LONDON, Printed by THOMAS HARPER. 1636.

Psal. II.

Sing this as the first Psalme.
HOw comes it that the heathen thus doe not their rage restrain?
and why imagine people now a thing that is but vain?
verse 2 The Kings and Rulers of the earth, are altogether gone,
euen to consult against the Lord, and his annoynted one.
verse 3 Let us asunder breake their bands, so doe the wicked say,
and let us quickly farre from us, cast their strong cords away.
verse 4 He who doth sit high in the heaven, laugh at their folly shall:
the Lord (who mighty is) shall them have in derision all.
verse 5 Then shall he speake unto them straight, in indignation high:
and in his sore displeasure shall them vex exceedingly.
verse 6 Yet I my King establish't have according to my will,
upon fair Sion, which is of my holinesse the hill.
verse 7 I will declare what is decreed the Lord hath said to me,
thou art my onely Sonne, this day I have begotten thee.
verse 8 Aske me, and thou for heritage, the heathen shalt receive:
and shalt the utmost parts of earth, for thy possession have.
verse 9 Thou with a rod of yron strong, to breake them shalt prevail,
thou shalt them dash in pieces, like a potters vessell frail.
verse 10 Now therefore ye that are great Kings, your selves to wisedom give:
be ye instructed iudges all, that on the earth doe live.
verse 11 Serve you the Lord who mighty is, with feare submissively:
and in a moderate way reioyce, with trembling reverently.
verse 12 Kisse you the Son, that you may him from being angry stay:
lest if his wrath but sparkle once, you perish from the way.
verse 13 Most blessed certainly are those, when vex'd with any griefe,
who come with confidence to him, as sure to have reliefe.

Psal. III.

[...] LOrd, how are they encreasd that me continually annoy!
they many are who doe rise up, that they may me destroy.
verse 2 There many be, who of my soule most bitterly doe say,
there is no helpe for him in God to save him any way.
verse 3 But Lord, in whom I only trust, thou art a shield to me:
thou art my glory, and my head is lifted up by thee.
verse 4 I with my voyce unto the Lord did cry, entreating still,
and he most gratiously me heard, out of his holy hill.
verse 5 I laid me downe (all thoughts expeld) and did most calmely sleepe,
then cheerefully awak'd againe, for me the Lord did keepe.
verse 6 Though thousands ten of people should all set themselves 'gainst me,
encompassing me round about, I not afraid will be.
verse 7 Arise. O Lord, save me my God, for thou my foes didst smite
on the cheeke-bone, thou brok'st the teeth of the ungodly quite.
verse 8 Salvation doth unto the Lord belong, as onely his:
and on the people that are thine, thy blessing ever is.

Psal. IV.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
THou of my righteousnesse the God, when as I call give eare,
thou hast enlarg'd me from distresse, my suit in mercy heare.
verse 2 How long will ye, O Sonnes of men! my glory thus disgrace?
how long will ye seeke after lyes, and vanity embrace?
verse 3 But know that for himselfe, the Lord, the godly man selects:
and when to him I humbly call, he never me neglects.
verse 4 With reverence due stand still in awe, all kinde of sinne detest:
at night examine first your heart, and then securely rest.
verse 5 The sacrifice of righteousnesse, with fervency afford:
and let your trust what ever come, be fired in the Lord.
verse 6 Who will to us shew any good? a number murmure thus:
but of thy face lift up the light, that it may shine on us.
verse 7 My heart by thee with ioy inspir'd, hath more contentment found,
than they (even then) when corn & wine did most with them abound.
verse 8 I both in peace will lay me downe, and softly sleep imbrace:
for Lord, thou only mak'st to me secure my dwelling place.

Psalme V.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
LOrd, let thine eares receive my words, my meditation weigh,
verse 2 And heare my cryes, my King, my God, for I to thee will pray.
verse 3 Thou shalt my voyce each morning heare, when I the morning spy:
I, Lord, my pray'r to thee will send, and will look up on high.
verse 4 For thou art not a God, who pleas'd with wickednesse can'st be,
and never any evill at all shall lodged be by thee.
verse 5 Fooles shall not stand at all within the prospect of thine eye:
thou dost them altogether hate, that worke iniquity.
verse 6 Thou shalt them to confusion bring, whose lyes the world abuse,
the Lord abhors the bloudy man, and him that fraud doth use.
verse 7 But in thy mercies manifold, come to thy house I will:
thy temple towards, in thy feare, I thee will worship still.
verse 8 Lord, leade me in thy righteousnesse, that I may never stray:
because of foes, and make thou straight before my face, thy way.
verse 9 No faithfulnesse is in their mouth, their inward part is ill:
their throat is like a gaping tombe, their tongues doe flatter still.
verse 10 Destroy thou them, O God, let them by their own Counsels fall:
cast them in their num'rous sins, since rebels to thee all.
verse 11 But make them glad that trust in thee, let shouts their ioy proclaim:
since them thou guard'st, let them be glad that love thy holy name.
verse 12 For, Lord, thy blessing ever shall upon the righteous be:
with favour he as with a shield, shall compass'd be by thee.

Psalme VI.

[...] LEt me not in thy wrath, O Lord, by thee rebuked be:
and when thou highly art displeas'd, then spare to pu­nish me.
verse 2 O Lord, because I am grown weake, have mercy upon me,
heal me, O Lord, for now with paine my bones all vexed be.
verse 3 My heavy soul extreamely vex'd, doth grone with inward griefe:
but Lord, how long wilt thou delay in working my reliefe?
verse 4 Return, O Lord, and let my soul delivered be by thee:
and for thy boundlesse mercies sake, make haste in saving me.
verse 5 When death hath all depriv'd of sense, none can call thee to minde:
and who shall give due thanks to thee, whil'st in the grave confin'd?
verse 6 With groaning weary all the night, to swim I make my bed:
and I doe water all my Touch with teares that I have shed.
verse 7 Mine eye is now consumed quite, because of many woes:
(all vigour lost) it doth waxe old, because of all my foes.
verse 8 Ye workers of iniquity, depart from me with speed:
the Lord hath heard the voyce, that from my weeping did proceed.
verse 9 The Lord who full of mercy is, hath heard what I did crave:
the Lord the prayer that I make, will gratiously receive.
verse 10 Let all mine enemies be asham'd, and vexed grievously:
let them returne, and be asham'd, and that even suddenly.

Psal. VII.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
O Lord, that onely art my God, I put my trust in thee:
save me from them that persecute, and straight deliver me.
verse 2 Lest like a Lyon bent for prey, he seize upon my soule:
and it asunder fiercely teare, whil'st none can him controule.
verse 3 O Lord that onely art my God, if this was done by me:
or if at all within my hands, iniquity there be.
verse 4 If him I harm'd with whom in peace I as a friend did goe:
yea I even him delivered have, who causelesse is my foe.
verse 5 Let th'enemy pursue and take my soule, yea (as his prey,)
let him tread downe my life on th'earth in dust mine honour lay.
verse 6 Rise, Lord in w [...]ath, because they rage that doe against me stand:
and to the iudgement watch for me that didst the same command.
verse 7 The peoples congregation so about thee compasse shall:
returne thou therefore for their sakes, exalted high o're all.
verse 8 The Lord shall all the people iudge, as iudge, O Lord, me try:
according to my righteousnesse, and my integrity.

The second part.

verse 9 Oh of the wicked, let an end the wickednesse soone bound:
but fixe the iust, for hearts and reyns the righteous God doth found.
verse 10 All that I have for my defence, God doth to me impart:
who doth them all in mercy save, that upright are in heart.
verse 11 God doth them iudge that righteous are, according to their way:
and God is likewise angry with the wicked every day.
verse 12 And if he doe not turne againe, he whets his sword for fight:
he bended hath his threatning bow, and hath it fitted right.
verse 13 He also hath prepar'd for him the instruments of death,
he 'gainst the persecutors all, ordaines his shafts in wrath.
verse 14 Behold, he with iniquity doth travell as his birth:
he basely mischiefe hath conceiv'd, and falshood hath brought forth.
verse 15 He made a pit, and dig'd it deep, where he for others watch'd,
but whil'st he went about his work, there be himselfe was catch'd.
verse 16 His mischiefe all upon his head returne shall in the end:
his violence on his owne pate, shall suddenly descend.
verse 17 Even as the Lord most righteous is, I will his praise proclaime,
and of the Lord that is most high, my song shall found the name.

Psal. VIII.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
O Lord, my God, how doth thy name in all the earth excell?
who hast thy glory set above the heavens where light doth dwell!
verse 2 From infants mouths & sucking babes, thou didst great strength ordain
because of foes, that so thou mightest th'auenging foe restraine.
verse 3 When I looke up unto thy heavens, thy fingers workes which be,
the lightning Moon, the sparkling stars, which were ordaind by thee.
verse 4 Ah, what is ma [...] (poor wretch) that he should come within thy minde?
or yet the Sonne of dying man, that thou to him art kinde?
verse 5 For thou a little lower him than Angels mad'st to be:
with glory and with honour too, he crowned is by thee.
verse 6 The soveraigne power of thy hands works, thou didst to him commit:
and underneath the feet of him, didst all things else submit.
verse 7 The sheepe and oxen every one, to him obedience yeeld,
and as depending on his will, the beasts of every field.
verse 8 The fowles of th' ayre, fish of the sea, and what in deeps doth dwell:
O Lord, our Lord how doth thy name in all the earth excell?

Psal. IX.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
THou still, O Lord with all my heart, shalt celebrated be:
and all thy works which wondrous are, shall be shown forth by me.
verse 2 I will be glad, and will reioyce in thee, and of thy name,
O thou that art most high, my song thy praises shall proclaime.
verse 3 When as mine enemies turn back with a disgracefull flight:
they suddenly shall fall with shame, and perish at thy sight.
verse 4 For, loe, my right thou hast maintaind, and hast my cause made clear:
and si [...]ting on thy Throne with state, thy iustice mad'st appear.
verse 5 Thou hast rebuk'd the heathens bands, the wicked quite o'rethrown:
thou hast put out their names, that they may never more be known,
verse 6 To a perpetuall end are come destructions O thou foe:
thou Cities hast entomb'd in dust, raz'd from remembrance so.
verse 7 But, loe, the Lord, from age to age endure for ever shall:
he hath prepar'd his glorious throne for iudgement unto all.
verse 8 And he in righteousnesse shall iudge the world all by his word:
and to the people uprightly, he iudgement shall afford.
verse 9 The Lord for them that are oppress'd, a refuge shall be found:
a refuge still even in due time, when troubles most abound.
verse 10 And they will put their trust in thee, that rightly know thy name:
for them, O Lord, that feeke to thee, thou never didst disclaime.
verse 11 Sing praises due unto the Lord, which doth in Sion dwell:
and to the people all his deeds with admiration tell.
verse 12 He doth remember them, when he to search for bloud is set:
the cryes of them that humble are, he never doth forget.

The second part.

verse 13 Have mercy Lord, marke what I beare from them who me do hate:
thou that dost freely lift me up from deaths most horrid gate.
verse 14 That I in Sions daughters gates, may all thy praises sound:
and I in thy salvation will my my most firmely found.
verse 15 The heathen are sunke in the pit that they themselves devisde,
and in the net that they did hide, their owne foot is surprisde.
verse 16 By iudgement that he executes, the Lord is clearely known:
and even by his own hands works s [...]ar'd, the wicked is o'rethrown.
verse 17 The wicked shall be turned down, till into hell they sinke:
and all the Nations blindely led, of God that never thinke.
verse 18 For those that needy are, shall not alwaies forgotten lye:
the expectation of the poore, shall not for ever dye.
verse 19 Arise, O Lord, and let not man prevaile by worldly might:
and let the heathen people all be iudged in thy sight.
verse 20 Make them, O Lord, though they presume, be all by fear brought low:
that to themselves to be but men, the nations all may know.

Psal. X.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
WHy dost thou, Lord, a farre off stand, not daigning to come neare?
why dost thou hide thy self, in times when trouble doth appear?
verse 2 The wicked in his pride, the poore doth persecute with spleene:
O, let these sleights them take, that have by them imagin'd been.
verse 3 For, loe, the wicked man doth vaunt, with hearts desire still stor'd:
and he doth blesse the covetous, though loathed by the Lord.
verse 4 The wicked is so fondly proud, on God he doth not call:
and even amidst his many thoughts, God hath no place at all.
verse 5 His wayes most grievous alwaies are: thy iudgements where he goes,
are farre above out of his sight, he puffes at all his foes.
verse 6 He in his heart hath proudly said, I never moov'd shall be:
I prosper now, and no distresse can ever trouble me.
verse 7 His mouth with curses doth containe deceit and fraudfull wrong:
and mischiefe match'd with vanity, is underneath his tongue.
verse 8 He lurkes in townes most secret parts, he th' innocent doth kill:
his eyes still privily are set, against the poore for ill.
verse 9 He Lyon-like lyes in his den, he lyes in wait so set,
to catch the poore, he doth him catch, when drawne into his net.
verse 10 Himselfe he humbleth very low, and crowcheth down withall:
that (circumvented so) the poore may by his strong ones fall.
verse 11 He in his heart hath said, that God will but forgetfull be:
he doth of purpose hide his face, he will it never see.
verse 12 Arise, O Lord, that art our God, thy servants to protect:
lift up thy hand, and doe not now the humble ones neglect.
verse 13 Why doth the wicked thus move God (contemning him) to ire?
he in his heart hath fond [...]y said, thou wilt it not require.
verse 14 But thou hast certainly it seene, for mischiefe thou and spite,
from high beholdest, that thou maist it with thy hand requite.
The poore distress'd commits himselfe for safety unto thee:
and thou the helper ever art of them that or phanes be.
verse 15 Breake thou his arme that wicked is, and unto evill enclinde:
and seeke thou out his wickednesse, till none at all thou finde.
verse 16 The Lord a King for ever is establish'd in his Throne:
the heathen too out of his land, are perish'd every one.
verse 17 Lord, thou hast freely heard what suit the humble doe impart:
thou wilt to them encl [...]ne thine eare, and wilt prepare their heart.
verse 18 That thou maist iudge the fatherlesse, and who were griev'd before:
that in his pride the man of th' earth may so oppresse no more.

Psal. XI.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
I In the Lord do trust, how then say you my soule to fright:
straight to your mountain like a bird take (wing'd with fears) your flight.
verse 2 For, loe, the wicked bend their bow, and fit their shafts with art:
that they unseen may shoot at them, who upright are in heart.
verse 3 If the foundations (as most firme) that should be trusted to,
be utterly themselves destroyd, what can the righteous doe?
verse 4 The Lord within his Temple is, his throne in heauen is high:
his eyes behold, and his eye-lids the Sons of men doe try.
verse 5 The Lord all them that righteous are, doth try in every state:
but wicked men and violent, his very soule doth hate.
verse 6 He shall raine on the wicked snares, make fire and brimstone fall,
and a fierce tempest: of their cup, this prove the portion shall.
verse 7 For, loe the righteous Lord doth still in righteousnesse delight:
his heavenly countenance doth behold all them that are upright.

Psal. XII.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
Helpe now, O Lord, for godly men extreamely doe decay:
and from amongst the Sons of men, the faithfull passe away.
verse 2 They one to other mutually doe things most vaine impart:
with flattering lips they use to speake, and with a double heart.
verse 3 The Lord shall quite cut off the lips of all that flatterers are:
and that vaine tongue of things too proud, to speake that doth not spare.
verse 4 Even them that say, our tongues to us shall victory afford:
our lips do to our selves belong, and who o're us is Lord?
verse 5 By the oppress'd and needy mov'd, I'le (saith the Lord) arise:
and I will him in safety set, whom wicked men despise.
verse 6 The words of God all excellent, are like bright silver pure:
which in a furnace made of earth, seven tryals doth endure.
verse 7 Thou shalt, O Lord, them safely keepe, who study thee to serve:
and from this generation shalt for ever them preserve.
verse 8 The wicked walking for their ends, on every side repaire:
when as the vilest men on earth most high exalted are.

Psal. XIII.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
HOw long wilt thou forget me, Lord, shall it thus ever be?
and, O, how long wilt thou in wrath thus hide thy face from me?
verse 2 How long shall I consult alone, whil'st daily griev'd in heart?
how long above me shall my foe exalted make me smart?
verse 3 Consider, and give eare to me, O Lord my God that art:
and lest I sleepe the sleepe of death, light to mine eyes impart.
verse 4 Lest that my foe should vaunting say, I have o're him preuail'd:
and enemies grow insolent, when my designes have fail'd.
verse 5 But I have ever trusted in thy mercy deare to me:
my heart in thy salvation too, shall much reioyced be.
verse 6 And I will sing unto the Lord, to make his goodnesse known:
because his bounty hath to me abundantly been shown.

Psal. XIV.

[...] THe fool hath said within his heart, there is no God, they are
corrupt, and wickedly have done, none to doe good takes care
verse 2 God from the heavens did look down here, upon mens sonnes, to see if any
understood, that would to God a suter be.
verse 3 They are most fi [...]thy, and they all aside are fondly gone:
and none of them doth any good, no not so much as one.
verse 4 The workers of iniquity have they no wit at all?
who eate my people up as bread, and on the Lord not call.
verse 5 There were they all surprisde with feare, and in a high degree:
God in the congregation is of them that righteous be.
verse 6 The counsell of the poore distress'd hath shame by you receiv'd:
because the Lord his refuge is, by whom he still is sav'd.
verse 7 O that unto thine Israel, from Sion might proceed
that great salvation long look'd for, which might their comfort breed.
When by the Lord from bondage brought, his people free are made:
then Iacob highly shall reioyce, and Israell shall be glad.

Psal. XV.

Sing this as the 3. Psalme.
WHo in thy house, O Lord, to dwell, shall ever happy be?
and in thy holy mountaine plac'd, who are to live with thee?
verse 2 He that still uprightly doth walke, and righteousnesse doth use:
and in his heart doth speake the truth, that he may none abuse.
verse 3 He that his neighbour not backbites, nor harmes in any sort:
nor yet against him doth take up a scandalous report.
verse 4 Before whose eyes, a person vile, as abiect is despisde,
but they that truely feare the Lord, by him are highly prisde.
He, though his oath (when rashly made) hath to his harm been found:
whom no advantage makes to change, when so solemnly bound.
verse 5 He to devoure by usury, that doth not money lend:
nor yet against the innocent, will for a bribe contend.
verse 6 He that those things doth zealously, as one by God belou'd:
what ever happen here below, shall in no sort be mov'd.

Psal. XVI.

Sing this as the 14. Psalme.
SAve me, O God, I trust in thee, thou to the Lord didst say
verse 2 (My soule) thou art my Lord, to thee my goodnesse comes no way.
verse 3 But unto them that are thy Saints, whom here on earth I finde:
and to them that are excellent, who doe delight my minde.
verse 4 Their sorrowes shall be multiplied, t' another God that hast:
their drink-bloud-offerings Ile not use, their names my lips detest.
verse 5 The Lord of mine inheritance, the portion is to me:
and of my cup; and all my lot maintained is by thee.
verse 6 The lynes which did appoint my part, in pleasant places fell:
and that which is my heritage, for beauty doth excell.
verse 7 I blesse the Lord, who doth me by his counsell still conduct:
and even in the nights seasons too, my reynes doe me instruct.
verse 8 I have for obiect set the Lord at all times me before:
because he is at my right hand, I shall be mov'd no more.
verse 9 My glory therefore doth reioyce, my heart is fil'd with ioy:
yea, and my flesh, though faint, shall too true rest in hope enioy.
verse 10 For thou wilt not for ever leave my soule in hell to be:
nor suffer wilt thy holy one corruption so to see.
verse 11 Thou wilt me shew lifes way, and in thy face ioyes height is found:
all pleasures doe at thy right hand perpetually abound.

Psal. XVII.

Sing this as the 14. Psalme.
LOrd, heare the right, attend the cry of my most iust complaint:
my prayer heare, which doth not flow from lips which fraud doth taint.
verse 2 Before thy presence let thou straight my sentence forth proceed:
and let thine eyes behold all things that equall are indeed.
verse 3 Thou inwardly hast search'd my heart by thine unbounded sight:
and visited my secret thoughts that I revolve by night.
verse 4 Thou hast examin'd me each way, yet shalt thou nothing finde:
and that my mouth may not transgresse, it alwaies is my minde.
verse 5 In that which doth concern the works of men on earth that be:
from all the fierce destroyers paths, I by thy word kept me.
verse 6 But let my steps all guided be according to thy will:
lest otherwise my wandring feete be brought to stagger still.
verse 7 I have upon thee call'd, O God, because thou wilt me heare:
and unto me, I thee intreat, incline thy listning eare.
verse 8 Shew me thy mercies marvellous, O thou that sav'st all those
who trust in thee, by thy right hand, from rage of rising foes.

The second part.

verse 9 Even as the apple of thine eye, let me preserved be:
and with the shadow of thy wings, from danger cover me.
verse 10 From them that wicked are, and me so proudly doe oppresse:
and from my deadly enemies, that round about me presse.
verse 11 They at their pleasure alwaies fed with burd'nous fatnesse swell:
and proudly in a braving forme, all what they think dare tell.
verse 12 They now have compass'd where we goe, our steps in every part:
and to the ground bow down their eyes whil'st puffed up in heart.
verse 13 Even like a greedy Lyon right, whil'st longing for his prey:
and as a Lyons lurking whelpe, in secret parts doth stay.
verse 14 Arise, O Lord, prevent his course, and down him headlong throw:
and by thy sword redeeme my soule from wicked men below.
verse 15 Lord, vindicate me by thy hand, from wretched worldlings strife,
who place their whole felicity in pleasures of this life.
Whose belly with thy treasure hid, thou fil'st in every place:
they full of children, of their wealth the rest leave to their race.
verse 16 But as for me in righteousnesse, thy count'nance I will see:
and with thy likenesse when awak'd, I satisfied shall be.

Psal. XVIII.

[...] O Lord, that onely art my strength, thee dearely love I will.
verse 2 The Lord my rocke and fortresse is, and my deli­verer still.
My God, my strength, in whom I trust, the buckler I em­brace,
the horne of my salvation still, and my most high strong place.
verse 3 I on the Lord will call, who praise hath worthily deserv'd:
so shall I from mine enemies be sure to be preserv'd.
verse 4 The sorrowes of encroaching death, about me did abound:
the torrents of ungodly men, did me with feare confound.
verse 5 Hels sorrowes compast me about with horrour and despaires,
and horrid death before the time prevented me with snares.
verse 6 I when distress'd call'd on the Lord, and cry'd to God with teares:
he from his Temple heard my voyce, my cryes did pierce his eares.
verse 7 The earth then shooke and trembled all, as ready to o'returne:
the hils foundations shaken were, because Gods wrath did burn.
verse 8 There from his nostrils went a smoake, which mounted up on high:
and from his mouth, fire, did devoure, coals kindled were thereby.
verse 9 He also did bow down the heav'ns and did in state descend:
and darknesse did in threatning clouds below his feet attend.
verse 10 And he upon a cherub rode, and did most swiftly flie:
yea, on the wings of all the winds, his flight was raised high.

The second part.

verse 11 He darkenesse made, his secret place, his Tent him round about,
dark waters were, and clouds most thick from skies in state stretch'd out.
verse 12 And at the glorious brightnesse then, that did goe him before:
thick clouds did passe with hailstones ioynd, and coals of fire in store.
verse 13 The Lord too thundred in the heavens, the highest did give out
his voyce, fierce hailstones, and of fire coales burning all about.
verse 14 Yea he his arrowes sending forth, did scatter them each where:
he dreadfully shot lightnings out, and they confounded were.
verse 15 The waters channels then were seen, and worlds maine grounds in wrath:
because, O Lord, of thy rebuke, and of thy powerfull breath.
verse 16 He from above to take me up, did send a message downe:
and did me draw from many flouds that threatned me to drown.
verse 17 He from my foe that had most force, did quickly set me free:
and (for they were more strong than I) from all that hated me.
verse 18 They me prevented in the day of my calamity:
but yet the Lord was still the stay, on whom I did relye.
verse 19 He brought me forth where there was room at liberty to be:
he my delivery wrought, because he did delight in me.
verse 20 According to my righteousnesse, the Lord rewarded me:
and as my hands have still been pure, my recompence I see.

The third part.

verse 21 For of the Lord I kept the wayes with reverence in my heart:
and did not wickedly from God in any sort depart.
verse 22 For all his iudgements me before, I still did present see:
and that which he commanded hath, I never put from me.
verse 23 I likewise upright him before have thus sincerely serv'd:
and have from mine iniquity, my selfe with care preserv'd.
verse 24 The Lord did therefore me reward as I have righteous been:
and as my hands before his eyes appeared to be cleane.
verse 25 With him that is to mercy given, thou mercifull wilt be:
and thou wilt upright be with him that upright is with thee.
verse 26 Thou with the pure to be most pure, wilt shew thy selfe in love:
and thou with them that froward are, wilt likewise froward prove.
verse 27 For thou the poore that are distress'd, wilt still preserve and guide:
but wilt bring down the haughty looks that are rais'd up with pride.
verse 28 For thou my lampe by thee reviv'd, wilt beautifie with light:
thou Lord that art my God, wilt make my darknesse shine most bright
verse 29 For I by thee quite through a troope have runne, not harm'd at all:
and being strengthned by my God, have leaped o're a wall.
verse 30 The way of God most perfect is, the Lord his word is tryde:
and he to all that trust in him, a buckler doth abide.

The fourth part.

verse 31 For (save the Lord) who is the God, whose power must us protect?
or (save our God,) who is the rocke where we may rest exspect?
verse 32 It onely is the mighty God, who me with strength arrayes:
and by the grace that he affords, doth rectifie my wayes.
verse 33 He makes my feet like to the hindes, their travell to endure:
and on my places that are high, he makes me stand secure.
verse 34 He so doth teach my hands to warre, how ever I be weake:
that by the vigour of mine arme, a bow of steele I breake.
verse 35 The shield of thy salvation too I have receiu'd from thee:
thy right hand held me up, and great thy gentlenesse made me.
verse 36 My steps enlarging where I walke, thou alwaies art my guide:
so that my feet by thee secur'd, did not so much as slide.
verse 37 I haue pursu'd and caught my foes, by whom I was annoyd:
nor did I backe again return, till they were quite destroy'd.
verse 38 I in such sort haue wounded them, that they could never rise:
whom groveling falling at my feet, as abiect I despise.
verse 39 For thou hast girded me with strength to fight against my foe:
and thou hast laid them under me, that did against me goe.
verse 40 Thou gav'st to me the neckes of all the foes that me annoy'd:
that so all they that me doe hate, might be by me destroyd.

The fift part.

verse 41 They did cry out in hope of help, but there was none to save,
even to the Lord they cryde aloud, but he no answer gaue.
verse 42 Then did I beat them small as dust, when with the wind it meets:
and I did cast them out despisde, as dirt upon the streets.
verse 43 Thou of the heathen mad'st me head, from peoples strivings free:
a people whom I have not known, shall servants be to me.
verse 44 Assoone as they but heare of me, they shall obey me all:
the strangers too to me themselves submit with reverence shall.
verse 45 The strangers borne in forrain parts, shall vanish all away:
and them even where they secret live, a terrour shall dismay.
verse 46 The Lord doth live, and let my rocke for ever blessed be:
exalted be the God that gives salvation unto me.
verse 47 It is my God doth me avenge of all that me gaine-stand:
and doth so many people bring, that I may them command.
verse 48 He saves me from my foes, yea thou o're them that rise 'gainst me,
do'st lift me up, and thou me from the violent did'st free.
verse 49 I therfore will give thanks to thee, the heathen (Lord) among:
and to thy name the praises due, shall ever be my song.
verse 50 He gives his King deliverance great, and mercy shews at need
to this annoynted evermore, to David and his seed.

Psal. XIX.

Sing this as the 14. Psalme.
THe glory of Almighty God, the heavens doe make us know:
the firmament his handy work to all the world doth show.
verse 2 Day unto day effectually doth utter forth a speech:
and (though in darknesse) knowledge clear even night to night doth teach.
verse 3 They haue no speech nor words at all, their meaning to declare:
and yet their voyce without these helps, is current euery where.
verse 4 Their line through th' earth is gone, their words to the worlds end haue run:
a tabernacle, he in them hath set up for the Sun.
verse 5 Which as a Bride-groom is, that from his chamber comes with grace:
reioycing as a strong man doth, with speed to run a race.
verse 6 He from the East at first doth take his progresse to all parts:
then goes his circuit to the West, and heat to all imparts.
verse 7 The Lord his law conuerts the soul, and perfect is alwaies:
his testimony is most sure, and makes the simple wise.
verse 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, and doe reioyce the heart:
and his commandement most pure, to th'eyes doth light impart.
verse 9 The Lord his fear is alwaies clean, and doth for ever stay:
the iudgements of the Lord are true, and righteous every way.
verse 10 They should be wish'd far more then gold, even then much gold refin'd,
then hony, or the hony comb, more sweet unto the minde.
verse 11 Thy servant is by meanes of them, admonish'd to amend:
and on observing of the same, great profit doth depend.
verse 12 But oh, who well can understand what faults he doth commit?
these sinnes of mine that are conceal'd, in mercy, Lord, remit.
verse 13 Lord, keep me from presumptuous sins, let them o're me not raigne:
then from the great transgression free, I upright shall remain.
verse 14 My speeches and my secret thoughts, let them accepted be:
great God, that art my onely strength, and hast redeemed me.

Psal. XX.

Sing this as the 14. Psalme.
STill may the Lord give eare to thee, when troubles would deiect:
and let the name of Iacobs God thee from all harm protect.
verse 2 And from his sanctuary still, let him send help to thee:
and from faire Sion his delight, still maist thou strengthened be.
verse 3 These offerings that are made by thee, let him keep still in minde:
and let thy sacrifice when burnt, a good acceptance finde.
verse 4 Let him according to thy heart, blesse what thou dost designe:
untill thy counsell (prospering well,) all crownd with successe shine.
verse 5 We will in thy salvation ioy, in our Gods name we will
our banners boldly reare: the Lord all thy desires fulfill.
verse 6 I know that his annoynted now, the Lord makes safe to stand:
he heares him from his holy heaven, with strength of his right hand.
verse 7 In Chariots some, and some to trust in horses are enclinde:
but we the name of our great God, will ever keep in minde.
verse 8 They suddenly are all brought down, and faln from their great height:
but we again are risen up, and now doe stand upright.
verse 9 Save us, O Lord, by thy great power, that nothing may appall:
and let the King give eare to us in time when as we call.

Psalme XXI.

[...] THe King, O Lord, in thy great strength shall much content­ment take,
and him how greatly to reioyce, shall thy salvation make.
verse 2 That which his heart affected most, to give, thou didst agree:
and what his lips requested had, was not kept back by thee.
verse 3 For he of goodnesse doth from thee (ere sought) the blessings get:
thou of pure gold upon his head, a Crown do'st freely set.
verse 4 He asked life of thee, and thou the same to him did'st give:
even length of dayes for evermore, that he might alwayes live.
verse 5 In thy salvation surely great, his glory shines most bright:
thou hast him grac'd with maiestie, and honour at the height.
verse 6 For thou, O Lord, for evermore hast him most blessed made:
and by thy count'nance hast made him to be exceeding glad.
verse 7 For in the Lord the King doth trust, of the most high belou'd:
in safety through his mercy kept, he never shall be mov'd.
verse 8 Thou by thy hand shalt finde all out, thine enemies that be:
and thy right hand shall finde out these that malice beare to thee.
verse 9 Thou like a fierie furnace shalt them make, whil'st in thine ire
the Lord in wrath shall swallow them, they shall be food for fire.
verse 10 Thou frō the earth shalt raze their fruit, lest they more mischiefe breed:
and from amongst the sons of men, thou shalt destroy their seed.
verse 11 For they against thee to doe evill, most fondly did intend:
a wicked plot they did devise, but cannot work their end.
verse 12 Thou therfore shalt make them turn back, when thou thy shafts shalt place
upon thy strings, made ready all to flye against their face.
verse 13 In thine own strength O mighty Lord be thou exalted still:
so then with cheerefull voyces sing, and praise thy power we will.

Psal. XXII.

Sing this as the 11. Psalme.
MY God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken, why art thou
so far from helping me, and from my words of roaring now?
verse 2 O God, all day to thee I cry, yet am not heard by thee:
and all the night when others rest, I cannot silent be.
verse 3 But thou most holy art, O thou that of thine Israel,
inhabitest as due to thee, the praises that excell.
verse 4 Our fathers all in thee did trust yea, they did trust in thee:
and them (when as they were distress'd) thou didst from danger free.
verse 5 They unto thee did cry loud, and thou didst them releeve:
they onely plac'd their trust in thee, and nothing them could grieve.
verse 6 But I am like a silly worm, no man in any wise:
the obiect of mens obloquie, whom people doe despise.
verse 7 Who look upon me laughing now, their scorn so to bewray:
with lip turn'd out, doe shake their heads, and in derision say:
verse 8 He hop [...]d the Lord would save him still, his trust in him was such:
let him deliver him, since he delights in him so much.
verse 9 But thou art he out of the womb that didst me safely take:
when I was on my mothers breasts, thou me to hope did'st make.
verse 10 I from the womb to be maintaind, committed was to thee:
and since my mother brought me forth, thou art a God to me.

The second part.

verse 11 Then be not thou far from me now, when trouble is so neare:
since there is none to give me helpe, unlesse that thou appeare.
verse 12 Ah many Buls have compass'd me, strong Buls of Bashans store.
verse 13 They gap'd on me with foaming iawes, as Lyons ramp and roare.
verse 14 I am like water powred out, my bones in strength decay:
my heart within my bowels faint, doth melt like waxe away.
verse 15 My strength is like a potsheard dry'd, my parched tongue cleaves fast
unto my iawes: into the dust of death, thou brought me hast.
verse 16 For dogs have compass'd me about, th' assembly which did meet
of wicked men, have me enclos'd they pierc'd my hands and feet.
verse 17 They us'd me so, that now by me my bones may all be told:
so that amaz'd exceedingly, they staring me behold.
verse 18 They (pittilesse) my garments part, as spoils amongst them all:
and for my Coat they doe cast lots to whom it may befall.
verse 19 But be not thou farre off, O Lord from me, whilst thus dismaid:
O God, that onely art my strength, make haste to give me aid.
verse 20 Let thou from danger of the sword, my soule delivered be:
and from the dogs devouring power, set thou my darling free.
verse 21 Preserve me from the Lyons mouth, that watcheth for a prey:
for from the horns of unicornes, thou Lord hast heard me pray.
verse 22 And to my brethren I with ioy will magnifie thy name:
and where thy Saints assembled are, thy praises will proclaime.
verse 23 Give praise all ye unto the Lord, whom sacred feare doth fill:
come honour him all Iacobs seed, and Israels, feare him still.

