❧ By the Queene.
THE Quenes Maiestie callyng to her good remembraunce howe well thys Realme is furnished with good lawes and orders, for redresse of many enormities, and howe through negligence of officers, and presumption of offendours, the same neuerthelesse do rather growe then abate: hath thought mete at this present to deuise with her counsel, howe some fewe necessary lawes very beneficial for this tyme, might be duely executed and obserued, as they were meant, to the weale of the Realme, and comfort of her Maiestie. For which purpose her Maiestie geueth all maner her subiectes to vnderstande, that lyke as the last yeare a certaine abbreuiat of Statutes was made and published by order of her Counsayle, vpon her commaundement, and was by the Iustices of peace in diuers countreys diligently regarded, and in a great part put towards executiō, though in some other partes for lacke of time, the same toke not so good effect. So her Maiestie chargeth all maner her Iustices and other ministers to whom the same shal belong, to take in hand agayne theyr former charge geuen to them the last yeare, for thexecution of the sayd Statutes, hastening theyr assembles for that purpose, now in the beginning of thys Sommer, so as theyr doynges may be certified in such sort as they were commaunded and prescribed the last yeare.
And besydes these, her Maiestie fyndeth lyke cause to haue two other great enormities dayly increasing in this her Realme to be spedely refourmed, for which there do remaine in force good lawes. The one is, the monstruous abuse of Apparell almost in all estates, but principally in the meaner sorte. The other is the decaye and disfurniture of all kynde of Horses for seruice within the Realme. And because her Maiestie perceaueth, that although the lawes be very penal in both these cases, yet withoute some speciall directyon geuen for thexecution thereof, the reformation wyll not ensue: Her Maiestie hath caused the statutes remaynyng in force for both the sayde purposes, to be briefly collected, and presently by this her Proclamation chargeth all maner her She ryffes to publyshe the same ioyntly with this Proclamation, and to fyx the same vp in places accustomed.
Apparell.And for the maner of the spedy execution of the Statutes for Apparell & other enormities incident therto: Her maiestie hath caused certaine good ordinaunces to be deuised, and accorded by her counsel, which also her Maiesties pleasure is to be well regarded, straightly kept and obserued according to the seueral limitations therof: Wherfore there is good hope conceaued by her Maiestie of a spedye redresse by meanes of the said good orders. And yf in any poynt of the same statutes or orders, any doubt shal aryse for the vnderstanding of the same: her Maiestie wylleth that the aduyse and aunswere of her priuie counsel be required and folowed. And for the other defaulte tending to the decaye of horses within the Realme, which partly ryseth by stealing and carrying numbers of Horses, Geldynges, Mares, and Coltes out of the Realme, and by neglectyng the breeding and keping of Horses within the Realme, accordyng to the lawes prouyded.
Carriyng of Horses out of the Realme.For redresse of the former part concernyng carrying out of Horses out of the Realme: her Maiestie chargeth al maner her subiectes, and others within her Realme, to take knowledge of the lawes nowe publyshed for that purpose, and not to trust in any remission of penalties therfore prouyded. For the spedier obseruation wherof her Maiestie meaneth shortly to directe her seuerall Commissions vnder the great Seale, to such parts of her Realme where the conueyaunce hath accustomably bene, or hereafter may be, to enquire therof diligently and streyghtly by order of law, and therevpon to procede sharpely to thexecution, as the cases shall requyre.
Breeding and kepyng of Horses.And as to the latter parte tendyng to the decaye of breading & keping of Horses: her Maiestie doth lykewise charge all maner her subiectes to take knowledge of the lawes remayning in force, and now published at thys present tyme. And for that it is thought by her Maiestie, y t the same lawes hath ben by diuers persons so long [Page] forgotten, that it wyll seme harde to haue the same spedely put in execution: her Maiestie of her gracious disposition, meaneth to proceade to thexecution therof in this maner folowyng.
Her Maiestie intendeth to direct her seuerall Commissions to special persons in euery countie of the Realme, to enquire by order of lawe, what persons shall not haue before the .xv. of August next, Horses accordyng to the Statute by reason of theyr wyues apparell mentioned in the Statute, and what other persons chargeable to breedyng or kepyng of Horses by force of the Statutes, shall not before the .xv. of December nexte, perfourme the meanyng and intent of the sayde Statutes, aswell for breedyng as kepyng. And for the more certayne execution hereof: her Maiestie also meaneth to cause a speciall vieu to be taken through the Realme in September next, of the numbre inquirable by the foresayde .xv. daye of Auguste, as is aboue expressed: and a lyke muster and vieu to be taken in Ianuarye nexte at one instaunt tyme, both of the same numbre, and of all the rest wherof inquisition shalbe made by the sayde Commission, to be prouyded before the sayde .xv. day of December.
After which views and musters taken: her Maiestie intendeth at euery halfe yere to haue the same seuerely executed by officers specially appoynted, vntyll the Realme be replenyshed with such number of Horses, as may be well kept and mayntayned for the seruice of the same.
Of all these her Maiesties determinations, tendyng only to the weale, good order, and strength of her Realme: her Maiestie hath thought mete in this playne maner to geue notyce therof by this Proclamation to all maner her subiectes, to auoyde the paynes that otherwyse therof must and shall ensue.
Yeuen at her Maiesties Pallaice of Westminster the .vii. of May, the fourth yere of her hyghnes raigne.
God saue the Quene.