❧ By the Queene.

WHere it is ordained and prouided by a Statute, made and established in the Parlia­ment holden at Westminster the eight day or Iune, in the eight and twentieth yeere of the raigne of the Queenes Maiesties dearely beloued father of famous memorie, King Henry the eight, that the prices of all kinde of Wines (that is to say) of the Tunne, Butte, Pipe, Punchion, Hogsheade, Tyerse, Barrell and Bundlet, when it should be solde in grosse, should be limitted and declared by the Lorde Chaunceller of England, Lord Treasourer of England, Lorde President of the saide Kings most ho­nourable priuie Counsell, Lorde prittie Seale, and the two chiefe Iustices of either Bench, or fiue, foure, or three of them, and that the same should be solve according to the same prices so by them set and taxed, vpon paine and penaltie contained in the said Acte: Forasmuch as the Lord Creasourer of England, and the two Lord chiefe Iustices, for diuers considerations them moouing, and according to the effect and meaning of the said Statute and Acte, haue in writing by their deliberate aduises, (vpon conference had with sundrie persons thereto requisite,) tared, assigned and appointed the prices of Gascoigne and French wines, to be solde within this her Highnesses Realme for this yeere folowing, in consideration of the great charges for safe conduction of the Wines out of Fraunce (that is to say) euery Tunne of the best Gascoigne and French Wines to be solde (the seller bearing all the charges due and payable to her Maiestie in her Custome house) after the rate and price of sixteene Pounds sterling the Tunn and not aboue: The byer bearing all the said charges, after the price and rate of thirteene Pounds sixe shillings eight pence sterling the Tunne and not aboue. And euery Pipe, Butte, Hogsheade, Tyerse, Barrell, Rundlet, and other vessels of the same seuerall Wines to bee solde in grosse after their quantities according to the same rates, and not aboue. And euery Tunne of Rochel and other small and thinne Wines to be solde (the seller bearing all the charges due and payable to her Maiestie in her Custome house) after the price and rate of foureteene Pounds sixe shillings eight pence sterling the Tunne, and not aboue: And the byer bea­ring the said charges at axi. Pounds thirteene shillings foure pence sterling the Tunne, and not aboue. And euery Butte, Pipe, Hogshead, Tyerse, Barrell, Rundlet, and other vessels of the same seuerall Wines to bee solde in grosse af­ter their quantities according to the same rates, and not aboue. The Queenes most excellent Maiestie therefore straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and singuler her louing Subiects and others, putting any maner Gas­coigne, French, Rochell, or other small or thinne Wines to sale within this her Highnesse Realme, that they, nor any of them in any maner of wise by any craft, couin, or priuate agreement, shall sell any Gascoigne, French, Rochel, or other small or thinne Wines, otherwise then is aboue limitted, vpon paine to forfaite and pay such penaltie as is con­teined and expressed in the said Statute, or in any other Statute made or ordained for the sme.

And moreouer her Highnesse pleasure and commandement is, that all and singuler Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, and other officers to whom it apperteineth, that they and euery of them with diligence, cause and see that this her Proclamation be put in due execution after the tenour of the same, and also according to an other Act of Par­liament established in the Parliament aboue rehearsed, against such as wil refuse to sell their Wines at prices taxed as is aforesaide, as they will answere thereto at their perils.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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