The third part.

verse 24 For he hath not despis'd nor loath'd, whom he afflict'd did spie:
nor hid his face from him, but heard when he to him did cry.
verse 25 And in the congregation great, my praise shall be of thee:
My vowes before them who him feare, shall all be payd by me.
verse 26 The meek shall eate and filled be, and they due praise shall give:
who seek sincerely to the Lord, your hearts shall ever live.
verse 27 The worlds ends all remember shall, and to the Lord convert:
all sorts of nations unto thee, due honour shall impart.
verse 28 For to the Lord who mighty is, the kingdome doth belong:
and he is onely governour, the nations all among.
verse 29 Earths far ones eate, and worship shall: all who to dust descend,
shall how to him, and his own soul, none can from death defend.
verse 30 A seed shall faithfully him serve, and to the Lord it shall
even for a generation still, accounted be by all.
verse 31 They shall come, and his righteousnesse unto a people show:
that shall be born, who clearely then that he did this shall know.

Psal. XXIII.

Sing this as the 21. Psalme.
THe Lord of all, my Shepheard is, I shall from want be free:
verse 2 He makes me in green pastures lye, and neare calm streams to be.
verse 3 He doth restore my soul, and leads the way that I should take:
into the paths of righteousnesse, even for his own names sake.
verse 4 Though through the vale of deaths black shade, I walk, I'le fear no il:
thou art with me, thy rod and staffe afford me comfort still.
verse 5 Thou for my food, before my foes a table dost bestow:
and do'st with oyle annoynt my head, and mak'st my cup o'reflow.
verse 6 With mercy, goodnesse, all my daies shall surely follow me:
and in the Lords own house, I will a dweller ever be.

Psal. XXIV.

Sing this as the 21. Psalme.
THe earth belongs unto the Lord, and all that it contains:
the world that is inhabited, and all that there remaines.
verse 2 For the foundation of the same, he on the Seas did lay:
and also hath establish't it, upon the flouds to stay.
verse 3 Who to the hill that is the Lords, with glory shall ascend?
and who within his holy place, shall standing him attend?
verse 4 Even he whose hands are cleane, whose heart is pure, who hath forborn
to lift his soul to vanity, and hath not falsely sworne.
verse 5 That man for certain from the Lord, the blessing shall obtain:
and from the God that saves his soul, shall righteousnesse attain.
verse 6 This is of them that seeke to him, the generation right:
even of all them that truely seeke, (O Iacobs God) thy sight.
verse 7 Lift up your heads, O ye strong gates, be ye uplifted all,
doores everlasting, and come in the King of glory shall.
verse 8 Who is the King of glory now? the Lord who strong is found,
and mighty, even the Lord, whose might in battell is renown'd.
verse 9 Lift up your heads, O ye strong gates, even lift ye them up all,
doores everlasting, and come in the King of glory shall.
verse 10 Who is this King of glory now, he that commands as his
the hoasts of heaven and earth, their Lord, the King of glory is.

Psal. XXV.

[...] TO thee I lift my soule O Lord, I trust in thee.
verse 2 My God, let me not be asham'd, nor foes triumph o're me.
verse 3 Let none of them have shame, who doe on thee depend:
but who without a cause transgresse, let shame on them attend.
verse 4 Shew me thy waies, O Lord, and teach thy paths to me:
verse 5 And leade me forth instructed so, that I thy truth may see.
Thou onely art that God, who me deliver must:
and all the day what ever comes, in thee I onely trust.
verse 6 Thy tender mercies, Lord, in thy remembrance hold:
and all thy loving kindnesses, for they were still of old.
verse 7 My sinnes in time of youth, let them forgotten be:
according to thy mercy, Lord, and goodnesse, thinke on me.
verse 8 The Lord is ever good, and upright unto all:
he therefore sinners in the way, will teach, lest they should fall.
verse 9 The meek he alwaies will in iudgement guide aright:
and to the meek, lest they goe wrong, will bring his way in sight.
verse 10 The Lord his paths even all, are truth and mercy still,
to those that keepe his covenant, and not transgresse his will.
verse 11 That so thy name, O Lord, may greater glory winne:
although it be exceeding great, yet pardon thou my sinne.
verse 12 What man is he that feares the Lord within his heard?
the knowledge how to chuse his way, he shall to him impart.
verse 13 His soule shall dwell at ease, as thus instructed well:
his seed inherit shall the earth, and there in safety dwell.
verse 14 The Lord his secret shewes to them that feare him right:
to them, that so they may grow wise, his Covenant gives light.
verse 15 To looke up to the Lord, mine eyes are ever set:
for he my feet when they are snar'd, shall plucke out of the net.
verse 16 With comfort turne thy face, and mercy to me show:
for I am very desolate, and with distresse brought low.
verse 17 The troubles of my heart are many waies enlarg'd:
oh! bring me out from all those evils, with which my heart is charg'd.
verse 18 On my affliction looke, and in what paine I live:
the sinnes that I committed have, in mercy all forgive.
verse 19 Behold my foes, for now their number is grown great:
and with a cruell hatred, they doe me extreamely hate.
verse 20 O! keepe my troubled soul, and straight deliver me:
and let me never be asham'd, because I trust in thee.
verse 21 O! let integrity and uprightnesse me save:
because on thee I onely wait, that I may comfort have.
verse 22 O! thou the onely God, that do'st salvation give:
thy Israel from trouble free, that he in peace may live.

Psal. XXVI.

Sing this as the 14. Psalme.
IVdge me, O Lord, for I have walk'd in mine integrity:
I shall not slide, for on the Lord I ever did relye.
verse 2 Examine me, and me, O Lord, prove thou in every part:
search out the secrets of my reynes, and dive within my heart.
verse 3 For I thy loving kindenesse keep continually in sight:
and in the way of thy pure truth, I still have walked right.
verse 4 I have not sate with persons vaine, that of their folly vaunt:
and with dissembling hypocrites, I will abhor to haunt.
verse 5 Of them that study to doe ill, I all the meetings hate:
and will not with the wicked sit in shew, to seeme their mate.
verse 6 I my untainted hands will wash, in innocency still:
and so thine altar, I, O Lord, with comfort compasse will.
verse 7 That with a gratefull voyce I may proclaime the thanks I owe:
and all thy works which wondrous are, with admiration show.
verse 8 The habitation of thy house, I, Lord, have loved well:
and of thy honour too, the place where it doth use to dwell.
verse 9 Let not my soule be gathered in, with theirs that sinners be:
nor yet my life with cruell men, from bloud that are not free.
verse 10 Within whose hands continually, vile mischiefe doth repaire:
and their right hand abundantly, still tempting bribes doe snare.
verse 11 But I in mine integrity, shall walk secur'd by thee:
redeeme thou me, and of thy grace, be mercifull to me.
verse 12 Now in a place that is most even, my foot doth firmely rest:
the Lord whereas his Saints doe meet, shall still by me be blest.

Psal. XXVII.

Sing this as the 21. Psalme.
THe Lord my light and safety is, how can I frighted be?
the Lord is of my life the strength, what feare can trouble me?
verse 2 When wicked foes to eate my flesh, against me war did make:
they straight did stumble, and fell down, a prey for me to take.
verse 3 Though even an hoast against me pitch, no fear can taint my brest:
though raging warre against me rise, in this secure I rest.
verse 4 This one thing from the Lord I ask'd, which I will ever crave:
that in the Lords house all my dayes, I may a dwelling have.
verse 5 The beauty of the Lord therein to see and to admire:
and in his Temple earnestly, at all times to enquire.
verse 6 For his pavilion me shall hide in stormy times, and he
in his Tents secret, me shall hide, and on a rocke set me.
verse 7 Now shall my head be rais'd o're all my foes that me annoy:
then in his Tabernacle, I will offerings make of ioy.
verse 8 Then will I sing, yea, to the Lord, my song of praise shall be:
heare, Lord, when with my voyce I cry, in mercy answer me.
verse 9 Seeke ye with earnest care my face, when thou didst say to me:
my heart, Lord, I will seeke thy face, did answer straight to thee.
verse 10 Hide not thy face, nor put away thy servant in thine ire:
thou hast me help'd (my safeties God) doe not from me retire.
verse 11 When both my father utterly, and mother me forsake:
the Lord that never failes to his, will kindely me up take.
verse 12 Teach thou, O Lord, thy way to me, and guide me by thy grace,
a straight plaine path: because of foes, that all my steps doe trace.
verse 13 Give me not o're unto my foes, for witnesses that lye
against me risen are, and such as breath out cruelty.
verse 14 I fainted had, unlesse I had beleev'd that I should see
the Lords great goodnesse in the land of them that living be.
verse 15 Vpon the Lord wait constantly, with courage alwaies stor'd:
and he will fortifie thy heart, I say, wait on the Lord.


Sing this as the 21. Psalme.
O Lord my rocke, to thee I cry, then be not silent so
to me, lest else I grow like them down to the pit that goe.
verse 2 Heare thou my supplications voyce, while as I cry to thee:
whil'st toward thy most sacred place, my hands up lifted be.
verse 3 Draw me not with the wicked hence, and with them that doe ill:
who to their neighbours speak in peace, their hearts whil'st mischiefs fill.
verse 4 As their designs and deeds deserve, Lord recompense their pains:
and as their hands have been imployd, so let them reape their gains.
verse 5 The Lords great works, works of his hands, since they contemne as vain:
he shall them utterly destroy, and not build them again.
verse 6 Now blessed be the Lord of hoasts, who still to his is neare:
because the voyce of my desires he gratiously did heare.
verse 7 The Lord is still my onely strength and shield, that me doth save:
my heard did firmely trust in him, and helpe from him I have.
My heart therefore it selfe with ioy, exceedingly doth raise:
and therefore him I with my song, continually will praise.
verse 8 The Lord is still a strength, which them from danger shall defend:
a strength to his annoynted one, that saves him to the end.
verse 9 Preserve thy people, Lord, and blesse thine owne inheritance:
give also food to them, and them for evermore advance.

Psal. XXIX.

Sing this as the 33. Psalme.
GIve freely to the Lord, all ye that doe excell in might:
give glory to the Lord, and strength, as due to him of right.
verse 2 Give him the glory of his name, and (humbly bowd) afford,
in beauty of true holinesse, due honour to the Lord.
verse 3 The Lords voice on the waters is, the God of glory blest
doth thunder, and the Lord doth too, on many waters rest.
verse 4 The Lords voyce powerfull is, and doth in maiestie exceed.
verse 5 It Cedars breaks, the Lord breaks them that Lebanon doth breed.
verse 6 He makes them likewise like a Calfe to skip, though firm they stood:
even Lebanon and Schirton too, like Vnicorns yong brood.
verse 7 The Lords voyce parts the flames of fire, and doth the desart shake:
verse 8 The wildernesse of Kadesh oft to shake the Lord doth make.
verse 9 The Lord his voyce makes hinds to calve, & makes the forrests bare:
and in his Temple every one, his glory doth declare.
verse 10 The Lord doth sit upon the floods the Lord for ever raignes.
verse 11 The Lord will give his people strength, & blesse with peace their pains.

Psal. XXX.

[...] O Lord, thou hast me lifted up, I therefore will praise thee:
and hast not them that are my foes, made to reioyce o're me.
verse 2 O Lord my God, thou oft with plaints importun'd wast by me:
and when my hopes exhausted were, I healed was by thee.
verse 3 O Lord thou hast my grieved soule brought up, even from the grave:
lest to the pit I should goe down, thou me alive do'st save.
verse 4 Sing to the Lord, O ye his Saints, and thanks to him impart:
whilst thinking on his holinesse, with a delighted heart.
verse 5 His anger doth not long endure, life from his favour springs:
though cloudy night with mourning set, the morning comfort brings.
verse 6 By prosperous successe, made presume, I then most foolish prov'd:
and did with confidence affirme, I never shall be mov'd.
verse 7 My mountain by thy fauour, Lord, was made most strong to be:
but when thou once did'st hide thy face, it straight did trouble me.
verse 8 I unto thee, O mighty Lord, most earnestly did cry:
and I my supplication made unto the Lord on high.
verse 9 What profit can my bloud afford, if death my daies not spare:
shall sencelesse dust give praise to thee? shall it thy truth declare?
verse 10 Lord lend an eare to my complaint, and from thy seate above,
with tender pitty looke on me, and, Lord, my helper prove.
verse 11 Thou hast for me my mourning turn'd, that it may dancing be:
thou hast put off my sackcloth, and with gladnesse girded me.
verse 12 To th'end my glory may thee praise, and never silent be:
O Lord my God, I will give thanks for ever unto thee.

Pssal. XXXI.

Sing this as the 18. Psalme.
LOrd, let me neuer be asham'd, I put my trust in thee:
and in thy righteousnesse, with speed come and deliver me.
verse 2 Bow downe thine eare attentively, and give me help with speed:
be thou my rock and house of strength, to saue me when I need.
verse 3 For thou my rocke and fortresse art, who me secure do'st make:
Lord, therefore leade, and guide me still, euen for thy own names sake.
verse 4 Pull me out of the net which they for me laid priuily:
because thou art the onely strength whereon I doe relye.
verse 5 Into thy hand I doe commit my sprite to rest with thee.
O Lord, that art the God of truth, thou hast redeemed me.
verse 6 Those people all I highly hate, who given to be uniust,
doe lying vanities regard: but, Lord, in thee I trust.
verse 7 I in thy mercies will reioyce, for thou my toile hast seen,
and in adversity my soule by thee well known hath been.
verse 8 Thou hast not shut me up into his hand that is my foe:
thou freely didst enlarge my feet, at liberty to goe.
verse 9 Have mercy Lord upon me now, for I in trouble call:
mine eye consumed is with griefe, my belly, soule, and all.
verse 10 For loe, my life with anguish wasts, sighs breath my years away:
my sinne extinguish doth my strength, my very bones decay.
verse 11 I was reproch'd by foes, but most by neighbours all about:
by mine acquaintance fear'd, they fled that look'd on me without.
verse 12 I am forgotten out of minde, as who long since did dye,
and I am like a vessell crush'd, that left with scorn doth lye.
verse 13 Of many I the slander heard, whom feare each where surpris'd,
whil'st they consulting by all meanes, to take my life devis'd.
verse 14 But I, O Lord, for all chese ills, have trusted still in thee:
I ever confidently said, thou art a God to me.
verse 15 My times are in thy hand, me from the hand of foes set free,
and from all them that spend their power in persecuting me.
verse 16 Make thou the favour of thy face upon thy servant shine:
and for thy boundlesse mercies sake, save me as one of thine.
verse 17 O Lord, let me not be asham'd, for I thy help did crave:
but let the wicked be asham'd, and silent in the grave.
verse 18 Let lying lips be silenc'd quite, which doe abuse all trust,
and grievous things speake with contempt & p [...]ide, against the iust.
verse 19 What goodnesse hast thou kept, O Lord, for them who fear thee right?
and done for them who trust in thee, even herein mortals sight.
verse 20 The secret of thy presence them from pride of ma [...] shall hide:
they in thy Tent from strife of tongues in secret shall abide.
verse 21 Then blest for euer be the Lord, who guarding me from wrong,
hath wondrous kindnesse shown to me, within a City strong.
verse 22 22 For in my haste, I said, I am cut from before thine eyes:
yet thou my supplications voyce did'st heare, and all my cryes.
verse 23 O love the Lord all ye his Saints, for he the faithfull guards,
and them that proudly are dispos'd, abundantly rewards.
verse 24 Couragious be and confident, and he shall strength afford,
that comfort may your hearts, all ye whose hope is in the Lord.

Psal. XXXII.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
THat man most bless'd is, unto whom what he hath done amisse
is pardon'd freely, and whose sinne in mercy covered is.
verse 2 The man is blest to whom the Lord doth not impute his sinne:
and whose pure sprite, still well dispos'd, there is no guile within.
verse 3 My weary bones did all grow old, when silence me possest:
whil'st I through roaring all day long, a stranger was to rest.
verse 4 For, Lord, on me both day and night, thy heavy hand did lye:
my moysture turn'd to Summers drought, with parching heat is dry.
verse 5 I did to thee my sinnes declare, and not to hide them strive:
I said I will confesse my faults, and thou didst them forgive.
verse 6 For this when as thou may'st be found each godly one shall pray
to thee; the flouds of waters great, shall trouble him no way.
verse 7 Thou art to me an hiding place, and me from harm shalt free
with songs that doe deliverance sound, thou shalt encompasse me.
verse 8 I thee with knowledge will instruct and teach what way to goe:
and I will guide thee by mine eye, that thou may'st prosper so.
verse 9 Then be not like the horse or mule, which doe not understand:
whose mouth, lest they come neer to thee, a bridle must command.
verse 10 A world of sorrowes shall be pour'd upon the wicked all:
but him that in the Lord doth trust, his mercy compasse shall.
verse 11 All ye that righteous are, be glad, and in the Lord reioyce:
and ye that upright are in heart, shout with a cheerfull voyce.


Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
O All ye righteous in the Lord, your selves with ioy delight:
for praise is a most comely thing for them that are upright.
verse 2 With Harp that sounds melodiously, give praise unto the Lord:
songs with a ten string'd instrument, and Psaltery afford.
verse 3 A song to him all made of new, sing with a cheerfull voyce,
and strive to play most skilfully, with a loud sounding noyse.
verse 4 For of the Lord the powerfull word is right to every one,
and his great works which wondrous are, even all in truth are done.
verse 5 He righteousnesse and iudgement doth love most entirely still;
the goodnesse likewise of the Lord, the earth o're all doth fill.
verse 6 Straight by the Lords most powerfull word, the heavens created were:
and by the breath came from his mouth, even all the hoasts are there.
verse 7 He gather doth as on a heape, sea-flouds that restlesse roare.
and doth engrosse the tumbling gulphs, as treasures in his store.
verse 8 Let all the earth unto the Lord a humble reverence beare:
and all the worlds inhabitants, let them be fill'd with feare.
verse 9 For he did onely speake the word, and it was quickly done:
he as he pleased did command, and it stood stablish'd soone.
verse 10 The counsels of the heathen all, the Lord doth bring to nought:
and makes the peoples fond designes, to no effect be brought.
verse 11 But yet the counsell of the Lord doth stand for ever fast:
and every thought that he conceives, from age to age doth last.
verse 12 The nation unto whom the Lord is God, most blessed is:
the people in inheritance, whom he hath chus'd for his.
verse 13 The Lords all-seeing eye looks down from heaven, that is so high;
and all the sonnes of mortall men, such as they are doth spie.
verse 14 He from that seate of glory, there where he with state doth raigne,
exactly doth observe them all, that on the earth remaine.
verse 15 The very hearts of all alike, he fashioneth each where,
and all their works as they deserve, by him considered are.
verse 16 There is no King, whom of an hoast the multitude can save,
and by much strength, a mighty man can no delivery have.
verse 17 A horse for safety trusted to, is but a thing most vaine,
nor shall he any one to save, by his great strength attaine.
verse 18 Behold the Lord his eye is on them whom his feare doth fill,
and upon them, who place their hope in his great mercy still.
verse 19 That he may save their soules from death, in spite of threatning ils,
and that he may keep them alive, when famine others kils.
verse 20 Our soule the Lord continually with longing doth expect:
he onely is our helpe, he is the shield doth us protect.
verse 21 And therefore shall our heart in him be ioyfull by his grace:
because we in his holy name, our confidence did place.
verse 22 O let thy mercy mighty Lord, upon us alwaies be:
according as with confidence, our hope is still in thee.

Psal. XXXIV.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
TO blesse the Lord, I at all times my soules chiefe powers wil strain:
his praise shall alwaies in my mouth, continually remain.
verse 2 My soul for ever in the Lord, her boast shall onely make:
the humble ones shall heare thereof, and shall great pleasure take.
verse 3 O come, and heartily with me, the Lords great praise proclaime:
and let us altogether ioyn'd, exalt his holy name.
verse 4 I humbly sought unto the Lord, and he to me gave eare:
and freely did deliver me, from all that I did feare.
verse 5 They earnestly did looke to him, and straight were lightned all:
their faces so made confident, no shame could them appall.
verse 6 This poor man cry'd, the Lord gave eare to heare how he was griev'd:
and straight from all his miseries, in mercy him reliev'd.
verse 7 The Angell of the Lord of hoasts, encampeth them about
who him doe feare; and when distrest, from danger leads them out.
verse 8 How that the Lord our God is good, come taste and clearely spie:
blest is the man that doth on him with confidence relye.
verse 9 O ye that of the Lord are Saints, to feare him set your minde:
for they that him doe rightly feare, no kinde of want shall finde.
verse 10 The Lyons yong are hungry oft, and suffer want of food;
but they that seek the Lord, shall want nothing at all that's good.

The second part.

verse 11 Come ye my children neare to me, and to my words give eare:
I will you teach to understand, how ye the Lord should feare.
verse 12 What man is he who doth desire his life should lengthened be:
and loveth to have many dayes, that so he good may see?
verse 13 Then have a care to keep thy tongue, that it from ill abstaine;
and set a watch upon thy lips, that them no fraud may staine.
verse 14 Depart from ill, and to doe good, bend all thy power and skill:
seeke earnestly to purchase peace, yea, and pursue it still.
verse 15 The Lord doth on the righteous look, with an observing eye,
yea, and his eares when they complaine, are open to their cry.
verse 16 Against them all who mischiefe work the Lord doth set his face,
so their remembrance to cut off from th'earth in every place.
verse 17 The righteous cry, and straight the Lord doth unto them give eare,
and they out of their troubles all, by him delivered are.
verse 18 The Lord to them doth still draw neare, that broken are in heart,
and safety doth afford to them, whose soules in anguish smart.
verse 19 The troubles that afflict the iust, in number many be:
but yet at last out of them all, the Lord doth set him free.
verse 20 The Lord with care keeps all his bones, what everdoe befall:
that not so much as one of them can broken be at all.
verse 21 Them that to wickednesse are given, even evill at last shall slay:
who hate the righteous, they shall be vast desolations prey.
verse 22 Of all that servants are to him, the Lord the souls doth save:
and they shall not be desolate, in him their trust that have.

Psal. XXXV.

[...] PLead thou my cause, O Lord, with them that doe con­tend with me:
& fight against them that to fight, against me bended be.
verse 2 Take up in haste thy shining shield, thy buckler take in hand,
and when that I in danger am, to give me succour stand.
verse 3 Draw out the speare, and stop their course, that my pursuers be:
and say for comfort to my soul, thou shalt be sav'd by me.
verse 4 Let them confounded be with shame, to take my soul that strive:
let them rurn'd back confounded be, who doe my hurt contrive.
verse 5 Let them prove like unto the chaffe, that flyes before the winde:
and let the Angell of the Lord chase all are so enclin'd.
verse 6 In darknesse wrap their doubtfull way, and let it slippery prove:
and let the angell of the Lord afflict them from above.
verse 7 For causelesly they in a pit, me with their net did watch:
which they without a cause have dig'd, therein my soul to catch.
verse 8 Let ruine seize him unawares: the net he did withall,
let it him catch, and let him in that same destruction fall.
verse 9 My soul shall in the Lord reioyce, salvation glad to see
from him, and all my bones shall say, who (Lord, is like to thee?
verse 10 Who doth the poor deliver all, from him that is too strong:
yea, even the poore and indigent, from him that doth him wrong.

The second part.

verse 11 False witnesses against me rose, their malice so to show:
and layd those things unto my charge, which I did never know.
verse 12 And for the good that I had done, they mischiefe did return:
even to the spoiling of my soule, in place of a good turne.
verse 13 But as for me, when they were sicke, I cloath'd with sackcloth, mourn'd:
my soul with fasting humbled was, my pray'r to me return'd.
verse 14 With him as brother, or as friend, I did my selfe behave:
I bow'd downe sad, as one that wailes his mother in the grave.
verse 15 But they were glad whilst I was griev'd, all gathered in one crue:
the abiects gathered, wounding me, and I the same not knew.
verse 16 With hypocrites that haunting feasts, in scoffing doe delight:
they breaking iests on my distresse, did gnash their teeth for spite.
verse 17 O Lord, how long behold'st thou this? from their destructions send
my soule reliefe; from Lyons yong, my onely one defend.
verse 18 And so will I give thankes to thee, where great assemblies are:
and solemnly proclaime thy praise, where people most repaire.
verse 19 Let not my foes o're me reioyce, that wrongfully so be:
nor let them winke with scornfull eyes, that without cause hate me.
verse 20 For they doe never speake of peace, but alwaies have in hand,
deceitfull things, against them that are quiet in the land.

The third part.

verse 21 Yea, they against me did their mouth wide open up in spleen:
and scorning said, aha, aha, our eye hath now it seene.
verse 22 Thou this, O Lord, thy selfe hast seene, no longer silent be:
O thou that art my onely Lord, be now not far from me.
verse 23 Stir up thy selfe, and straight awake, my iudgement to attend,
O thou that art my God and Lord, come where I must contend.
verse 24 According to thy righteousnesse, iudge thou, O Lord, of me:
and let me not when they reioyce, their scorned obiect be.
verse 25 Let them not say within their hearts, ah, we would have it thus:
nor let them say with vaunting words, he swallowed is by us.
verse 26 Let them asham'd, and ruin'd fall, who ioy my harme to see:
and cloth them with disgrace and shame, who doe insult o're me.
verse 27 Let them that love my righteous cause, all shout for ioy with me:
and say, the Lord be prais'd, who loves his servants good to see.
verse 28 And of thy righteousnesse, my tongue to speake shall never spare:
and of thy glorious praise to speake, shall be all day my care.

Psal. XXXVI.

Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
OF wicked ones within my heart, the great transgression sayes:
there is no feare before his eyes, of God in all his wayes.
verse 2 For he himselfe doth flatter still in his own eyes, as cleare,
til his abhorr'd iniquity, most hatefull doth appeare.
verse 3 Iniquity and vile deceit, the words he speakes all are:
he to be wise, and to doe good, hath quite left off all care.
verse 4 He when in bed, with thoughts retir'd, doth muse of mischiefe still:
he walks a way that is not good, and not abhorreth ill.
verse 5 Thy mercy Lord, thee in the heaven continually attends:
and Lord, thy faithfulnesse it selfe unto the clouds extends.
verse 6 Thy righteousnesse, like mountains high, and like a groundlesse deep
thy iudgements are, both man and beast O Lord, thou safe do'st keep.
verse 7 How is thy kindenesse excellent, O God! it therefore brings
mens sonnes to put their trust beneath the shadow of thy wings.
verse 8 They with the fatnesse of thy house, well satisfi'd shall be:
and of thy pleasures streames to drinke, they shall be made by thee.
verse 9 For, loe, of life so much belov'd, the fountain is with thee:
and in thy light, the height of light we shall for ever see.
verse 10 To them, O Lord, that know thee right, thy kindnesse still impart:
and unto them thy righteousnesse, that upright are in heart.
verse 11 Let not the foot of pride presume my opposite to prove:
let not their hand who wicked are, have power me to remote.
verse 12 The workers of iniquity, a fall doth there surprise:
they are cast downe, and by no meanes shall able be to rise.


Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
FRet not thy selfe because of them that doers are of ill:
nor envy those that happy seeme, whil'st working mischiefe still.
verse 2 For like the grasse, they shall be soon cut down (a moments prey:)
like hearbs array'd with fading green, they wither shall away.
verse 3 Trust alwaies firmely in the Lord, and labour to doe good:
so thou inhabite shalt the land, and be assur'd of food.
verse 4 And in the Lord alone likewise, thy selfe all times delight:
and he with all thy hearts desires, shall freely thee requite.
verse 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, that he may it direct:
repose on him, and he will cause thy purpose take effect.
verse 6 And he shall make thy righteousnesse as cleare as is the light:
and make thy iudgement like the Sun, when mounted at the height.
verse 7 Rest on the Lord, wait patiently, fret not though one prevaile
in all his way, or that his plots though wicked, never faile.
verse 8 Abstaine from wrath, and from the rage of a transported will:
and no way fret thy selfe with thoughts that doe provoke to ill.
verse 9 For of all such as mischiefe work, the ruine is at hand:
but they that wait upon the Lord inherit shall the land:
verse 10 Wait but a space, for here to be, the wicked shall not stay:
marke but the place where he did haunt, it vanish shall away.

The second part.

verse 11 But they that meekly are dispos'd, the earth inherit shall:
and with abundance of true peace, shall be delighted all.
verse 12 The wicked man against the iust doth plot with all his sleight:
and he upon him frowardly doth gnash his teeth for spight.
verse 13 The Lord shall in derision have the man that doth these things:
for he beholds the hastening day, that his confusion brings.
verse 14 Their sword is drawn, their bow is bent, who are inclin'd to ill:
the poore and needy to cast down, them that are iust to kill.
verse 15 Their sword shall enter their own heart, & so shall wound them sore:
and all their bowes shall broken be, not fit for service more.
verse 16 A little thing yeelds more content to him that upright lives:
than to the wicked multitude, the worlds abundance gives.
verse 17 For all the armes shall broken be of them that wicked are:
but to uphold the righteous still, the Lord will have a care.
verse 18 The Lord of them that upright are, the dayes doth clearely know:
and their inheritance secur'd, times power cannot o'rethrow.
verse 19 When dangerous times engender fear, they shall from shame be free:
and in the dayes of famine too, they satisfi'd shall be.
verse 20 But wicked men shall perish quite, and who Gods wrath provoke:
they like the fat of lambs shall melt, and vanish all in smoake.

The third part.

verse 21 The wicked man doth borrow oft, but hath no care to pay:
the righteous man doth mercy show, and freely gives away.
verse 22 For, loe, by such as he hath bless'd, the earth shall be enioy'd:
and they that cursed are, by him shall wholly be destroy'd.
verse 23 The good mens steps all by the Lord, are ordered aright:
yea, and in every way of his, he highly doth delight.
verse 24 And though he fall, he utterly shall not be cast away:
because the Lord whom he adores, doth with his hand him stay.
verse 25 I have been yong, and now am old, yet have I never seene
the iust man left; nor that his seede for bread have beggars been
verse 26 He mercifully lendeth still, his seed is blest therefore.
verse 27 Depart from what is ill, doe good, and dwell for evermore.
verse 28 For, loe, the Lord doth iudgement love, & will his Saints not leave:
he will cut off the wicked seed, and still his own will save.
verse 29 The righteous by inheritance, shall still the land retain,
and in the same eternally, inhabitants remain.
verse 30 The mouth of him that righteous is, doth speake of wisedomes height:
yea, and his tongue of iudgement too, is ever talking right.
verse 31 For of his God, the sacred law doth in his heart abide,
by which directing all his wayes, his steps shall never slide.

The fourth part.

verse 32 The wicked for the righteous man, is watching every way,
and seekes continually the meanes that straight he kill him may.
verse 33 The Lord will not abandon him, a prey into his hand:
nor yet will him condemne, when as he to be iudg'd doth stand.
verse 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall thee exalt
t' enioy the land, when wicked men are raz'd, thou see it shalt.
verse 35 In power (even to be very great) I did the wicked see:
and spreading forth himselfe at large, like to a green Bay tree.
verse 36 Yet straight he vanish'd so away, that seeking him (amaz'd)
no monument was left behinde, from records he was raz'd.
verse 37 Marke but the perfect, and behold the upright man a space:
for of that man most certainly, the end is ever peace.
verse 38 They that transgresse, together all shall be destroy'd no doubt:
and of the wicked, still the end is to be rooted out.
verse 39 But the salvation of the iust, is of the Lord above:
and in the time of their distresse, he still their strength doth prove.
verse 40 The Lord shall help them, and them free from those that are uniust,
and them from danger shall secure, because in him they trust.


Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
LEt me not in thy wrath, O Lord, rebuked be by thee:
and whil'st thine indignation burns, refrain from chastning me.
verse 2 Thine arrowes doe so deeeply wound, I can no longer stand:
and from above to presse me downe, I feele thy heavy hand.
verse 3 O fall my flesh, no part is sound, thy wrath so works within,
and in my bones there is no rest, through horrour of my sinne.
verse 4 For mine iniquities (alas) gone o're my head all be:
and like a heavy burden now, too heavy are for me.
verse 5 How that my wounds most loathsome are their stinking doth declare:
because of my great foolishnesse, they quite corrupted are.
verse 6 I troubled am, and am bow'd down with such a weight of woe,
that all the day long desolate, I ever mourning goe.
verse 7 For a disease that loathsome is, doth in my loynes aboud,
so that in all my body now, there is no parcell sound:
verse 8 I am so feeble, loe, become, and broken very sore,
that of my heart disquieted, the anguish makes me roare.
verse 9 Lord, all my thoughts I have pour'd forth, that thou my state may'st see,
and how my soul dissolves in sighs, it is not hid from thee.
verse 10 My panting heart doth trēbling quake, my strength doth quite decay;
as for mine eyes, their wonted light is gone from me away.
verse 11 My lovers and my friends of late, all from my sore retire;
my frighted kinsmen stand afarre, no more with me entire.
verse 12 Who seek my life, lay snares for me, that they may me surprise:
who seek my hurt, of mischiefe speake, and fraud all day devise.

The second part.

verse 13 But I as one that was quite deafe, nothing to heare would daign,
and as a man that was quite dumb, from speaking did abstain.
verse 14 Thus was I wholly like unto a man that doth not heare:
and in whose mouth, as sealed up, there no reproofes appeare.
verse 15 Because, O Lord, with fervent zeale, I still doe hope in thee:
I doe not doubt, O Lord my God, but thou wilt answer me.
verse 16 For I said, heare me lest they else reioyce o're me with pride:
they magnifie themselves 'gainst me, when as my foot doth slide.
verse 17 For I am ready straight to halt, as being troubled sore:
and my great sorrow growing still, is ever me before.
verse 18 For mine iniquity at large, shall be declar'd by me;
and for the sinne I did commit, I sorrowfull will be.
verse 19 But loe, my foes are lively all, and they are strong indeed;
and they that hate me wrongfully, in number doe exceed.
verse 20 They too that render ill for good, mine adversaries prove,
of disposition opposite, because I goodnesse love.
verse 21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God, nor yet far from me part:
make haste, O Lord, to give me helpe, who my salvation art.

Psal. XXXIX.

Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
I Said I will looke to my wayes, lest that my tongue should stray;
before me whil'st the wicked is, a bit my mouth shall sway.
verse 2 I big with thoughts, did silent sit, and even from good abstain'd,
till smothered sorrow swell'd more high, by being thus restrain'd.
verse 3 My heart at last did kindle so, as all enflam'd within,
and having deeply mus'd a space, thus did my tongue begin.
verse 4 Lord, make me know mine end; what is the measure of my dayes,
that I may know how fraile I am, and wretched many wayes.
verse 5 Behold thou hast made all my dayes a hand-breadth but to be:
and all mine age (as but a dreame) is nothing before thee.
And verily (loe) every man though seeming to be great,
is altogether vanity, even at his best estate.
verse 6 Man surely in a shadow walks, disquieted in vaine,
and though not knowing for whose use, heaps riches up with pain.
verse 7 And now, O Lord, perplexed thus, what thing doe I attend?
my expectation doth on thee continually depend.

The second part.

verse 8 From my transgressions that exceed, in mercy set me free,
and make me not a prey to fooles, that they may scoffe at me.
verse 9 I did with silence seale my mouth, I opened it no more:
because I knew that it did flow from thee whom I adore.
verse 10 Thy stroke which doth most deeply wound, remove from me I pray:
I by the blow of thy strong hand, consumed am away.
verse 11 When thy rebukes for sinne correct, thou mak'st mans beauty dye
like to a moath, and every man is surely vanity.
verse 12 Lord, heare my pray'r, and to my cry vouchsafe thine eare to lend:
and (as displeas'd) hold not thy peace, whil'st flouds of tears I spend.
For to my griefe I now with thee a stranger am become:
yea, and as all my fathers were, a soiourner from home.
verse 13 O that I may recover strength, in mercy Lord, spare me,
before I goe away from hence, and so no more must be.

