AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT.
IT is this day Ordeyned by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That the Ordinance of both houses of Parliament, dated the 15. day of November last past, granted to Maxemilian Bard, and Thomas Browne, and others, for the taking and seizing of Horses, Mares, and Geldings, is hereby revoked and made voyd, and of none effect; And that if the said Maxemilian Bard, and Thomas Browne, or any others, shall seize or take any Horses, Mares, or Geldings hereafter, by colour of the said Ordinance, shall be proceeded against as Fellons, according to the Lawes of this Land.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance shall be forthwith Printed and published.
Printed at London for Iohn Wright, in the Old Baily: 1642.