[royal blazon or coat of arms]

¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for restraint of excessiue Carriages, to the destruction of the High VVayes.

WHereas in the Reigne of Our most deare and Royall Father, King IAMES of blessed memory, and since Our accesse to the Crowne, seuerall Proclamations haue beene published for the re­straint of excessiue Carriages by common Carriers or others, to the destruction of the High Waies of this Realme; and yet We finde by dayly experience, those great abuses are still continued and increased; whereby if timely remedy be not prouided, those pub­like Nusances are like to hinder much the generall commerce of Our people, and become vnrepaireable, without excessiue charge and burthen to the Country. We therefore, by the aduice of the Lords and others of Our Priuie Councell, doe hereby straightly charge and command, that from henceforth no common Carrier, nor other person whatsoeuer, vpon the common High Wayes doe goe or trauaile with any Wagon, Weyne, Cart, or Carriage, whereon is or shall be laden at once aboue twenty hundred weight; Nor that for the draught or carrying thereof, there be vsed aboue fiue horses, or aboue foure Oxen and two horses, or aboue sixe Oxen without horses at any one time, to the end that by these meanes the occasion of such excessiue carriages may be preuented. All which We do straight­ly charge and command to be duely obserued, vpon paine of Our heauy indignation, and such other penalties and punishments, as by the Lawes or Statutes of this Our Realme, or otherwise, may be inflicted vpon the Offenders therein.

And because such extraordinary Carriages as of late yeares haue beene vsed, haue hereto­fore by the opinion of Our Iudges beene held to be generall Nusances, and therefore the same ought by the Law to be seuerely punished, as that wherein the publike hath an inte­rest: We doe straightly charge and command all Our Iudges and Iustices, that in their seuerall places they doe carefully and diligently enquire of all these Offences; and as much as in them lieth, doe punish the Offendors.

And Wee doe hereby admonish, and straightly charge and command all those whom it may concerne, that they be carefull from time to time to repaire and maintaine the High Waies, Bridges, and Causeys throughout this Our Realme, according to Our Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answere the contrary at their perils.

And because there may be no pretence for any to excuse themselues, Wee straightly require and charge, that Information from time to time be giuen to Our Attorney generall, of ob­stinate and notorious Offendors against this Our Royall command, which so much impor­teth the common good and ease of Our people; To the end, that by a legall course they may bee proceeded with, and receiue such punishment as their contempts and offences shall deserue.

And lastly, We doe hereby will and require all Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Iustices of peace, and all other Our Officers and Ministers in all Our Counties and places whatso­euer within this Our Realme, whom it may concerne, that they vse their vttermost endea­uour for discouery and punishment of all Offences and Offendors against this Our pleasure and Royall commandment.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1635.

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