Psal. XL.

Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
I Patiently expecting long, did on the Lord depend:
and bowing down unto my cry, he straight his eare did lend.
verse 2 He brought me from the horrid pit, and from entangling clay,
then set my feet upon a rocke, and did direct my way.
verse 3 A new song in my mouth he plac'd, Gods praises to record.
it many shall behold, and feare, and shall trust in the Lord.
verse 4 Blest is the man that on the Lord with confidence relyes,
and who doth not respect the proud, nor them that follow lyes.
verse 5 O Lord my God, how many are the works that thou hast wrought,
and these things towards us, of which thou for our good hast thought?
They cannot well in order all be reckoned up to thee:
if I should show, or speake of them, they cannot numbred be.
verse 6 Thou sacrifice nor offering, Lord, didst not at all desire:
mine eares thou openedst, and for sinne no offering did'st require.
verse 7 Then did I confidently say, loe, now I come to thee:
and in the volume of thy booke, it written is of me.
verse 8 I take delight to doe thy will, O thou my God that art:
yea, and thy law to be observ'd, is still within my heart.
verse 9 I have thy righteousnesse preach'd in the congregations sight:
thou know'st, Lord, I did not refrain my lips from speaking right.
verse 10 I have not hid thy righteousnesse from others in my heart:
I thy salvation did to all, and faithfulnesse impart.
verse 11 I in the Congregation too, where people most repair'd,
thy loving kindnesse and thy truth, to show have never spar'd.

The second part.

verse 12 Thy tender mercies from me Lord, with-hold not, let me have
thy loving kindnesse and thy truth, for ever me to save.
verse 13 Ills numberlesse have compass'd me, and mine iniquities
have taken hold upon me so, I cannot raise mine eyes.
verse 14 My haires in number they exceed, my heart doth faint at last:
But, Lord, be pleas'd to set me free, Lord, to my helpe make haste.
verse 15 Let them confounded fall with shame, that would my soule destroy,
and drive them backward with disgrace, that wish me to annoy.
verse 16 Let them (so to reward their shame,) still desolate abide,
that say to me, aha, aha, of purpose to deride.
verse 17 Let them reioyce, and all be glad in thee, that seeke to thee:
let thy salvations lovers say, the Lord exalted be.
verse 18 I'm poore and needy, yet the Lord of me a care doth take:
thou my deliverer art, and helpe, my God, no tarrying make.

Psal. XLI.

[...] HEe blessed is, that still the poor consider doth with care:
for him the Lord will then preserve, when times most dangerous are.
verse 2 The Lord will save him, and him keep alive, and he shall be
blest on the earth, thou from the will of foes wilt keep him free.
verse 3 The Lord will strengthen him, when as he languishing doth lye:
thou all his bed wilt make, to it when sicknesse doth him tye.
verse 4 I oft have said in my distresse, have mercy, Lord, on me,
and heale my wounded soul, for I have sinned against thee.
verse 5 Mine enemies detracting still, doe seek to wound my fame;
then talke they thus, when shall he dye? when perish shall his name?
verse 6 And if he come to visit me, of vanity he vaunts:
his heart heaps sinne up, which abroad he tels, whereas he haunts
verse 7 Those that me hate, doe whisper all together against me:
against me they devise, all what they thinke can hurtfull be.
verse 8 A heavy mischiefe now say they, doth surely him surprise,
and he is now so far press'd down, that he shall never rise.
verse 9 Yea, he that was my inward friend, whom most I trusted to,
who of my bread did eate, his heele hath lift against me too.
verse 10 But thou to me that am distress'd, thy mercy, Lord, extend,
and raise me up againe, that I may them requite in th'end.
verse 11 That thou do'st favour me, by this I know it sure to be,
because that my proud enemy doth not triumph o're me.
verse 12 And me in mine integrity, thou alwaies do'st sustain:
thou do'st me set before thy face, where I shall still remain.
verse 13 Blest be the Lord, even Israels God, protecting it from ill,
from everlasting as hath been, to everlasting still.

Psalme XLII.

Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
EVen as the Hart whil'st hot, doth pant, at water brooks to be,
so doth my soul transported pant, that longs, O God, for thee.
verse 2 My soul doth thirst for God, for God that liveth evermore,
when shall I come, that so my God I may appeare before?
verse 3 Both day and night, I for my meat have onely teares of mine,
whil'st they at all times say to me, where is this God of thine?
verse 4 I, when these things I call to minde, poure out my soule alone,
for with the multitude of late, I many times have gone.
verse 5 I to Gods house did goe with them, with voyce of praise and ioy,
and with a multitude that then did holy day enioy.
verse 6 O why art thou (my soul) cast down, what thus doth trouble thee?
hope thou in God, I'le yet him praise for his regard to me.

The second part.

verse 7 O God, my soule is quite cast down, I thee remember will,
from Iordan and from Hermons bounds, and from the little hill.
verse 8 While as thy water spouts make noyse, deep unto deep doth call,
thy swelling billowes and thy waves are passed o're me all.
verse 9 His loving kindnesse yet the Lord will still command all day:
his song shall be all night with me, to my lifes God I'le pray.
verse 10 I will say, why my God and rocke hast thou forgotten me?
and why should I by foes oppress'd, an abiect mourner be?
verse 11 As with a sword within my bones foes wound me, who combine
and daily doe upbraid me thus, where is this God of thine?
verse 12 O why art thou (my soul) cast down, what doth disquiet thee?
hope thou in God, I'le yet him praise, my God, and good to me.

Psal. XLIII.

Sing this as the 21. Psalme.
IVdge me, O God, my cause against th'ungodly nation plead,
from the deceitfull and uniust, me still in safety leade.
verse 2 For of my strength thou art the God, why do'st thou me disdaine?
and whil'st insulting foes oppresse, why mourn I still in vain?
verse 3 That they may leade me in my course, send out thy truth and light:
let them shew me thy holy hill, and Tabernacles right.
verse 4 Then will I to Gods Altar goe, to God my onely ioy;
yea, and to praise thee, O my God, I will my Harpe imploy.
verse 5 O why art thou (my soul) cast down, what doth disquiet thee?
hope thou in God, him yet I'le praise, my God and good to me.

Psal. XLIV.

[...] O God, our eares have often heard, when by our fathers told,
thy wondrous works wrought in their dayes, and in the times of old.
verse 2 How thou did'st drive the heathen out, and plant them with thy hand,
and thou the people didst afflict, and cast out of the land.
verse 3 They by their swords got not the land, nor did their arme them save;
but thy right hand, thy arme the light, thy gratious count'nance gave.
Because in mercy thou to them, thy favour didst impart:
verse 4 From Iacob freedome straight command O God, my King thou art.
verse 5 We will through thee push down our foes, & all their power despise;
we through thy name will tread them down, that dare against us rise.
verse 6 For in my bow to put my trust, I never will descend:
and well I know that mine owne sword shall no way me defend.
verse 7 But by thy power from all our foes, we are delivered thus,
and thou hast put them all to shame, that hatred had to us.
verse 8 We praise thy name for evermore, in God all day we boast.
verse 9 But thou hast cast us off with shame, and lead'st not forth our hoast.
verse 10 Thou mak'st us from our enemies, that we turn basely backe,
and they that hate us (as their prey) our scattered spoiles doe take.
verse 11 Thou hast us given as sheep for meate, where ever we convers'd,
and hast amongst the heathen us (as quite despis'd) dispers'd.
verse 12 Thy people that thou ownd'st so long, thou dost even sell for nought;
and thou do'st not encrease thy wealth, by what their price hath brought
verse 13 Thou do'st expose us a reproach, by neighbours pointed out,
the obiect of contempt and scorne, to all are round about.

The second part.

verse 14 Amongst the heathen thou mak'st us a common by-word be,
and all the people shake their heads, when ever they us see.
verse 15 Ah my confusion me before, doth still upbraid my sight;
and of my face the very shame doth hide me from the light.
verse 16 Even for the base reproachers voyce, that doth blaspheme and taunt;
and for the selfe avenging foe, that of his power doth vaunt.
verse 17 All this we suffer, and we yet have not forgotten thee,
and with thy covenant we are from dealing falsely free.
verse 18 Nor is our heart turn'd backward thus, in any sort to stray,
nor have our steps declin'd at all, abandoning thy way.
verse 19 Even though thou sore hast broken us, of Dragons in the place;
and with the shadow of pale death, hast covered us a space.
verse 20 If ever we of our great God, the name forgotten have,
or if our hands out-stretched, ought from a strange God did crave:
verse 21 Shall not our God exactly soone search out if this hath been?
by whom the deeps of every heart (all maskes remov'd) are seene?
verse 22 Yea, loe, O Lord us for thy cause all day long they doe kill:
as sheep for slaughter singled out, we are reputed still.
verse 23 Why sleepest thou, O thou that art our Lord? with speed awake,
arise in mercy, doe not us for evermore forsake.
verse 24 Thy face that was our comfort earst, why do'st thou hide from us?
and our affliction dost forget, and our oppression thus?
verse 25 For, loe, our soule with anguish charg'd, down to the dust doth bow;
yea, and unto the very earth, our belly cleaveth now.
verse 26 Arise, O Lord, that now from thee we may have ayd at need,
and for thy tender mercies sake, redeem thou us with speed.

Psal. XLV.

Sing this as the 26. Psalme.
MY heart with matter richly stor'd, for subiect hath the King:
as doth a ready writers pen, my tongue makes haste to sing.
verse 2 Thou then mens children art more faire, grace poured is in store
into thy lips, God therefore thee hath blest for evermore.
verse 3 O thou that art most mighty, gird thy sword upon thy thigh,
with all thy glory that is great, and with thy maiestie.
verse 4 For meeknesse, truth, and righteousnesse, ride prosperously in state,
and thy right hand shall teach to thee, things terrible and great.
verse 5 Sharpe are thine arrowes in the heart of the Kings enemies all,
by meanes whereof, the people are brought under thee to fall.
verse 6 Thy Throne, O God for ever is, and ever in thy sight:
the scepter that thy kingdome swayes, it is a scepter right.
verse 7 Thou righteousnesse do'st love, ill hate: God, even thy God therfore,
annoynted thee above thy mates, with oyle of ioy in store.
verse 8 Of Aloes, Cassia, Mirrh to smell, thy garments all are made,
out of thy ivory roomes, by which they made thee to be glad.
verse 9 Amongst thy women, honour'd much, Kings daughters there did stand,
the stately Queen in Ophir's gold was plac'd at thy right hand.
verse 10 O daughter now consider well, with eares to heare inclin'd,
thy people, and thy fathers house, call never more to minde.

The second part.

verse 11 And so thy beauty by the King, shall be desir'd the more,
for certainly he is thy Lord, and humbly him adore.
verse 12 The daughter of industrious Tyre, there with a gift shall be:
even of the people the most rich, shall seeke for grace to thee.
verse 13 The daughter of the King within, all glorious is, and faire,
her clothing all of gold most pure, is exquisitely rare.
verse 14 She all in robes by needle wrought, brought to the King shall be:
the dainty Virgins of her train, shall blushing come to thee.
verse 15 They with reioycing shall be brought, and with great gladnesse all,
and in the pallace of the King, all enter freely shall.
verse 16 For fathers left (that were austere) kind children kisse thy hands,
whom thou as Princes may'st prefer to govern in all lands.
verse 17 I will thy name from age to age, make still remembred be:
the people therefore ever shall give praises unto thee.

Psal. XLVI.

[...] THe mighty God, our refuge is and strength on which we ground:
a help when trouble doth afflict, still ready to be found.
verse 2 Though all the earth should be remov'd, no feare can us appall:
nor though amidst the tumbling deeps, the mountains high should fall.
verse 3 Though all the waters thereof roare, and troubled, stormy prove,
though even the mountaines all to shake, the swelling thereof move.
verse 4 A river is, whose streames shall make Gods City glad to prove,
the Tabernacles holy place, which the most high doth love.
verse 5 God in the midst of her remains; nought shall her move at all,
and even right early, when she needs, God alwaies help her shall.
verse 6 The heathen rag'd, the kingdomes all strange terrours did dismay:
he utter did his thundring voyce, the earth did melt away.
verse 7 The Lord of hoasts with glory great, doth still with us remaine,
and Iacobs God our refuge is, who will his own maintain.
verse 8 Come, and behold what wondrous workes have by the Lord beene wrought,
what desolations on the earth he hath most iustly brought.
verse 9 He to the end of all the earth, stern wars to peace doth turn,
he breaks the bow, he cuts the speare, and makes the Chariots burn.
verse 10 Be still and know that I am God, and I exalted will
among the heathen be, and in the earth exalted still.
verse 11 The Lord of hoasts with glory great, doth still with us remain,
and Iacobs God our refuge is, who will his owne maintain.

Psal. XLVII.

Sing this as the 45. Psalme.
O All ye people let your ioyes, applauding hands expresse,
and with the voyce of triumph too, your shouts to God addresse.
verse 2 For, loe, the Lord that is most high, is highly to be fear'd,
a mighty King, o're all the earth his Throne in state is rear'd.
verse 3 He shall subdue the people all, us for their Lords to know,
and prostituted at our feet, shall lay the nations low.
verse 4 Of our inheritance for us, he shall the chuser prove,
of Iacob the excellency, whom he did dearely love.
verse 5 Our God did with a mighty shout, triumphantly ascend,
the Lord most solemnly the sound of trumpet did attend.
verse 6 Sing praises unto God, to him with songs due praise afford,
sing praises unto our great King, sing praise with one accord.
verse 7 Because o're all the spatious earth, our God is onely King,
his heavenly praise in holy hymnes, with understanding sing.
verse 8 Our God above the nations all, doth raign as onely great,
and in his throne of holinesse, doth sit enstall'd with state.
verse 9 The Princes of the people meet, even Abrahams Gods who be,
the shields of th'earth belong to God, exalted high is he.


Sing this as the 46. Psalme.
THe Lord is great, and greatly he is to be praised still,
both in the City of our God, and in his holy hill.
verse 2 Mount Sion ioy of all the earth, doth for her Scite excell,
on whose north part the City stands, where the great King doth dwel.
verse 3 In these her lofty Palaces, our God is clearely known,
even for a refuge most secure, acknowledg'd by his own.
verse 4 For, loe, the Kings assembled all, that were esteem'd of worth,
and by a league all strictly bound, together did goe forth.
verse 5 They did behold, and so amaz'd, as wondring at his might,
straight troubled were exceedingly, and took a speedy flight.
verse 6 Feare seiz'd them there, and paine like hers, that hath a child to bear.
verse 7 Thou Tarshish ships asunder all, do'st with an East wind teare.
verse 8 As we have heard, so have we seen, there where the Lord doth raign,
even in the City of our God, God will it still maintain.
verse 9 Thy mercies to contemplate, Lord, our thoughts oft bended we,
amidst that Temples holy bounds, which sacred is to thee.
verse 10 According to thy name, O God, thy glorious praise so sounds
o're all the earth: and thy right hand in righteousnesse abounds.
verse 11 Let Sions mount reioyce, and glad let Iudahs daughters be,
because of these thy iudgements all, which they so clearely see.
verse 12 Goe, compasse Sion round about, consider well her bounds,
and count exactly with your selfe, her stately swelling rounds.
verse 13 Remarke how she is fortifi'd, her Palaces behold,
that unto your posterity, it may by you be told.
verse 14 For this God is our onely God for ever to abide:
and even till death dissolve us quite, he will be still our guide.

Psal. XLIX.

Sing this as the 45. Psalme.
YE people all attentive be to this that I proclaime:
all ye the worlds inhabitants, give eare unto the same.
verse 2 Aswell you of the vulgar sort, as those of noble race:
you that are rich, you that are poor, all here come take a place.
verse 3 My mouth shall now of wisedome speake, and of my heart in me,
the very meditation shall, of understanding be.
verse 4 I now a Parable to heare, mine earnest eares will bend,
a mystery upon my Harpe, to utter I intend.
verse 5 In stormy times why should I feare, or be but brought to doubt,
when of my heeles th'iniquity shall compasse me about.
verse 6 They that do trust in worldly wealth, which doth their minds enchant,
and of their riches which abounds, doe vainly love to vaunt:
verse 7 Not one of them his brother can redeeme in any way.
nor can they unto God at all, for him a ransome pay.
verse 8 Their soules redemption pretious is, it doth for ever rest:
verse 9 That he should not corruption see, but live for ever blest.
verse 10 For he beholds the wise men dye, and part from what they have:
the fool likewise, and bruitish gone, their wealth to others leave.
verse 11 They think their houses still shall last, their dwelling places stand
unto all ages, and they call by their own names their land.
verse 12 Yet even the man that honour'd is, is not long here to stay,
but like the beasts that iudgement want, in silence slips away.
verse 13 This way of theirs their folly is, who doe vaine thoughts admit,
yet doe their heirs approve their words, as Oracles of wit.

The second part.

verse 14 Death shall upon them feed, whil'st they like sheep lye in the grave:
and they that upright are, of them shall the dominion have.
In the bright morning time, and who did most of power presume,
borne from their dwelling, in the grave their beauty shall consume.
verse 15 But God my soule deliver will, from power of the grave:
for when by all abandon'd else, he then shall me receive.
verse 16 Be not afraid when one growes rich, rich as the world accounts,
and that his house with glory grac'd, in reputation mounts.
verse 17 For he shall goe as bare from hence, as comming from the womb:
nor shall that pomp attend him more, at most than to the Tombe.
verse 18 Though while he liv'd, he bless'd his soule, enioying what is deare,
and men thee praise, as being wise, that seek'st contentment here.
verse 19 He to the generation shall, of his old fathers goe:
but they shall never see the light, to be made happy so.
verse 20 A man that is the most esteem'd, and doth not wisedome ply,
is but like to the very beasts that altogether dye.

Psal. L.

[...] THe mighty God hath spoke, yea, even the Lord,
and called all the earth to heare his word,
from where the rising sun doth first give light,
to where it going downe gives place to night.
verse 2 From Sion faire, which he hath loved dearely,
beauties perfection, God hath shined clearely.
verse 3 Our God shall come and not keepe silence more,
a fire shall waste before him, tempests roare
verse 4 About him, he to th'heavens from high shall call,
and th'earth, that he may iudge his people all.
verse 5 Gather my Saints together to me quickly,
with me who did by offering Covenant strictly.
verse 6 His righteousnesse, the heavens shall then declare,
for God himselfe is iudge, my people heare.
verse 7 Heare Israel, I will speake, and witnesse will
against thee, I am God, even thy God still.
verse 8 For sacrifices, offerings burnt to move me,
which I should still have seene, I'le not reprove thee.
verse 9 Out of thy house, no Bullocke will I have,
nor yet out of thy folds the Hee Goats crave.
verse 10 All beasts are mine, that in the forrests are,
and cattell that on thousand hils repaire.
verse 11 I every fowle doe know of all the mountains,
the fields wilde beasts are mine, that taste the fountains.
verse 12 If I were hungry, I would not thee tell:
the world is mine, and what therein doth dwell.
verse 13 Will I the flesh of Buls eate up for food?
or yet of Goats, as thirsty, drinke the bloud?
verse 14 Offer to God thy thanks without delaying,
unto the Lord most high, thy vowes all paying.
verse 15 And in the day of trouble, call on me,
thou shalt me praise, whil'st I deliver thee.
verse 16 But God saith to the wicked, how dar'st thou
my statutes show, or take my Covenant now
verse 17 Into thy mouth, since that thou hat'st instruction,
and casts my words away to thy destruction?
verse 18 With any theefe thou sawest, thou didst consent,
and with adulterers, to take part wast bent.
verse 19 Thou giv'st thy mouth to evill, and to thy shame
most cunningly thy tongue deceit doth frame:
verse 20 Thou sit'st and speakest things against thy brother,
thou slanderest the Sonne even of thy mother.
verse 21 Thus still in all these things thou hast gone wrong,
whil'st I (as carelesse) did keepe silence long,
And thou thereby didst fondly thinke of me,
that I was altogether like to thee:
But I at last most sharpely will reprove thee,
and order them before thine eyes to move thee.
verse 22 Now thinke on this, who God in minde not beare,
lest I you suddenly in pieces teare.
Whil'st there is none that can deliverer be:
who offereth praise, doth glory give to me.
verse 23 And who doth order right his conversation,
I will to him of God show the salvation.

Another of the same.

THe mighty God, the Lord hath said, the earth must all attend,
from whence the Sun at first doth rise, till where it doth descend.
verse 2 Out of deare Sion the most faire, even at the very height
that beauty can attain unto, our God hath shin'd most bright.
verse 3 Our God shall come, and shall not then keep silence any more,
a fire before him shall consume, great stormes about him roare.
verse 4 He from above with maiestie, unto the heavens shall call,
and to the earth below, that he may iudge his people all.
verse 5 Goe, and together gather straight, all them my Saints that be,
those that have made by sacrifice, a Covenant with me.
verse 6 And even the heavens most clearely shall his righteousnesse declare,
for God himselfe doth sit as iudge, to punish or to spare.
verse 7 Heare, O my people, and I'le speake, O Israel, and I will
against thee testifie, I am thy God, even thy God still.
verse 8 For sacrifices that were due, I will not challenge thee;
nor for burnt offerings, not discharg'd continually to me.

The second part.

verse 9 I with no Bullocke from thy house, will have my altar stor'd;
nor will I daigne to take the Goats which all thy folds afford.
verse 10 For every beast belongs to me, that any forrest fils,
and all the cattell that doe graze upon a thousand hils.
verse 11 Each flying fowle is known to me, that any mountain yeelds;
and all wilde beasts abroad are mine, which stray along'st the fields.
verse 12 If I were hungry, it at all I would not tell to thee,
since that the world, and her great wealth, doth all belong to me.
verse 13 What need have I, that I should eat the flesh of Buls for food,
or yet that I to quench my thirst, should drink of Goats the bloud?
verse 14 Give for a sacrifice to God, praise from a thankfull minde;
and pay thy vowes to the most high, as thou thy selfe didst binde.
verse 15 And call on me when trouble comes, that so thou sav'd may'st be;
for I thee then deliver will, and thou shalt honour me.
verse 16 But to the wicked, why should'st thou (sayes God) my statutes name?
why should thy mouth, so much prophan'd, my Covenant proclaime?

The third part.

verse 17 Since thou abhorring discipline, wilt not instructed be,
and that my words as of no worth, reiected are by thee.
verse 18 Straight when thou didst behold a theefe, thou ioynd'st with him in heart,
and with adulterers dissolute, hast freely taken part.
verse 19 Thou giv'st thy mouth to mischiefe still, discovering so thy minde:
thy treacherous tongue to frame deceit, is naturally inclin'd.
verse 20 Thou sit'st securely (wretched man) thy brother bent to blame,
and even of thine own mothers sonne, do'st deeply wound the fame.
verse 21 These things thou did'st, I silent was, thou like thy selfe thought'st me,
but I'le reprove thee, and them set in order before thee.
verse 22 O now all you that God forget, consider this with feare,
lest else, whil'st none deliver can, I you in pieces teare.
verse 23 Who gratefully doth offer praise, doth glory give to me:
who rightly doth direct his way, shall Gods salvation see.

Psal. LI.

[...] HAve mercy (God) as I have found thy loving kindenesse many times,
as thy compassions doe abound, raze from my remem­brance all my crimes.
verse 2 Wash me from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin outright.
verse 3 I my transgressions not deny, my sinne is still before my sight.
verse 4 I sinn'd 'gainst thee, even onely thee, and in thy sight have done this ill,
that so thou iustified might'st be when speaking clear, when iudging stil.
verse 5 Loe, I my shape (life entring in) did in iniquity receive:
yea, even my mother me in sinne did at the very first conceive.
verse 6 Behold, thou do'st desire, that in the inward parts still truth should be,
and in the hidden parts within, thou shalt make wisedom known to me.
verse 7 If thou with hysope purge me all, then (Lord) I shall be cleansed quite:
if thou wilt wash me, then I shall even then the snow be found more white.
verse 8 Of ioy and gladnesse make thou me to heare the long expected voice:
that so the bones that were by thee in pieces broken, may reioyce.
verse 9 Turne from these sins away thine eyes, that have commuted been by me.
and let all mine iniquities be wholly blotted out by thee.
verse 10 O God, create a heart in me, that is not tainted any way,
and let a spirit within me be renu'd by grace no more to stray.
verse 11 Cast me not quite out of thy sight, as utterly contemn'd by thee,
and thy most holy sprite and light, take never thou away from me.
verse 12 Of thy salvation, Lord, to me, the solid ioy againe restore,
and with thy spirit that is free, uphold thou me from falling more.
verse 13 Then to transgressours, Lord, thy way most feelingly I will impart,
and those that now doe walke astray, by mine example shall convert.
verse 14 Deliver me, O God, from bloud, thou God that do'st my safety bring;
and how that thou art iust & good, my tongue aloud shal alwaies sing.
verse 15 My lips, Lord open I desire, and by my mouth thou prais'd shalt be.
verse 16 Thou do'st no sacrifice require, else I would give it unto thee.
verse 17 Burnt offering doth not thee delight, the sacrifices God doth prise,
are broken sprits: a heart contrite, O God thou never wilt despise.
verse 18 To Sion that doth griev'd remain, when it thy pleasure is, doe good,
and of Ierusalem again, build thou the wals as first they stood.
verse 19 The sacrifice of righteousnesse shall then please thee, & offerings large,
burnt offerings whole for gratefulnesse, with Bullocks shall thine altars charge.

Psal. LII.

[...] O Mighty man, why do'st thou boast of mischiefe, as secure?
the boundlesse goodnesse of God doth continually endure.
verse 2 Thy tongue prophanely still inclinde, all mischiefes deeps doth sound,
and working like a razour sharpe, doth give a dangerous wound.
verse 3 That which is most extreamely ill, thou more then good do'st love:
and more then righteousnesse to speake, thou lying do'st approve.
verse 4 Thou ever all-devouring words do'st vehemently love:
O thou vile tongue, that to deceive canst still so subtile prove.
verse 5 God likewise shall destroy thee quite, he shall take thee away,
pluck'd from thy place, and rooted out where they who live do stay,
verse 6 They that to righteousnesse are given, shall likewise see it all,
and with due reverence they shall feare, and laugh at him they shall.
verse 7 Loe, here the man that made not God his strength, but trusted long
in his great wealth, and made himselfe in his ill courses strong.
verse 8 But I am in the house of God, like a green Olive tree,
my trust still in Gods mercy is, and shall for ever be.
verse 9 I, Lord, for ever will praise thee, because thou hast done this,
and on thy name will wait, for good before thy Saints it is.

Psal. LIII.

Sing this as the 46. Psalme.
THe foole hath said within his heart, there is no God; they are
corrupt, and wickedly have done, none to doe good takes care:
verse 2 God from the heavens did look down here upon mens sonnes, to see
if any understood, that would to God a suter be.
verse 3 They wholly filthy are become, and all are backwards gone,
and none of them doth any good, no not so much as one.
verse 4 The workers of iniquity have they no knowledge all?
who eate my people up as bread? on God they did not call.
verse 5 There where there was no cause of feare, each thing did them affright:
verse 6 For God the bones all scattered hath, of him that with great might
Himselfe against thee doth encampe, that thee he may surprise,
thou hast put them to shame, because that God did them despise.
verse 7 O that unto thy Israel, from Sion might proceed,
that great salvation, long look'd for, which might their comfort breed.
verse 8 When God shall bring from bondage back, these troups that are his choice:
then ravish'd Israel shall be glad, and Iacob shall reioyce.

Psal. LIV.

Sing this as the 46. Psalme.
ALmighty God by thy great name, from danger me defend,
and by the greatnesse of thy strength, to iudge my cause attend.
verse 2 The prayer that my heart poures forth, O God in mercy heare,
and to the words that flow from me, vouchsafe to lend thine eare.
verse 3 For strangers are rais'd up 'gainst me, and even my soule to get
oppressors seeke: they them before have God at all not set.
verse 4 Behold how that the mighty God, doth helpe when I complaine;
the Lord is alwaies ioyn'd with them, who doe my soule sustaine.
verse 5 He certainly shall evill reward to foes that me annoy'd,
and in thy truth which never failes, let them be quite destroy'd,
verse 6 I sacrifices unto thee, most freely will afford,
and I will praise thy holy name, for it is good, O Lord.
verse 7 For he when I was much distress'd, from trouble did me save,
and on my foes mine eye hath seen all that my heart did crave.

Psal. LV.

Sing this as the 35. Psalme.
O God encline thine eare to me, whil'st earnestly I pray,
and from my supplication now, turne not thy selfe away.
verse 2 Attend unto me whil'st I cry, and heare my moaning voyce,
I sadly mourne in my complaint, and make a heavy noyse.
verse 3 Because of th'enemies voyce, because of ill men that oppresse;
they cast sinne on me, and in wrath their hate to me expresse.
verse 4 My heart extreamely pain'd within, as deeply suffering groanes,
and all the terrors death can give, are falne on me at once.
verse 5 A mighty feare, a trembling strange make me confounded be;
and melancholy horrour now, hath quite o'rewhelmed me.
verse 6 O like a Dove that I had wings, I said with griefe oppress'd!
for then I straight would flye away, and so would be at rest.
verse 7 Loe, then I wandring would farre off some quietnesse acquire,
and lodg'd amidst a wildernesse, from all the world retire.
verse 8 I by all meanes would travell thus, some hastie helpe to finde,
that I might from the tempest scape, and from the stormy winde.

The second part.

verse 9 Destroy, O God, and part their tongues, that ioyn'd in ill have been,
for I have violence and strife within the City seene.
verse 10 They on the wals thereof all day and night about it goe,
and in the mid'st of it remaines much mischiefe, and much woe.
verse 11 And wickednesse amidst the same is still in every part,
deceit and guile from out her streets, doe not at all depart.
verse 12 For it was not my foe me check'd, I then could that abide,
nor was I by my hater brav'd, from him I could me hide.
verse 13 But it was thou, even thou, a man, mine equall, whom I lov'd;
my self-thought friend, who did me leade by long acquaintance prov'd.
verse 14 We oft together did consult in taking counsell sweet,
and that we to Gods house might goe in company did meet.
verse 15 Let death them seize, and let them goe whil'st yet alive, to hell;
for wickednesse whereas they lodge, and them among doth dwell.
verse 16 But as for me, upon my God I fervently will call,
and me the Lord shall save, that I shall have no harme at all.

The third part.

verse 17 I evening, morning, and midday, with a continuall noyse
will cry, and fervently will pray, and he shall heare my voyce.
verse 18 My soule delivered is by him, that it in peace may be,
from battell that against me was; for many were with mee.
verse 19 My God shall heare, and them afflict, he that of old abides,
for since no change doth tosse their state, no feare of God them guides.
verse 20 He hath stretch'd forth his hands 'gainst such as be with him at peace,
and he the covenant he made, hath broken with disgrace.
verse 21 Whil'st warre was in his heart, more smooth then butter were his words,
which though they gentle seem'd like oyle, were sharp like threatning swords.
verse 22 Cast all thy burden on the Lord, and he shall thee support,
and shall not suffer that the iust be mov'd in any sort.
verse 23 But thou, O God, shalt bring thē (down, while as thy wrath doth burn)
to vaste destructions fearfull pit, whence they cannot return.
The bloudy and deceitfull men, not halfe their daies shall live,
but I, O Lord, to trust in thee, my selfe will wholly give.

Psal. LVI.

Sing this as the Lamentation.
BE mercifull, O God, to me, whom man would swallow quite,
he daily doth against me fight, oppressing me with spite.
verse 2 Mine enemies to swallow me, all meanes doe daily ply,
for many doe against me fight, O thou that art most high.
verse 3 When iealous feares at any time with horrour seize on me,
then I retire me to my strength, and I will trust in thee.
verse 4 I in my God will praise his word, in God my trust shall be,
and I will never feare at all, what flesh can doe to me.
verse 5 By them each day malitiously, my words are wrested still,
and they by bending all their thoughts, have aym'd to doe me ill.
verse 6 They doe together gather oft, they hide themselves in hate,
they doe observe each step of mine, when for my soule they wait.
verse 7 Shall they then by iniquity, escape as they desire?
O God cast thou the people downe in thy consuming ire.
verse 8 Thou counted hast my wandrings all, and to my wayes do'st looke,
my teares into thy bottle put, are they not in thy booke?
verse 9 Then shall mine enemies all turne back, when as I cry to thee,
this most assuredly I know; for God is still for me.
verse 10 In God his word, and in the Lord his word still praise I will.
verse 11 I trust in God, and will not feare what man can doe me ill.
verse 12 To honour thee, O God, most high, I am engag'd by vow;
my praise to thee, (a gratefull gift) shall from affection flow.
verse 13 For thou hast sav'd my soul from death, wilt thou my feet not free
from fals: that in their light who live, I walk may before thee.

Psal. LVII.

Sing this as the 44. Psalme.
BE mercifull to me, O God, be mercifull to me,
for still my soule in all estates doth firmely trust in thee:
Yea, to the shadow of thy wings, I alwaies will retire,
of these my great calamities, untill the time expire.
verse 2 I unto God that is most high, will cry till heard I be,
even unto God that doth performe what needfull is for me.
verse 3 From their reproach would me devoure, to save me, he shall send
from heaven: yea, God his mercy shall and truth abroad extend.
verse 4 My soule among fierce Lyons is, I fire-brands live among,
even men whose teeth are spears and darts, & like sharp swords their tongue.
verse 5 Be thou exalted, O my God, above the heavens in height,
and let thy glory all the earth, be still above most bright.
verse 6 They for my steps have laid a net, my soule is bow'd withall:
they dig'd a pit for me, but in the mid'st of it did fall.
verse 7 My heart O God, well fixed is, well fixed is my heart,
I will lift up my voyce to praise, and I will sing with art.
verse 8 Awake my glory up, awake my Harpe and Psaltery:
I will my selfe awake, ere day enlighten can the skye.
verse 9 I will give praise to thee, O Lord, whereas the people throng,
I cheerfully will sing to thee, the nations all among.
verse 10 For, O, thy mercy which is great, doth to the heavens extend,
thy spotlesse truth unto the clouds, for ever doth ascend.
verse 11 Be thou exalted, O my God, above the heavens in height,
and let thy glory all the earth be still above most bright.

Psal. LVIII.

