MR. Speaker, by way of report acquaints the House of the great appearance of the Militiaes of London, Westminster, Southwarke, and the Hamblets of the Tower, on Monday last in Finsbury feilds, and their great Cheerefulnes and Readines manifested to the publick service. And likewise of the great care and affection of the Lord Major, Aldermen, Sheriffes, and Common-councell of the City of London, the Collonels, and Officers, and Souldiers of the Trained bands, and Voluntiers both horse and foot, and especially the great care and paines of Major Generall Skippon, in that service.


That the thankes of the Parliament be returned to the Lord Major, and Aldermen, Sheriffes, and Common-coun­cell of the City of London, and likewise to the severall Mi­litiaes of London, Westminster, Southwarke, and the Ham­blets of the Tower, and to the Collonels, Officers, and Soul­diers; and to the Trained bands, and Voluntiers, both horse and foot, for their great affection to the Parliament, in their cheerfull readines to serve the State, manifested at their last appearance in Finesbury feilds on Monday last.


That Alderman Pennington, Sir John Bourchier, Alder­man Atkin, and Alderman Allen, doe returne the thanks of the Parliament accordingly.

Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.

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