein.

Colonel Rich being brought to the House door,

The House Resolved,

That colonel Rich be called in.

A Letter from Colonel Ingoldsby from Bury, dated the fifth of March [Page 100]1659. and an Information given in by Cornet Robert Thornback against colonel Rich, were reported from the Council of State, and read.

Colonel Rich standing up in his place, denied the charge laid against him, and said, that he is a stranger to all represented.


That the Parliament doth ap­prove of what the Council of State have done concerning the commit­ment of Col. Rich, and bringing of him to the Parliament, being a Member of the House.


That it be referred to the Coun­cil of State further to examine the whole matter charged against Col. Rich, and what else concerneth the business, and forthwith to state matter of fact and report it to the Parliament.


That colonel Rich be and is here­by enjoined to attend the Council of State from time to time, upon exa­mination of this business.

Several Examinations are also reported from the Council of State, touching Sir Arthur Hesilrigg, and the whole matter thereupon depen­ding before the said Council, touch­ing several Informations given in to the Council against Sir Arthur Hesilrig.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig standing up in his place, said he was not guilty of any thing wherewith he is char­ged.


That this business concerning Sir Arthur Hesilrig be referred back to the Council further to examine [Page 103]the business, and report it to the Parliament.

The House likewise proceeded in the Act for the Militia, and ap­proved of the Militia's for the coun­ty of Westmorland, county of Cum­berland, county of Chester, city of Chester, county of Bucks, and county of Durham.


That the House doe proceed touching the Militia's to morrow morning, next after the business for Religion.


That the Parliament do pro­ceed only with matters of Religion, the Militia, the Qualifications, and the Writs.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 14 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT
Published according to Order.
Thursday 8. March.


THat the Bill for the Mili­tia be forthwith engrossed and brought in to mor­row morning the first businesse.


That Colonel Birch do re­port the rest of the Names of the Commissioners for the Mili­tia's, as soon as he cometh into the House.


That the Amendments to the Bill for the County Palatine of Lancaster, and Dutchy of Lanca­ster, be reported to morrow mor­ning.

The Amendments to the Bill for Approbation of Ministers, was twice read, and upon the [Page 107]Question agreed unto.


That the said Bill be engros­sed.

A Proclamation for putting the Laws and Statutes against Ie­suites, Popish Priests and Recu­sants in speedy and effectuall exe­cution was read.


That it be referred to a Com­mittee, to bring in an effectuall short Proclamation for putting the Laws and Statutes against Ie­suites Popish Priests, and Recu­sants, [Page 108]and that the Bill for set­tling the Revenue of Recusants Lands be reported on Saturday morning next.

The House likewise agreed upon the Names of the Commis­sioners of the Militia's for the County of Northampton, for the County of Northumberland, for the County of Lancaster, for the County of Rutland, for the County of Huntington, for the Town of Newcastle, for the County of Brocknock, for the County of Cardigan, for the County of Pembroke, and the the Town and City of Haverford-West, [Page 109]for the City of Oxford, for the City of Bristol.

The House likewise added se­verall Commissioners for the Counties following, viz. Kent, Devon, Bedford, Surrey, Essex, Berks, Hereford, Suffolk, Hamp­shire, Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Car­marthen, Oxfordshire, Cumber­land, Norwich, Bedfordshire, York City, Middlesex.

The Commissioners Names for North-Wales, were likewise read and approved.


That all the Names of Com­missioners [Page 110]for the Militia, be ingrossed in the Bill.


That the Militia of London be passed in a distinct Bill by it self, and that the Committee unto whom the Bill for the Militia of the City of London, be revived, and meet this Afternoon, and make their report to morrow morning.

A Bill for calling and holding a Parliament the 25. of April 1660. was this day read the first time, and ordered to be read the second time to morrow morning at ten of the clock.


That it be referred to the Gentlemen of Bucks to bring in the names of three persons, out of whom the Parliament may Elect one to be Sheriff of the Coun­tx of Bucks.

The humble Petition of Captain Iohn Stoaks late Commander in Chief of the Commonwealths-Fleet in the Mediter­ranean Seas was read.


That the Case of Capt. Iohn Stoaks be referred to the Court of Admiralty, and that they determine it according to Iu­stice and Equity, and that the proceed­ings at Law in the Upper Bench by Wi­liam Winter against the said Iohn Stoaks be stayd in the mean time.