Sing this as the 48. Psalme.
O Congregation, doe ye now speake righteousnesse indeed?
O sonnes of men, doe ye to iudge all uprightly proceed?
verse 2 Yea, you within your very heart work wickednesse each way,
and of your hands herein the earth, the violence you weigh.
verse 3 The wicked from the very wombe, estranged are from thee:
they speaking lyes, doe goe astray assoone as borne they be.
verse 4 Even like a Serpents poyson, is the poison that they beare,
and they are like the Adder deafe, that stoppeth up her eare.
verse 5 Which will not hearken to their voyce, that them to charm do strive,
though learn'd enchanters all their charms most wisely do contrive.
verse 6 Breake thou O God, within their mouth, their teeth, though they be strong,
breake thou, O Lord, the cruell teeth of Lyons that are yong.
verse 7 Let them all melt like running streames, and let his arrowes all
when as he bends his bow to shoot, as cut in pieces fall.
verse 8 As melts a snaile, let every one of them to ruine runne,
like womens birth mistym'd, that they may never see the Sunne.
verse 9 Before your pots can feel the thornes, them take away he shall,
both yet alive, and in his wrath as with a whirlewinde, all.
verse 10 The righteous shall reioyce, when as he doth the vengeance see,
and in the bloud of wicked men, his feet then wash shall he.
verse 11 So verily a man shall say, the iust rewarded are,
and verily he is a God doth iudge in th'earth each where.

Psal. LIX.

[...] DEliver me, my God, from them that are mine enemies,
defend me by thy power from them that up against me rise.
verse 2 From them that worke iniquity, in time deliver me,
and save me from the violence of them that bloudy be.
verse 3 For, loe, they for my soule doe wait, the mighty doe combine
against me, Lord, not for my sinne, nor any fault of mine.
verse 4 They without any fault of mine doe runne, and they (too bold)
themselves prepare: awake in time to helpe me, and behold.
verse 5 Lord God of hoasts, thou Israels God, the heathen to represse,
awake: and doe not pardon them, who wickedly transgresse.
verse 6 They at the evening all returne, with such a noyse they sound
as doth a dog, and so they goe about the City round.
verse 7 Behold, with their blasphemous mouth, they belch out every where,
and swords most sharp are in their lips, for who say they) doth heare?
verse 8 But thou, O Lord, shalt laugh at them, and scorn the heathen vain.
verse 9 I for his strength will wait on thee, for God doth me maintaine.
verse 10 The God whose mercy never failes, me ever shall prevent,
and with my wish upon my foes, God shall my minde content.
verse 11 Slay them not, lest my people it forget, and by thy might
disperse, & bring them (Lord our shield) downe from their wonted height.
verse 12 For their mouths sin, and for the words that from their lips doe flye,
let them be taken in their pride, because they curse and lye.
verse 13 Consume, consume them, Lord, in wrath, that they no more may be,
that God in Iacob rules, make them o're all the earth to see.
verse 14 Let them at evening all returne, and with a noyse so sound,
as doth a Dog: and let them goe about the City round.
verse 15 Let them goe wandring up and down, whil'st seeking meat to finde,
and if they be not satisfi'd, still fret within their minde.
verse 16 But I thy power and mercy will, loud in the morning sound,
for thou my refuge wast, and guard, when troubles did abound.
verse 17 To thee, O God, that art my strength, my song shall ever be:
for God is my defence, a God of mercy unto me.

Psal. LX.

Sing this as the 50. Psalme.
THou hast cast off, and scattered us O God in thy disdaine;
thou hast most highly been displeas'd, O turn to us again.
verse 2 Thou hast the earth to tremble made, thou hast it broken all;
the breaches heale thereof, for it doth shake as like to fall.
verse 3 Thou hast unto thy people shown things that are hard to think,
and of astonishment, thou hast made us the wine to drinke.
verse 4 Thou hast a banner giv'n to them, by whom thou art obey'd;
that it, by reason of the truth, may boldly be display'd.
verse 5 That thy belov'd, delivered so, may be no longer thrall:
save me O Lord, by thy right hand, and heare me when I call.
verse 6 God in his holinesse hath said, my ioy I will not hide:
I Succoths valley will mete out, and Sichem will divide.
verse 7 Mine Gilead, mine Manasseh is, and Ephraim of my head
the chiefe strength is, and Iuda still my law giver is made.
verse 8 My wash pot Moab is, my shooe o're Edom thrown shall be;
but Palestina be thou glad, and that because of me.
verse 9 Who by his meanes will me conduct unto the City strong?
and that I may to Edom goe, who will me leade along?
verse 10 O God, wilt thou this not perform, who off us quite had'st cast?
and thou, O God, who with our hoasts did'st not goe in time past.
verse 11 Give helpe unto us now in time, from troubles that exceed,
for otherwise all helpe is vaine that can from man proceed.
verse 12 We shall through Gods enabling power, by valour gaine renowne,
for he it is that in his wrath shall all our foes tread downe.

Psal. LXI.

[...] O God, unto my earnest cry, thine eare in mercy lend,
and to the prayer that I make, with pitty moov'd attend.
verse 2 I from the end of all the earth, still unto thee will cry,
when griev'd in heart: then leade me to a rocke more high than I.
verse 3 For thou hast beene in every thing a shelter unto me,
and a strong Tower, the which me from the enemy did free.
verse 4 Within thy Tabernacle I will stay for ever still,
and in the covert of thy wings, my whole trust place I will.
verse 5 For thou, O God, unto my vowes did'st lend a ready eare;
thou hast given me the heritage of those thy name that feare.
verse 6 By thy great blessing, of the King thou wilt the life prolong,
as many generations doe, so shall his yeares last long.
verse 7 He shall abide before our God, for ever him to serve:
thy truth and mercy, O prepare, that they may him preserve.
verse 8 So will I ever to thy name sing praises in due forme:
that daily I, the vowes I made, may faithfully performe.

Psal. LXII.

Sing this as the 61. Psalme.
MY soule still truely upon God with reverence doth attend:
and my salvation comes from him, on whom I doe depend.
verse 2 He onely my salvation is, my rock, for strength oft prov'd:
he is for me a sure defence, I shall not much be mov'd.
verse 3 How long will ye against a man imagine mischiefe all?
you shall be slaine like tottering forts, or like a bowing wall.
verse 4 They but consult to cast him downe from his excellency:
lyes please them, with their mouth they blesse, but they curse in­wardly.
verse 5 O thou my soule wait patiently upon thy God alone;
for, as for any hope at all, I save from him have none.
verse 6 He onely my salvation is, my rock, for strength oft prov'd:
he is to me a sure defence, I no way shall be mov'd.
verse 7 I my salvation in my God, and all my glory ground;
my refuge, and my rocke of strength, in God is onely found.
verse 8 At all times put your trust in him, ye people him before
poure out your hearts: God is for us a refuge evermore.
verse 9 The vulgar sort are vanity, the great men but a lye:
in ballance layd, they wholly are more light than vanity.
verse 10 Trust not into oppression, nor be vaine in robberies art,
and if that riches doe encrease, set not on them your heart.
verse 11 Even God himselfe hath spoken once, and this twise heard have I,
That all th'excellency of power belongs to God on high.
verse 12 For mercy also doth belong to thee, O Lord, alone:
for thou according to his worke, do'st render to each one.

Psal. LXIII.

Sing this as the 44. Psalme.
O God, thou art my God, and shalt be early sought by me;
my soul doth thirst, my flesh doth long in dry parch'd lands for thee.
verse 2 The greatnesse of thy mighty power, and glory so to see,
as in thy Sanctuary earst thou hast been seen by me.
verse 3 Because thy loving kindenesse, Lord, then life is far more worth,
my lips shall alwaies be imploy'd, to sound thy praises forth.
verse 4 Thus I will blesse thee evermore, while as I life enioy,
in thy most holy name I will lift up my hands with ioy.
verse 5 My soule shall as with marrow, and with fatnesse pleased be,
and then my mouth with ioyfull lips, shall give due praise to thee.
verse 6 When layd upon my bed I still remember thee aright,
and meditate on thee, even in the watches of the night.
verse 7 Because that unto me a helpe thou hast been heretofore,
still in the shadow of thy wings, I will reioyce therefore.
verse 8 My soule with care most earnestly doth follow after thee;
for thy right hand (a pillar strong) upholdeth alwaies me.
verse 9 But those that to destroy my soule, are bent to seeke it so,
into the very lower parts of all the earth shall goe.
verse 10 They by the cruell sword at last, shall violently fall;
and unto subtile foxes they shall be a portion all.
verse 11 Yet shall the King in God reioyce, and all by him that sweare
shall glory, and their mouths be stop'd, that lying not forbeare.

Psal. LXIV.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
HEare thou, O God, while as I pray, the voyce that goes from me,
and let my life from feare of foes, preserved be by thee.
verse 2 Hide me from plots of wicked men, contrived secretly,
and from their insurrections all, that worke iniquity.
verse 3 Who whetted have their wounding tongues, as sharp as any swords,
and like an arrow from a bow, discharge their bitter words.
verse 4 That they may so in secret shoot, to make the perfect fall,
they suddenly doe shoot at him, and have no feare at all.
verse 5 In an evill matter by themselves, they all encourag'd be,
and commune how to hide their snares, they say, who shall them see?
verse 6 They for iniquities inquire, a search they throughly end,
the thoughts and hearts of them are deep, who mischiefe doe intend.
verse 7 But God shall straight an arrow shoot, that it may them confound,
and at an instant suddenly, they shall receive the wound.
verse 8 They thus shal make even their own tongues upon themselves to fal,
and whosoever doth them see, away flie quickly shall.
verse 9 All men shall feare, and to declare the worke of God be brought:
for wisely they consider shall of that which he hath wrought.
verse 10 The righteous in the Lord shall all be glad, and in him trust,
and seeing this, they glory shall, who in their heart are iust.

Psalme LXV.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
O God in Sion thy choyce place, praise waiting is for thee;
and unto thee the vow that's made, shall well performed be.
verse 2 O thou, that when to thee we call, do'st freely heare our pray'r,
all flesh that on the earth doth live, shall unto thee repaire.
verse 3 Iniquities doe still prevaile against me every way,
and as for our transgressions all, thou shalt purge them away.
verse 4 The man is blest whom thou do'st chuse, and mak'st approach to thee,
that he within thy holy Courts, a dweller still may be.
We with the goodnesse of thy house well satisfi'd shall be,
even of that holy Temple still, which sacred is to thee.
verse 5 By things that are in righteousnesse most terrible to see,
we shall, O our salvations God, straight answered be by thee.
Who art the confidence of th'earth, from end to end o're all,
and of all them that are afarre to roaring billowes thrall.
verse 6 Who of the mountaines by his strength doth fire the solid frame,
whil'st girded all about with power, as centre of the same.
verse 7 Who of the Seas doth still the noise, the noyse of waves that rage,
and of the people when they storme, the tumult doth asswage.
verse 8 They in remotest parts that dwell, all at thy tokens quake,
the mornings and the evenings walks, thou to reioyce do'st make.
verse 9 Thou visit'st th'earth, and watre'st it, thou with Gods floud stil deep,
do'st make it rich, and corne for them thou still in store do'st keepe.
verse 10 The ridges watred, thou do'st make the furrowes setled rest,
of it, thou thereof (soft with showres) do'st make the springing blest.
verse 11 Thou with thy goodnesse crown'st the year, thy paths drop fatnesse stil,
they drop upon the desarts grasse, this chears each little hill.
verse 12 Flocks cloath the pastures, valleys Corne doe in abundance bring,
they all doe shout aloud for ioy, and they doe likewise sing.

Psal. LXVI.

Sing this as the 68. Psalme.
ALl lands with loud and ioyfull noyse, to God your voyces raise:
verse 2 Sing forth the honour of his name, and glorious make his praise.
verse 3 Say unto God how terrible in all thy works art thou?
by thy great power, thy foes to thee shall all be brought to bow.
verse 4 All on the earth shall worship thee, and they shall all proclaime
with songs thy praise, they all shall sing unto thy holy name.
verse 5 Come, and the works that God hath wrought, with admiration see,
in doing to the Sonnes of men, most terrible is he.
verse 6 He turn'd the sea into dry land, and they (the Lords owne choice)
went through the floud on foot, and we did there in him reioyce.
verse 7 He by his power still rules, his eyes the nations all behold:
O, let not them exalt themselves that to rebell are bold.
verse 8 Ye people all, then blesse our God, whom you so good have found,
and make the voyce still of his praise aloud o're all to sound.
verse 9 That of our soule effectually the very life hath prov'd,
and doth not suffer that our feet should any way be mov'd.
verse 10 For thou, O God, hast proved us, and know'st well what we be,
as silver is most strictly try'd, we have been try'd by thee.
verse 11 And us to the ensnaring net, thou did'st bring as a prey,
and thou afflictions heavy load, upon our loynes did'st lay.
verse 12 Thou o're our heads mad'st men to ride, we through the fire a space
and water went, but thou us brought'st into a wealthy place.
verse 13 I'le to thy house burnt offerings bring, and will my vowes defray,
verse 14 And what affliction promis'd had, prosperity shall pay.
verse 15 Of fatlings Sacrifices burnt I offer will to thee,
Of Rammes the incense, Bullocks, Goats, shall offered be by me.
verse 16 Come, ye that feare God truely, all your eares to heare prepare,
and what he for my soule hath done, I purpose to declare.
verse 17 Most fervently I unto him still with my mouth did cry,
and with my tongue, he likewise was extoll'd continually.
verse 18 If wickednesse doe sway my heart, the Lord will me reiect:
verse 19 But verily God hath me heard, my prayers take effect.
verse 20 O blessed be my God, who did my prayer not disdaine,
who not from me as I deserv'd, his mercy did restraine.

Psal. LXVII.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
LEt God be mercifull to us, and us with blessings fill,
and make the brightnesse of his face to shine upon us still.
verse 2 That so thy way upon the earth may clearely be made knowne,
and that thy saving health may be amongst all nations showne.
verse 3 Thee, let the people praise, O God, even let them all thee praise:
O, let the nations glad for ioy with songs their voyces raise.
verse 4 For righteously the people shall by thee all iudged be,
and all the nations on the earth shall govern'd be by thee.
verse 5 Thee, let the people praise, O God, yea, let them praise thee all,
verse 6 Then th'earth shall encrease, yeeld, and God even our God, blesse us shall.
verse 7 Our God shall blesse us from above, and all both far and near,
even to the borders of the earth, shall reverence him with feare.

Psalme LXVIII.

[...] LEt God arise, and let his foes be scattered every way;
let them likewise who him doe hate, before him flye away.
verse 2 Drive them away as smoake is driven, as waxe doth melt with fire,
so let the wicked at Gods sight, all perish in his ire.
verse 3 But let the righteous all be glad, reioycing in Gods sight:
yea, let the righteous all have ioy, extended to the height.
verse 4 Sing unto God, and praise his name, extoll him with your voyce,
who rides on th'heavens by his great name, and him before reioyce.
verse 5 A father of the fatherlesse, and of the widowes iudge,
God is in his most holy place, where he delights to lodge.
verse 6 Of those that solitary were, God families doth found,
he brings them out whom chaines doe bind, gives rebels barren ground.
verse 7 O God, when with thy people, thou went'st forth to leade their hoast,
when thou did'st through the desarts march, where danger threatned most.
verse 8 The heavens did at Gods presence drop, the earth did likewise shake;
yea, at Gods presence, Israels God, even Sinay then did quake.

The second part.

verse 9 Thou did'st O God, send store of rain, by which thou did'st confirme
thine owne inheritance, when it was weary and infirme.
verse 10 Thy Congregation all conveende, did then inhabite there,
and of thy goodnesse thou, O God, did'st for the poore prepare.
verse 11 The Lord himselfe did give the word from his imperiall seat:
of them who did the same divulge, the company was great.
verse 12 The Kings of hoasts did flie apace, as whom a foe quite foiles,
and she who parted not from home, in end did part the spoiles.
verse 13 Though ye have lyen amongst the pots, yet even as is a Dove
with silver wings, or feathers all of gold, so shall ye prove.
verse 14 It, when God scattered Kings in it, was white as Salmons snow:
verse 15 Gods hill like Bashans is, and high like Bashans hill doth show.
verse 16 Why doe ye leap high knotty hils? this is the onely hill
in which God loves to dwell, yea there the Lord dwell ever will.
verse 17 Gods Chariots twenty thousand are, of Angels thousands strong,
as in Sinay his holy place, the Lord is them among.

The third part.

verse 18 Captivity thou captive led'st, and high ascended hast,
had'st gifts from men, for rebels too to dwell with them at last.
verse 19 Blest be the Lord, who daily us with benefits doth lode,
even he of our salvation still, who onely is the God.
verse 20 He of salvation is the God, that is our God most strong,
and unto God the Lord, from death the issues doe belong.
verse 21 But God shall surely wound the head of all that are his foes;
yea, and his hairy scalpe, that on in his trespasses goes.
verse 22 The Lord hath said from Bashan forth, I them to bring will daigne,
I will from deeps of raging Seas, my people bring againe.
verse 23 That thou of foes when as they fall, may'st dip thy foot in bloud,
and of thy dogges the tongues likewise whil'st licking it for food.
verse 24 They many times, O God have seen, thy goings full of grace;
even where my God and King doth goe in the most holy place.
verse 25 The singers first, the players next on instruments made way,
and them amongst the Damosels, that did on Timbrels play.

The fourth part.

verse 26 Where your assemblies sacred be, to God due praise afford;
yea, even from Israels fountaine all, give praise unto the Lord.
verse 27 There with their ruler Beniamin, and Iudaes Lords are there;
the Princes too of Zabulon, and Naphtalim appeare.
verse 28 Thy mighty God commanded hath the strength that is in thee;
O God, what thou for us hast wrought, let it still strengthened be.
verse 29 Because of thine own sacred house, Ierusalems chiefe grace,
Kings shall to thee rare presents bring in honour of the place.
verse 30 Rebuke the Spearemen and great Buls, the peoples Calves remove,
till all with silver doe submit; disperse them warre that love.
verse 31 The Princes great shall then come out from Egypts fertile lands,
and Ethiopia shall with haste to God stretch forth her hands.
verse 32 Ye kingdomes of the earth, to God with songs due thanks afford:
O with a hearty gratefulnesse, sing praises to the Lord.
verse 33 To him which on the heavens of heavens, which were of old doth ride;
loe, he his voyce, a mighty voyce sends out on every side.
verse 34 Then unto God ascribe ye strength, for his excellency
o're Israel is, and his great strength is in the clouds most high.
verse 35 O God, thou from thy holy place art terrible to see,
and Israels God gives strength and power, let him still blessed be.

Psal. LXIX.

[...] DEliver me, O God, to whom for safety I repaire,
sor now into my very soule the waters entred are.
verse 2 I sinke in mires, to stand no where, my foot I can bestow,
I am into deep waters come, [Page 62] where flouds doe me o'reflow.
verse 3 I am with crying weary grown, my throat is dry'd in th'end,
mine eyes exhausted now doe faile, whil'st I my God attend.
verse 4 They that incens'd without a cause, to me great hatred beare,
even then the haires upon my head, farre moe in number are.
Who me (though wrongfully my foes) would ruine, mighty be,
then what I never tooke away, was straight restor'd by me.
verse 5 O God, my foolishnesse from thee can no way be conceal'd,
and all the sins that I have done, are unto thee reveal'd.
verse 6 Let them that wait on thee, O Lord, not blush because of me,
nor them that seeke thee, for my sake O God confounded be.
verse 7 Because I for thy sake have borne the burden of disgrace,
and made the obiect of reproach, shame covered hath my face.

The second part.

verse 8 Vnto my brethren now I am a stranger come to be,
and even my mothers children doe an aliant make of me.
verse 9 For of thy house, the ardent zeale hath eaten me up all,
and their rebukes that thee reproach'd, did all upon me fall.
verse 10 Whil'st I was mourning, & my soule with fasting was brought low,
they scorned me as but a foole, who thus did weakenesse show.
verse 11 I likewise sackcloth for a time, my garment made to be,
and then they in derision straight, a Proverbe made of me.
verse 12 And they that sit in publike gates, did speake to doe me wrong,
and I to every drunkard was the subiect of his song.
verse 13 But as for me, I in due time O Lord, doe pray to thee,
in thy salvations truth, O God, and mercies great, heare me.

The third part.

verse 14 Deliver me out of the mire, and me from sinking keepe;
deliver me from foes, and from the waters that are deep.
verse 15 Let not the water-floud o're-flow, nor me the deep devoure,
and to shut up her mouth on me, let not the pit have power.
verse 16 Heare, Lord, for good thy kindenesse is, and turn again to me;
according to the multitude that of thy mercies be.
verse 17 And doe not from thy servant hide thy face to me so deare,
for I extreamely troubled am, with speed to me give eare.
verse 18 Approach unto my heavy soule, and it from danger free,
because of them that are my foes, in time deliver me.
verse 19 Thou my reproach, and shame hast knowne, & how they me disgrace,
and who mine adversaries are, are all before thy face.

The fourth part.

verse 20 My heart is broken with reproach, and anguish fills my minde;
I pitty did expect in vaine, and could no comfort finde.
verse 21 They gave me likewise gall for meat, too bitter to disgest;
they gave me vinegar to drink, when drought enflam'd my breast.
verse 22 Let even their table them before, to prove a snare be seene;
let it become a trap, which should have for their welfare been.
verse 23 Let blindenesse sealing up their eyes, perpetuall darknesse breed;
and make their loynes for lacke of strength, to tremble like a Reed.
verse 24 In thy displeasure them upon thine indignation poure,
and let the torrent of thy wrath them suddenly devoure.
verse 25 Make all their dwellings desolate, where they so proud have beene,
and in the Tents where they have liv'd, let none to dwell be seene.

The fifth part.

verse 26 For him they persecute, whom they by thee doe smitten see,
and they by talke encrease their griefe, who wounded were by thee.
verse 27 And unto their iniquity, iniquity adde more,
and let them in thy righteousnesse come never thee before.
verse 28 Out of the book of those that live, let them be raz'd by thee,
and where the righteous are enrol'd, let them not written be.
verse 29 But now become exceeding poore, and sorrowfull am I:
by thy salvation, O my God, let me be set on high.
verse 30 The name of God I with a song, most solemnly will praise,
and him to magnifie with thankes, my souls chiefe powers will raise.
verse 31 For this to God more pleasure yeelds, than Oxe or Bullock slaine,
or any beast with hornes or hoofs, whose bloud doth Altars staine.

The sixt part.

verse 32 They who are humble, this shall see, which ioy to them shall give,
and all your hearts who seeke for God, shall with contentment live.
verse 33 For to the poore the Lord gives eare, as whom he much doth prize,
and them that are his prisoners, he no way doth despise.
verse 34 Let both the heaven and all the earth, praise him who raigns above
the Seas, and every kinde of thing that in the same doth move.
verse 35 For God will Iudaes Cities build, and his deare Sion save,
that there inhabiting they may it in possession have.
verse 36 Their seed that are his servants too, inherit shall the same,
and they therein shall safely dwell, who love his holy name.

Psal. LXX.

Sing this as the 30. Psalme.
O Thou my God, make haste, that I may saved be,
and now, O Lord, as in times past, make haste in helping me.
verse 2 Let them ashamed fall, that seeke my soule to have,
let them turn back, confusions prey, all that my hurt doe crave.
verse 3 Let them be backward turn'd, with shame them to repay,
who with derision scornefully, aha, aha, doe say.
verse 4 Let them that seeke thee be to ioy and gladnesse rais'd,
let them that thy salvation love, say still, let God be prais'd.
verse 5 But I am poore, O God make haste to me I pray;
thou my deliverer art, and ayde, O Lord make no delay.

Psal. LXXI.

Sing this as the 69. Psalme.
IN thee alone, O mighty Lord, I all my trust doe place,
O grant that I may never be confounded with disgrace.
verse 2 Enlarge me in thy righteousnesse, and cause me scape away.
encline thine eare to hearken me, and save me I thee pray.
verse 3 Be thou my habitation strong, to which I may resort,
my safety thou commanded hast, thou art my rocke and fort.
verse 4 God save me from the hands of them that have a wicked minde,
and from the hands of the uniust, to cruelty inclin'd.
verse 5 For it is thou, O Lord my God, that art my hope alone,
and from my youth, in whom to trust, I, Lord, save thee, had none.
verse 6 Thou from the womb did'st me uphold, and thou art he, who me
did'st from my mothers bowels take, and I will still praise thee.
verse 7 Amazement unto many eyes I (as a wonder) breed;
but thou art alwaies unto me a refuge strong at need.
verse 8 Let still my mouth be filled with thy glorious praise I pray,
and let it still be filled with thy honour all the day.

The second part.

verse 9 Cast me not off when as old age hath made me weake to be,
and when my strength begins to faile, doe not abandon me.
verse 10 My foes when as of me they speake, all proudly doe insult,
and they that wait to take my soule, together doe consult.
verse 11 Loe, God hath quite forsaken him; whil'st boasting, they say thus,
pursue and take him, for there's none that can him save from us.
verse 12 Depart not farre from me, O God, whil'st I am thus dismaid,
O thou that onely art my God, make haste to give me ayd.
verse 13 Let my soules foes be all consum'd, and to confusion brought,
let them be covered with disgrace, that seek my hurt in ought.
verse 14 But as for me, I constantly will hope, while as I live,
and I even yet will more and more to thee due praises give.
verse 15 My mouth shall still thy righteousnesse and thy salvation show,
even all the day, for I thereof the numbers doe not know.
verse 16 I in the strength will boldly goe of God that is the Lord:
thy righteousnesse, even onely thine I freely will record.

The third part.

verse 17 O God, thou hast even from my youth with care instructed me,
and hitherto I have declar'd the wonders wrought by thee.
verse 18 Forsake me not gray headed now, whom age hath quite o'recome,
till to this age I shew thy strength, thy power to all to come.
verse 19 Thy righteousnesse, O God, likewise is eminent to see,
who hast done many mighty things, and who is like to thee?
verse 20 And thou againe shalt quicken me, who shew'd me troubles sore,
and from the deeps of earth below, shalt me againe restore.
verse 21 Thou shalt encrease my greatnesse, Lord, who do'st for me provide,
and thou shalt comfort too afford to me on every side.
verse 22 I thee with Psaltery will praise, thy truth my God alone,
I with the Harp to thee will sing, O Israels Holy one.
verse 23 My lips when as I unto thee to sing doe lift my voyce;
yea, and my soule which thou redeem'dst, they greatly shall reioyce.
verse 24 My tongue likewise thy righteousnesse all day long shall commend,
for they confounded are, and sham'd, that doe my hurt intend.

Psalme LXXII.

[...] O God, to guide him, let the King be with thy iudgement stor'd,
and to the Kings beloved sonne, thy righteousnesse afford.
verse 2 He shall thy people rightly iudge, thy poore with iudgement still.
verse 3 The mountains shall bring people peace by righteousnesse, each hill.
verse 4 These of the people that are poore, him as their iudge shall heare,
he shall the needies children save, in pieces tyrants teare.
verse 5 They shall thee feare with reverence due, as long as to our sight
the Sunne and Moone by mutuall turns, from age to age give light.
verse 6 He shall descend like pleasant raine, upon mown grasse o're all.
or like soft pearls of quickning show [...]s on earth that num'rous fall.
verse 7 The righteous ones in all his dayes shall flourish at their ease,
and peace while as the Moon endures, shall them with plenty please.
verse 8 He shall c [...]mmand from Sea to Sea (his power so farre extends)
and from the river every way of th'earth unto the ends.
verse 9 They that amidst vast desarts dwell, before his face shall bow:
his enemies shall kisse the dust, and homage humbly vow.
verse 10 The Kings of Tarshish and the Iles, by presents friendly prove;
from S [...]eba, and from Seba Kings, by gifts shall court his love.
verse 11 Yea, all the Kings shall him before fall down with reverence low,
and all the nations him to serve, shall their obedience show.

The second part.

verse 12 For he shall save the needy one, when he to him doth call,
the poore also, and him that hath no helper else at all.
verse 13 He shall the poore and needy spare, that him they yet may serve,
and o [...] a [...]l them that needy are, he shall the soules preserve.
verse 14 From violence and fraud, their soules shall be by him redeem'd,
the bloud of them before his eyes, shall pretious be esteem'd.
verse 15 And h [...] shall live, and gold to him from Sheba shall be rais'd;
he shall be pray'd for at all times, and daily shall be prais'd.
verse 16 There shall of Corne into the earth, a little handfull lye,
upon the very barren tops of mountaines that are high:
Whose fruit shall shake like Lebanon, and who in Cities stay,
they like the grasse upon the earth, shall flourish every way.
verse 17 His name for ever shall endure, and last whil'st Sunne we see;
all nations shall him blessed call, man blest in him shall be.
verse 18 Now blessed be the Lord our God, even Israels mighty God,
who onely doth true wonders work, which are renown'd abroad.
verse 19 Blest ever be his glorious name, and let his glory fill
the spatious earth in every part: so be, so be it still.
The Prayers of David the Sonne of Jesse are ended.


Sing this as the 44. Psalme.
GOd truely unto Israel is ever good and kinde,
even unto such as inwardly he cleane in heart doth finde.
verse 2 But as for me, my staggering feet to stand could scarce prevaile,
and little wanted but my steps did altogether faile.
verse 3 For I them envy'd, who themselves to foolishnesse did give;
when I perceiv'd their prosperous course, who wickedly did live.
verse 4 For in their death there are no bands, no rub doth crosse their way,
and their full strength abiding flame, doth in no sort decay.
verse 5 From all the toiles of mortall men, they seeme to live secure;
and with the rest of men below, no plague at all endure.
verse 6 And therefore pride to compasse them, they as a chaine doe beare,
and violence to cover them, they as a garment weare.
verse 7 Their eyes for fatnesse bursting out, doe vigorously shine;
the successe doth transcend their thoughts, what ever they designe.
verse 8 They are corrupted, and in words they wickedly forth breake;
in what oppression doth concerne, they loftily doe speake.
verse 9 They set their mouth against the heavens, as daring them to charge:
their tongues doe walke through all the earth, with liberty at large.
verse 10 The people therefore hither come from all the parts about,
and from a cup that's full, to them the waters are wrung out.

The second part.

verse 11 And thus they say, how doth God know? (though every thought he spy)
and is there any knowledge left in him that is most high?
verse 12 Behold, these are the wicked ones that doe the Lord displease,
who in the world with wealth encreas'd, live prosperously at ease.
verse 13 In vaine indeed to cleanse my heart, I labour'd have with paine;
and I in innocency too have wash'd my hands in vaine.
verse 14 For all the day long I have been exposed plagu'd to be;
and every morning some new crosse hath come to chasten me.
verse 15 But if I say, I thus will speake, behold where this would tend,
thy childrens generation much I thereby should offend.
verse 16 When I thought this to know, then it too painfull was for me;
verse 17 Till to Gods holy house I went, then I their end did see.
verse 18 Thou surely did'st them dangerously on slippery places set,
and in destructions pit cast downe their iust reward to get.
verse 19 How are they suddenly become sad desolations prey?
they in a moment leave to be, and melt with feare away.
verse 20 As is a dreame, O Lord, when one from sleeping doth awake,
so thou awaking, no account shalt of their image make.
verse 21 Thus in my minde extreamely mov'd, I could not be appeas'd,
and I was prick'd within my reines, exceedingly displeas'd.

The third part.

verse 22 So foolish then and ignorant, I found my selfe to be,
that I was as a very beast, when comming before thee.
verse 23 Yet nerethelesse I surely am continually with thee,
and thou by my right hand alwaies, hast firmely holden me.
verse 24 Thou by thy counsell shalt me guide, that none may me deceive,
and in thy glory afterwards for ever me receive.
verse 25 Whom is it that I have in heaven, saue thee, O Lord, alone?
and on the earth, whom I desire besides thee, there is none.
verse 26 My fainting heart, and my weake flesh do faile, but of my heart,
God is the strength, and portion still, that shall not from me part.
verse 27 For, loe, they that from thee are farre, shall ruin'd come to be,
and thou them wholly hast destroy'd, that whoring goe from thee.
verse 28 But as for me, I hold it good, that I neere God repaire,
I trust in thee (Lord God) that I may all thy works declare.

Psal. LXXIV.

Sing this as the 72. Psalme.
O Why our God, for euermore hast thou reiected us?
why smoaks thy wrath against the sheep of thine own pasture thus?
verse 2 The Congregation that is thine, in thy remembrance hold,
which thou in mercy for thy selfe hast purchased of old.
The rod of thine inheritance, which thou redeemed hast,
euen this mount Sion, where thou had'st thy dwelling in time past.
verse 3 To desolations infinite, lift up thy feet now soone,
euen in thy Sanctuary, all that th'enemy hath done.
verse 4 Thy foes amidst thy Synagogues doe roare before thy face,
and there for signes their ensignes fixe, as in a conquer'd place.
verse 5 Each man of them acquir'd renown, as he his strength imploy'd,
whil'st sharpest Axes lifted up, the thickest trees destroy'd.
verse 6 But now the curious carved workes which did arts beauty show,
with Axes and with Hammers crush'd, most rudely they o'rethrow.
verse 7 Thy Sanctuary they have fir'd, they it defil'd, confound
and cast the dwelling of thy name down headlong to the ground.

The second part.

verse 8 They said in heart, let us destroy together all their band;
they all the Synagogues of God have burnt up in the land.
verse 9 Our signes we see not, there's no more a Prophet us among,
and there is not so much as one that can discerne how long.
verse 10 O God how long shall th'enemy afflict us thus with shame?
and shall our adversary still blaspheme thy sacred name?
verse 11 Why do'st thou thus withdraw thy hand? even thy right hand restrain?
out of thy bosome for our good, plucke out the same againe.
verse 12 For, loe, God, is my King of old, that rules me by his will,
even in the mid'st of all the earth, salvation working still.
verse 13 Thou mad'st the sea by thy great strength, divided all to be,
and in the waters, Dragons heads were broken all by thee.
verse 14 The Leviathans heads by thee, in pieces broken fell:
thou him for meat to people gav'st, that did in desarts dwell.
verse 15 Thou did'st the fountain cleave, and floud that did in streams abound:
thou dry'dst the mighty rivers up, even to the very ground.

The third part.

verse 16 The cheerefull day belongs to thee, to thee the gloomy night,
thou with the comfortable Sunne prepared hast the light.
verse 17 Thou all the borders of the earth hast stablish'd in due formes,
thou mad'st the Summer smile with flowrs, the winter frowne with stormes.
verse 18 Remember that the enemy reproach'd, O Lord, with shame,
and that the foolish people all, blasphemed have thy name.
verse 19 O, of thy Turtle Doue the soule, let not the wicked haue,
the Congregation of the poore doe not for euer leaue.
verse 20 Haue to the Couenant respect, for of the earth each where
the places darke for cruelty, with dwellings stored are.
verse 21 O let not them that are opprest, returne againe with shame,
but let the poore and needy ones still praise thy sacred name.
verse 22 Arise, O God, plead thine own cause, that it may cleared be:
remember how the foolish man each day reproacheth thee.
verse 23 Forget not of thy foes the voyce, the tumult of them still
that rise 'gainst thee, continually encreaseth to doe ill.

Psal. LXXV.

