THE STATE MARTYROLOGIE. OR, INNOCENT BLOOD Speaking its Mournfull TRAGEDY, In the HISTORY of the late ANARCHY since 1648. to this present Time 1660.

The undaunted Marquess of Montross

The Renowned Lord Capell

The high and Mighty Monarch CHARLES the second by the Grace of GOD King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defender of the fayth G:

The valiant Earle of Darby

The Reverend and truly Pious Doctor Hewitt

A List of some Worthy Per­sons Who have Suffered Violent Deaths for their Loyalty to his Sacred Ma­jesty KING Charles the Second.
  • DUke Hamilton, Earl of Cam­bridge,
  • Henry Lord Rich, Earle of Hol­land.
  • Arthur Lord Capell; All three Be­headed in the Palace Yard Westminster, March 9th. 1649.
  • Col. John Morris late Governour of Pontefract-castle, executed at Yorke, August 23. 1649.
  • James Marquesse of Montrosse Hanged on a Gallows 30 Foot high at Edingburgh, his Head, Leggs, and Armes set on seve­ral places.
  • Colonel Eusebius Andrews Behead­ed on Tower Hill, August the 22d. 1650.
  • Sir Henry Hide, Beheaded near the Exchange London, March the 4th. 1650.
  • James Earle of Derby Beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire, October the 15th. 1651.
  • Mr. John Gerbard, Beheaded on Tower Hill, July the 10th. 1654.
  • Mr. Peter Vowel, Executed at Cha­ring Crosse, the 10th of July, 1654.
  • Colonel Penruddock. Hugh Grove Esq. both Beheaded in the Castle at Exon, May the 16, 1655.
  • Sir Henry Slingsby. The Reverend and Pious, Dr. John Hewit, both Beheaded the 8th. of June, 1658.
  • Colonel Ashton, and John Betteley, both Hanged and Quartered, the first in Tower street, the o­ther in Cheap-side, and Edmund Stacy Hang'd in Cornhill.

THe whole Intrigue and design of the Detestable and Horrid Murther of the KING, with all its concomitant and suc­ceeding passages of State, with which the Counsels and con­trivements of all the complices and partakers in that abominable fact, have piec'd and patcht up their severall forms of pretended Go­vernment; are herein (as farre as the best insight can take a view of it both by the publique, and some private papers) produced to the light: to the end that monstrous Guilt which hath so infamed our times and Nation, may be palpably detected and imputed onely to the parties engaged about, and conspiring in it; to the discharge of the Kingdome from the wickednesse of that unparalle'ld Regicide.

It is past all question that Oliver Cromwell was principal, and the chief accessary in complotting of it was Henry Ireton his Son in Law the then Commissary General of the Army, Sir Gilbert Pickering was a great Privado, and Sir Arthur Hasilrigge a choice instrument to the plot. the first Overt and open Act of the Design to Olivers often dream't of Soveraignty was the seizing of his Majesty by Cornet Ioyce at Holmeby; next the Armies Declaration to the Parliament, (in pur­suance of the Agreement of the People) for impartial justice, then force­ing the House of Commons and debarring the Lords from sitting in their House, putting a Iuncto of Common Council upon the City; all which pernicious and villanous courses meeting with a Degenerate sort of men, and of mean Births and Fortunes still remaining in the lower House, who were assured of making themselves by the spoiles of the Church and State, when they came to be sole Lords of them, quickly brought that sad and calamitous parricide to maturity.

These irregular violent proceedings were delivered of a High Court of Justice, more Exorbitant then any their former Actions; to make this up they pack Commissioners, like Master, like Men, and with precious promises purchase Bradshaw to be the impudent Mouth of their Lawlesse Court; the main Engineers whereof were William Say, Augustine Garland, Gilbert Millington, both Sir Henry Vanes, &c. This pretended formal Judicature being by such Diabolical Machi­nations erected, they bring the KING to their BAR, and there against all Law, Reason, and Humanity, (Duty, and Allegiance was lost before) condemn their Liege Lord and Soveraign.

Immediately after the Barbarous Execution of his Majesty; they make an Act against Kingly Government printed at large, Vote the Supream power and Authority to be and reside in the people thinking thereby to Collogue and ingratiate with them, then fall they to their former Butchery, set their High Court of Justice at work again with fresh Blood-Hounds and a New President, for Bradshaw was Lorded, and Scorned to do Journey work; and by that same power Murther Duke Hamilton, the Earle of Holland, and the renowned Lord Capell, March 19. 1648. And make an Act to abolish the House of Peers.