Upon a Report concerning the Courts of Admiralty and probate of Wills,


That all fees and perquisits payable to the Iudges of the Courts of Admiralty and Probate of Wills be reserved and an­swered to the Commonwealth.


That the Power of granting admini­strations and all other judicial sentences be by both the Iudges for Probate of Wills, and not by one of the Iudges one­ly, and that no Iudicial Act or Sentence shall be granted by the said Iudges but onely in the open Court.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster Rowe 1659.

[...] be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 15. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Friday, March 9. 1659.

A Proclamation for putting of all Laws and Statutes made against Seminary Priests, Je­suits, and Romish Priests in [Page 114]speedy and effectual execution, was this day reported, read the first and second time, and or­dered to be ingrossed.

Ordered by the Parliament,

That William Beecher, St. John Tompson Esquire, St. John Char­nock Esquire, Henry Chester Esq; Oliver Luke Esquire, Sir William Palmer, Sir Thomas Alston Knight and Baronet, John Alston Esquire, John Neale Esquire, John Har­vey Esquire, William Butler Esq; Walter Rolt Esq; Edward Caloe Esq; Samuel Bedford, be and hereby [Page 115]nominated and appointed Com­missioners for the Assessment in the County of Bedford, and that they and every of them be and are hereby impowered and authorised to sit and act as Commissioners for the Assessments, as fully to all in­tents and purposes, as if they had been named in the Act entituled, An Act for an Assessment of One hundred thousand pounds by the moneth, upon England, Scotland and Ireland, for six moneths.

Ordered by the Parliament,

That the Bill for setling the Militia be forthwith exa­mined and brought in, and that it be read forthwith, after the same is examined and brought in.

An Act for the calling and hold­ing of a Parliament at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April One thousand six hundred and sixty, was this day read the second [Page 117]time, and upon the Question committed upon the Debate of the HOuse to a Committee, who are appointed to meet this after­noon in the Speakers Chamber, consisting of a considerable num­ber of Members of the House, and all the Gentlemen of the Long-Robe, and also all that will come to have Voices. And the said Committee are further impowered to consider of the foresaid Qua­lifications, and to make such ad­dition thereunto as is fit, and Re­port to the House.

An Act for taking the Ac­compts, and redressing of Grie­vances concerning the Tythes and Churchlivings in Wales, and for the advancement of Religion and Learning there, was this day reported to the House, from the Committee for Religion, and read the first and second time, and com­mitted to the same Committee that brought it in, with an ad­dition of several Members unto the said Committee.

The Qualifications of Mem­bers to sit and serve in Parlia­ment formerly reported and read, were this day again read.

Master Speaker acquainted the Parliament, that he had received Letters from the Sound.


That the said Letters be re­ferred to the Council of State, to take the same into considerati­on.

Resolved upon the Question by the Parliament,

That the business of the Militia be taken into consideration to mor­row morning the first business, no­thing to intervene.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 16 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT
Published according to Order.
Saturday 10. March.

A Bill for setling the Mili­tia for the City of London and Liberties thereof, was this day read the first and se­cond [Page 122]time, and upon the Que­stion, committed.


That Alderman Major-Gene­ral Brown's Name be placed in this Bill, next after Alderman Viner's.


That the same Qualifications be incerted in this Bill, as they are in the generall Bill for setling the Militia.


That this Bill shall continue for one year, or untill the Parlia­ment take other order.


That the Bill for payment of certain Debts be brought in on Munday morning.

The Amendments to the Bill for setling the Militia for the City of London were twice read, and upon the Question, agreed unto.


That this Bill be engrossed.


That Mr. Robert Diser of Brau­hen Esq; be and is hereby nomina­red and approved of to be Sheriff of the County of Hertford, and [Page 124]that the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal do passe a Pa­tent to him to be Sheriff of the County of Hertford accordingly.

The Bill for settling the Mi­litia for England and Wales, was this day read the third time


That Iohn Crew of Crew Hall be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Che­ster.


That Henry Ashford do stand a Commissioner for the Militia [Page 125]in the County of Devon.