Sing this as the 44. Psalme.
TO thee O God, we give due thanks, we give due thanks to thee,
for that thy wondrous works declare thy name most neare to be.
verse 2 The Congregation unto me, when as receive I shall:
then uprightly in every thing I will be iudge o're all.
verse 3 The earth and all that doe there in inhabitants remaine,
are quite dissolv'd, but I thereof the pillars doe sustaine.
verse 4 I said to him that was a foole, deale foolishly no more,
and to the wicked, lift not up the horne as oft before.
verse 5 Your horne presumptuously on high, from lifting up abstaine;
and with stiffe neckes too stubbornely, from speaking more refraine.
verse 6 For, loe, promotion that so much is coveted by some,
it neither from the East nor West, nor from the South doth come.
verse 7 But God himselfe is onely Iudge, who every thing doth try,
and he (when pleas'd) doth presse one down, and raise another high.
verse 8 The hand of God doth hold a Cup, the wine thereof is red;
it full of mixture forth he poures, by indignation led.
verse 9 But wicked men shal drink the dregs which they thēselves out wring,
but I will still declare, and praise to Iacobs God will sing.
verse 10 Of wicked men the haughty hornes shall be cut off by me,
but of the righteous ones, the hornes shall all exalted be.

Psal. LXXVI.

Sing this as the 66. Psalme.
IN Iudah God is knowne, his name in Israel is great,
verse 2 In Salem he hath plac'd his Tent, and Sion is his seat.
verse 3 The arrowes of the threatning Bow, by him were broken there:
the Target, sword, and battell too, by him all broken were.
verse 4 Thou art more glorious to behold, excelling every way,
then are the mountains most renown'd, and eminent for prey.
verse 5 The most couragious all are spoil'd, sleep hath surpris'd their bands;
the men of strength amaz'dly dull, have now not found their hands.
verse 6 At thy rebuke, O Iacobs God, whil'st they against thee striv'd;
both Horse & Chariots charm'd by sleep, were of all sense depriv'd,
verse 7 Thus thou, even thou art to be fear'd by all that know thy might;
and when thine anger kindled is, who can abide thy sight?
verse 8 Thou did'st cause iudgement to be heard from heaven in every eare,
the earth (as wondring) silent stood, and stupified with feare.
verse 9 When God to iudgement did arise, exactly to observe,
of all the earth, those that were meeke, that he might them preserve.
verse 10 Euen by the very wrath of man, thou shalt due praise attaine,
and the remainder of his wrath, thou quickly shalt restraine.
verse 11 Vow to the Lord your God, and pay all that about him be,
to him that iustly should be fear'd, to bring your gifts agree.
verse 12 The spirit of them that Princes are, by him cut off shall be,
and to the Kings of all the earth, most terrible is he.


[...] I Vnto God whil'st sorely griev'd, my voyce with cryes did send;
yea, with my voyce to God I cry'd, and he his eare did lend.
verse 2 I in my day of trouble sought the Lord, my sore did run,
while it was night, and ceased not, my soule did comfort shun.
verse 3 Then I remember did my God, and troubled did remaine;
my sprite within me was o'rewhelm'd, and griefe made me complain.
verse 4 And thou do'st likewise make mine eyes continually to wake,
and I so strangely troubled am, I have no power to speake.
verse 5 The times from all antiquity, I weigh with them that be,
and all the ages that are past, presented are to me.
verse 6 My song even in the silent night, I to remembrance call,
I commune with my heart, my sprite search'd carefully withall.
verse 7 And will the Lord us wholly now cast off for evermore,
will he not favourable be, as he hath beene before?
verse 8 And is his mercy so cleane gone, no hope to be reliev'd?
and is the promise that he made, no more to be beleev'd?
verse 9 And hath the mighty God forgot how to extend his grace,
and have his tender mercies all to anger now giu'n place?
verse 10 And this (I said) my weakenesse is, but yet the yeares I still
of his right hand that is most high, with care remember will.

The second part.

verse 11 I of the Lord remember will, the workes so often told,
I certainly remember will thy wonders wrought of old.
verse 12 I likewise, Lord, will meditate on all that thou hast wrought,
and I will freely talke of that which thou to passe hast brought.
verse 13 Thy Sanctuary, O our God doth still containe thy way:
who is so great a God, as is the God whom we obey?
verse 14 Thou art the wonder working God with none to be compar'd,
among the people many times thou hast thy strength declar'd.
verse 15 Thou of thy people, by thine arme, hast the redeemer prov'd
of Iacob, and of Iosephs Sonnes, who were by thee belov'd.
verse 16 The waters did, O God, see thee, the waters did see thee:
they were afraid, and even the deepes all troubled came to be.
verse 17 The water from the bursted clouds, straight pour'd out did abound,
thine arrowes too did goe abroad, the skies sent out a sound.
verse 18 Thy thunders voyce along'st the heaven, a mighty noyse did make:
by lightnings lightned was the world, & trembling earth did shake.
verse 19 Thy way in the vast Ocean is, a path thou of thine owne
hast in the waters great, and yet thy footsteps are not knowne.
verse 20 Thou did'st thy people safely leade, like to a flock at large,
by Moses, and by Aarons hand, who had of them the charge.


[...] GIve, O my people, straight your eare, unto my law di­vine,
and to the words flow from my mouth, your earnest eares en­cline.
verse 2 I will my mouth now open in a parable of worth,
and I dark sayings utter will, which times of old gave forth.
verse 3 Even things that we have oft times heard, and evidently knowne,
which by our fathers unto us have been exactly shown.
verse 4 We from their race, and times to come, will no way have them hid,
but will expresse Gods praise, & strength, & what great works he did.
verse 5 His league he did in Iacob earst, his law in Israel place,
which he our fathers will'd to tell to their succeeding race.
verse 6 The generation yet to come, that it the same might know,
even the unborne who should arise, and to their heires them show.
verse 7 That they might place their hope in God, and not his works forget,
but his Commandements to keep, their whole affections set.
verse 8 And might not like their fathers prove, a stubborn rebel-race,
that set not right their heart: who God not firmely did embrace.
verse 9 All Ephraims off spring bearing bowes, and with their arms array'd,
did in the day of battell turne most basely back afraid.
verse 10 They did not keep Gods Covenant, but did from him withdraw,
and wickedly refus'd to walke according to his law.

The second part.

verse 11 And they had all his glorious works forgot, as no more known,
and all those wondrous works of his, which he to them had shown.
verse 12 Things wondrous in their fathers sight were done by his strong hand,
even in the field of Zoan earst, in Egypts fertile land.
verse 13 He did divide the very Sea for passage to his band,
and he the liquid waters made as in a heape to stand.
verse 14 All day he led them by a Cloud, their course directing right,
and all the night when it was darke, by fire did give them light.
verse 15 He in the desarts clave the rocks, which did asunder shrinke;
and gave them thence, as from great deeps, abundantly to drinke.
verse 16 He likewise from the solid rock, made mighty streams to flow,
and waters pour'd in plenty down, did straight like rivers grow.
verse 17 And they obdured in their hearts, yet did the more transgresse,
even by provoking the most high amidst the wildernesse.
verse 18 And in their heart they tempting God, him high [...]y did displease,
by seeking curiously for food, their appetite to please.
verse 19 Yea, even against God did they speake; they said (distrusting thus)
can God amid'st the wildernesse a table furnish us?
verse 20 He smote the rocke, loe, streams gush'd out, & waters drown'd the field;
can he give also bread, or flesh unto his people yeeld?

The third part.

verse 21 The Lord this heard, and therefore wroth did kindle up a fire
'gainst Iacob, and 'gainst Israel incensed was his ire.
verse 22 Because through infidelity, they not in God beleev'd,
nor did in his salvation trust, that them so oft releev'd.
verse 23 Though from above the Clouds he had commanded by his will,
and o [...]ened had the dores of heaven, to poure forth plenty still.
verse 24 And Manna had above their hopes rain'd down for them to eate,
and had a harvest from the heaven, of corn given them for meat.
verse 25 Then mortall man was fed with that, which was for Angels good,
he for their voyage furnish'd them abundantly with food.
verse 26 The Eastern winds along'st the heavens enforc'd, did them observs,
and by his power he did constraine the Southerne winde to serve.
verse 27 On them he rain'd a shower of flesh, like dust upon the ground,
and winged fowles as thicke as sands, which seas doe bed & bound.
verse 28 He made it fall amidst their Campe not to be sought without
the very Tents where they did lodge, it compass'd round about.
verse 29 So did they plentifully eate, and satisfied all were,
for he to them, what they desir'd, afforded freely there.
verse 30 Yet they were not estrang'd from what they lusted for so much,
but whil'st the meat within their mouths did yet their pallats touch,
verse 31 The wrath of God upon them came, and kill'd their fattest ones,
and made even Israels chosen men, give forth their dying grones.
verse 32 But for all this, they sinning still, their God so good did grieve,
for all the wonders that he wrought, could not make them beleeve.

The fourth part.

verse 33 And for this cause in vanity, he did consume their dayes,
and did with trouble waste their years, that wandred from his wayes.
verse 34 But even as he was killing them, they sought him, and return'd,
and early after God enquir'd, while as his wrath thus burn'd.
verse 35 And they remembred then, that God was wont their rocke to be,
and their redeemer the high God that onely could them free.
verse 36 Yet for all this with flattering lips, they to deceive him striv'd,
and with their tongues perfidiously, they lyes to him contriv'd.
verse 37 For still their heart to follow him, was not sincerely set,
not constant to his Covenant, they did the same forget.
verse 38 But he in mercy did forgive their sinnes, them not destroy'd,
yea, oft his anger turn'd away, his wrath not all imploy'd.
verse 39 For he remembred that they were but flesh, both fraile and vaine,
like to a winde that blowes away and will not come againe.
verse 40 How oft was he prouok'd by them amidst the wildernesse,
and whil'st they in the desart were, grieu'd at their wickednesse.
verse 41 Yea, many times they turned backe, and God did fondly tempt,
and Israels most holy one, to limit did attempt.
verse 42 They never call'd to minde the pow'r of his Almighty hand,
nor yet the day when freed from foes, he made them safe to stand.

The fifth part.

verse 43 How he such memorable signes had earst in Egypt wrought,
and wonders that in Zoans field, by him to paste were brought.
verse 44 And he the riuers that were cleare, did change to horrid bloud,
so that they wholly did abhorre to drinke of any floud.
verse 45 He them among strange sorts of flies, them to devoure did send,
and crawling swarms of loathsome frogs, which brought thē to their end.
verse 46 To Caterpillers, vermine vile, he did their encrease give,
their labour to the Locust too, by which they hop'd to live.
verse 47 By haile that he had poured downe, their Vines were wholly lost,
and their eye-pleasing Sicamores, were spoiled by the frost.
verse 48 He to the haile most horrible, their Cattell gave away,
and to destroying thunder-bolts, he made their flockes a prey.
verse 49 His wrath and indignations height, he did upon them cast,
by sending angels that were ill, amongst them at the last.
verse 50 He for his wrath made way, their soule he suffered not to live,
but o're unto the Pestilence, their very life did give.
verse 51 He smote all Cgypts eldest brood, when least they thought the same;
even of their strength the very chiefe, amidst the Tents of Ham.
verse 52 But his owne people made like sheep goe forth on every side,
and them amidst the wildernesse, like to a flock did guide.

The sixt part.

verse 53 He them securely did conduct, whom nothing did affright,
but roaring Seas o'rewhelm'd their foes, a mirrour of his might.
verse 54 His Sanctuaries borders neare, he brought them to remaine,
even to the mountain most esteem'd, which his right hand did gain.
verse 55 He did cast forth the heathnish troups before their face destroy'd,
and did by line divide the land, which Israels Tribes enioy'd.
verse 56 Yet did they tempt, and did provoke the God that is most high,
and to his sacred Covenants, did not themselves apply.
verse 57 But they turn'd backe, and falsely dealt, as did their Syres of old,
like to a Bow that doth deceive, and no true ayme can hold.
verse 58 For they by their high places oft, his wrath provoked had,
and by their graven Images, him to be iealous made.
verse 59 Now when as God did heare of this, he was to anger mov'd,
and Israel greatly did abhorre, that him so oft had prov'd.
verse 60 So that of Shiloh he forsooke the Tabernacle then,
the Tent which for himselfe he had establish'd among men.
verse 61 And did deliver up his strength, in bondage to abide,
his glory to the hand of foes, a prey to prosp'ring pride.
verse 62 He gave his people to the sword, whom he had earst releev'd,
and with his owne inheritance, was most extreamely griev'd.

The seventh part.

verse 63 Their yong men by the raging fire, were to confusion brought,
their dainty Virgins vilified, were not for marriage sought.
verse 64 Their Priests though dignified so much, straight by the sword did fail,
their widowes stupified with griefe, did not bemoane at all.
verse 65 Then wak'd the Lord as one from sleep, whil'st anger did decline,
or like a strong man, who doth shout by reason of his wine.
verse 66 And of his foes the hinder parts he smote in every place,
and upon them perpetually, he did impose disgrace.
verse 67 Yea, he the Tabernacle too of Ioseph did refuse,
and even of Ephraim, though thought strong, the Tribe he would not chuse.
verse 68 But he of Iuda chose the Tribe to be the rest aboue,
and Sions Mount that sacred place which he did dearely loue.
verse 69 And he his Sanctuary built like Palaces for height,
like th'earth, which he establish'd hath, for euer by his might.
verse 70 He did his servant David chuse, that he might him renowne,
from folds of flocks, where keeping sheep, he call'd him to a Crowne.
verse 71 He rais'd him up from following Ews, which did their yong ones breed,
that Israel his inheritance, and Iacob he might feed.
verse 72 So them he fed according to his hearts integrity,
and he his hands that skilfull were, to guide them did apply.

Psal. LXXIX.

Sing this as the 77. Psalme.
NOw thine inheritance, O God, to heathens is betrayd,
thy house defil'd, Ierusalem they all on heaps have layd.
verse 2 The bodies of thy servants they to fowls for food did yeeld,
and of thy Saints the pretious flesh to beasts in every field.
verse 3 Their bloud about Ierusalem, they shed like water have,
and there was not so much as one that would give them a grave.
verse 4 The neighbouring States upbraiding us, disdainfully doe flout,
we are a Butte for bitter scorne, to all that are about.
verse 5 How long, O Lord, and wilt thou be for ever angry thus?
and shall thy iealousie still burn like to a fire 'gainst us?
verse 6 Vpon the heathens poure thy wrath, who know not thee at all,
and on those Kingdomes, on thy name that have not daign'd to call.
verse 7 For they thy Iacob to devoure, have spar'd in no degree,
but made the place where he did dwell, all desolate to be.
verse 8 Remember not 'gainst us the sins which formerly we wrought;
let mercies us with speed prevent, for we most low are brought.
verse 9 O God of our salvation, helpe for thy names sake we pray,
deliver us for thy names sake, and purge our sinnes away.
verse 10 Why say the heathen where's their God? let him 'mongst them be known,
whil'st in our sight thou do'st revenge the bloud-shed of thine owne.
verse 11 The Captives sighing, let it come before thee, and those save,
according to thy power, that are appointed for the grave.
verse 12 Lord, to our neighbours for their part, let seven-fold rendred be,
that vile reproach, by which, O Lord they have reproached thee.
verse 13 So we thy people, and thy flocke, thee thanke for ever will,
and to all generations too, shall shew thy praise forth still.

Psal. LXXX.

Sing this as the 68. Psalme.
HEare Israels Shepheard, like a flocke that leadest Ioseph out,
thou that 'twixt Cherubins do'st dwell, in brightnesse shine about.
verse 2 In Ephraims, in Beniamins, and in Manasses sight,
stir up thy strength, and quickly come and save us by thy might.
verse 3 O thou that onely art our God, turne us againe to thee;
cause thou thy face to shine on us, and so we sav'd shall be.
verse 4 Lord God of hoasts how long wilt thou, whil'st we thy name invoke,
against thy peoples prayer, thus in indignation smoake?
verse 5 Vpon the bread of teares for food, thou makest them to live,
and unto them that they may drinke, thou store of teares do'st give.
verse 6 Thou do'st us make a ground for strife, to every neighbouring state,
our enemies amongst themselves doe laugh at us of late.
verse 7 O Lord, that art the God of hoasts, turne us againe to thee,
cause thou thy face to shine on us, and so we sav'd shall be.
verse 8 Thou with great care hast brought a Vine frō Egypts fertile bounds,
and thou did'st plant it, casting out the heathen from their grounds.
verse 9 And providently thou a roome before it did'st make fit,
and mad'st it take so deep a root, the land was fill'd with it.
verse 10 The mountains with the shade of it were covered, every where,
and all the boughs thereof for state, like goodly Cedars were.
verse 11 Vnto the borders of the Sea, she made her boughs extend,
and to the river, it to grace, she did her branches send.
verse 12 Why didst thou then her hedges breake, exposing her a prey,
so that each passenger makes bold to pluck some part away.

The second part.

verse 13 The foaming Boare come from the wood, to wast it hath had power,
and savage beasts that range the fields, it boldly doe deuoure.
verse 14 O thou that art the God of hoasts, return we pray to thine:
look down from heaven, and so behold and visit this thy Vine.
verse 15 And the Vineyard which planted was, with care by thy right hand,
and even the branch which for thy self thou did'st make strong to stand.
verse 16 It wholly is with fire burnt up, and is cut down with spite:
when by thy count'nance once rebuk'd, they straight do perish quite.
verse 17 Vpon the man of thy right hand, O let thy hand still be;
the sonne of man who was made strong, even for thy selfe by thee.
verse 18 So we will not goe backe from thee, then quicken thou us all,
and we upon thy holy name, continually will call.
verse 19 O Lord, that art the God of hoasts, turn us againe to thee;
cause thou thy face to shine on us, and so we sav'd shall be.

Psalme LXXXI.

[...] SIng forth aloud unto the God from whom our strength we take,
and unto Iacobs mighty God, a noyse most ioyfull make.
verse 2 Take up a Psalme, and hither bring the Timbrell presently,
and with the Harp that pleasant is, accord the Psaltery.
verse 3 The Trumpet straight in the new-Moon, blow up without delay,
even in the time appointed, on our solemne festuall day.
verse 4 For this was made for Israell, a statute still to stand,
and is of Iacobs God a law, the which he did command.
verse 5 This record he in Ioseph plac't, in passing Pharaohs land,
whereas the language that I heard, I could not understand.
verse 6 I from the burden which him bow'd, his shoulders did discharge,
and from the pots and servile works, I did his hands enlarge.
verse 7 Thou call'dst in trouble, I thee free'd, and was to answer mov'd.
even in my Thunders secret place, and Meribah thee prov'd.
verse 8 O heare my people, and I straight to thee will testifie,
O Israel, if now thou wilt thine eares to me apply.
verse 9 There shall no strange God then at all within thy limits be,
nor shall a strange God any way be worshipped by thee.
verse 10 I am the Lord that is thy God, who thee from Egypt led,
make wide thy mouth, and it by me with plenty shall be fed.

The second part.

verse 11 But yet my people by my voyce, would not instructed be,
and Israel perverted still, would not repose on me.
verse 12 So to the lust of their own hearts, I gave them up displeas'd,
and they in their owne Counsels then, all walked as they pleas'd.
verse 13 O that my people as they ought, had harkened to my will,
and that all Israel in my wayes had walk'd sincerely still!
verse 14 I should have suddenly subdu'd all who did them gaine-stand,
and I against their adversar's had turn'd my heavy hand.
verse 15 Who hate the Lord, all should themselves have humbled him before,
but then their time should surely have endur'd for evermore.
verse 16 He with the finest of the wheat, had fed them as his flocke,
and I should thee have satisfied with honey of the rocke.


Sing this as the 77. Psalme.
GOd in the Congregation stands of them we mighty call,
and sentence gives amongst the Gods, as soveraign Iudge of all.
verse 2 How long will ye uniustly iudge, and where ye please to spare,
the persons partially accept of them that wicked are?
verse 3 The Orphans save, and them who are with poverty oppress'd,
doe iustice to the needy ones, and them that are distress'd.
verse 4 Let them that poore and needy are, delivered be by thee,
and rid them all out of the hand of them that wicked be.
verse 5 They neither know, nor will conceive, they walke in darkenesse on;
all the foundations of the earth, quite out of course are gone.
verse 6 That ye indeed are Gods below, it hath been said by me,
and even of him that is most high, you all the children be.
verse 7 But, surely like the vulgar sort, you are ordain'd to die,
and like to other Princes past, you low in dust shall lye.
verse 8 Arise, O God, and th'earth to iudge o're all with glory shine:
for thou the Nations every where inherit shalt as thine.


Sing this as the 77. Psalme.
KEep not thy silence thus, O thou the God whom we adore,
hold not thy peace, O thou our God, and be thou still no more.
verse 2 For, loe, thy foes all murmuring now, a mutiny have made:
and they that haters are of thee, have lifted up the head.
verse 3 They crafty Counsels have contriv'd, thy people to annoy,
and have even thy most hidden ones consulted to destroy.
verse 4 Come, let us cut that nation off, they have said in their spite:
that Israels name from records raz'd, may be abolish'd quite.
verse 5 For they together have conspir'd, alike dispos'd in minde,
and even against thee made a league, by Covenant combin'd.
verse 6 The Edomites and Ishmalites, to campe together went,
the Moabites and Hagars brood, for doing mischiefe bent.
verse 7 There Geball, Ammon, Amaleck, the Philistims and Tyre:
verse 8 With them is Ashur ioynd, from whom Lots race did helpe acquire.
verse 9 Make them prove like the Midianites; as Sisera was slaine,
and like to Iabins scattered troups, that Kishons streams did stayn.
verse 10 Whom neare to Endor suddenly, thou wholly did'st confound;
their Carcasses became like dung, for fatning of the ground.
verse 11 Like Oreb, and like Zeeb, Lord, destroy their Nobles all;
like Zeba, and like Zalmunna make all their Princes fall.

The second part.

verse 12 Who impudently thus durst say, (presuming of their might)
let us possesse Gods houses all, as due to us of right.
verse 13 Make them like stubble toss'd by winde, like wheels that alwaies turn
verse 14 As fire the Forrests doth consume, as flames make mountains burn.
verse 15 So with thy tempest them pursue, and with thy storme them fright:
verse 16 Their faces fill with shame, that they may seeke thy name aright.
verse 17 Let them confounded be, and prove from trouble never free,
yea, let them all be put to shame, and wholly ruin'd be.
verse 18 That men may know, that thou, whose name Iehovah is alone,
art the most high, the like of whom o're all the earth is none.


Sing this as the 67. Psalme.
O How the Tabernacles are, that unto thee belong,
most amiable, thou that art the Lord of hoasts most strong!
verse 2 My soule doth long, yea, it doth faint at the Lords Courts to be;
my heart and flesh cry out aloud, the living God to see.
verse 3 Yea, even the Sparrow hath found out a house wherein to rest,
the Swallow also for her selfe, hath purchased a nest;
Even at thine Altars, where she safe her yong ones forth may bring,
O thou Almighty Lord of hoasts, that art my God and King.
verse 4 O blest are they within thy house, to dwell who placed be,
with gratefull hearts continually they will be praising thee.
verse 5 Most blessed is the man, whose strength in thee is wholly plac'd,
and in the secret of whose heart, the wayes of them are trac'd.
verse 6 Who in the passing through doe make a Well of Bacaes plaine;
yea, all the Pooles are likewise fill'd abundantly with raine.
verse 7 They still doe goe from strength to strength, and of them every one
before our God at last appeares in Sion at his Throne.
verse 8 O Lord, that art the God of hoasts, my prayer daigne to heare,
thou that of Iacob art the God, encline to me thine eare.
verse 9 Behold, O God, that art to us a shield in every place,
of him whom thou annoynted hast, look now upon the face.
verse 10 For why, O Lord, within thy Courts, the spending of one day
gives more content, than thousands doe, spent any other way.
I rather in the house of God, to keep the dore would live,
then have in Tents of wicked men, what greatest States can give.
verse 11 The Lord God is a Sun, and shield, he glory gives, and grace,
he will from them no good thing hold, who righteousnesse embrace.
verse 12 O thou that art the Lord of hoasts, I must say happy he,
who fearing nothing can befall, doth ever trust in thee.

Psal. LXXXV.

Sing this as the 69. Psalme.
THou, Lord, in favour of thy land, hast many wonders wrought,
and Iacob from captivity, thou backe again hast brought.
verse 2 Thy people thou from all their faults, in mercy hast set free,
and all the sinne they did commit, hath covered beene by thee.
verse 3 Thou now hast taken quite away thy wrath of late that burn'd,
thou from the fiercenesse of thine ire, thy selfe againe hast turn'd.
verse 4 Turn us, O thou that art the God who onely do'st us save,
and cause thine anger towards us, at last an end to have.
verse 5 And wilt thou then displeas'd with us, thine anger never end?
and wilt thou still from race to race, thine anger thus extend?
verse 6 And wilt thou not againe, O Lord, in mercy us revive?
that so thy people may in thee for ever ioyfull live.
verse 7 Let thy great mercy unto us (O thou our Lord) be showne,
and thy saluation freely grant to us that are thine owne.
verse 8 I'le heare the Lord God speake, for he will to his people all,
and Saints speake peace, but let them not again to folly fall.
verse 9 For his saluation euermore, to them is nigh at hand,
who feare him right, that glory may dwell euer in our land.
verse 10 Kinde mercy now, and spotlesse truth, both, loe, haue met together,
and righteousnesse embracing peace, each one hath kiss'd the other.
verse 11 Vntainted truth out of the earth, abundantly shall spring,
and righteousnesse shall from the heauen look down on euery thing.
verse 12 Yea, what is good, the Lord shall give, our land shall store display,
and righteousnesse shall usher him, and set us in his way.


Sing this as the 81. Psalme.
BOw downe thine eare, Lord, heare my suit, that thou maist grant the same,
for now (reduc'd to great distresse) I poor and needy am.
verse 2 My soule, because I holy am, O thou my God preserve.
and since he puts his trust in thee, saue him who thee doth serue.
verse 3 Since, Lord, to thee I daily cry, be mercifull to me,
verse 4 Reioyce, O Lord, thy servants soule, which lifted is to thee:
verse 5 For thou art ready to forgive, and ever good to all,
and art in mercy plentifull, to them that on thee call.
verse 6 The fervent prayers which I make, O Lord, in mercy heare,
and to the voyce of my requests, vouchsafe a ready eare.
verse 7 When miseries torment my minde, and it with anguish fill,
I earnestly will call on thee, for thou wilt answer still.
verse 8 For there is none amongst the Gods, to be compar'd with thee,
nor is there any worke, O Lord, that like thy works can be.
verse 9 All nations, Lord, which made by thee, to be thy creatures clayme,
shall come, and worship thee before, and glorifie thy name.
verse 10 For thou art very great indeed, such things by thee are done,
as are most wondrous to the world, yea, thou art God alone.
verse 11 Teach me thy way, and in thy truth (O Lord) then walke I will;
unite my heart, that it thy name may feare with reverence still.
verse 12 O Lord my God, with all my heart, I will thy praise proclaime,
and with due honour evermore, will glorifie thy name.
verse 13 Because thy mercy still hath beene exceeding great to me,
my soule hath from the lowest hell, delivered beene by thee.
verse 14 O God, the proud against me rise, the violent have met
in troups, and sought my soule, and thee have not before them set.
verse 15 But, Lord God of compassion full, thou still art gratious found,
in mercy thou, and in pure truth, (long suffering) do'st abound.
verse 16 O, straight thy selfe unto me turne, and on me mercy have,
thy strength unto thy servant give, thy hand-maids sonne now save.
verse 17 Shew me a token for my good, that it my foes may see,
and be asham'd, because thou, Lord, did'st helpe and comfort me.


Sing this as the 81. Psalme.
THe Lord amongst the holy hils, his firme foundation grounds,
verse 2 He doth the gates of Sion love, more than all Iacobs bounds.
verse 3 Gods City (O) most glorious things reported are of thee!
verse 4 I Rahab will, and Babell name to them that well know me.
O thou Philistia, and thou Tyre, behold this thing aright,
with scorched Ethiopia's bounds, there, first this man saw light.
verse 5 And it of Sion shall be said, this man, and that (time past)
in her was borne: and the most high himselfe shall fixe her fast.
verse 6 When as the peoples name shall be all written by the Lord,
he, that even this man there was borne, shall certainly record.
verse 7 And for this cause, who sing or play, all there imploy'd shall be,
the springs wherein I pleasure take, are onely all in thee.


[...] LOrd, that of my salvation art the God to whom I pray,
I have cry'd out most earnestly, before thee night and day.
verse 2 Admit­ted to thy presence straight, O let my prayer be;
and let the heavy moane I make, be listned to by thee.
verse 3 For, loe, my soule is charg'd with griefe, such troubles here I have,
and my spent life approaches neare the borders of the grave.
verse 4 I am amongst them numbred now, that in the pit downe fall,
and I am like a man that hath no kinde of strength at all.
verse 5 Even free amongst the dead, like them that slaine lye in the grave,
whom thou no more do'st call to minde, thy hand doth quite thē leave.
verse 6 Thou very low hast laid me down, whom earth embosom'd keepes,
where all in darknesse is entomb'd, even in the very deeps.
verse 7 Thine indignations burning wrath doth hard upon me presse,
and thou with all thy raging waves hast drown'd me in distresse.
verse 8 Thou mine acquaintance hast estrang'd, thou hast of them made me
to be abhorr'd: I am shut up, now to come forth not free.
verse 9 Because of mine afflictions, Lord, mine eye doth alwaies mourne,
I daily call'd, and with stretch'd hands, my selfe to thee did turne.
verse 10 Wilt thou shew wonders unto them, that are of life depriv'd?
shall they againe arise from death, to sound thy praise reviv'd?
verse 11 Thy loving kindenesse in the grave, shall it be there declar'd?
or yet thy faithfulnesse, whereas destruction none hath spar'd?
verse 12 Where darknesse doth defraud the sight, shall there thy wonders shine,
or yet amidst oblivions land, that righteousnesse of thine?
verse 13 But I in all my trouble, Lord, haue onely cry'd to thee;
each morning by my prayer still, thou shalt prevented be.
verse 14 Why is my grieved soule cast off, O gratious Lord, by thee?
and thy most comfortable face, why do'st thou hide from me?
verse 15 I am afflicted, and to die, euen from my youth am bound,
extreamely I distracted am, whil'st me thy terrours wound.
verse 16 Thy wrath that is exceeding fierce, doth me (o'rewhelm'd) dismay,
thy terrours which astonish me, have cut me quite away.
verse 17 They round about me every day, like waters did breake out,
and they (whil'st all together ioyn'd) did compasse me about.
verse 18 Thou all my lovers and my friends, hast far remov'd from me,
and those who my familiars were, I now no more can see.


Sing this as the 67. Psalme.
I Will the mercies of the Lord for ever sing, and will
to generations all make knowne, how thou art faithfull still.
verse 2 For I have said, that mercy shall be built for ever sure,
thy faithfulnesse thou in the heavens shalt firmely make endure.
verse 3 I with the man whom I did chuse, a Covenant did make,
I haue to Dauid sworne, whom I did for my seruant take.
verse 4 I will thy seed for euermore establish by my hand,
and I will build a throne for thee, from race to race to stand.
verse 5 And all the heauens, O Lord, shall praise the wonders done by thee,
thy faithfulnesse likewise, whereas thy Saints assembled be.
verse 6 For who, O Lord, with thee in heauen, can any way compare?
who can be likened to the Lord, of them that mighty are?
verse 7 God still is greatly to be fear'd, whereas his Saints repaire,
and to be reverenc'd of all them that neare about him are.
verse 8 Lord God of hoasts, what Lord hath strength like to that strength of thine?
or to that faithfulnesse, each where that doth about thee shine.

The second part.

verse 9 Thou rul'st the raging of the Sea, which beats the shoares in vain,
and when her waves to roare arise, thou mak'st them calm againe.
verse 10 Thou Rahab hast in pieces broke, as one that doth lye slaine:
thine enemies by thy strong arme, dispersed all remaine.
verse 11 The heavens are thine, thine is the earth, as for the world, each where
it and the fulnesse of the same, by thee both founded were.
verse 12 The freezing North, the warming South: they both by thee were made:
the stately Tabor, Hermon fayre, shall in thy name be glad.
verse 13 Thou hast, O Lord, a mighty arme, no power can it withstand,
thy hand exceedingly is strong, and high is thy right hand.
verse 14 With iustice iudgement, of thy throne is still the dwelling place,
and with kinde mercy, spotlesse truth shall goe before thy face.
verse 15 Blest is the people that doth know the ioyfull sound aright;
they of thy countenance, O Lord, shall walke into the light.
verse 16 They all the day still in thy name, shall to reioyce agree,
and in that righteousnesse of thine, shall all exalted be.

The third part.

verse 17 For thou of all the strength they have, the onely glory art,
and meanes to raise our horn on high, thy favour shall impart.
verse 18 For loe, the Lord by his great power, will ever us maintaine:
the holy one of Israel, he doth above us raigne.
verse 19 In vision to thy holy one thou speaking, thus did'st say,
I did one from the people raise, helpe on one mighty lay.
verse 20 I have my servant David found, and with my holy oyle,
I have annoynted him for King, of my beloved soyle.
verse 21 With whom that it may him support, I stablish will my hand:
mine arme shall likewise strengthen him, that he may strongly stand.
verse 22 The enemy shall not have power upon him to exact,
nor shall the sonne of wickednesse him harme by any act.
verse 23 And I will straight before his face, his enemies confound,
and them by whom he hated is, I with strange plagues will wound.
verse 24 But with him still my faithfulnesse and mercy all shall see,
and in my name his horne of power shall still exalted be.

The fourth part.

verse 25 I will his hand upon the sea, with soveraigne power impose,
and on the rivers his right hand, shall as he likes dispose.
verse 26 Thou unto me a father art, (he thus to me shall cry)
my God, and my salvations rocke, on whom I doe relye.
verse 27 I'le likewise make him my first borne, a Prince to be obey'd,
more high than all the Kings on earth, that ever scepter swaid.
verse 28 My tender mercies shall to him, forever be reserv'd,
my Covenant shall still with him be faithfully observ'd.
verse 29 And likewise I will make his seed forever to endure,
and like the dayes of lasting heaven, his throne to stand secure.
verse 30 But if his Children leave my law, and walke not in my way;
verse 31 If they my statutes violate, and from my Precepts stray.
verse 32 Their great transgressions with the rod, then visit straight will I,
and with a multitude of stripes, their great iniquity.
verse 33 Yet will not quite my kindenesse take from him at any time,
nor will I falsifie my truth, though punishing his crime.

The fifth part.

verse 34 The Covenant that I have made, I by no means will breake,
nor will I alter any thing, that mine own lips did speake.
verse 35 Once, by my spotlesse holinesse, I sworne have solemnly,
that unto David, whom I chusde, I in no sort will lye.
verse 36 And of his happy seed, the time no limits shall confine,
his throne still glorious in my sight (as doth the Sun) shall shine.
verse 37 It (stablished perpetually) the Moone for time shall even;
and as a faithfull witnesse still inhabiting the heaven.
verse 38 But thou hast utterly cast off, and thou abhorred hast,
thou hast been wroth with him whom thou annoyntedst in time past.
verse 39 Thou hast thy servants Cov'nant made, that it now void is found;
thou hast prophan'd his sacred Crowne, it casting to the ground.
verse 40 Thou broken hast the hedges downe, that did empale his state,
and in their ruines hast entomb'd his fortresses of late.
verse 41 All that doe passe along'st the way, to spoyle him doe approach;
he to his neighbour is become the obiect of reproach.