Then they make an Act for an Assessement of 120000 per mensem to secure the Liberties of the people, Declare themselves a Free State, and Commonwealth, take off the KINGS Head from his Statue in the Royal Exchange, and by and by after (as ashamed of their ridi­culous malice) Remove the said Statue.

The next thing in order to the Establishment of their unmatchable Tyranny, they endeavour Leagues with Forrein States, send over Dorislaus one that drew up the Charge against KING, to the States of Holland; but the first night he came to the Hague where the KING our present Soveraign then was, he was killed by one Whitford a Scotchman, the like was done to Ascham another of their Ministers sent into Spain; they send Richard Bradshaw the Kinsman of that Be­lial President to the City of Hamborough maintain Intelligencers and Spies in all the Courts of Christendome, and with the grand Seignior. The 22d of August 1650. thirsting after more blood, their High Court of Justice Condemns Colonel Eusebius Andrews for receiving Com­missions from the KING, and by a Committee Sentenc'd Sir Henry Hide for being the KINGS Agent at Constantinople. And now upon some Reasons of State the King of Spain acknowledges them for a Free State, then they pick a quarrel with the Hollander in which they were succesful: but their Usurped Tyrannical Dominion began to wain, when they thought themselves settled and sure in the Sad­dle; for after the defeat given to the KING at Worecster, their General purposed to rule the Roast himself, and reap the fruit of his perjuries and time serving Declarations, to which purpose he minded their Rumpships, of the General suspicion and grievance of the people, as if they intended to perpetuate themselves in the Govern­ment: this overture from him they promised to take into conside­ration, and to Lull him a sleep (who was Restlesse in his Ambition) conferre upon him all the Honours and Respects imaginable, (though they had before gratifyed him largely out of the Sales of Delinquents Estates, out of which they had raised vast sums to their Exchequor.)

But all would not do, he had dream't he should be a KING and he was resolved to pursue such leading hopes to it as (his much cele­brated) providence had so fairly offered him. And it is here remark­able that he took the same advantage by their intended indissolution to turn them out of doors, as they did to turn the KING out by his Gracious Act of continuing the parliament till their own pleasure; so justly was their ingratitude and baseness retaliated. This year March 29, 1651. Brown-Bushel, beheaded under Tower Hill; and now so odious were they to their own party by Olivers defaming of them to the Saints, that a Council of Officers after a Humiliation and seeking of God, find it a duty incumbent on their spirits to move the Gene­ral to put a period to the present parliament, this hap'ned in Aprill, 1653. Accordingly the General acquaints the House with the propo­sals of the Army, and that the good people of the Nation ought not longer to be delayed, or frustrated of the price of that blood and treasure had been expended. Now the Rump began to stink, and found out what their Mirmydon Oliver aimed at, and therefore to ob­viate his aspiring conceits, they appoint a Committee to enform him that as the Nation stood, there was no probability of asserting the good Old Cause without the continuance of the parliamen [...], that they would fill up their House immediately, and then proceed to qualifi­cations for new Elections, to which end they laid before him the dan­ger of the return of the Common Enemy (so they termed his now Majesty) & that this would be the greatest Service could be done him, with sundry other reasons, which when Oliver had laught at, at a Con­ference with some twenty of their Members, and acquainted them with his Resolution; he accompanied with several chief Officers of his Army entered the House, where having Declared his businesse, some by force, some through fear, some not without murmuring and reluctancy departed thence; And to set a fair Glosse on what he had done, and give some satisfaction to the people (who were as glad of the change as himself) he published a Declaration wherein he tells the people the same story he had told as aforesaid to the parliament. And this was the first Comical Scene of our troubles, to which the Kingdomes cryed plaudite.