That Sir Eras. Philips, & Sir Ed­ward Mansell Barr. Edward Rice, Nicholas Williams James Jones, Thomas Gwin, Iohn Powell the elder, Owen Price, Morgan Iones, Walter Jones, Thomas Evans, Humphry Brown, Rowland Mansell, Owen Brickstock, Wil­liam Lloyd, Lewis Lloyd, Hen­ry Mansell, Philip Vaughan, Ca­ptain VVilliam Slowman, Ri­chard Lewis, Robert Birt Esqrs, the Mayor of Caermarthen protempore, [Page 126]Anthony Iones Alder­man, Rowland Philips, Edward Doonligh, Iohn Price, Iohn Philips, Morgan Lloyd, Mau­rice Thomas, Magulstone Al­len, Iohn Evans, Richard Wil­liams, Iames Lewis, and Howell Philips Gent. be and are hereby nominated and appointed Com­missioners for the Assessement in the County of Caermarthen, and that they and every of them be and are hereby impowered and authorized to sit and act as Com­missioners for the Assessements, as fully to all intents & purposes, as if they had been named in the Act Intituled, An Act for an Assessement [Page 127]of 100000 l. by the moneth, upon Eng­land, Scotland and Ireland, for six moneths.

The House proceeded in the Bill for the Militia, & added many persons Com­missioners for the Militia in the several Counties of England and Wales.

Resolved That the Bill for the Militia of the City of Dondon be read on Munday morning next.

The Names of the Commissioners in the said Bill, are as followeth, viz.

Thomas Alleyn Lord Mayor of the City of London.

The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of the said City for the time being:
  • Alderman Atkins.
  • Ald. Foot.
  • Ald. Fowke.
  • Ald. Tho. Viner.
  • Ald. Brown.
  • Ald. Wil. Thompson.
  • Ald. Robinson.
  • Ald. Bateman.
  • Ald. Lawrence.
  • Ald. King.
  • Ald. Boulton.
  • Ald. Wale.
  • Col. Bromfield.
  • Rich. Ford Esq;
  • Major Chamberlain.
  • Wil. Bateman Esq.
  • [Page 128]Iohn Iolly Esqrs
  • Wil. Vincent Esqrs
  • Wil. Antrobus Esqrs
  • Iohn Wynne Esqrs
  • Theo. Biddolph Esqrs
  • Tho. Stean Esqrs
  • Capt. Storey.
  • Deputy Iohnson.
  • Iohn Saunders.
  • Iohn Bludworth Esq;
  • Maximilian Beard Esq;
  • Wil. Eardly.
  • Major Iohn Alsop.
  • Tho. Lenthall Esq;
  • Col. Gower.
  • Mr. Peter Mills.
  • Mr. Nich. Penning.
  • Capt. Cleggat.
  • Sir Tho. Soame.
  • Samuel Vassall Esq;
  • Maj. Gen. Phil. Skippon.
  • Mr. Henry Ashurst.
  • Ald. Pack.
  • Ald. Dethick.
  • Ald. Chiverton.
  • Ald. Frederick.
  • Ald. Milner.
  • Ald. Love.
  • Ald. Blackwell.
  • Mr. Lawrence Blomley.
  • Mr. Iames Noell
  • Deputy Cliffe.
  • Mr. Wil. Knellin.
  • Mr. Iohn Maskall.
  • Mr. Rich. Rives.
  • Lieut. Col. Iackson.
  • Mr. Morris.
  • Mr. Iohn Bathurst.
  • Mr. Iohn Cook.
  • Mr. Wil. Allet.
  • Mr. Tobias Aylmer.
  • Deputy Minne.
  • Mr. Iames Medlicot.
  • Mr. Iohn Taylor Esq;
  • Mr. Tho. Cox.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence

Numb. 17. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Monday, March. 12. 1659.


THat the Examination of Sir George Booth, his Lady and Servants, be taken off the File and delivered to the said Sir George Booth.

Vpon a Report touching Trinity House.


That Alexander Bence be and is hereby approved of to be Master of the Trinity-House.

Resolved, That Cap. Will. Rider be one of the New Wardens of Trinity-House.


That this Report be Recom­mitted, and that the Committee be and are hereby impowred to bring in Names of Wardens and Brethren, for the Trinity-House to morrow morning.

A Proclamation Ingrossed in Parchment, for putting the Laws [Page 131]against Jesuits, Seminaries and Po­pish Priests, in effectual execution, was this day read the third time.