The sixt part.

verse 42 Thou hast advanc'd his foes right hand, that they might him annoy,
and unto all his enemies, thou hast giv'n cause of ioy.
verse 43 Thou of his sword did'st blunt the edge, that it deceiv'd his hand,
and when he in the battell was, thou did'st not make him stand.
verse 44 Thou hast the glory which he had made now no more to be,
and to the very ground, his throne is now cast downe by thee.
verse 45 Thou of his youthfull dayes (though short) yet shortned hast the space,
and him that once so glorious was, hast covered with disgrace.
verse 46 How long, O Lord, wilt thou thy face away for ever turne?
and shall thine indignation thus like to a fire still burne?
verse 47 Thinke but how short a time it is that I should here remaine,
and wherefore is it thus that thou hast made all men in vaine?
verse 48 What man is he that now doth live, and death shall never see?
and from the graves destroying hand, shall he his soule set free?
verse 49 Where are thy former mercies, Lord, which thou by solemne oath
did'st to thy servant David sweare, in thine untainted truth?
verse 50 Remember, Lord, what strange reproach doth wound thy servants
how all the mighty peoples scorn, I in my bosome beare.
verse 51 Wherewith thy foes reproach'd his steps, even his whom thou before eare,
verse 52 Annoynted had'st: blest be the Lord, Amen, for evermore.

Psal. XC.

Sing this as the 78. Psalme.
THou mercifully hast, O Lord, beene unto us a place
in which we did securely dwell, even still from race to race.
verse 2 Before the Mountains were brought forth, ere thou did'st forme with skill,
the earth, and world, thou art our God, from everlasting still.
verse 3 Thou to destruction (when thou wilt) do'st make fraile man to turne,
and sayest thus, O ye that are the sonnes of men, returne.
verse 4 For, even a thousand yeares when past, are but still in thy sight,
as yesterday, and as a watch that passeth in the night.
verse 5 Thou as a floud bear'st them away, a sleepe they seeme to be;
they in the morning are like grasse, which growing up we see.
verse 6 It in the morning doth grow up, and fairely flourisheth,
but in the evening is cut down, and quickly withereth.
verse 7 For by thine anger when it burns, we quickly are destroy'd,
and by thine indignations height, extreamely are annoyd,
verse 8 Thou all our great iniquities hast set within thy sight,
and of thy count'nance all our sinnes, (though secret) in the light.
verse 9 For all our dayes (Lord) in thy wrath, with pain and griefe are past:
and like a tale, scarce mark'd, when told, we soon away doe wast.
verse 10 The usuall date confining life, to seventy yeares extends:
if constitutions vigorous prove, in ten yeares more it ends.
verse 11 Yet all their strength wherein they trust, but sorrow is and paine:
for it is soone cut off, and we doe flye away againe.
verse 12 Who of thine anger knowes the power, whose weight no soul can bear?
and even so is thy heavy wrath, according to thy feare.
verse 13 Teach us to number in such sort, our dayes continually,
that we our hearts, while as we live, to wisedome may apply.
verse 14 Return, O Lord, how long 'gainst us shall thus thy wrath be bent?
concerning those thy servants are, let it thee now repent.
verse 15 O, early us to satisfie, thy tender mercy give,
that we may ioyfull be, and glad, for all the dayes we live.
verse 16 Lord, comfort us accordingly, as we distress'd have beene,
and pay with pleasure all these yeares, in which we ill have seene.
verse 17 Let thou thy work with power appeare, to those that serve thee right,
and even unto their Children, Lord, thy glory at the height.
verse 18 And let the beauty of the Lord our God upon us be,
establish on us our hands worke, let it be fix'd by thee.

Psalme XCI.

Sing this as the 99. Psalme.
HE that doth in the secret place of the most high reside,
in the Almighties shadow still, securely shall abide.
verse 2 And of the Lord I will affirme, he is my refuge still,
my onely fortresse, and my God, and in him trust I will.
verse 3 He surely shall deliver thee both from the fowlers snare,
and from the noysome Pestilence, that doth infect the ayre.
verse 4 He with his feathers shall thee hide, thy trust shall placed be
beneath his wings: a shield and targe, his truth shall be to thee.
verse 5 Thou shalt not be afraid at all, for fearefull things by night,
nor of the arrow that doth flye, while as the day gives light.
verse 6 Nor of infective Pestilence, that doth in darknesse stray,
nor for destruction that doth waste, even at the height of day.
verse 7 A thousand at thy side shall fall, with horrour on a heape,
and thousands ten at thy right hand, yet thou art sure to scape.
verse 8 Thou onely shalt bestow thine eyes attentively to view,
and so shalt see the wicked ones, how they receive their due.
verse 9 Because thou mad'st the Lord (which still for refuge I embrace)
yea, even the Lord that is most high, to be thy dwelling place.
verse 10 No kinde of harme in any sort, shall ever light on thee,
and from the Plague that ruine brings, thy dwelling shall be free.
verse 11 For he his Angels shall command, that they may thee defend,
and that where ever thou do'st walke, they all thy wayes attend.
verse 12 They in their hands shall beare thee up, as a beloved one,
lest thou should'st dash at unawares, thy foot against a stone.
verse 13 Thou shalt upon the Lyon tread, and Adder where you meet;
the Lyon yong, and Dragon thou shalt trample under feet.
verse 14 Because (sayes God) he doth me love, I him deliver will,
because that he hath knowne my name, I will exalt him still.
verse 15 He shall me call, I answer will, and with him still will be
in trouble, and will honour him, and I will set him free.
verse 16 I with long life will him content, according to his heart,
and my salvation unto him, I freely will impart.

Psal. XCII.

Sing this as the 88. Psalme.
VNto the Lord to render thanks, it is a comely thing,
and to thy name, O thou most high, the praises due to sing.
verse 2 Thy loving kindenesse to declare, so soone as day gives light,
and to proclaime thy faithfulnesse, even in the clouds of night.
verse 3 Vpon a ten string'd instrument, and on the Psaltery;
on the melodious Harp likewise, all sounding solemnly.
verse 4 For thou, O Lord, through thy great worke, me to much ioy hast brought,
I triumph will in the great works, that by thy hands were wrought.
verse 5 O Lord, how wondrous are thy works, which num'rously abound,
and all thy thoughts are every way exceedingly profound.
verse 6 A man that hath a bruitish minde, he cannot this perceive:
the foole (as wholly voyd of wit,) can no way this conceive.
verse 7 When they that wickedly are given, as doth the grasse, doe spring,
when all that worke iniquity, are fairely flourishing;
It is that they shall be destroy'd for ever utterly:
verse 8 But yet O mighty Lord, thou art for euermore most high.
verse 9 For loe, O Lord, thine enemies, for loe, thine enemies
shall perish: they shall scattered be, who worke iniquities.
verse 10 But like the hornes of Vnicornes, mine shall exalted be:
I shall with oyle that is most fresh, annoynted be by thee.
verse 11 Mine eye shall see upon my foes, what I desire, ensue;
mine eares shall heare what I desir'd, on them that me pursue.
verse 12 The righteous like the Palme tree fayre, shall flourish in his wayes:
he shall like to the Cedar grow, that Lebanon arrayes.
verse 13 Those in the Lords most holy house, that firmely planted are,
shall in the Courts of our great God, for ever flourish faire.
verse 14 They even when old, yet not decay'd, still forth their fruit shall bring,
and with abundance shall be fat, and ever flourishing.
verse 15 To show that upright is the Lord, he is a rocke to me:
and he from all unrighteousnesse, is altogether free.

Psal. XCIII.

Sing this as the 77. Psalme.
THe Lord doth raigne, with Maiestie he cloathed is throughout,
he clothed is with strength, with which he girds himselfe about.
The world likewise well stablish'd is, and firme in every part:
verse 2 Thy Throne is fir'd of old, and thou from everlasting art.
verse 3 The flouds have lifted up, O Lord, the raging flouds, their voyce
have lifted up, the flouds lift up their waves that make a noyse.
verse 4 Even many waters ioyning sounds, whose height with terrour swels,
and the large Sea with all her waves, the Lord on high excels.
verse 5 Thy Testimonies grounded well exceedingly, are sure,
and holinesse for ever, Lord, becomes thy house most pure.

Psal. XCIV.

Sing this as the 78. Psalme.
O Mighty God, to whom as due, all vengeance still belongs;
O mighty God, who vengeance ow'st, be seen in venging wrongs.
verse 2 Lift up thy selfe thou of the earth, the soveraign Iudge that art,
and unto all them that are proud, a due reward impart.
verse 3 How long (O gratious Lord) shall they that are inclin'd to ill,
how long shall they who wicked are, be seen to triumph still?
verse 4 How long shall things most hard by them be uttered forth and told?
and all that worke iniquity, to boast themselves be bold?
verse 5 The people that are thine, O Lord they breake in pieces quite,
and to afflict thine heritage, it is their chiefe delight.
verse 6 They widowes that are desolate, and straying strangers kill,
of Orphans whom they should defend, the guiltlesse bloud they spill.
verse 7 Yet doe they say presumptuously, the Lord shall this not see,
and this by Iacobs mighty God, shall not regarded be.
verse 8 Ye that amongst the people are most bruitish, understand:
and when will ye be wise, that are the foolish of the land?
verse 9 Shall he who planted hath the eare, not prompt of hearing be?
and he that formed hath the eye, shall he himselfe not see?
verse 10 He that doth scourge the nations all, shall he not such correct,
who teacheth knowledge unto man, what can he not detect?

The second part.

verse 11 The very thoughts of mortall man, the Lord doth clearely spy,
how that even every one of them is but meere vanity.
verse 12 Blest is the man, whom (as thy childe) thy rod doth keepe in awe,
and whom thou, Lord, do'st teach to live according to thy law.
verse 13 That thou may'st make him rest secure, from dayes of stormy times,
till for the wicked, pits be dig'd, to punish all their crimes.
verse 14 For sure the Lord will not cast off the people whom he lov'd;
nor will he his inheritance, quite to forsake be mov'd.
verse 15 But iudgement unto righteousnesse, shall wholly turne againe:
and all shall follow after it, whose hearts no fraud doth staine.
verse 16 Who will for me rise up 'gainst them that doers are of ill,
'gainst them that worke iniquity, who stand up for me will?
verse 17 Had not the Lord in mercy beene a ready helpe to me,
my soule almost in silence had a dweller come to be.
verse 18 But when I said my staggering foot in danger is to slide:
thy mercies Lord, did hold me up, and made me firme abide.
verse 19 Whil'st flouds of thoughts within my brest, the most abounding be,
thy consolations then most sweet, with pleasure ravish me.
verse 20 And shall the throne of wickednesse, have fellowship with thee,
which mischiefe cunningly contriv'd, doth by a law decree?
verse 21 They 'gainst his soule that righteous is, meete altogether bent,
and wickedly condemne the bloud that is most innocent.
verse 22 But yet the Lord for ever is a strong defence for me,
and of my refuge, my great God, the rocke shall euer be.
verse 23 And he upon them, their own sins shall bring them to annoy,
and in their sins shall cut them off, our God shall them destroy.

Psal. XCV.

[...] O Come, let us unto the Lord, sing with a chearefull voyce,
let us to our salvations rocke, all make a ioyfull noyse.
verse 2 Let us before his presence come, to render thanks, as bound,
and unto him with holy Psalmes, to make a ioyfull sound.
verse 3 For loe, the Lord in all his works, a God most great doth prove,
and is a King exceeding great, all other Gods above.
verse 4 The deepest places of the earth, are all into his hand,
and all the strength of swelling hils, he likewise doth command.
verse 5 To him the spatious Sea belongs, and he the same did make;
yea, and the dry land from his hands, a forme at first did take.
verse 6 O come and let us worship straight, and bow us downe withall,
and on our knees before the Lord our maker let us fall.
verse 7 He is our God, the people we of his owne pasture are,
and of his hand the sheep: to day if you his voyce will heare;
verse 8 Then harden not your stubborne hearts, as when you did contend,
and in temptations hatefull day, in desarts did offend.
verse 9 When as your auncestors of old, too boldly tempted me;
they prov'd me then, and what I wrought, did evidently see.
verse 10 I forty yeares long with this race, was grieved, and did say,
it is a people erres in heart, and have not known my way.
verse 11 To whom I swearing in my wrath, most iustly did protest,
that they should never suffered be to enter in my rest.

Psal. XCVI.

Sing this as the 77. Psalme.
O Come and sing unto the Lord, a song not heard before:
sing all the earth unto the Lord, whom onely we adore.
verse 2 Sing cheerefully unto the Lord, and blesse his sacred name:
and his salvation constantly, from day to day proclaime.
verse 3 His glory (not admitting bounds) amongst the heathen show,
and his great works that wondrous are, let all the people know.
verse 4 The Lord is great, and to be prais'd exceedingly deserves,
and to be fear'd above all Gods, whom any nation serves.
verse 5 For they base Idols are, for Gods whom all the nations take:
O but, the Lord whom we adore, the glorious heavens did make.
verse 6 High honour and dread Maiestie, are still before his face;
and strength with beauty alwaies match'd, are in his holy place.
verse 7 Ye kindreds of the people all, give to the Lord of right;
give absolutely to the Lord, all strength and glories height.
verse 8 Give to the Lord the glory which doth to his name belong:
an offering bring, and to his Courts, resort his Saints among.

The second part.

verse 9 In beauty of true holinesse, adore the Lord aright,
and let the earth with reverent feare, all tremble at his sight.
verse 10 To heathens say the Lord doth raign, the world shall stablish'd be,
not to be mov'd, and righteously the people iudge shall he.
verse 11 O let the glorious heavens reioyce, and let the earth be glad,
the sea, and fulnesse of the same, let all to roare be made.
verse 12 Let straight the field be glad, and all that doth therein abound,
then all the trees into the wood, shall to reioyce be found.
verse 13 Before the Lord, he comes, he comes to iudge the earth, he shall
iudge all the world with righteousnesse, with truth his people all.

Psalme XCVII.

Sing this as the 95. Psalme.
THe Lord doth raigne, then to reioyce, let all the earth be made,
and let the multitude of Iles, all for the same be glad.
verse 2 Blacke clouds and darknesse compasse him, and iudgement ever is
with righteousnesse, the dwelling place of that dread throne of his.
verse 3 A mighty fire before his face doth usher him the way,
which makes his foes fall round about, to raging flames a prey.
verse 4 The lightnings which he sent abroad, enlightned every where
the spatious world, the earth did see, and trembled all for feare.
verse 5 The hils like waxe before the Lord, did melted fall down low,
even at the presence of the Lord, who all the earth doth owe.
verse 6 The christall heavens that cover us, his righteousnesse declare,
and all the people clearely see his glory every where.
verse 7 Who graven Images doe serve, let them confounded fall
that boast themselves of Idols vaine; ye Gods him worship all.
verse 8 It Sion heard, and was most glad, and it did ioy afford
to Iudaes daughters all, because, of thy great iudgements, Lord.
verse 9 For thou, O Lord, o're all the earth, art eminently high,
and thou above all other Gods, art rais'd exceedingly.
verse 10 All ye that love the Lord, hate ill: he saves the soules of his,
and them delivereth from the hand of him that wicked is.
verse 11 For them that righteous are indeed, there is now sown a light,
and ioyfulnesse unto all them that are in heart upright.
verse 12 All ye that righteous are, reioyce with comfort in the Lord,
and of his holinesse with thanks, the memory record.


SIng to the Lord, a song new made, he wondrous things hath done:
his right hand, and his holy arme, the victory hath wonne.
verse 2 The Lord hath his salvation made, to be most clearely knowne,
his righteousnesse in heathens sights, he openly hath showne.
verse 3 His mercy and his truth in minde, to Israels house kept were,
all th' earth, our Gods salvation, did most clearely see each where.
verse 4 O all the earth unto the Lord, make now a ioyfull noyse;
yea, make a noyse most loud, sing praise, and heartily reioyce.
verse 5 Sing with the Harp that pleasant is, unto the mighty Lord,
and of a Psalme the pleasant voyce, unto the Harpe accord.
verse 6 And with the Trumpets stately sound, the Cornets too imploy;
make ye before the Lord the King, a noyse expressing ioy.
verse 7 Let Seas with swelling villows roare, and all that therein breeds,
the world that is inhabited, with all the guests it feeds.
verse 8 Let sounding flouds (as to applaud) their clapping hands imploy,
and let the mountains mount aloft, as swelling all with ioy.
verse 9 Before the Lord, for loe, he comes the earth as Iudge to try;
to iudge the world with righteousnesse, and all with equity.

Psal. XCIX.

Sing this as the 95. Psalme.
THe Lord doth raigne, therefore for feare, let all the people quake,
he 'twixt the Cherubims doth sit, then let the earth all shake.
verse 2 The Lord in holy Sions bounds, is great exceedingly,
and he above all people is most eminently high.
verse 3 Thy name that is for ever great, and terrible at height,
because that it most holy is, let them it praise aright.
verse 4 The Kings strength iudgement loves, thou do'st establish equity
thou truth and iudgement execut'st, in Iacob constantly.
verse 5 Exalt the Lord our God, and at the foot-stoole that is his,
with humble reverence worship ye, for he most holy is.
verse 6 With Moses, Aaron, 'mongst his Priests, & them amongst that call
upon his name, milde Samuel was, they call'd, he answer'd all.
verse 7 He in the cloudy pillar spake to them, and kept they have
his testimonies, and to them the Ord'nance that he gave.
verse 8 Thou answered'st them, O Lord, our God, a God to pardon bent,
though their inventions did not scape from thee, due punishment.
verse 9 Exalt the Lord, who is our God, and at his holy hill,
with reverence worship, for, the Lord our God is holy still.

Psal. C.

[...] MAke all ye lands a ioyfull noyse, to him that is the Lord of might,
verse 2 With gladnesse ever serve the Lord, and come with singing in his sight.
verse 3 Know that the Lord is our great God, he us, not we, our selves did make,
we are his people, and the sheep that he as his owne flocke did take.
verse 4 With thanksgiving come in his gates, and in his Courts his praise proclaime,
be alwaies thankfull unto him, and ever blesse his holy name.
verse 5 For loe, the Lord is wholly good, his tender mercy lasts for ever,
and unto generations all, his truth doth constantly persever.

Psal. CI.

Sing this as the 81. Psalme.
I Mercy will, and iudgement sing, to thee, Lord, sing I will,
and wisely in a perfect way, my selfe will carry still.
verse 2 O when in mercy unto me, wilt thou be pleas'd to come;
I with a perfect heart will walke, within my house at home.
verse 3 No wicked thing before mine eyes, shall for an obiect be;
I hate their worke that turne aside, it shall not cleave to me.
verse 4 A heart dispos'd to be perverse, depart from me straight shall,
a person giv'n to wickednesse, I will not know at all.
verse 5 Him who his neighbour privily doth slander, I shall kill,
a haughty looke, a heart that's proud, I no way suffer will.
verse 6 Mine eyes shall on the faithfull looke, that they may dwell with me;
who walketh in a perfect way, he shall my servant be.
verse 7 None that doth use to worke deceit, within my house shall dwell,
he shall not tarry in my sight, who lyes doth love to tell.
verse 8 The wicked of the Land betimes, shall be destroy'd by me,
that from the City of the Lord, ill doers raz'd may be.

Psal. CII.

Sing this as the 67. Psalme.
O Lord, the fervent prayer heare, that is pour'd forth by me,
the cry that earnestly I make, let it come up to thee.
verse 2 Hide not thy face in wrath from me, when troubles doe appall:
encline thine eare, and answer me with speed when as I call.
verse 3 Like to the smoake that vanisheth, my dayes consumed be,
and like a parched hearth, my bones are all burnt up in me.
verse 4 My heart is wounded, and like grasse is withered quite with paine,
so that I doe forget to eate the bread should me sustaine.
verse 5 By reason of the heavy voyce, that from my grones proceeds,
my bones so cleave unto my skinne, that it amazement breeds.
verse 6 I am like to a Pelican that flyes each mortals sight,
and like the solitary Owle, in desarts loathing light.
verse 7 I alwaies watch, and I am like a Sparrow, that alone
doth rest upon the houses top, approached to by none.
verse 8 Mine enemies me to reproach, even all the day repaire:
and they that are against me mad, all sworne against me are.
verse 9 For I have ashes eaten up, as if they had been bread,
and of my drinke, I with my teares a mixture oft have made.
verse 10 Because of this thy heavy wrath and indignation past,
for it was thou did'st lift me up, and thou me down did'st cast.
verse 11 My dayes like to a shadow are, that doth declining passe,
and I am withered quite away, like to the very grasse.
verse 12 But thou, O Lord, shalt still endure, and thy remembrance shall
for ever (duely reverenc'd) last to generations all.

The second part.

verse 13 Thou shalt arise, and mercy have upon thy Sion yet;
the time to favour her is come, the time that thou had'st set,
verse 14 For in her stones that ruin'd are, thy servants pleasure take;
yea, they (the very dust thereof) doe favour for her sake.
verse 15 So of the Lord the sacred name, the heathen all shall feare;
yea, and thy glory all the kings that rule on earth doe beare.
verse 16 When as the Lord that mighty is, shall Sions buildings reare:
then in his glory shining bright, he shall with state appeare.
verse 17 The prayer of the destitute he will regard likewise:
and he the prayer that they make, will in no sort despise.
verse 18 This for the race that is to come, shall rest upon record,
the people not created yet, even they shall praise the Lord.
verse 19 He from his Sanctuaries height hath downewards cast his eye,
and from the heaven that is above, the Lord the earth did spy
verse 20 That he of Captives sore distress'd, may heare the groning breath,
and that he may deliver them that are design'd for death.
verse 21 That they in Sion may declare the Lords most holy name,
and likewise his most glorious praise, amid'st Ierusalem.
verse 22 When people meet to serve the Lord, and kingdomes gathered are,
verse 23 My strength he weakened in the way, and did my dayes not spare.
verse 24 I said, my God, in my dayes height doe not take me away,
throughout all generations still, thy yeares for ever stay.
verse 25 The firme foundation of the earth, was laid of old by thee:
the glorious heavens, of thine own hands, the work most wondrous be.
verse 26 They perish shall, thou last: ware old they like a garment shall,
thou as a vesture shalt them change, they shall be changed all.
verse 27 But thou art still the same, thy yeares shall last for evermore:
verse 28 Thy servants race shall last, their seed be fixed thee before.

Psal. CIII.

[...] O Let the Lord by thee my soule, for ever blessed be;
and blesse his name that holy is, even all that is in mee.
verse 2 O blesse the Lord continually, my soule, and suffer not
that all his benefits by thee should ever be forgot.
verse 3 Who out of mercy doth forgive all thine iniquities,
and unto thy diseases all, a remedy applyes.
verse 4 Who from destruction doth redeeme thy life, when sinking downe;
who doth with loving kindenesse thee, and tender mercies crowne.
verse 5 Who with the plenty of good things, doth satisfie thy mouth,
so that (even as the Eagles is) renued is thy youth.
verse 6 The Lord (most mighty) righteousnesse and iudgement every where
doth execute, that he may ease them that oppressed are.
verse 7 He to his servant Moses earst made all his wayes well knowne,
and unto Israels children too, his glorious deeds were showne.
verse 8 The Lord is alwaies mercifull, and gratious to be found,
to anger he is very slow, in mercy doth abound.
verse 9 He, though he checke us for a space, yet will not alwaies chide,
nor will he angry with his owne for evermore abide.
verse 10 He, as our sinnes did him provoke, to deale with us hath spar'd,
as our iniquities deserv'd, he did not us reward.
verse 11 For as the heaven this low layd earth, is placed farre above,
so towards them that him doe feare, his mercy great doth prove.
verse 12 As farre as from the East, the West is distant, even so farre
our great transgressions all from us, by him removed are.

The second part.

verse 13 As to his brood a father doth a tender pitty beare,
even so the Lord doth pitty them that him doe truely feare.
verse 14 For he how we at first were fram'd, can as our maker tell,
and how that we are all but dust, he doth remember well.
verse 15 And as the grasse, so are the dayes of mans soon fading race,
even as a flower amid'st the field, he flourisheth a space.
verse 16 For, loe, a prey to every winde, it suddenly doth fall;
and of the same where it did grow, no signe remaines at all.
verse 17 But upon them that feare the Lord, his mercy never ends,
and to their childrens children still, his righteousnesse extends.
verse 18 To such as keep his Covenant, and them that in due forme
remember his Commandements, that they may them performe.
verse 19 The Lord amid'st the highest heavens prepared hath his throne:
his kingdome is most absolute, and rules o're all alone.
verse 20 Ye Angels that excell in strength, for ever blesse the Lord,
and his Commandements performe, by hearkning to his word.
verse 21 Blesse ye the Lord, immortall hoasts, that doe attend him still,
and ye celestiall ministers, that execute his will.
verse 22 Blesse ye the Lord all his great works, with which the world is stor'd,
in his dominion every where, my soule blesse thou the Lord.

Psal. CIV.

Sing this as the 67. Psalme.
MY soule, O blesse the Lord, thou Lord my God, art very great:
with honours height and Maiestie, thou clothed art in state.
verse 2 Who even as with a garment, do'st array thy selfe with light,
who like a curtain do'st stretch out the heavens that are so bright.
verse 3 Who of his Chambers doth the beames upon the waters lay,
who doth the clouds his Chariot make, who wing'd with windes makes way,
verse 4 Who doth his Angels spirits make, to compasse his desire,
his Ministers whom he imployes, a fiercely flaming fire.
verse 5 Who the foundations of the earth, most solidly did lay,
that it should never be at all removed any way.
verse 6 Thou with the deep it by thy power, (as with a garment) cloth'd
the waters lifted up aloft, above the mountaines froth'd.
verse 7 While as they were by thee rebuk'd, they straight away did flye,
and at thy thunders roaring voyce, they parted hastily.
verse 8 They by the Mountains mount on high, they by the lower ground
goe downe againe into the place, which thou for them did'st found.
verse 9 Thou limits hast allotted them, which they may not exceed,
lest they to drown all lands againe, a deluge new should breed.
verse 10 He to the Valleyes Springs doth send, refreshing every place,
which gathering strength amongst the hils, do strongly run their race:

The second part.

verse 11 They drink to beasts in every field, doe liberally impart:
the Asses wilde doe quench their thirst in the most desart part.
verse 12 The feathered bands that fan the ayre, by them shall love to dwell,
which on green branches singing loud, for melody excell.
verse 13 He from his Chambers secret store, doth bath the scorched hils,
and of thy workes the pleasant fruit, the earth with plenty fils.
verse 14 He makes the grasse for feeding flockes, embroyder every field,
and hearbe for man: that he may make th'earth food in plenty yeeld.
verse 15 And wine which doth from stormy cares, exhilarate mens hearts;
and oyle that makes his face to shine, & bread that strength imparts.
verse 16 The trees that to the Lord belong, doe moisture never want;
the Cedars high of Lebanon, which he himselfe did plant.
verse 17 Vpon whose branches, cheerefull birds doe boldly build their nests,
and lodg'd aloft on stately Firres, the storke securely rests.
verse 18 In dangerous parts of steepy hils, wilde Goats doe boldly stray,
and underneath the rocks retir'd, the little Coneys play.
verse 19 He did appoint the changing Moon, the season so to show,
the time when as he should goe down, the Sun doth likewise know.
verse 20 Thou do'st with darknesse maske the world, extinguishing the day,
that beasts from woods by silent fields, emboldened are to stray.
verse 21 Whil'st fiercely roaring after prey, the Lyons ravenous brood,
all unto God who did them make, have their recourse for food.
verse 22 But when the sunne begins to rise, and cleares the world with light,
they straight retiring to their dens, do make the day their night.
verse 23 Industrious man drawn forth with cares, doth then his work begin,
and plyes his guiltlesse husbandry, till night doth call him in.
verse 24 How many are thy works, O Lord! in wisedome wonderfull,
thou mad'st them all, the earth each where is of thy riches full.

The third part.

verse 25 So is this great and spatious sea, where scaly creatures creepe,
what great, what small, even numberlesse, are dwellers in the deepe
verse 26 There make the ships with swelling sayles amidst the waves their way:
there Leviathan is, whom thou hast made therein to play.
verse 27 All these upon thee constantly doe their attendance give,
that in due time thou may'st to them give meate that they may live.
verse 28 What thou do'st freely give to them, the same they gather still;
thou liberally spread'st forth thy hand, and good things them doe fill.
verse 29 But if thou once do'st hide thy face, then terrour strikes them all:
thou tak'st away their breath, they dye, and to their dust straight fall.
verse 30 Thou sendest forth thy powerfull sprite, they are created new:
thou of the earth the furrow'd face, with beautie do'st renue.
verse 31 The glory of the mighty Lord, an end shall never take:
the Lord shall in the workes reioyce, which he himselfe did make.
verse 32 The earth is made to tremble all, if he on it but looke:
and if he but the mountains touch, then all of them doe smoake.
verse 33 I to the Lord (while as I live) to sing my soule will raise;
and I, whil'st I my being have, will to my God sing praise.
verse 34 My meditation upon him, shall be most sweet to me,
and in the Lord that mighty is, I ever glad will be.
verse 35 Let sinners perish from the earth, who doers are of ill:
let them quite cease, blesse thou the Lord my soule, praise ye him still.

Psal. CV.

Sing this as the 59. Psalme.
O Give due thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his name,
among'st the people all his deeds to make them known proclaime.
verse 2 Sing unto him with cheerfull minds, sing Psalms to him with ioy;
of all his works that wondrous are, to talke, your tongues imploy.
verse 3 To glory in his holy name, with due respect accord,
and let the heart of them reioyce, that seeke unto the Lord.
verse 4 The mighty Lord and his great strength, seeke ye in every place,
and seeke as your chiefe happinesse, continually his face.
verse 5 Thinke on the workes that he hath done, which admiration breed,
his wonders, and the iudgements all, which from his mouth proceed.
verse 6 O ye that are of Abrahams race, who did obey his voyce,
and you that Iacobs children are, of whom he did make choyse.
verse 7 He is the everlasting Lord, that still our God hath beene;
his iudgements, more then eminent, through all the earth are seen.
verse 8 His Cov'nant he remembred hath, that it may ever stand,
and to a thousand of descents, the word he did command.

The second part.

verse 9 A Covenant with Abraham, which first contracted stood;
and unto Isaack afterward, his oath that was made good.
verse 10 Which for a law to be observ'd, he unto Iacob gave,
to Israel for a Covenant, that never end should have.
verse 11 And said, Canaans fertile land I will bestow on thee,
the lot which afterwards by you inherited shall be.
verse 12 When they in number were at first a few neglected men,
yea, but a very few, and these but strangers in it then.
verse 13 From nation unto nation still, when they so oft remov'd,
and from one kingdome parting straight, another people prov'd:
verse 14 He did not suffer any man to doe unto them wrong;
yea, for their sakes he did reprove the Kings that were most strong.
verse 15 Doe not (said he) touch them at all, whom I annoynted have,
and let my Prophets by your meanes no kinde of harme receive.
verse 16 And moreover for a famine, he, upon the land did call;
yea, he the staffe of strengthening bread, did wholly breake o're all.

The third part.

verse 17 He sent a man most excellent, before them to provide,
who unto bondage was betray'd, even Ioseph for their guide.
verse 18 Whose feet with fetters charged were, in iron they made him lye,
verse 19 Till that th' appointed time did come, the Lords word did him try.
verse 20 Then sent the King, and did command that he enlarg'd should be,
he that the peoples ruler was, did send to set him free.
verse 21 A Lord to rule his family, he rais'd him, as most fit,
to him of all that he possest, he did the charge commit.
verse 22 That he might binde his Princes all, as seem'd best in his sight,
and even unto his Senatours, that wisedome teach he might.
verse 23 And aged Israel likewise then to Egypts kingdome came,
and Iacob was a soiourner into the land of Ham.
verse 24 His people then exceedingly, he did encrease so long,
that even then these that were their foes, they did become more strong.
verse 25 He turn'd their hearts, that they to hate his people so were mov'd,
and even most subtilly to use his servants whom he lov'd.

The fourth part.

verse 26 Milde Moses that his servant was, he in ambassage sent,
and Aaron whom he chosen had, with him together went.
verse 27 His threatning signes among them, they did evidently show,
and in the land of cursed Ham, his wonders made them know.
verse 28 He did a fearefull darkenesse send, and made it darke to be,
and they against his sacred word, rebell'd in no degree.
verse 29 Their waters all that earst were pure, he did transforme to bloud,
the fishes straight empoyson'd thus, lay dead in every floud.
verse 30 The land in great abundance then, most lothsome frogs brought out,
even in the chambers of their Kings, which swarming crawl'd about.
verse 31 He spoke, and then incontinent to execute his will,
huge swarms of vermine, lice & flyes, their coasts each where did fill.
verse 32 The raine that them should have refresh'd, he unto haile did turne,
and in their land most terribly, the flaming fire did burne.
verse 33 He smote their Fig-trees, and their Vines, & trees of all their coasts,
verse 34 He spake, and Caterpillers came, with Locusts in great hoasts.

The fift part.

verse 35 The hearbs that in their land did grow, they eating did confound,
and did devoure the needfull fruits that beautified their ground.
verse 36 He also smote their first borne all, by which their land was grac'd;
yea, even the very chiefe of all, in whom their strength was plac'd.
verse 37 He brought them forth enriched all with silver, and with gold,
and of their Tribes there was not one, whom weakenesse did with-hold.
verse 38 All Egypt was exceeding glad, when as they did depart;
the feare of them so long before, had seizd on every heart.
verse 39 He for a covering spread a cloud, yea, and to give them light,
he made a fire to cleare their way, so long as it was night.
verse 40 He brought unto the people Quailes, when they for them did call,
and with a bread rain'd down from heaven, did satisfie them all.
verse 41 He opened wide the solide rocke, and waters sorth did flow,
which having quench'd the thirsty parts, did like a river grow.
verse 42 Because his holy promises he then did call to minde,
which with his servant Abraham, a Covenant did binde.
verse 43 And with exceeding ioy he did his people all bring out
with gladnesse, these which he for his had chus'd from all about.
verse 44 And freely gave to them the lands that earst the heathens were,
and what the peoples toyles had gayn'd, they did inherit there.
verse 45 That they his statutes might observe, according to his word,
and that they still might keepe his lawes, give praise unto the Lord.

Psal. CVI.

Sing this as the 52. Psalme.
PRaise ye the Lord; O to the Lord give thanks for what is past,
for, he is infinitely good, his mercy still doth last.
verse 2 Who of the Lord the mighty acts (according to their worth)
can utter? who can all his praise as he deserves set forth?
verse 3 O blessed they for ever are, that iudgement doe observe,
and he from doing righteousnesse, who not at all doth swerve.
verse 4 Remember me, Lord, with that love, which thou to thine do'st beare:
with thy salvation, O my God, to visit me appeare.
verse 5 That I thy chosens good may see, in thy lands gladnesse glad;
that I with thine inheritance, to glory may be made.
verse 6 We with our sinfull fathers, ah, have sinned every one,
we did commit iniquity, we wickedly have done.
verse 7 Our fathers did not understand the wonders that were wrought
in Egypt, and they not upon thy num'rous mercies thought.
verse 8 But at the sea, at the red sea, provok'd him at the height,
yet for his names sake, he them sav'd, to manifest his might.
verse 9 The red sea was by him rebuk'd, and straight it was up dry'd,
so them as through the wildernesse, he through the deeps did guide.
verse 10 He sav'd them from the hand of him that did them highly hate,
and did redeeme them from the hand of th'enemy, though great.