This Action as it made Cromwell the more acceptable to the sober part of people, who were overjoyed to be any way rid of that accur­sed thing, so did it highly conduce to his Designes in the minds and affections of the Phanatique Crew, who were alwayes the constant Votaries of the Army: from among these therefore he picks up, and gathers a Congregation which he calls a Parliament, in the interim erects a Councell of State, and by a Letter of Summons in May 1653. they were convened at Whitehall. Monday June 4. 1653 their business was after a short sitting to conferre their power of Parliament upon Cromwell, (for any pretence of right would serve turn that had the Authority of the SWORD) and accordingly the major part did so, as they were bid, and by a thing called an Instrument resigned their power into his hands. (Note that in this foolish or Barebones Parliament, which consisted of 120, there were neer 20 Rumpers.)

That Instrument begot another of 42 Strings or Articles, and by the Musick of this, Cromwell was made Lord protector, and on the 16. of December, 1653. he was installed in Westminster-hall, in the Court of Chancery, President Lisle administring him an Oath, to which Oliver lifting up his NOSE, and EYES, swore devoutly and re­ligiously, as he had used, in the presence of mine Heers the Judges, and my Lord Mayor, and his Brethren the Aldermen, who were in­vited to the Solemnity. In requitall whereof, they invited his High­ness to dine with them at Grocers-Hall, where he was magnificently treated in February following. A Proclamation that all Writs should run in the name and stile of the Lord protector. An Ordinance to repeal the Act of Engagement, several Ordinances touching the Ad­ministration and Government of Scotland. All this while he kept square with the Cavalier, now it was time ( July 1654.) to think of a plot, to that purpose he had a Secretary for his turn one Thurloe, for­merly Judge St. John's Man, he and his Emissiaries, Trepan Mr. John Gerard, and Mr. Vowell, as guilty of conspiring with one Fox, about the protectors death, for which the two first were Executed by Sentence of Lisle President of a new High Court of Justice.

By this time he thought he was Radicated in the Government, and to try [...]onclusions (for as long as the SWORD was in his hand he was safe enough) he summoned a parliament in November which con­tinued 5 Lunary months, wholly spent in questioning the power that called them, and debating the Instrument; at the dissolution of this parliament, OLIVER used these words, viz. ‘This one thing I speak advised before God, that this is my constant judgement, if this one thing had been inserted, that this Government should have been and placed Hereditary in my Family, I would have rejected it.’ And after, If this be of humane structure and invention, and if it be an old plotting to bring things to this passe, and that they are not the births of provi­dence, then they will come to nothing. Note, the Rump was too hard for Oliver this parliament, and spoiled all his projects and designes upon it, this goes by the name of the Dumb parliament, presently after follows the insurrection in the West.

But he had purposed to have money by Hook or Crook, (he had a little before made peace with the Hollanders upon disadvantagious terms) he therefore by the advice of Mazarine, falls out with the Spaniard, and a Fleet was sent to conquer his West Indies, and dis­possesse him of his Mines; but he reapt nothing from thence, but Losse, and Dishonour. A peace is concluded with Sweden, by the management of Bulst. Whitlocke, one of his prime Engines of State, presently after the French peace; so that there was no danger to him from abroad. Still money was lacking, and Authority to obtain it from the people, and he saw that he must either govern arbitrarily or precariously; Wherefore in 1656. he calls another parliament, by which secluding the major, and Honester part, and by corrupt Ele­ctions, he was declared to be protector, and accordingly vested by Sir Thomas Widrington, Speaker. June 20. 1657. another House Vo­ted and then the parliament prorogued. Met again in a full House January after, and ready to question him; he comes to the painted Chamber, and in a fury dissolves them. And now he began to be cruel in earnest, and discovers the bloodiness of his mind, Innocent Sir Henry Slingsby, Dr. Hewit, &c. murthered by a High Court of Ju­stice. An English Army in Flanders take Mardike and Dunkirk. His daughter Cleypoole dies. And on the 3d. of September, 1558. death summon'd him to an account, and put an end to his short and trou­blesome Domination and Rule.

Richard succeeds his Father, calls a parliament, dissolves it through the threats of the Army, and Exit. Enter again Sir Rump, and out again and for ever, whose exorbitant late wicked actions stinck so fresh yet every where, that it will be irksome and loathsome to repeat them.

To Conclude, by the wisdome and unparallel'd Conduct of our Noble General, we are hopefully arrived at a reestablishment of our Lawes, Liberties, and Religion, under the Government of his most Excellent Majesty, CHARLES the 2d, whom God long, and long preserve. He was proclaimed, May 8. 1660.

London, printed by T. Creake and are to be sold by Edw. Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little-brittaine. 1660.

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