That this be the Title to this Bill, An Act and Declaration for putting the Laws against Priests and Jesuits, in speedy and effectual ex­ecution.

And the said Bill so amended was upon the question passed.

Ordered, That this Act be forth­with Printed and Published.

Ordered, That a Bill be brought in to morrow morning for im­pressing of Mariners to serve in the Fleets and ships of this Com­monwealth.


That Denzil Hollis Esq; be and is hereby constituted Custos Rotu­lorum of the County of Dorset, to hold, execute and enjoy the said Office, in as large and beneficial manner to all intents and purposes, as any other person or persons had, held, or enjoyed the same.

A Bill Engrossed for setling the Militia of the City of London, was this day read the third time, and upon the question passed.

Ordered, That this Act be forth­with printed and published.

Ordered, That Edward Trussel Esq; be and is hereby nominated [Page 133]and appointed Sheriff for the Coun­ty of Southampton, and that the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seale do pass a Patent to him un­der the Great Seale, to be Sheriff of the County of Southampton ac­cordingly.


That George Chetham of Turton Esq; be and is hereby nominated and approved of to be Sheriff of the County of Lancaster, and that the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seale do pass a patent to him under the Great Seale, to be She­riff of the County of Lancaster ac­cordingly.

Ordered, That the Report con­cerning the Dutchy of Lancaster be made to morrow morning.


That the Vote touching Sir Thomas Soame be discharged.


That the Reports touching Sir Andrew Dick and Mrs. Inglish be made to morrow morning.


That the Report touching Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Owen concerning the Deanery of Christ-Church, be made to morrow morning the first business.


That Thomas Catesby Esq; be [Page 135]and is hereby nominated and ap­proved of to be Sheriff for the County of Bucks, and that the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal do pass a Patent under the Great Seal for constituting him Sheriff of the said County of Bucks accordingly.

The House resumed the De­bate upon the Bill of the Militia, unto which a Proviso was tendred in these words: Provided that no Commissioner nor Commissionated Officer shall exercise any the powers or authorities herein mentioned, or any thing do in pursuance thereof, until that he in the presence of five or more of the said Commissioners, [Page 136]shall first acknowledge in these words following, viz.

I do acknowledge and declare, That the War undertaken by both Houses of Parlia­ment in their defence against the Forces raised in the name of the late King, was just and lawful; and that Magistracy and Ministery are the Ordinances of God.

Which Clause was read the first and second time, and Ordered to be ingrossed: The said Proviso was ingrossed accordingly, and read, and Ordered to be part of the Bill; and the said Act so a­mended being put to the Question passed.

Ordered, That this Act be forth­with printed and published.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 18 A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Tuesday 13. March.


THat the Engagement ap­pointed to be taken by Members of Parliament and others, in these words, viz.

I do declare and promise, that I will be true and faithful to the Common­wealth of England, as the same is now established, without a King, or House of Lords, be discharged, and ta­ken off the File.

Resolved, That all Orders en­joining the taking of the said En­gagement, be and are hereby va­cuated & expunged out of the Journal Book of Parliament, and that Mr. Prin, Serjeant Maynard, and Col. Harley, do see the same expunged accordingly.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to consider what [Page 139]hath been done in this House concerning the Lords House, who are to state the whole matter of fact, and report it to the Parlia­ment to morrow morning, and to meet this afternoon in the Spea­kers Chamber.

The House heard the Report touch­ing matter of Fact concerning the Denary of Christ-Church in Oxford, with a Letter from Dr. Owen, dated at Stadham, March 5, 1659. which was read.

Resolved, That Dr. Owen be and is here­by discharged from being Dean of Christ-Church, Oxon.

Resolved, That Dr Reynolds be and is hereby restored to the Denary of Christ-Church, [Page 140]Oxon. with all Priviledges, pro­fits, and appurtenances to the said place belonging, and that Dr. Reynolds be put in possession of Christ-Church accordingly, and that the Sub-Dean and Senior Can­non of Christ-Church do see this Order put in effectual execution, and that Dr. Rey­nolds be put in possession accordingly.