The second part.

verse 11 The waters falling on their foes, them all of life depriv'd,
and not so much as one of them, the generall losse surviv'd.
verse 12 Then confidently they beleev'd his words in every thing:
and straight transported all with ioy, his praises loud did sing.
verse 13 The glorious works that he had done, were soone by them forgot,
and for his Counsell any more, they (fondly) waited not.
verse 14 But in the barren wildernesse did lust exceedingly,
and in the desart their great God did tempt most wickedly.
verse 15 And he did grant them their request, but their leane soules grew faint,
they envy'd Moses in the Campe, and Aaron the Lords Saint.
verse 16 The earth as bursting for disdaine, that it should beare such ones,
verse 17 To Dathan, and Abirams troups, gave death and Tombe at once.
verse 18 A fire was kindled in their troupes, flames did the wicked burne:
verse 19 In Horeb they did make a Calfe, and did to Idols turne.
verse 20 And thus did they their glory change, out of a fond conceit,
into the figure of an Oxe, that grasse for food doth eate.
verse 21 They did forget the mighty God that had their Saviour beene,
by whom such great things brought to passe, they had in Egypt seen.
verse 22 Even all the wonders wrought by him, that in Chams land were known,
and things that were most terrible, earst by the red sea shown

The third part.

verse 23 Then, he would them destroy he said, till Moses in the way
did stand, (lest he should ruine them) to turne his wrath away.
verse 24 Yea, they despis'd the pleasant land, they trusted not his word,
verse 25 But in their Tents did dare to grudge, not harkning to the Lord.
verse 26 He therefore lifted up in wrath his hand against them all,
to make them in the wildernesse, even every one to fall.
verse 27 That in all Nations every where, he might o'rethrow their race,
and in all Countries scatter them, the scorne of every place.
verse 28 They unto Baal-Peor did themselves associate:
the sacrifices of the dead, they did prophanely eate.
verse 29 Thus they with their inventions vile, did highly him provoke,
and the infectious Pestilence, straight in upon them broke.
verse 30 But Phineas doing iustice then, the slaughtering Plague did stay,
verse 31 Which unto him, for righteousnesse, accounted was for aye.
verse 32 And at the waters earst of strife, they did him angry make,
so that it went exceeding ill with Moses for their sake.
verse 33 Because they then his sprite, though milde, provoked wickedly,
so that he with unbridled lips, spake unadvisedly.
verse 34 They raz'd not nations as the Lord them first commanded had,
verse 35 But mingling with the heathnish bands, did learn their customs bad.

The fourth part.

verse 36 And they their Idols serv'd, which was the cause of all their evils,
verse 37 Yea, they their sonnes and daughters gave, as offerings unto divels.
verse 38 They lavishly gave guiltlesse lives, (even of their dearest brood)
to Canans Idols offered up, the land was stain'd with bloud.
verse 39 Thus by their owne prodigious workes, they all defiled were,
and with their owne inventions went a whoring every where.
verse 40 So that the anger of the Lord against his people burn'd,
he (loathing his inheritance) from them his favour turn'd.
verse 41 And straight he did deliver them into the heathens hand,
and they that did them highly hate, did over them command.
verse 42 Their powerfull enemies likewise, did strangely them oppresse,
and in subiection brought down low, their hand did them distresse.
verse 43 He freed the most, but they provok'd him with their counsell still,
and they were brought down very low, for what they had done ill,
verse 44 But, though they had him thus displeas'd, yet did he then regard
the great affliction that them griev'd, while as their cry he heard.
verse 45 And he remembred straight for them, his Cov'nant made of old,
and did repent, according to his mercies manifold.
verse 46 He also mercifully then, them to be pittied made,
of all those cruell bands, which earst them captives carryed had.
verse 47 Save us, O Lord our God, us from among the heathen raise,
that we may thanke thy holy name, and triumph in thy praise.
verse 48 To blesse the Lord, even Israels God, from age to age accord:
let all the people ioyning say, Amen, praise ye the Lord.

Psal. CVII.

Sing this as the 96. Psalme.
O Give ye thanks unto the Lord, for onely good he is,
for his great mercy doth endure for ever unto his.
verse 2 They whom the Lord redeemed hath, let them the same confesse,
whom he hath from the enemi's hand redeem'd, when in distresse.
verse 3 From all the Nations of the world whom he hath gathered forth,
from whence the Sun doth rise, or set, from fourth & from the north.
verse 4 They wandring through the wildernesse, a solitary way:
no habitable City found, where they to dwell might stay.
verse 5 Whil'st famine, thirst, two tyrants rude, their bodies rack't with pain,
so that their soules in them o'recome, with faintnesse did remaine.
verse 6 Then whil'st extreamely thus distress'd, they on the Lord did call,
and he them freed from all these evils, to which they had been thrall.
verse 7 And he did kindely leade them forth by that way which was right,
to goe unto a City, where securely dwell they might.
verse 8 O that men for his goodnesse great, would praise the Lord above!
and for his works to sonnes of men, that wonderfull doe prove.
verse 9 For he the soule that longing is, doth satisfie at will.
and he the soule that hungry is, doth with his goodnesse fill.
verse 10 Such as in darknesse sit, and in deaths shadow are confin'd,
whom sad afflictions heavy load, and yron strictly binde.

The second part.

verse 11 Because they all the words of God, as revels did defie,
and all the Counsels did contemne, of him that is most high.
verse 12 He therfore straight with many toils, did quite bring down their heart,
they did fall down, and there was none could help to them impart.
verse 13 Then did they cry unto the Lord, when trouble did them grieve,
and out of their distresses all, he straight did them releeve.
verse 14 He out of darknesse did them bring, where gloomy death appall'd,
and did the bands asunder breake, in which they were enthrall'd.
verse 15 O that men for his goodnesse great, would praise the Lord above,
and for his workes to sonnes of men, that wonderfull doe prove!
verse 16 For he the gates that were of brasse, hath made in pieces fall,
and he the barres that were of iron, hath cut in sunder all.
verse 17 The fooles for their transgression great, and that they doe not spare
to worke iniquities, even all afflicted sorely are.
verse 18 Their soule all sorts of meat doth loath, with pain prolonging breath,
they in an agony draw neere, unto the gates of death.
verse 19 Then doe they cry unto the Lord, when trouble doth them grieve,
and out of their distresses all, he straight doth them releeve.
verse 20 He sent his Word, a soveraign balme, which did them quickly cure,
and them from their destructions all, in mercy did secure.

The third part.

verse 21 O that men for his goodnesse great, would praise the Lord above,
and for his workes to sonnes of men, that wonderfull doe prove!
verse 22 And let them offer up with zeale, a sacrifice of praise,
and all his works (while ioy abounds) with admiration raise.
verse 23 All that with ships doe plow the feas, and by the waters trade,
verse 24 They in the deeps Gods wonders view, & mark what he hath made.
verse 25 For he commandeth, and doth raise the stormy winds each where,
which struggling billowes, oft embrac'd, doe lift up in the ayre.
verse 26 They mount like mountains to the heaven, then down in deeps do sink:
their soul, because of troubles great, doth melt away and shrinke.
verse 27 They strangely tossed to and fro, like drunkards in their fits,
doe reele and stagger, and are at the end of all their wits.
verse 28 Then doe they cry unto the Lord, when trouble doth them grieve,
and out of their distresses all, he straight doth them releeve.
verse 29 He makes the storme become a calme, and pacifies the deepe,
so that the raging waves grow still as rock'd at last asleepe.
verse 30 When flouds that frown'd, do smoothly smile, who can their ioy report?
so he from gaping gulphs them brings, to their expected port.
verse 31 O that men for his goodnesse great, would praise the Lord above!
and for his workes to sonnes of men, that wonderfull doe prove!

The fourth part.

verse 32 O let them highly him exalt, where people most repaire,
and where the Elders use to meet, let them his praise declare.
verse 33 He makes a desart of that part, where flouds did once abound,
and of the waters all the springs become a solid ground.
verse 34 A land that had most fertile been, he turns to barrennesse,
because that they who dwell therein, are given to wickednesse.
verse 35 The desarts to a standing poole, he to be changed brings,
and he the ground that earst was dry, doth turn to water springs.
verse 36 And he for dwelling there, a place doth to the hungry give,
that they a City may prepare, commodiously to live.
verse 37 Where they with usuall industry may sow the labour'd field,
that they may likewise plant their Vines, which fruits at full may yeeld.
verse 38 He blesseth them, so that they are encreased more and more,
and doth not suffer to decrease their Cattels num'rous store.
verse 39 Againe they are diminish'd much, and brought down very low,
whil'st them oppression, misery and sorrow doth o'rethrow.
verse 40 Vpon their Princes he doth poure contempt, and makes them stray
amid'st the barren wildernesse, where as there is no way.
verse 41 Yet he farre from afflictions reach, doth set the poore on high,
and doth him (as a num'rous flocke) with families supply.
verse 42 They that are righteous shall reioyce, when as the same they see,
and then of all iniquity, the mouth shall stopped be.
verse 43 Who so is wise, and will observe these things, by sea and land,
the loving kindenesse of the Lord, even they shall understand.

Psal. CVIII.

Sing this as the 95. Psalme.
O Thou that art my God, my heart now fixed is in me:
even with my glory I will sing, and give due praise to thee.
verse 2 Awake my Psaltery, and Harpe, with a melodious sound,
I will awake before the light can beautifie the ground.
verse 3 Amongst the multitude, O Lord, I will thy praise set forth,
and to all nations in the world, I will extoll thy worth.
verse 4 For loe, thy mercy very great, above the heavens ascends,
and even unto the highest clouds, thy spotlesse truth extends.
verse 5 Be thou exalted, O our God, above the heavens most cleare,
and let thy glory every where above the earth appeare.
verse 6 That they who thy beloved are, may be no longer thrall;
with thy right hand deliver me, and answer when I call.
verse 7 God in his holinesse hath said, my ioy I will not hide,
I Succoths valley will mete out, I Sichem will divide.
verse 8 Mine Gilead, mine Manasseh is, and Ephraim of my head
the chiefe strength is, and Iuda still my law-giver is made.
verse 9 My wash-pot Moab is, my shoe o're Edom, will I fling,
and Palestina as my prey, I will in triumph bring.
verse 10 But who will come and bring me now into the City strong,
or who will leade me, till I come the Edomites among?
verse 11 Thou who hast cast us off, O God, wilt thou the same not doe?
and wilt not thou, O mighty God, forth with our armies goe?
verse 12 When we are troubled in distresse, be our protectour then,
because it is meere vanity, to hope for helpe from men.
verse 13 We straight when strengthened by our God, our selves shall valiant show,
and there is none, but only he that can our foes o'rethrow.

Psal. CIX.

Sing this as the 89. Psalme.
HOld not thy peace, O thou that art the God of all my praise,
verse 2 For now the mouth of them that still are wicked in their wayes:
The mouth of the deceitfull too, are opened me to wrong,
they have against me spoken much, but with a lying tongue.
verse 3 They compass'd me out of their spleen, with words that flow'd from hate,
and giv'n to far without a cause, would needs with me debate.
verse 4 For my great love, as enemies, against me they conspire;
but unto prayer, as my strength, I doe my selfe retire.
verse 5 And they return'd me ill for good, exceedingly ingrate;
and all the love that I had shown, they recompenc'd with hate.
verse 6 Set thou, O Lord, a wicked man above him to command;
let Sathan ready to doe harme, be rank'd at his right hand.
verse 7 Still let him be condemn'd, when he shall to be iudged come;
yea, and the prayer that he makes, let it a sinne become.
verse 8 Few be his dayes to live, his charge let thou another take;
verse 9 Let all his children Orphans be, his wife a widdow make.
verse 10 Let all his children vagabonds, poore beggars still remaine:
out of their places desolate, let them seek bread in vaine.
verse 11 Let him that by extortion lives, beare all his wealth away;
and let the haughty strangers pride, make all his toiles a prey.
verse 12 Let there be none with mercy mov'd, when he for help doth crave;
and on his children fatherlesse, let none compassion have.
verse 13 Let his disgrac'd posterity, be all cut off with shame,
and in the times that are to come, extinguish'd be their name.
verse 14 Still let the Lord his fathers faults, to fresh remembrance call,
and never let his Mothers sinne be blotted out at all.
verse 15 And let them all before the Lord, appeare continually,
that he may wholly from the earth, cut off their memory.

The second part.

verse 16 For mercy he forgot to show, but persecuted still
the poore and needy: that he might the broken heart even kill.
verse 17 And so let cursing come to him, as he the same hath lov'd:
as he loath'd blessing, so let it be farre from him remov'd.
verse 18 As cursing cloth'd him like a robe, even in his bowels so,
like water, and in all his bones like oyle, still let it goe.
verse 19 Let it even as that garment prove, which he doth use to weare;
and for a girdle too which he continually doth beare.
verse 20 Thus from the Lord to all my foes, let this be the reward;
and of all them, against my soule, that evill to speake not spar'd.
verse 21 But doe thou for thine own names sake, O God, the Lord, for me,
because thy mercy still is good, from trouble set me free.
verse 22 For I exceedingly am poore, and am with want distress'd;
my heart most deeply wounded is, and bleeds within my brest.
verse 23 As doth a shadow that declines, I vanish'd am even so,
and as a Grashopper despis'd, am tossed to and fro.

The third part.

verse 24 By fasting long, enfeebled much my knees begin to bow;
my flesh far chang'd from what before, doth faile of fatnesse now.
verse 25 I likewise a reproach to them did quickly come to be,
and they with scorn did shake their heads, when as they look'd on me.
verse 26 As thou art mercifull, save me, helpe me, Lord God, with speed,
verse 27 That they may know this is thy hand, that (Lord) it is thy deed.
verse 28 Let them curse on, but blesse thou still, let them ashamed be
when they arise, but who thee serves, let him reioyce in thee.
verse 29 Let all my foes be cloeth'd with shame, & let themselves them cover,
even with their owne confusion all, as with a mantle over.
verse 30 I with my mouth will greatly praise the Lord, even from my heart;
yea, I amongst the multitude, will praise to him impart.
verse 31 For be shall alwaies of the poore at the right hand attend,
from those that doe condemne his soule, that he may him defend.

Psal. CX.

Sing this as the 98. Psalme.
THe Lord did say unto my Lord at my right hand sit thou;
till that they may thy footstoole be, I make thine enemies vow.
verse 2 The Lord, then of thy rod the strength shall out of Sion send,
in mid'st of them that are thy foes, thy soveraignty extend.
verse 3 Thine, in thy great day shall accord in beauties holinesse,
out of the mornings wombe thou do'st thy dew of youth possesse.
verse 4 The Lord hath sworne, and will not rue, thou art for ever prest,
according to the order of Melchisedeck, still blest.
verse 5 The mighty Lord at thy right hand whil'st his wrath terrour brings,
in that great day when it doth burn, shall then even strike through kings.
verse 6 He shall amongst the heathens iudge, he shall with bodies dead
fill all the place, and he shall wound o're many lands, each head.
verse 7 The brooke that is into the way, with drinke shall him supply,
and therefore shall the head by him be lifted up on high.

Psal. CXI.

Sing this as the 120. Psalme.
PRaise ye, praise to the Lord
my whole heart shall afford,
where him the righteous serve.
verse 2 The Lord his workes great are,
sought out of all with care,
that love them to observe.
verse 3 His worke most honourable
and glorious is, still stable,
his righteousnesse he grounds.
verse 4 He makes his great works be
from all oblivion free,
the Lord in grace abounds.
verse 5 Who feare him, food doe finde,
for ever in his minde,
his Covenant firme stands.
verse 6 His works power he hath showne
to those that are his owne,
to give them th' heathens lands.
verse 7 His hands works iudgement is
and verity: all his
Commandements sure are.
verse 8 In uprightnesse they all,
and truth are done, and shall
still stand fast every where.
verse 9 He did redemption send,
his people to amend,
that Covenant of his:
That it might ever stand,
he strictly did command,
his name most reverend is,
verse 10 To be with wisedome stor'd,
one first must feare the Lord:
they understand best sure,
That doe obey his will;
his praise the world to fill,
for ever doth endure.

Another of the same.

PRaise ye the Lord, the Lord to praise, my whole heart I will set,
where ere the Congregation is, or where the iust are met.
verse 2 The workes are all exceeding great, that by the Lord are wrought,
and carefully, by all that doe delight therein, are sought.
verse 3 His worke most honourable is, and glorious every way,
and his untainted righteousnesse, shall ever him array.
verse 4 He hath to be remembred, made his workes most wonderfull,
the Lord most gratious is, and of compassion ever full.
verse 5 He hath giv'n meate abundantly to those that him doe feare;
the Cov'nant made, he evermore will in remembrance beare.
verse 6 He hath his people shew'd the power of all his works at large,
that with the heathens lands he may their heritage enlarge.
verse 7 His hands works truth and iudgement are, what hee commands is sure,
verse 8 In truth and uprightnesse all done, for ever they endure.
verse 9 He sent redemption to his owne, he hath that league of his
for evermore enioyn'd: his name most holy, reverend is.
verse 10 The Lords feare, wisedomes fountain is: good understanding sure
have they that doe his will, his praise for ever doth endure.

Psal. CXII.

PRaise ye the Lord, and blest is he
That feares him, and his law much loves:
verse 2 His seed on earth shall mighty be,
The race of th'upright blessed proves.
verse 3 His house with treasure shall abound,
His righteousnesse no time can bound.
verse 4 To him that hath an upright minde,
Even out of darkenesse light doth spring,
He to compassion is enclin'd,
And iust doth provein every thing.
verse 5 A good man favour shewes, and lends,
And weighs discreetly all his ends.
verse 6 Yea, he shall never be dismaid:
For, still remembred are the iust.
verse 7 Ill newes shall not make him afraid;
His heart is set on God to trust.
verse 8 His heart well fix'd from feare is free,
Till what he wish'd on foes he see.
verse 9 The poore have oft his bounty prais'd,
His righteousnesse doth still firme hold,
His horne with honour shall be rais'd,
verse 10 The wicked griev'd, shall this behold,
And gnashing teeth, shall melt for spite,
The wicked's hopes shall perish quite.

Another of the same.

PRaise ye the Lord, the man is blest that feares the Lord aright,
and who in his Commandements doth greatly take delight.
verse 2 His seed exalted on the earth, as mighty shall take place,
and of the man that upright is, even blest shall be the race.
verse 3 With riches, wealth shall ever be within his house in store:
and his unspotted righteousnesse, endures for evermore.
verse 4 Light doth to them in darknesse rise, that have an upright minde,
he (full of mercy) gratious is, and righteously enclin'd.
verse 5 A good man still doth favour shew, and doth to others lend:
he with discretion his affaires will guide unto an end.
verse 6 And surely nothing shall have power for ever him to move,
the righteous in remembrance shall even everlasting prove.
verse 7 He shall not be afraid at all, of tidings that are ill,
his heart is fix'd upon the Lord, in whom he trusteth still.
verse 8 His heart is well established, him nothing shall aflright,
till that he see what he desires upon his foes to light.
verse 9 He hath dispers'd and given the poor: his righteousnesse doth last
for ever, and his horne shall be with honour rais'd at last.
verse 10 The wicked griev'd, shall this behold, and gnashing teeth for spite,
shall melt away, and their desire shall quickly perish quite.

Psal. CXIII.

YE the Lords servants, praise the Lord,
unto his name due praise afford.
verse 2 For now and aye blest be his name,
verse 3 From whence the Sunne at first doth shine,
till where at last it doth decline,
the Lords names praise all should proclaime.
verse 4 The Lord above each Nations state,
most high is, and his glory great,
doth farre above the heav'ns excell.
verse 5 For who o're all the world abroad
is like unto the Lord our God,
who gloriously on high doth dwell!
verse 6 Who humble doth himselfe to see,
all things within the heaven that be,
and in the earth o're all about.
verse 7 The poore he raises from the dust.
and needy ones in him that trust,
he from the dunghill doth lift out.
verse 8 That he with Princes him may set
even with his peoples Prince to get
a place: he makes with children stor'd
verse 9 The barren woman, and to be
a ioyfull mother this to see,
be thankefull then and praise the Lord.

Another of the same.

PRaise ye the Lord, who serve the Lord, O praise, praise ye his name.
verse 2 From this time forth for evermore, still blessed be the same.
verse 3 From East to West, the Lords name is for ever to be prais'd:
verse 4 Above all Nations he is high, o're heavens his glory's rais'd.
verse 5 Who to the Lord our God is like, who dwelleth upon high?
verse 6 Who all the things in heaven and earth, himself bow'th down to spy?
verse 7 The poore from dust, the needy he doth lift from dunghils out,
verse 8 Him with his peoples Prince to set, and Princes all about.
verse 9 He makes the barren woman keepe a family, and stor'd
with children, be a mother glad, praise therefore ye the Lord.

Psal. CXIV.

Sing this as the 95. Psalme.
VVhen Israel other bounds to seek, did Egypts gladly change,
and Iacobs house, a people left that spoke a language strange,
verse 2 His Sanctuary Iuda was, the chiefe of all the land,
and Israel his dominion was, whereas he did command.
verse 3 The sea it saw, and straight did flye, back Iordan driven stood still,
verse 4 The mountains they did skip like Rams, like Lambs each little hill.
verse 5 What ayled thee, O thou vast sea, that thou thy flight did'st take?
and what, O Iordan, ayled thee, that thou wast quite driven backe?
verse 6 And likewise all ye mountains high, that ye did skip like Rams?
and all ye hils that little are, like to the wanton Lambs?
verse 7 Thou earth amazed tremble all, while as the Lord drawes neare,
while as the God of Iacob doth with maiestie appeare.
verse 8 Who turn'd the rocke into a lake, that water thence might spring,
and from the veyns of solid flint, a flowing streame did bring.

Psal. CXV.

Sing this as the 98. Psalme.
Not unto us, Lord, not to us, but all the glory take
unto thy name: even for thy truth, and for thy mercies sake.
verse 2 Why should the heathens fondly say, where doth their God now rest?
verse 3 But in the heavens our God doth dwell, and doth what likes him best.
verse 4 Their Idols silver are, and gold, and wrought by mortals be:
verse 5 They have a mouth but cannot speake, have eyes but cannot see.
verse 6 They have in shew, a shape of eares, but heare not what you tell;
they noses have emboss'd by art, but want the sense to smell.
verse 7 Though they have hands, they handle not, nor serve their feet to walk,
nor can their throat afford a sound, by which the tongue may talke.
verse 8 Th [...]y that them make are like to them, and who them trust, so be;
verse 9 O Israel trust in the Lord, their help and shield is he.
verse 10 O Aarons house trust in the Lord, their help and shield is he.
verse 11 Who feares the Lord, trust in the Lord, their helpe and shield is he.
verse 12 The Lord of us hath mindfull been, he blesse us will, he will
blesse Israels house, and he will blesse the house of Aaron still.
verse 13 He will them blesse that fear the Lord, together great and small;
verse 14 The Lord shall more and more encrease, you, and your children all.
verse 15 You are the blessed of the Lord, who made the earth and heaven:
verse 16 Heaven is the Lords, even th'heavens, but th'earth, he to mens sons hath giv'n.
verse 17 The dead can never praise the Lord, whose course on earth doth end,
nor any one of them at all, in silence who descend.
verse 18 But we our whole affections will, to blesse the Lord afford,
from this time forth for evermore, give praise unto the Lord.

Psalme CXVI.

Sing this as the 95. Psalme.
I Fervently doe love the Lord, because he did give eare
unto my voyce, and kindely did my supplications heare.
verse 2 Because he mercifully hath enclin'd his eare to me,
by me therefore while as I live, he call'd upon shall be.
verse 3 Of death the sorrowes compass'd me, and hels chiefe horrours all
laid hold on me, I trouble found, and was to sorrow thrall.
verse 4 Then call'd I on the Lords great name, and prayd, my sould, Lord, save.
verse 5 The Lord most gratious is, and iust: God will compassion have.
verse 6 The Lord the simple doth preserve, & when brought low, help'd me;
verse 7 Returne (my soule unto thy rest, the Lord dealt well with thee.
verse 8 For my distressed soule from death, delivered was by thee:
thou freely did'st mine eyes from teares, my feet from falling, free.
verse 9 I in the land of them that live, will walke before the Lord.
verse 10 I did beleeve, and therefore spoke, what anguish did afford.
verse 11 I spoke in passion hastily, that all men lyars be.
verse 12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his gifts to me?

The second part.

verse 13 I to take up salvations Cup, will willingly accord,
and I will ever call upon the great name of the Lord.
verse 14 What I have vow'd unto the Lord, I freely will performe,
even where his people present are, in the most reverend forme.
verse 15 O, in the mighty Lords dread sight, the death most pretious is
of these whom in his mercy he esteemes as Saints of his.
verse 16 Oh Lord I am thy servant, I a servant am to thee,
I am thy hand-maids sonne, and thou from bands hast set me free.
verse 17 The gratefull sacrifice of thankes, to thee I offer will,
and of the Lord the holy name, shall call'd upon be still.
verse 18 What I have vow'd unto the Lord, I freely will performe,
even where his people present are, in the most reverent forme.
verse 19 Amid'st the Courts of his owne house, I will the same afford,
in mid'st of thee Ierusalem, all ye praise still the Lord.

Psalme CXVII.

Sing this as the 99. Psalme.
YE Nations all, unto the Lord, give praise, as is his right:
and all ye people, give him praise, with honour at the height.
verse 2 For he his kindnesse mercifull, doth unto us afford;
the Lord his truth for everlasts, all ye praise still the Lord.


Sing this as the 84. Psalme.
O Thanke the Lord, for he is good, his mercy lasts for aye;
verse 2 His mercy lasts for evermore, let Israel now say.
verse 3 Let Aarons house most boldly say, his mercies are most sure.
verse 4 Let all that feare the Lord, affirme, his mercies still endure.
verse 5 I, when distress'd, call'd on the Lord, the Lord did answer me:
and in a place that was most large, did set me quickly free.
verse 6 The mighty Lord is on my side, and me nothing at all,
that doth depend upon mans power, can any way appall.
verse 7 The Lord doth take my part with them that helpers are to me:
I therefore on them that me hate what I desire shall see.
verse 8 It better is that in the Lord, we all our trust should place,
then to put confidence in one that is of mortall race.
verse 9 It better is that in the Lord we trust in any case,
then even in them that Princes are, our confidence to place.
verse 10 The nations all together ioyn'd, did compasse me about,
but in the Lords most holy name, I will them quite root out.
verse 11 They compass'd me about, yea they did compasse me about,
but in the Lords most holy name, I will them quite root out.
verse 12 They compass'd me like Bees, as fire of thornes they quenched fall,
for in the Lords most holy name, I will destroy them all.

The second part.

verse 13 Thou sore hast thrust that I might fall, but then the Lord help'd me:
verse 14 The Lord is my salvation now, my strength and song is he.
verse 15 Salvations voyce, the voyce of ioy, still of the righteous is
within the Tents: the Lords right hand doth valiantly for his.
verse 16 Loe, of the Lord, the strong right hand is still exalted high;
yea, of the Lord, the strong right hand doth still most valiantly.
verse 17 I shall not dye, but live and show the Lords great works yet more:
verse 18 The Lord hath not giv'n me to death, but chastened hath me sore.
verse 19 The gates that leade to righteousnesse, make open unto me:
I'le enter them, and by me there the Lord shall praised be.
verse 20 This gate as due unto the Lord, which his we iustly call,
in at the which who righteous are, shall surely enter all.
verse 21 I thee will praise, for what I crav'd, hath been well heard by thee,
and thou in mercy art become Salvation unto me.
verse 22 That stone by builders earst refus'd, the corners head-stone proves.
verse 23 This of the Lord the doing is, and us to marvell moves.

The third part.

verse 24 This is the day which by the Lord was for our comfort made:
we will exceedingly reioyce, and in the same be glad.
verse 25 Save now, O Lord, I thee beseech, O Lord, that we may haue
prosperity unto us sent, I now most humbly crave.
verse 26 Who in the Lords great name doth come, O bless'd indeed is he.
out of the house that is the Lords, you blessed all have we.
verse 27 God is the Lord, whose light to us, hath shew'd what we should doe;
cause binde the Sacrifice with cords, the Altars hornes unto.
verse 28 Thou onely art my mighty God, and I will give thee praise:
thou onely art my mighty God, I will thy glory raise.
verse 29 O give ye thanks unto the Lord, for he is good to all,
because his mercy wonderfull endure for ever shall.

Psal. CXIX.


[...] BLest are all those, who undefil'd continue in the way,
who in the Lords most holy law, from walking never stray.
verse 2 Blest are [Page 118] all they that never from his testimonies part:
and that him ever fervently doe seeke with all their heart.
verse 3 They no iniquity doe worke, nor from his wayes doe swerve;
verse 4 Thy precepts thou us strictly hast commanded to observe.
verse 5 O that my wayes were set to keepe the statutes by thee fram'd,
verse 6 When thy Command'ments I respect, I shall not be asham'd.
verse 7 With uprightnesse of a pure heart, I ever will praise thee,
when as thy righteous iudgements all, shall learned be by me.
verse 8 I will thy statutes duely keepe, which for my guide I take;
O doe not utterly, O Lord, me in thy wrath forsake.

BETH. The second part.

That he may cleanse his way aright, what shall a yong man doe?
yea, even according to thy word, by taking heed thereto.
verse 10 I haue thee sought with all the powers that are within my heart,
O grant from thy Commandements, that I may not depart.
verse 11 I in my heart thy word have hid, lest I should sinne 'gainst thee;
verse 12 O Lord, thou art for ever blest, thy statutes teach to me.
verse 13 I with my lips have earnestly declar'd to every one,
the mighty iudgements many times that from thy mouth have gone.
verse 14 Thy Testimonies pleasant way, to me much ioy doth breed,
and doth the wealth of all the world, in my conceit exced.
verse 15 I'le in thy precepts meditate, thy lawes respect I will:
verse 16 Thy statutes shall be my delight, thy word remembring still.

GIMEL: The third part.

VVIth thine owne servant, who thee loves, deale bountifully, Lord,
that so I may be made to live, and keepe thy holy word.
verse 18 Mine eyes unclose, that of thy law I may the wonders see:
verse 19 I am a stranger here; hide not what thou commands, from me.
verse 20 My longing soule is like to breake, still burning with desire;
thy iudgements height to understand, to which my thoughts aspire.
verse 21 Thou hast rebuk'd the proud accurst, who thy Commandements leaue,
verse 22 Remoue contempt and shame, I kept thy testimonies haue.
verse 23 The Princes did together sit, of me reporting ill,
but meditate thy seruant did, upon thy statutes still.
verse 24 I on thy Testimonies all, with much delight doe muse,
and them how to direct my course, for Counsellours I use.

DALETH. The fourth part.

MY soule is low, but quicken me according to thy word,
verse 26 Thou hast me heard, declare my wayes, teach me thy Statutes Lord.
verse 27 Of all thy precepts make thou me to understand the course,
so I of all thy wondrous workes, with knowledge shall discourse.
verse 28 My soule surcharg'd with headinesse, is melting down in griefe:
according to thy sacred word, give strength for my reliefe.
verse 29 Remove from me the hatefull way, which doth to lying leade,
and grant me gratiously thy law, to which I may take heed.
verse 30 Of sacred truth which spotlesse is, I have chusde out the way,
and all thy iudgements deeply weigh'd, I did before me lay.
verse 31 I, to thy Testimonies sticke, let shame not make me smart,
verse 32 I'le thy Commandements keep, when as thou shale enlarge my heart.

HE. The fift part.

TEach me, O Lord, to know the way whereas thy Statutes tend,
and I inviolably then shall keepe it to the end.
verse 34 Give understanding, and I shall not from thy law depart:
yea, I the same sincerely shall observe with all my heart.
verse 35 O grant thy sacredayde to me, that in the path aright
of thy Command'ments I may goe, for therein I delight.
verse 36 Thy Testimonies to embrace, good Lord my heart encline,
and unto wretched avarice, O let it ne're decline.
verse 37 Divert mine eyes from vanity, me quicken in thy way:
verse 38 Thy word make to thy servant sure, who doe thy will obey.
verse 39 Remove my fear'd reproach away, for good thy iudgements be:
verse 40 Loe, for thy precepts I have long'd, in iustice quicken me.

VAW. The sixt part.

LEt me thy mercies likewise, Lord now in due time receive,
even thy salvation by thy word, as I assurance have.
verse 42 So shall I have wherewith I may an answer straight afford,
to him that doth reproach me still, for I trust in thy word.
verse 43 And take not wholly from my mouth, thy word of truth the ground,
for in thy iudgements I have hop'd, which are for ever sound.
verse 44 So, Lord, thy law that holy is, I keepe for ever will,
verse 45 And will at freedome walke, for I doe seeke thy precepts still.
verse 46 Thy Testimonies to great kings I'le not asham'd recite,
verse 47 And thy Command'ments which I lov'd, they shall be my delight.
verse 48 To thy belov'd Commandements, I'le lift my hands aloft,
and I will meditate upon thy holy statutes oft.

ZAIIN. The seventh part.

REmember on the word thou did'st unto thy servant give,
upon the which thou still in hope hast caused me to live.
verse 50 When troubles doe afflict me most, this mitigates my paine:
for when I was neere spent, thy word hath quickned me againe.
verse 51 The proud me greatly to deride, together have combin'd,
yet from thy lawes integrity, I no way have declin'd.
verse 52 Thy iudgements, Lord, renown'd of old, I oft did call to minde,
and in contemplating the same, I did great comfort finde.
verse 53 I horrour had that wicked men, did from thy law goe wrong:
verse 54 And where I as a pilgrim strayd, thy Statutes were my song.
verse 55 Thy name by night I call'd to minde, thy law is kept by me,
verse 56 Because I did thy precepts keepe, I this have had from thee.

CHETH. The eighth part.

THou for my portion, do'st thy selfe O Lord, to me, afford:
I with my selfe determin'd have to keep with care thy word.
verse 58 With all my heart, I did entreat, that thou woul'dst gratious be,
and now according to thy word, be mercifull to me.
verse 59 I have considered of my wayes, and resolute at last,
unto thy Testimonies, Lord, my feet have turn'd with haste.
verse 60 I thy Commandements to keepe, made haste, and not delayd,
verse 61 Though wicked bands me rob'd, yet I have from thy law not stray'd.
verse 62 I even at midnight will arise, to give due thankes to thee;
because of these thy iudgements all, that ever righteous be.
verse 63 I am their mate who fearing thee, thy precepts strive to reach,
Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord, to me thy statutes teach.

TETH. The ninth part.

