WHEREAS it hath pleased the Parliament in and by their Act bearing Date the 14 th of August 1649. concerning the Excise, to appoint the Generall of their Forces for the time being, to Order and enjoyne all Collonels, Captaines, Officers & Soul­diers under his Command, upon application made to them, or any of them, speedily to suppresse all Tumults, Ryots, and unlawfull Assem­blies which shall be attempted or acted, in opposition against the Commis­sioners of Excise, their Sub-Commissioners, Collectors, or Officers, in exe­cution of the Ordinances and Acts of Parliament for the Excise; and to ap­prehend all such ryotous and tumultuous persons, that they may be proceed­ed against according to Law. And whereas it is in the said Act further de­clared, That no Commander, Officer, or Souldier, shall seize upon, forcea­bly take, or detayne any the Receipts of the Excise, or protect any person from payment thereof, or encourage any person not to pay the same. And that if any Commanders, Officers, or Souldiers, shall notwithstanding seize upon, forceably take, or detayne any the Receipts of the Excise, protect any person from paying thereof, or encourage any person not to pay the same, upon due proofe made thereof, shall be (Ipso facto) Cashiered, and all his Arrears forfeited to the Common-wealth; and suffer such other punish­ment as shall by the said Generall or Councell of Warre, be adjudged fit­ting.

IN pursuance whereof I doe hereby require all Collonels, Captains, Officers, and Souldiers under my Command, upon application from time to time of the said Commissioners of the Excise, their Sub-Commissioners, Collectors, or Of­ficers, unto them, or any of them, to be aiding and assisting, as well in prevent­ing of such Tumults and Ryots, as in the suppressing thereof. And doe also hereby declare, That if any Collonels, Officers, or Souldiers shall seize upon, forceably take, or detayne any the Receipts of the Excise, or shall protect any person from paying thereof, or encourage any person not to pay the same, shall be proceeded against, and suffer according as in the said Act is expressed.


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