Resolved, That Mr. Ambrose Upton be discharged from being a Collegiate Pre­bend of Christ-Church, Oxon. And that Dr. Mills be and is hereby restored to be Collegiate Prebend of Christ-Church aforesaid in the Room of the said Mr. Ambrose Upton with all Priviledges, pro­fits and appurtenances to the said place belonging, and that he be put in posses­sion of the said Prebendary accordingly: And that the Sub-Dean and Senior Can­non of Christ-Church do see this Order put in effectual execution, and that [Page 141]Dr. Mills be put in possession accor­dingly.

The House received the Report from the Committee touching Maimed Soul­diers, Widdows, and Orphans.

Resolved, That the council of State do forthwith pay 1700 l. out of their Con­tingencies for the present relief of the poor Widdows, maimed Souldiers, and Orphans at Ely-house and the Savoy, and that the said 1700 l. be repayed to them out of the Publick Revenew of the Ex­chequer.

Ordered, That the particular persons named of the Committee for the maimed Souldiers, Widdows and Orphans of Ely-house and the Savoy, be and are hereby authorized to reform abuses touching the Governours and Government of the Ho­spitalls [Page 142]of the Savoy and Ely-house, and to call the Governours to accompt for mo­nies by them received, with power to settle the Government for the best ad­vantage of the Commonwealth, and maintenance of the poor Widdows, mai­med Souldiers, and Orphans, and to re­move such Officers as they think fit, and place others in their room, and report it to the Council of State, who are hereby authorized to confirm the same.

Upon a Report from the Committee unto whom the Bill for dissolution of this present Parliament was referred, that the House do resume the businesse into their own consideration.

Resolved, That the debate upon this businesse, be taken up at two of the clock this afternoon nothing to inter­vene.

The House adjourned until two of the Clock in the afternoon.



That the sum of Six hundred pound with the Arrears, be conti­nued and payed unto Sir John Stowell, and charged upon the same revenew it was formerly charged, untill the Parliament take further order: and that the Council of State do sign from time to time to make payment thereof accordingly.

Ordered, That the Bills for ap­probation of Ministers, and the [Page 144]Act for setling Lands on his Ex­cellency the Lord General, be read to morrow morning the first businesse.

The House likewise received the report of Amendments to the Bill for dissolving this Parlia­ment, which was twice read, and upon the Question, agreed unto.

They had also under consi­deration the Qualifications of Members to sit and serve in Par­liament, and made some conside­rable progresse therein.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 19. A PERFECT DIURNAL OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Wednesday, March 14. 1659.

A Bill for Approbation and ad­mittance of Ministers to pub­lick Benefices & Lectures, was this day read the third time, and the said Bill being put to the question, passd.

Ordered that this Act be printed and published.

The House resumed the debate upon the Qualifications, and Re­solved,

That all such Person and Per­sons who have Advised, Ayded, or any ways Assisted or Abetted the Rebellion of Ireland, and all those who do profess the Popish Religion, are disabled to be elected Members to sit in Parliament.

Resolved, That all and every person who have advised or volun­tarily Ayded, Abetted, or Assisted in any War against the Parliament, since the first day of January 1641. [Page 147]unless he or they have since mani­fested their good affection to this Parliament, shall be uncapable to be elected to serve Members in the next Parliament.

Resolved, That he which shall enter into the Parliament, who is not qualified as aforesaid, shall be deemed no Knight, Citizen or Burgess, nor Baron for the Parlia­ment, nor shall have any Voice, but shall be to all intents, constru­ctions and purposes, as if he had never been returned nor elected Knight, Citizen, Burgess or Baron for the Parliament, and shall suffer such pains and penalties as if he [Page 148]had presumed to sit in the same without Election, Return, or Au­thority.

Ordered, That Colonel Philip Jones, Evan Seys Serjeant at Law, Col. Rowland Dawkins, John Price, Evan Lewis, Robert Thomas, and John Bowen Esqs be and are here­by nominated and appointed Com­missioners for the Assessments in the County of Glamorgan, and that they and every of them be and are hereby impowered and authorised to sit and act as Commissioners for the Assessment as fully to all intents and purposes, as if they had been named in the Act entituled, An Act [Page 149]for an Assefement of 100000 l. by the moneth upon England, Scotland and Ireland for six moneths.

Ordered, That Evan Seys Ser­jeant at Law; and William Jones Esq; be and are constituted and ap­pointed Judges for North-wales, and that a Patent be passed to them to be Judges for North-wales in usual form, and that Mr. Speaker do sign a Dockquet for passing the said patents to them under the great Seal, and that the Commissioners for custody of the great Seal of England do pass the said patents ac­cordingly.

