The KINGS Declaration to all his loving Subiects.

WE are not ignorant that the incessant Malice of some indisposed, or rather desperate men (like Cockle amongst Corn) con­tinue indeavouring by all the means they can to hinder the growth and pervert the Iudgements of such Our good People, as are willing to recover their lost Duty and Obedience to Vs, notwithstanding the prudent care of Iudirious, Vnpassio­nate, and Vninteressed Persons, to Compose the differences and heal the Wounds which have so long been kept open and raw by the Blood-Thirsty, who beleiving their Crimes to be beyond pardon, endeavour, like Pilate, to mingle Inno­cent Blood with their former impious Sacrifices, towards whom all Gracious mercies and Concessions are cast away.

We have therefore thought fit, once more, out of Our Princely Compassion towards those, whose Sins are in their sight, and evi­dently repented, as by their daily Expressions, are brought to Vs at this distance, which hath not ever heretofore been known to be be­tween the Kings of England and Subjects; We say, We have thought fit again to Declare Our propense readiness to embrace all Our Loving Subjects with the Armes of Pardon and Forgiveness, who shall no longer value themselves above Our Mercy, or their Crimes above Forgiveness, which cannot be of that deep remembrance with Vs.

Nor are We without a deep sence of their wilfull Sufferings, who like weak Spirited Women and Children, are willing to fall un­der their Infirmities, rather then admit the distaste and operation of a healing Remedy: What invitation can We indeed offer unto them after they have slighted the preservation of their own Inheritance and their Laws, and that nearer Obligation, their Religion; For having wilfully resigned the properties of their Possessions, and more unhappily resisted the means of their Salvation; Our hopes also may seem desperate, though we set before them all the Fruitions which this and the next World can enable Vs to perform.

Nevertheless, in imitation of Our Heavenly Father (by whom, and in whose Lively Image Kings Reign) We do again hereby offer a Free Pardon and Indempnity to all such of Our Loving Subjects as shall embrace the same, and in Testimony thereof prepare them­selves Peaceably to receive, and Dutiful to Defend Vs at Vur coming, against the Vn-christian Attempts of such, as shall (if any such there be) continue or combine further to resist Our Lawfull Claim and Peaceable Possession of those Our undoubted Kingdoms of Great Brittain and Ireland: We say We do hereby tender unto them a Free and General pardon: Will you therefore that We come unto you in the Spirit of Meekness, or in Revenge? It is in your own Power to put a Scepter or a Rod into Our hands?

It is well known unto Vs that you feel and confess your ruines to be grounded upon your Disobedience, and will you yet against that Mercy of God which hath opened your Eyes, continue your Obstinacy and undo your Confession by denying your Conversion? Look up­on your Little Ones, and read in them the Multiplication of your Sufferings whose future reflections upon your Rebellions and for­feitures, must leave them miseraole, and the remembrance of their Ancestors odious: know, That if you further provoke Vs to use those helps which Our Royal Consanguinities do daily offer unto Our Assistance, and which We must be most unwillingly inforced to embrace, that the Charge thereof your Estates must compensate, if by no other president or relation, then that of your own injustice in ta­kin [...], possessing, or selling the Inheritance of such Our Loyal Subjects, whom you have either stain with the Sword of your Success, or hold in Banishment through your Fear and Malice, that they may again injoy their own, and return some of you to the Hunger and Nakedness which was your Portion before Our Calm and Healing Waters were troubled.

If those who Travel the Seas with Merchandies will truly relate unto you their Returns, you will apparently see the decay of your Tradings in general; For We well know that if your Merchants miscarry, your Husbandry and Manufactures will lie heavy upon you; of which We hear daily Complaints, and are willing to ease the same, if by Your Obedience You would bring them within Our Power.

If any amongst You cry out of Tender Consciences? Who could offer more towards their Consolation then We have formerly in all Our Declarations Erpressed? and in case that do yet continue to be an Obstacle, We assure You in the word of a King, and your King, that You shall fully injoy such Libertie to Your Souls as Your own Representatives in PARLIAMENT, together with Your most Learned Divines shall advise.

Paradventure the Souldiers amongst You (as well knowing their want of legal Title to the Estates they possess, as the unwillingness of the People to satisfie their Demands in Arrears, may withstand other mens more moderate desires;) As to them who are in possession of Our own and other Mens Inheritances, We shall for avoidance of Partialitie leave them also to the Iudicature of their Representa­tives, either to continue their Possessions, or to redeem them on such Terms as their own Wisdom shall most approve; and for the Ar­rears unpaid to the Common Souldiers, it will be, We assure You, Our first care to discharge them so soon as We shall be in Peacea­ble Possession of Our Kingdoms.

There remains no more, but that upon Our Princely Word. We will be readie to joyn with all Our Loving Subjects for the setling of an Everlasting Peace, the first step whereto is an Amenstitia and absolute Oblivion to all which is past, which on Our part shall be so inviolably kept, as those who have been Our most Protest Enemies, shall not receive the least Endamaging Affront from Our most De­serving Friends; And as We are the Vndeniable Lawfull Deputy of GOD shall as near as We can, studie and endeavour to imi­tate Him in Mercie and Iustice, to as many of You as acknowledge and obey Vs Your true and undoubted Soveraign

C. R.

LONDON. Printed for Richard Parker in Little Brittain, 1660.

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