And being above—xxiij c. weight upon every hundred | ij d. |
And for Seacoales the Load | xij d. |
3 Item, From any the Wharfes aforesaid, To Smithfield barrs, Holborne barr, Temple barr, or any of the barrs on the Northside of the City, and places of like distance up the Hill with—xviij C. weight, not exceeding—xxiij C. weight. | |
For every Load | xxij d. |
And going beyond the said places, the Parties to agree with the Carrmen. | |
4 Item, From any the Wharfes aforesaid, To Towerstreet, Gracechurchstreet, Bishopsgate within, Cornhill, and places of like distance up the Hill with—xiiij C. weight, not exceeding—xviij C. weight, In which may bee included xx. peices of Raisins, a load of Raisins of the Sun, vj. bags of Pepper, vj. ordinary bags of Galls, iij. great bags of Galls, vj. bales and barrels of Indico, vj. bales of Grograines, vj. ordinary bales of Turky silk, viij. bales of India silk, v. hogsheads of Cloves and Tobacco, iiij. bales of Callicoes, iij. hogsheads of Wines, ij. chests of Sugars; or any other goods of the like weight | xiiij d. |
7 Item, From London bridge to the Bridgfoot westward, Old Swan, Coleharbour, the three Cranes, Queenhithe, Broken wharfe, Paulswharfe, Puddle wharfe, the Wardrobe, and to all other Places not exceeding the Poultry, Cheapside, Newgate market, for —xiij C. weight, not exceeding—xviij C. weight | xiiij d. |
And for every load of Seacoales | xii d. |
And to all the places Northward of the Poultry, Cheapside, Newgate market, Holborne bridge, and Fleetstreet, for—xiiij C. weight, not exceeding—xviii C. weight | xvi d. |
8 Item, from Towerstreet, Gracechurchstreet Fanchurchstreet, Bishopsgatestreet within, Cornehill, and other places of like distance, for every pack of xx. Clothes, for vi. bales of Clothes and Kersies, vi. bales of Pepper, vi. barrels of Indico, v. hogsheads of Cloves, and for other goods of like weight to the waterside | xii d. |
And from Broadstreet, Lothbury, Old-jury Bassishaw, Colemanstreet, Iremongerlane, S t. Lawrence lane, Milkstreet, Aldermanbury, Cheapside, Woodstreet, Fridaystreet, Breadstreet, and other places of like distance to the waterside, for the like weight, conditionally, that the Carrmen doe load their own Carrs | xiiij d. |
And if they refuse to doe the same, then but | xii d. |
1 Item, That it shall be free for all Merchants and others that have occasion to use Carres, to choose what Carres they please, except such as stand for Wharfe-worke, Crane-work, Shops, and Warehouses between Tower Wharfe and London bridge, which are to stand in order, and to be taken in turne, in regard of the narrownesse of the passage in those places.
Item, For prevention of future damage to the Merchants, and suppressing of unruly and disorderly Carremen, and for avoyding of danger by unruly horses, it is thought fit, and so ordered by this Court, that the Company of Woodmongers, shall have power, and be hereby authorized to nominate and appoint Streetmen, (such as they shall thinke fit) to be Overseers of the said Carremen, to see and take care, that Merchants and other Citizens goods be well and faithfully carryed and delivered at the rates and prices aforesaid, without any exaction, hinderance, or disturbance; and that able persons, none under the age of Eighteen years be employed to manage their Horses and Carres: And that such of the Carremen as shall be found obstinate, and refuse to obey these Orders, may receive condigne punishment, according to the Laws and Orders of the said Company. And that such of them as shall bee disturbers, and occasion the breach of the Peace bee immediately brought before the Lord Maior, or some other of His Maiesties Iustices of the Peace, to bee punisht according to the Law. And all Constables and Officers within this City and Liberties, are required to be ayding and assisting unto the said Overseers, in the lawfull execution of their duties.