The like Order passed for Mr. [Page 150] Foxwist Esq; to be second Judge in Chester. And for John Corbet Esq; to be Judge of the Circuit of Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor, and also for Mr. Bennet Hoskins Esq; and Mr. Tho. Manby to be Judges of the Circuit of Carnarvan Cardigan and Pembroke.


Ordered, That the Report concerning the Customs an [...] [...] to morrow morning the first business.

The House read Amen [...] for reviving of the Court of the Dutchy- [...]a [...]er of Lancaster at Westminster, which was twice read.

Resolved, That Sir Gilbert Gerard be Chan­cellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster.

Resolved, That Nicholas Lechmere Esq; be Attorney of the Dutchy of Lancaster.

And the Bill so amended was upon the question passed.

The House read the Bill for Restoring of William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Parliament to be Chamberlain of Chester, which was read the first and second time, and upon the Question passed.

Ordered, That Thomas Waller Serjeant at Law, be and is hereby constituted and appointed Chief Justice of Chester, in as large, ample, and beneficial manner, as any other person or persons formerly held and enjoyed the same, and that a Patent be passed, and that Mr. Speaker do signe a Docket for passing a Patent to the said Serjeant Waller, and that the Lords Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal, do pass the said Patent under the Great Seal of England accord­ingly.

Resolved, That the Council of State be and are hereby Authori­sed to issue forth Proclamations at any time vntill the first sitting of the next Parliament, against such per­sons as they shall find dangerous to the Peace and safety of the Com­monwealth, who absent them­selves [Page 152]from their dwellings and pla­ces of their habitation, to summon them to appear before them at a certain day, under such penalties as the case shall require, and as the Council of State shall think fit, to answer such matters as shall be objected against them by the Coun­cil of State.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb living in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle, 1660.

Numb. 20. A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Thursday 15. March.

THe House read the Report con­cerning the prizage of Wines, and the opinion of the said Com­mittee thereupon.

Resolved, That the prisage Wines ought to pay no Tunnage or Custome.

Refolved, That all such Customes as have been taken from the Lessee of the prizage Wines, or his Assignes, by the Customers, shall and ought to be allow­ed to him upon his Accompt, and defal­ked out of his Rents.

The Bill for Confirmation of Mini­sters, settled in any Personage, Vicarage or Hospital within this Commonwealth, was this day read the first and second time, and committed unto a Commit­tee, who were Ordered presently to withdraw, with power to consider how to continue the powers touching grant­ing augmentations of Ministers, and to bring in the Names of persons to be Tru­stees, and to take the Bill touching Wales formerly committed into consideration.

The House likewise Ordered the pay­ment of 5000 l. and of 4016 l. with Inte­rest due unto Major General Brown, and formerly charged upon the Excise, one [Page 155]fourth part whereof presently, and the residue thereof at three three moneths by equall portions out of the present Re­ceipt of the Excise, and that his acquit­tance testifying the Receipt thereof shall be a sufficient discharge.

Resolved, that the summe of twenty thousand pounds be and is hereby conferred on his Excel­lency Generall George Monck, and that the same be charged upon the Receipts of the publick Ex­chequer (other then the Excise, Customes and As­sessements) and payd to the said Generall George Monck, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, as the same shall come in,

Ordered, that a Bill be brought in for payment of the said twenty thousand pound to General George Monck accordingly, and that Mr Pryn and Mr Scowen doe bring in the said Bill accordingly.

The House read the Bill enabling to sue Bonds and securities taken in the name of Oliver Lord Protector, or Richard Lord Protector, which was this day read the first and second time, and upon the Question passed.

Ordered, that this Act be Printe and publi­shed.

Resolved that this be the Title of the said Act [Page 156]viz An Act for the payment of Debts due to the publick.

A Bill for countenancing the Receivers, and im­powring them to get in the Rents and Revenues of Delinquents and Popish Recusants Estates, was this day read the first and second time, and so passed.

Ordered, that the two Troups of Oxfordshire be payd their moneths pay, as the rest of the Army are payd.

Resolved, that the businesse concerning Mr Long, be taken into consideration next after the businesse of Generall Monck.

