BE it knowne vnto all men, that I Nicholas Bowden Chirurgion, cutter of the stone, and also Occulest, curer of the Ruptures without cutting, with the helpe of almightie God, can cure and helpe these sicknesses and infirmities following.
- In primis, I can by cutting bring to health, be they men or little children, that haue the confirmed stone in the bladder, I can take the same away from women or girles without cutting.
- Also I can helpe those that are troubled with the grauell in the Kidneyes or Reines of the backe, also Vlcerations, Apostumations, or other impediments in the places afore-said.
- I can without cutting cure all Ruptures or Burstinges, as namely, Ramex, Inguinales, Intestenales, Serbales.
- I can also cure Herniam, Humoralem, Aquosam, Ventosam, Carnosam, Verrucosam, some by cutting, and some without, according to the disposition of the accident.
- I also cure wrie necks, wrie legges, and crooked bodies, by a rare meanes newly practised.
- All Rumes, pearles, blemishes, or Catteracts curable, although they haue beene long blinde, they shall in short time receaue sight.
- All hare or cleft lippes, I cure in short time.
- All Excressentions or Wennes, in what place so euer, I can cure them.
- Those Women that haue so hard trauell, that the Mid-wife cannot performe her office, those I case, and deliuer presently.
- Fistulaes, or cankerous matters, as Lupus, Noli me tangere, and diuers externall and enternall diseases, too long héere to rehearse.
- The Professor héereof can shewe credible proofes for the performance of these greefes before mentioned.
Those which shall haue neede of me, shall haue me