Ordered, that Sr Thomas Greisley Baronet, Sr Iohn Curson Knight and Baronet, Walter Horton Esquire, Charles Agard Esquire, George Sidwell Esquire, Gilbert Thacker Esquire, and George Tay­lor Gent, be and are hereby nominated and ap­pointed Commissioners for the Assessements in the County of Derby, and that they and every of them, be and are hereby impowred and authorized to sit and Act as Commissioners for the Assessements, as fully to all intents and purposes as if they had been named in the Act Entituled, An Act for an As­sessement of one hundred thousand pound by the moneth, upon England, Scotland and Ireland for six moneths.

The House adjourned untill three of the clock.


Resolved, that the grant of the Office of chief Register in Chancery made to Miles Corbet Esq; and Mr. Rob. Goodwin shall from henceforth cease and be voyd, & that the differences between Walter Long Esq; a member of Parliament, and the Lady Lermin touching the said Office, be and is hereby reserred unto Donzill Hollis and Harbotle Grimstone, to determine the same.

The House read a Bill for giving power to the Council of State during the Interval, in order to publick safety, which after the first and second rea­ding passed.

Resolved, that the Letters Credentials from the King of Sweden given at Gottenburgh 13 Feb. 1660, and former Letters from the said King of Sweden, delivered in by Mr Speaker, be referred to the Council of State.

The House also read the Credentials of Alger­non Sidney and Sr Robert Honywood Knight, Pleni­potentiaries to the King of Sweden.

Ordered, that the Council of State do write such Letters Credentiall for the said Plenipoten­tiaries as they shall think fit, and that Mr Speaker do sign the same, and seal the same with the Parlia­ments Seal.

The House likewise read the Bill for continu­ing the Tearms, Processes and Proceedings of the four Courts of Iustice in Ireland, which being read the first and second time upon the Question passed.

Likewise the Bill for reviving an Act for Im­pressing of Seamen was this day read the first and second time.

Resolved, that this Act doe continue untill the 24 of Iune 1660 and no longer, and the said Bill so amended being put to the Question passed.

Resolved that further power be granted unto the Council of State to issue their Warrants to the Commissioners of the great Seal, for the Autho­rizing them to passe under the great Seal such Commissions or Plenipotentiaries, as the Council shall find necessary to forreign Ministers employ­ed from this Commonwealth, and particularly for those employed in Sweden.

The House also passed an Act for removing obstructions in bringing in the Assessements.

Resolved, That power be and is hereby given to the Council of State to dis­charge Colonel John Lambert from his Im­prisonment upon his Paroll or security, as they shall see cause.

Resolved, That Dr. Wren be dischar­ged of his Imprisonment, and that the Lieutenant of the Tower be and is here­by required to discharge him according­ly.

Resolved, That the like power be and is hereby given to the Council of State to discharge any other person or persons that are imprisoned upon any crime com­mitted against the State.

Ordered, That the Act for the Mini­sters, the Act for the General, and the Act for dissolving this present Parliament be taken into consideration to morrow morning, nothing to intervene.

Ordered, That the Petition of the Ad­venturers for Lands in Ireland be referred [Page 160]to the Council of Stare, to take the same into consideration, and to settle those that are already in possession, and supply­ing of Deficiencies out of Land forfeit­ed to the Commonwealth.

Ordered, That the Trustees for sale of Lands forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, be and are required to for­bear to sell and of the Lands or Estates of the Lord St. Iohn, and of the Lord Craven, and a stop be and is nereby put to the sel­ling of the same, and in selling of the Timber on their or either of their lands yet unsold.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are so be had at the Office of Intelligence.

Numb. 21. A PERFECT DIURNAL: OR The daily Proceedings in PARLIAMENT.
Published according to Order.
Friday 16. March.

THe Reader is to take notice that a Diurnal of this daies Proceedings is intended to be published by another hand, which con­tains onely the Forenoon, and that im­perfect, as will appear by this which is taken from the Original.


That Iohn Iure a Servant attending on the Parliament, having been arrested and being imprisoned at the Suit of Iohn Biscoe be and is hereby discharged of his impri­sonment, and that Richard George a Bay­liffe of the Liberties of Westminster who ar­rested the said Iohn Iure be sent for in cu­stody, and that the Serjeant at Arms at­tending the Parliament, do take him in­to Custody accordingly.

Information being given to the House that there was a neglect by the Printer, in not expediting the Acts for the Militia: the Parliament nominated a Committee to goe unto the Printing house, and to examine matters of fact; Mr. Prin re­ports from the said Committee, that ac­cording to order of Parliament they went to the Printer's last night, and did find that there was no fault in the Clerk nor [Page 163]in the Printer, nor no delay in the one nor in the other.


That the Pattent concerning Sion Colledge, now in the hands of the Clerk of the Parliament, be delivered unto Mr. Manton.

A Bill for conferring of 20000 l. on Captain Ge­neral George Monck, for his Eminent services, was this day read the first, second and third time, and upon the Question passed.


That his Excellency the Lord General Monck be and is hereby constituted Steward of the Honors and Mannors of Hampton Court, and Keeper of the House and Park there, and that he hold and enjoy the same, with all Rights and Priviledges to the said Stewardship, belonging in as large, ample, and beneficiall manner to all intents and purposes as any Steward of the Honors and Mannors of Hampton Court, Keeper of the House & Parks, have at any time heretofore had and enjoyed the same.


That the Act for dissolution of this Parliament be read the first businesse this Afternoon, nothing to intervene.

Amendments to the Bill for settling incumbents in sequestred livings, which being twice read, upon [Page 164]the Question, was agreed upon, and the said Act so amended, being put to the Question, passed.


That this be the Title of this Act, viz. an Act for Ministers and payment of Tythes

Ordered, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Ordered, That Mr. Martin Blague be and is here­by restored to his living at Barstaple in the Coun­ty of Devon, and it is referred to the Lords Com­missioners for Custody of the great Seal, and the Master of the Rolls or any two of them to see this Order executed, and that the said Martin Blague be put in possession of the said Living accordingly.

A Letter from General George Monck from St. Iameses of the sixteenth of March. 1659. was read.

Ordered, that three Gentlemen be appointed to go unto the General to give him satisfaction and re­port their proceeding herein to the Parliament.

A Bill for taking the Accounts and redressing of grievances concerning the Tythes and Church Eivings in VVales, and for advancement of Reli­gion and Learning there was this day day read the third time, and upon the Question passed.

Ordered, That this Act be forth with printed and published.

An Advertisement to the Reader.

WHere as a Resolve was published in the Thurs­days Diurnal concerning Qualifications of Members to sit and serve in Parliament. The Rea­der is to take norice, that there was an amendment passed to be added unto the said Resolve, viz. After the first day of Ian. 1641. his or their sons be added so that the Resolve thus amended, is as followeth.

Resolved, That all and every person who have advised or voluntarily aided, abetted or assisted in any war against the Parliament (since the first day of Ia­nuary 1641.) his or their sons, unlesse the or they have since manifested their good affection to this Par­liament, shall be uncapable to be elected to serve as Members of the next Parliament.


The Committee appointed to go to the General, Reports that the General upon Reading the Clauses in the Act for the Mi­litia rested well satisfied.

A Bill en grossed for dissolving [Page 166]of the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the third of November 1640. and for the calling and holding of a Parlia­ment at Westminster on the 25. day of April 1660. was this day read the third time. A Proviso unto the said Bill was tendered and Read the first and second time, and upon the question agreed unto; viz. Provided alwayes, and be it declared that the single Actings of this House, enforced by the pressing necessities of the present times, are not intended in the least to infringe, much lesse take away, that Ancient native right which the House of [Page 167]Peers (consisting of the Lords who did engage in the Cause of the Parliament against the forces raised in the name of the late King, and so continued until 1648.) had and have to be a part of the Parliament of England.


That the day for the dissolu­tion of the Parliament be from the 16. day of March 1659. And the said Bill so amended being put to the question passed.

Ordered that this Act be printed and published.


That this day three weeks be­ing Friday the 6. of April 1660. be [Page 168]set apart for a day of publick fast­ing and Humiliation to be sole­mnized throughout these Na­tions to seek the Lord for his bles­sing upon the Parliament to be called, that the Lord will make them healers of our Breaches, and instruments to resolve and settle peace and Government in these Nations upon foundations of truth and righteousnesse:

The Writs for choosing of Members to sit and serve in Parliament are to be issued forth in the names of the Keepers of the Liberties of England by Authority of Parliament.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater-noster-Rowe 1659.

And are to be had at the Office of Intelligence.

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