THou still to doe thy servant good, hast gratious beene, O Lord;
and hast perform'd abundantly, according to thy word.
verse 66 Good iudgement Lord, & knowledge cleare, straight unto me impart,
for thy Commandements I have beleeved in my heart.
verse 67 I, ere afflicted went astray, but now have kept thy word:
verse 68 Thou both art good and thou do'st good, teach me thy statutes, Lord.
verse 69 They who are proud, have forg'd a lye of minde to make me smart,
but I thy precepts will observe entirely with my heart.
verse 70 Their heart is fat as grease, but I doe in thy law delight:
verse 71 Affliction did me good, that I might learne thy statutes right.
verse 72 The law that from thy mouth doth flow, more pretious is to me
than gold and silver multiplied, which unto thousands be.

IOD. The tenth part.

THy hands have made and fashion'd me, me understanding give,
that so I thy Commandements may learne, while as I live.
verse 74 Thine (when they see me) will be glad that in thy word I trust.
verse 75 I know thy iudgements upright are, and thy correction iust.
verse 76 Let gratious kindenesse comfort me, as thou thy word didst give;
verse 77 Thy law I like, let mercies come to me that I may live.
verse 78 Let proud ones be asham'd with me, who dealt perversly still
without a cause: but meditate I in thy precepts will.
verse 79 Let such O Lord, as thee doe feare, all turne themselves to me,
and they to whom made clearely knowne, thy Testimonies be.
verse 80 Let in thy holy statutes sound, my heart for ever prove,
that me at all to be asham'd, no kinde of thing may move.

CAPH. The eleventh part.

MY soule for thy salvation faints, thy word my hope makes live:
verse 82 Mine eyes faile for thy word, and say, when wilt thou comfort give!
verse 83 I like a bottle am become, which in the smoake is set:
and yet thy statutes deare to me, I never doe forget.
verse 84 How many are thy servants dayes, when shall it be thy will,
to make thy iudgement fall on them that persecute me still?
verse 85 The proud dig'd pits for me, the which not with thy law agree,
verse 86 True thy Command'ments are, they would me wrong, but help thou me.
verse 87 They had almost me quite consum'd, on earth brought very low:
but I thy precepts never left, by which thy will I know.
verse 88 Lord, by thy kindenesse quickned up, make me againe to grow;
I [...]hail the Testimony keepe, that from thy mouth doth flow.

LAMED. The twelfth part.

THy word in heaven, Lord, setled is, thy faithfulnesse is sure:
verse 90 Thou hast for ever fix'd the earth, and it doth firme endure.
verse 91 They, as thine ordinance appoints, continue to this day:
for all of them thy will are bound, as servants to obey.
verse 92 Vnlesse that alwaies in thy law, I had plac'd my delight,
afflictions weight had press'd me downe, till I had perish'd quite.
verse 93 Thy precepts I will not forget, by them thou quickned'st me:
verse 94 I'm thine, save me, for I have sought the precepts giv'n by thee.
verse 95 The wicked men did wait for me, that they might me destroy,
but I thy testimonies will consider of with ioy.
verse 96 Of all perfection here below, I have perceiv'd an end:
but thy Commandement is large, and further doth extend.

MEM: The thirteenth part.

I Thinke all day upon thy law, O how the same I prize!
verse 98 By thy Command'ments thou hast made me then my foes more wise.
verse 99 For they are still with me, and I more then my teachers know,
for all my meditations from thy Testimonies flow.
verse 100 Then th'antients more I know, because I keep thy precepts right,
verse 101 I have from ill my feet refrain'd, that keep thy word I might:
verse 102 I from thy iudgements known to me, did never yet depart,
for thou by them me fully hast instructed in my heart.
verse 103 How sweet unto the taste are these thy heavenly words to me!
yea, even more sweet unto my mouth, then honey is, they be.
verse 104 I through thy precepts doe attaine an understanding minde,
and therefore I doe highly hate each way that false I finde.

NVN. The fourteenth part.

THy word to rule my wandring steps, is as a lanterne bright,
and in the path where I doe walke, doth serve me for a light.
verse 106 I swore, and will performe to keepe thy righteous iudgements Lord,
verse 107 I'm sore afflicted quicken me according to thy word.
verse 108 The free-will offerings of my mouth, O Lord, accept I pray,
and teach thy iudgements unto me, that them obserue I may.
verse 109 My soule is in my hand, yet I still keep thy law in minde:
verse 110 The wicked watch'd me, yet I from thy precepts not declin'd.
verse 111 Foreuer as an heritage, thy testimonies, Lord,
I taken haue: for they all ioy unto my heart afford.
verse 112 I alwaies have apply'd my heart, thy statutes to fulfill,
and haue resolu'd euen to the end, so to continue still.

SAMECH. The fifteenth part.

I Love thy law exceedingly, but all vaine thoughts doe hate:
verse 114 Thou art my hiding place, and shield, thy word secures my state.
verse 115 Away from me you wicked men, who diue in mischiefes deep:
for what my God commanded hath, I am resolv'd to keep.
verse 116 According to thy word that I may liue, uphold thou me,
and let me not of what I hop'd, in end ashamed be.
verse 117 Hold thou me up, I shall be safe, and still thy statutes loue:
verse 118 Who leaue thy statutes thou tread'st down, for false their fraud doth proue.
verse 119 Thou do'st the wicked from the earth, as abiect drosse remove:
the Testimonies that are thine I therefore truely love.
verse 120 The feare of thee to tremble all, my very flesh doth make:
thy iudgements are so terrible, that they doe make me quake.

AIIN. The sixteenth part.

I Iudgement, Lord, and iustice still did executed see:
then to my fierce oppressours power, doe not abandon me.
verse 122 Be surety for thy servant, Lord, that he may good possesse,
and who are puffed up with pride, let them not me oppresse.
verse 123 For thy salvation, and iust word, mine eyes expecting faile:
verse 124 Thy statutes to thy servant teach, with me in mercy deale.
verse 125 Since I thy servant am, to me the way of wisedome show,
that I thy testimonies all, sufficiently may know.
verse 126 For thee, O Lord, it's time to worke: they voyd this law of thine:
verse 127 I thy Commandements more love, then gold, yea gold most fine.
verse 128 Thy precepts therefore I esteeme, even all most right to be
in every thing, and each false way is hatefull unto me.

PE. The seventeenth part.

EVen every way most wonderfull, thy Testimonies are,
and my soule therefore ever doth observe them all with care.
verse 130 The very entrance of thy words, of light affordeth store:
it understanding gives to them, that simple were before.
verse 131 I open did my mouth, and then did pant exceedingly,
for, I for thy Commandement, did long most earnestly.
verse 132 Looke thou on me, and mercifull unto me ever prove,
as thou do'st use unto all those, thy holy name that love.
verse 133 My steps all order in thy word, let sinne not sway me still;
verse 134 From mans oppression set me free, thy precepts keepe I will.
verse 135 Make thy face on thy servant shine, teach me thy statutes right,
verse 136 Because they doe not keepe thy law, salt rivers drown my sight.

TZADE. The eighteenth part.

verse 137 Thou, Lord, forever righteous art, and all thy iudgements iust;
verse 138 Thy testimonies righteous are, and worthy of all trust.
verse 139 The flames of zeale that burne my soule, have quite consumed me,
because that of thy sacred words, my foes oblivious be.
verse 140 Thy word is pure, and therefore by thy servant highly pris'd;
verse 141 Thy precepts I doe not forget, though simple and despis'd.
verse 142 Thy righteousnesse is righteousnesse, which ever doth endure:
thy holy law, Lord, clearely is the very truth most pure.
verse 143 Though trouble, yea, and anguish much, have taken hold on me,
yet, thy Commandements, O Lord, my chiefe delight still be.
verse 144 Thy testimonies righteousnesse, eternally is sure:
give understanding unto me, and I shall live secure.

COPH. The nineteenth part.

WIth my whole heart, I cry'd, Lord heare, thy statutes keep I will:
verse 146 I cry'd, save me, and I shall keep thy testimonies still.
verse 147 I ere the morning dawn'd, did cry, I hop'd in thy word, Lord.
verse 148 Mine eyes night watches doe prevent to muse upon thy word.
verse 149 As fits thy loving kindenesse, let my voyce be heard by thee,
according to thy iudgement, Lord, with comfort quicken me.
verse 150 They that doe after mischiefe hunt, too boldly neare doe draw,
and yet in heart they are farre off, from thinking on thy law.
verse 151 But thou, O Lord, art alwaies neare, what ever thing doth need,
and thy Command'ments everyone, are very truth indeed.
verse 152 As for thy testimonies given, I, Lord, long since did know,
that they for ever stablish'd were, thy sacred will to show.

RESH. The twentieth part.

BEhold how I afflicted am, and my deliverer be,
for at all times thy holy law, remembred is by me.
verse 154 Plead thou my cause, save, quicken me according to thy word,
verse 155 The wicked from salvation farre, seek not thy statutes, Lord.
verse 156 Thy mercies that so tender are, are great, O Lord, indeed,
according to thy iudgements then, O quicken me with speed.
verse 157 My persecutors and my foes, in numbers doe combine;
yet from thy testimonies true, I never doe decline.
verse 158 I saw the sinners and was grieu'd, that they kept not thy word:
verse 159 Loe, I thy precepts loue, as thou art kinde, me quicken, Lord.
verse 160 Thy word from the beginning is, as truth it selfe most sure:
thy righteous iudgements euery one, for euermore endure.

SCHIN. The one and twentieth part.

GReat Princes were without a cause to persecute me brought:
but of thy word, within my heart, a reuerent awe was wrought.
verse 162 I at thy word reioyce as one who some great spoile doth finde:
verse 163 I falshood hate, and it abhorre, thy law delights my minde.
verse 164 Seven times a day I praise thee, for thy iudgements righteous be:
verse 165 Great peace have they, who love thy law, & shall from harm be free.
verse 166 I, Lord, for thy salvation have still hoped zealously,
and thy Commandements each way have done most faithfully.
verse 167 Thy Testimonies still to keep, my soule did carefull prove,
and I the same as deare to me, exceedingly doe love.
verse 168 Thy Testimonies I have kept, and all thy precepts right,
for all the wayes that I doe walke, are ever in thy sight.

TAW. The two and twentieth part.

O Let the earnest cry I make, come neare, before thee, Lord,
and understanding grant to me, according to thy word.
verse 170 My supplication thee before, let it admitted be,
and even according to thy word, O Lord deliver me.
verse 171 When thou hast me thy statutes taught, my lips shall praise afford:
verse 172 All thy Commandements are iust, my tongue shall speake thy word.
verse 173 Lord, by thy hand give helpe to me, thy precepts are my choice:
verse 174 I have for thy salvation long'd, and in thy law reioyce.
verse 175 Let my soule live, and it shall give due praises unto thee,
and let thy iudgements which are great give ever helpe to me.
verse 176 I like a sheep quite lost have strayd, thy servant seeke againe:
for thy Commandements in minde, I alwaies doe retaine.

Psal. CXX.

I To the Lord distress'd,
with cryes my griefe express'd,
and he gave eare to me.
verse 2 From lips still talking wrong,
and from a fraudfull tongue,
my soule, O Lord, set free.
verse 3 O tongue to fraud inclinde,
what profit can'st thou finde,
what shall be done to thee?
verse 4 Sharp arrowes of the great,
with burning coales for heat,
of Iuniper that be.
verse 5 Ah woe is me that I
soiourning thus should lye
in Mesech such a space,
That I with miscontents
should dwell within the Tents
of Kedars wicked race?
verse 6 My soule hath lodg'd too long
with him that doing wrong,
from peace estrang'd is farre.
verse 7 I strain'd for peace my wit,
but when I spake of it,
they straight were bent for war.

Another of the same.

I When distress'd, cry'd to the Lord, and he gave eare to me:
verse 2 From lying lips a fraudfull tongue, my soule, O Lord keep free.
verse 3 What shall be given or done to thee, thou tongue to falshood thrall?
verse 4 Sharpe arrowes of the Mighty, coales of Iuniper withall.
verse 5 O woe is me that I so long in Mesech soiourne still,
that in the Tents of Kedar yet, I dwell against my will.
verse 6 My soule too long hath dwelt with him, that hateth peace to have:
verse 7 I am for peace: but when I speake, warre is the thing they crave.

Psal. CXXI.

[...] I Will lift up enflam'd with love, mine eyes those hils to see,
whence comes all helpe to me.
verse 2 My helpe comes from the Lord above, who made the heavens so bright,
and th'earth by his great might.
verse 3 Of thee he carefull ever still,
will not permit, (belov'd)
That ty foot should be mov'd.
verse 4 He who thee keepes, not slumber will:
loe, who doth Israel keepe,
not slumber will, nor sleepe.
verse 5 The Lord who is thy Lord indeed,
doth for thy keeper stand,
a shade at thy right hand.
verse 6 When ever thou his helpe dost need:
Sunne smites thee not by day,
nor Moon by night no way.
verse 7 Thou from the Lord against all ill,
shalt his protection have,
and he thy soule shall save.
verse 8 The Lord with care shall keep thee still,
when thou do'st come or goe,
it shall be ever so.

Another of the same.

I To these his will lift mine eyes, whence commeth all mine ayde.
verse 2 My helpe is from the Lord above, the heaven and earth that made.
verse 3 He will not suffer that thy foot should moved be at all:
and he that doth with care thee keepe, will in no slumber fall.
verse 4 Loe, he that keepeth Israel, not slumber shall, nor sleepe.
verse 5 Thy Lord's thy shade, on thy right hand the Lord doth still thee keep.
verse 6 The scorching Sun shall not thee smite, whil'st it by day gives light:
nor of the Moon shalt thou at all be smitten in the night.
verse 7 The Lord 'gainst all encroaching evill, thee at all times shall arme:
the Lord in mercy shall preserve thy soule from any harme:
verse 8 Thus whither thou do'st come or goe, thou may'st thy selfe assure,
from this time forth for evermore, the Lord wil thee secure.

Psal. CXXII.

[...] I In my heart was made to be exceeding glad,
when ever they to me did say,
straight to the house that is chusde by the Lord for his,
we will together take our way.
verse 2 Ierusa­lem our feet,
within thy gates shall meet.
verse 3 Ierusalem is built with art;
even as a Citie faire,
which is compact with care,
within it selfe in ev'ry part.
verse 4 The Tribes goe up together,
yea, even the Lords tribes thither
where Israels testimony is,
that so the mighty Lord
may see them all afford,
due praise to that great name of his.
verse 5 For there are plac'd in state,
the thrones which are the seat
whence upright iudgement must proceed:
yea even the very same,
which for their thrones they claime,
which are of holy Davids seed.
verse 6 Pray that a happy peace,
Ierusalem may grace,
they all shall prosper who thee love.
verse 7 Peace be within thy walls,
and in thy stately hals,
may ev'rything still prosprous prove.
verse 8 For my companions deare,
and who my brethren are,
I will say, peace within thee be.
verse 9 Because the Lord our God
hath there for his abode
a house, I will seeke good to thee.

Another of the same.

O How I was exceeding glad, when they to me did say;
straight to the Lords most holy house, come, let us take our way.
verse 2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O deare Ierusalem:
verse 3 As is a City built compact, so is Ierusalem.
verse 4 The Tribes goe thither up, the Tribes the Lord for his doth claim,
to Israels testimony there, to thanke the Lords great name.
verse 5 For there are thrones in order set, where iudgement should take place,
yea, even the thrones that are ordain'd for holy Davids race.
verse 6 Then pray that in Ierusalem may evermore be peace:
all they that thee entirely love, shall prosper in each place.
verse 7 May happy peace forevermore, within thy wals remaine:
and let thy Palaces in them, prosperity containe.
verse 8 For my belov'd Companions sakes, and brethren deare to me;
I now with all my heart will say, may peace within thee be.
verse 9 Even for the house which doth belong unto our God the Lord,
I earnestly will care how thou may'st with all good be stor'd.


Sing this as the 119. Psalme.
I Lift mine eyes to thee, O thou that in the heavens do'it dwell,
verse 2 As servants, loe, with watchfull eyes, their masters hand mark well,
Or as a mayd doth of her dame, the hand attend: even thus
our eyes wait on the Lord, till he have mercy upon us.
verse 3 Have mercy Lord, have mercy Lord on us who thee obey,
for we are made exceedingly, to base contempt a prey.
verse 4 Our soule is charg'd by them with scorn, who at their ease abide,
and with the insolent contempt of them that swell with pride.

Psal. CXXIV.

[...] NOw Israel may say, and be approv'd,
if that the Lord for ever to be fear'd,
verse 2 Had not in mercy on our side appear'd,
had not the Lord a partner with us prov'd,
when men so fiercely were against us mov'd.
verse 3 They us alive had swallowed up in haste,
When as their wrath against us burn'd with spite:
verse 4 The waters then had straight overwhelm'd us quite,
verse 5 The streame had then gone o're our soule at last:
yea, o're our soule the waters proud had past.
verse 6 Blest be the Lord, who gave us not with shame
To be their prey: our soule from fowlers snare
verse 7 As doth a bird is scap'd, we scaped are;
verse 8 The snare now broken, in the Lords great name
Is all our helpe, who heaven & earth did frame.

Another of the same.

HAd not the Lord beene on our side, may Israel now say,
verse 2 Had not the Lord beene on our side when men did us dismay;
verse 3 Then had they swallowed us up quicke, their anger to asswage,
which kindled up us to consume, did so extreamely rage.
verse 4 Then had the swelling waters quite o'rewhelmed us each one:
yea, o're our very soules the streame impetuously had gone.
verse 5 The waters proud had quickly then gone o're our soules each way:
verse 6 Blest be the Lord, who to their teeth hath not giv'n us a prey.
verse 7 Our soule hath scap'd as doth a bird out of the fowlers snare,
the treacherous snare is broken quite, and we escaped are.
verse 8 Our helpe who on the Lord depend, is onely in his name,
who both the glorious heavens above, and th'earth below did frame.

Psal. CXXV.

THey in the Lord that firmely trust, shall like mount Sion prove,
the which for ever doth abide, and none can it remove.
verse 2 As round about Ierusalem, the mountaines are in store,
so doth the Lord environ his from henceforth evermore.
verse 3 For, of the wicked ones the rod shall not on iust men rest,
lest it their hands who righteous are, to wickednesse should wrest.
verse 4 Doe good O Lord, unto all them that good are in thy sight,
and unto them that in their hearts are every way upright.
verse 5 And as for them that wrong dispos'd, doe turne themselves aside
unto their crooked wicked wayes, where vanity doth guide,
The Lord above shall leade them forth, to ruine and disgrace,
with them that worke iniquity, but Israel shall have peace.

Psalme CXXVI.

WHen that the Lord from bondage backe, his Sion did reclaime,
we in an extasie entranc'd, were like to them that dreame.
verse 2 Our mouth straight laughter, & our tongue then singing did fill soon:
then did the heathen say, for them the Lord great things hath done.
verse 3 The Lord who onely mighty is, hath done for us great things,
whil'st we consider of the same, to us it gladnesse brings.
verse 4 Lord, our captivity turne back, as southerne streames doe flow.
verse 5 They at the last shall reape in ioy, that first in teares doe sow.
verse 6 He that doth weeping first goe forth, and carrieth pretious seed,
reioycing doubtlesse shall returne, with sheaves to serue his need.


EXcept the Lord the house to reare,
Doe freely lend his helping hand,
No other's toiles can make it stand,
Except to free the towne from feare:
The Lord as Captaine it maintaine,
Each watchman else doth watch in vaine.
verse 2 In vaine ye lift your drowsie head,
To rise before the Sunne give light:
In vaine ye sit up late at night,
Or yet of sorrowes eate the bread.
For, thus doth he afford a sleepe,
To his belov'd whom he doth keepe.
verse 3 Loe, children are farre more then land,
The Lords inheritance declar'd:
The wombs deare fruit is his reward,
verse 4 As arrowes in a strong mans hand,
Euen so of youth the children be,
Of worldly strength the first degree.
verse 5 We may most happy iustly call
That man whose quiuer richly stor'd,
Them in abundance can afford:
They shall not be asham'd at all,
But they shall speake into the gate,
To such who them (as foes) doe hate.

Another of the same.

EXcept the Lord in mercy doe to build the house delight,
they labour out in vaine that seeke to build it by their might.
And so except the City still be guarded by the Lord,
the waking is but all in vaine that watchmen doe afford.
verse 2 For you to rise so early up, it is but meerely vaine,
and though you doe goe late to bed, yet doe you nothing gaine.
Euen though your weary body still, on bread of sorrowes feed,
for unto his beloued so he giueth sleep at need.
verse 3 Loe, Children an inheritance are of the Lord declar'd,
and of the fertile womb the fruit is giu'n for his reward.
verse 4 As arrowes in the hand of him that is exceeding strong,
so the beloued children are, that to our youth belong.
verse 5 Who hath his Quiuer full of them, is in a happy state,
they shall not blush, but they shall speake with th'enemies in the gate.


Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
O! euery one that feares the Lord, most highly happy is,
that doth direct his steps to walke in all the wayes are his.
verse 2 For loe the labour of thy hands by thee shall eaten be:
thou shalt be happy, and it shall be euer well with thee.
verse 3 Thy wife shall as a fruitfull Vine, beside thy house be found,
thy Children like to oliue plants, about thy table round
verse 4 Behold, thus shall the man be bless'd, that feares the Lord aright,
verse 5 The Lord shall blesse thee bounteously, from holy Sions height.
verse 6 Thou of Ierusalem shalt see while as thou liu'st the good:
thou shalt thy childrens children see, and peace on Israels brood.

Psal. CXXIX.

Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
THey many a time with troubles great, did vexe me every way,
and that even from my very youth, may Israel now say.
verse 2 They many a time with troubles great, me fiercely did assaile,
and that even from my very youth, but never could prevaile.
verse 3 The plowers plow'd upon my back, and made their furrowes long.
verse 4 The Lord is iust of wicked men he cut the cords though strong.
verse 5 And let even every one of them confounded be with feare:
yea, let them all be turned backe, that hate to Sion beare.
verse 6 Let them be like the grasse that growes upon the houses top,
which wanting moysture, withered dies, before it can grow up.
verse 7 Wherewith his hand the mower faint can never [...]led see,
nor yet of him that bindeth sheaves the bosome fill'd can be.
verse 8 Nor say they who goe by, Lord let his blessing on you fall.
nor of the Lord that in the name we doe you blesse at all.

Psal. CXXX.

O Lord to thee out of the deepes, ascended hath my cry,
verse 2 Lord heare, and to my sute thine eares attentively apply.
verse 3 Lord, who shall stand, if all our sinnes should marked be by thee?
verse 4 But thou art still giv'n to forgive, that thou maist feared be.
verse 5 I with an earnest zeale and care, am waiting for the Lord:
my soule continually doth waite, my hope is in his word.
verse 6 My soule more for the Lord doth wait, then they that watch al night,
doe for the morning, even then they doe for the mornings light.
verse 7 Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is
of mercy plenty, and likewise redemption for all his.
verse 8 And Israel as deare to him, he shall at last set free,
from all his great iniquities, which now so heavy be.

Psal. CXXXI.

MY heart, O Lord, not haughty is, mine eyes not lofty be:
I with great matters meddle not, nor things too high for me.
verse 2 I have behav'd and still'd my selfe as of a mother milde,
a childe that weaned is, my soule is like a weaned childe.
verse 3 Let Israel hope in the Lord, whom he doth still adore:
yea, let him hope from this time forth, and so for evermore.


[...] REmember David, Lord, and all his sufferings for thy sake,
verse 2 How to the Lord he sware, and vowes to Iacobs God did make.
verse 3 I surely to my houses tent, will by no meanes be led:
nor will I once so much as touch the borders of my bed.
verse 4 Mine eyes shall never suffer sleep, fraile nature to restore,
and mine eye-lids in any sort, shall never slumber more.
verse 5 Vntill that for the Lord above, I may finde out a place,
a dwelling for the mighty God of Iacob, and his race.
verse 6 Loe, when we were at Ephrata, it in our eares did sound,
where shadowie woods doe darken fields, we have it clearely found.
verse 7 We to his Tabernacle will with zeale devoutly goe,
and at his footstoole worship will, expressing reverence so.
verse 8 O thou that art the mighty Lord, arise into thy rest,
thou, and the arke of thy great strength, we humbly thee request.
verse 9 Let righteousnesse array thy Priests, that it may reverence move,
and let all them that are thy Saints, with shouting ioyfull prove.

The second part.

verse 10 And even for Davids sake, whom thou did'st as thy servant grace,
of him whom thou annoynted hast, turne not away the face.
verse 11 The Lord to David swore in truth, and will it not recall,
even of thy body, I the fruit will in thy throne enstall.
verse 12 If that thy children keepe my league and lawes which I them teach:
their sonnes shall ever on thy throne, be free from ruines reach.
verse 13 The Lord hath Sion chus'd, and it did for his dwelling crave:
verse 14 Here will I ever rest, here dwell, I it desired have.
verse 15 And I abundantly will blesse provisions for her made,
and I will satisfie her poore for nourishment with bread.
verse 16 I with salvation gloriously will cloth her Priests about,
and all her Saints (as happy made,) aloud for ioy shall shout.
verse 17 There Davids horn that it may bud, shall power from me receive,
I for mine owne annoynted one, a lampe ordained have.
verse 18 His enemies all cloth'd with shame, deiected shall look downe,
but upon him exalted high, still flourish shall his Crowne.


Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
BEhold how good a thing it is, and pleasant to the minde,
that brethren should together dwell, with bonds of love combinde.
verse 2 It like a pretious oyntmentis distill'd upon the head,
which even to runne as rained down upon the beard was made.
Even that of Aarons comely beard, which streamed from his Crowne,
and to his garments utmost skirts, in pretious drops fell downe.
verse 3 Like Hermons dew, like dew which did on Sions hill descend,
for there the Lord his blessing plac'd, even life without an end.


BEhold, blesse ye the Lord, all ye that serve him right,
within the Lords most holy house, who waiting stand by night.
verse 2 Lift in the holy place your hands, the Lord to blesse:
verse 3 The Lord that made both heaven and earth, thee out of Sion blesse.

Psal. CXXXV.

[...] PRaise ye the Lord, and of the Lord praise ye the holy name,
O ye the servants of the Lord, his praise aloud proclaime.
verse 2 Ye that within the Lords house stand, and in the Courts who stay,
of that house which to God belongs, whom onely we obey.
verse 3 Praise ye the Lord, for he is good, and with your voyces sing
due praises to his holy name, for it's a pleasant thing.
verse 4 The Lord chusde Iacob for himselfe, his treasure Israel is:
verse 5 The Lord is great above all Gods, for well doe I know this.
verse 6 And whatsoever pleas'd the Lord, that did he freely doe
in heaven, and in the earth, in seas, and all deep places too.
verse 7 He from the ends of all the earth, the vapours makes ascend:
he makes the lightnings ushering raine, his pleasure to attend.
verse 8 Out of his secret treasuries he doth bring forth the winde,
who smote of Egypt the first borne, of man and beast each kinde.
verse 9 Who did amid'st thee wonders great, and tokens (Egypt) send
on Pharaoh, and all those on him who seruing did attend.
verse 10 Who smote great nations, and who slew euen kings that mighty were,
verse 11 Th'Amorites Sihon, Bashans Og, and Canans states each where.
verse 12 And he did giue that fertile land from which he them remou'd;
an heritage to Israel, his people whom he lou'd.

The second part.

verse 13 Thy holy name, O mighty Lord, endure for ever shall,
and thy memoriall, O Lord, through generations all.
verse 14 For loe the Lord will come at last, to iudge his people bent:
concerning those that serve him right, he will himselfe repent.
verse 15 The Idols which the heathen use, of silver are and gold,
and by mens hands that they are wrought, their frailty doth unfold.
verse 16 They all have mouthes, but from the same no kind of speech can flow,
and they can nothing see at all, though they have eyes in show.
verse 17 They have in show the shape of eares, but yet can heare no sound;
nor in their artificiall mouthes, can any breath be found.
verse 18 They that the makers are of them, doe them resemble right,
and so indeed is every one that trusteth in their might.
verse 19 Blesse thou, O house of Israel, the Lord in every place;
blesse thou the Lord, O reverenc'd house, that art of Aarons race,
verse 20 Blesse thou the Lord, O house that still do'st Levies name possesse,
and all of you that feare the Lord, the Lord for euer blesse.
verse 21 From Sions bounds his sacred seat, still blessed be the Lord,
who at Ierusalem doth dwell, to him due praise afford.


Sing this as the 148. Psalme.
O Give the Lord due thanks,
For he is good indeed:
verse 2 O to the God of Gods
To give due thanks proceed.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 3 O to the Lord of Lords,
Due thankes give every one:
verse 4 To him who wonders workes
Even by himselfe alone.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 5 To him whose wisedome high,
The heavens (made by him) prove:
verse 6 To him who stretch'd the earth,
The waters all above.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 7 To him whose power did make
Great lights which we doe see.
verse 8 The glorious Sunne by day,
The ruler still to be.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 9 The Moone and stars by night,
That rule and doe adorne:
verse 10 To him that earst did smite,
Of Egypt the first borne.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 11 And from among them out,
Brought Israel without harme,
verse 12 With a most mighty hand,
And with a stretch'd out arme.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 13 To him who into parts,
The red Sea did divide:
verse 14 And through the mid'st of it,
Did Israel safely guide.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 15 But Pharaoh and his hoast,
In the red sea strooke dead:
verse 16 To him through desart fields,
Who did his people leade.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 17 To him who did great Kings
In indignation smite,
verse 18 And famous Kings did kill,
Who fell confounded quite.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 19 As Sihon who his throne,
O're Amorites had rear'd:
verse 20 And Og of Bashan King,
For his huge stature fear'd.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 21 And for an heritage,
Their land he freely gave:
verse 22 Even for an heritage
For Israel to have.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 23 Who did remember us
In our estate most low:
verse 24 And us redeem'd from foes,
Who sought our overthrow.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.
verse 25 Who to all creatures still,
Doth freely furnish food:
verse 26 O to the God of heaven
Give thanks as onely good.
For rich in store,
His mercies sure,
To his endure
For evermore.


[...] OF Babylon the rivers by, we sadly did sit downe:
yea, when deare Sion came to minde, straight teares our cheeks did drown.
verse 2 We did hang up our silent Harps, upon the Willowes there,
amid'st their solitary shades, even where they thickest were.
verse 3 For they that Captives carried us, a song of us did crave,
and they that our destroyers were, sought mirth of us to have.
verse 4 Sing one of Sions songs, they said, but how (as they demand)
shall we the song that is the Lords, sing in a forraigne land.
verse 5 O thou Ierusalem, if I doe not remember thee:
of my right hand the cunning quite, let it forgotten be.
verse 6 If I forget thee, let my tongue, (roofe-ty'd,) leave off to move;
if I place not Ierusalem, even my chiefe ioy above.
verse 7 Remember Edoms race, O Lord, who with outragious spite,
when thy Ierusalem was spoil'd, did cry, raze, raze it quite.
verse 8 O daughter Babell by desart, whom ruine doth attend:
blest shall he be, as thou with us, who deales with thee in th'end.
verse 9 He shall be happy, who doth take thy tender little ones,
and them (with no compassion mov'd,) doth dash against the stones.


Sing this as the 47. Psalme.
I Will, O Lord, give praise to thee, and that with all my heart:
before the Gods I singing will to thee due praise impart.
verse 2 Thy holy temple towards I devoutly worship will,
and thy most glorious name by me shall be exalted still.
For thy great kindenesse full of love, and for thy truth, O Lord:
for thou, even all thy name above, hast magnified thy word.
verse 3 Thou in the day when as I cryde, an answer gave to me,
and with new strength within my soule, thou mad'st me strong to be.
verse 4 The Kings that are o're all the earth, to thee shall praise afford,
when of thy mouth the sacred words, they once doe heare, O Lord.
verse 5 Yea, in the Lords appointed wayes, they cheerefully shall sing:
for, of the Lord the glory great is seene in every thing.
verse 6 The Lord though high, yet them respects who humble doe abide:
but he doth know them all afarre, that are possess'd with pride.
verse 7 Though I amid'st great troubles walke, from thee I life shall have:
thou of my foes shalt curbe the wrath, thy right hand shall me save.
verse 8 The Lord will perfect my reliefe, thy mercy constant stands:
O doe not, Lord, in wrath forsake the worke of thine owne hands.


Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
O Lord, thou hast me search'd and known, how I sit down or stand
verse 2 Thou know'st, and every thought of mine afarre do'st understand.
verse 3 Thou compasse do'st my path, and where that I lye down, each part,
and still with all the wayes I walke, thou well acquainted art.
verse 4 For not so much as once one word upon my tongue can be,
but altogether, loe, O Lord, it straight is known to thee.
verse 5 Thou hast beset me every way, behinde, loe, and before,
and upon me hast layd thy hand, that I can flye no more.
verse 6 Such knowledge more then wonderfull, makes me amaz'd, remain;
it soares so high above my reach, I can it not attaine.
verse 7 Lord, from thy spirit (eying all) ah, whither can I goe?
or to what corner can I flye, to scape thy presence so?
verse 8 If I ascend up to the heaven, I finde thee there to be;
and if I make my bed in hell, behold I there finde thee.
verse 9 Of the bright morning if that I the speedy wings should take,
and in the seas remotest parts, my dwelling place should make.
verse 10 Even there thy hand shall finde me out, and leade me in that place;
and thy right hand shall hold me there, as still before thy face.
verse 11 If I presumptuously should say, the darknesse shall me hide,
the very night all turn'd to light, about me shall abide.

The second part.

verse 12 Yea, darknesse doth not hide from thee, but even the very night
doth shine like day, alike to thee both darknesse is and light.
verse 13 For thou possessed hast my reynes, most inward within me:
when in my mothers belly lodg'd, I covered was by thee.
verse 14 I'le praise thee, for I'm fearefully and wonderfully made,
thy workes are marv'lous, and my soule to know the same is glad.
verse 15 When first I was in secret made, thou did'st my substance know,
whil'st I most curiously was wrought, in parts of earth most low.
verse 16 Thou did'st my shapelesse substance view, my members every one,
which were to be, were in thy booke, whil'st yet of them were none.
verse 17 How pretious are thy thoughts to me, by contemplation weigh'd:
O God, how great their number is, if seriously survey'd!
verse 18 If I should count them, they are moe then sands in number be:
and whensoever I awake, then I am still with thee.
verse 19 Thou surely wilt, O God, them slay, who wicked are in heart,
and therefore all ye bloudy men, with speed from me depart.
verse 20 For they against thee wickedly doe speake with tongues prophane,
and they that are thine enemies, doe take thy name in vaine.
verse 21 Who thee doe hate, Lord, have not I a hatred at all such?
and with those who against thee rise, am I not grieved much?
verse 22 I them with perfect hatred hate, I them my foes doe hold:
verse 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart try me, my thoughts unfold.
verse 24 And see if any wicked way at all within me be,
and in thine everlasting way, for ever leade thou me.

Psal. CXL.

DEliver me, Lord, from the man that unto evill is bent,
and safety likewise give to me, from him that's violent.
verse 2 Who in the vastnesse of their heart, great mischiefe doe decree,
and they continually for warre, together gathered be.
verse 3 They sharpened have their tongues, even as a serpent sharpeneth his:
of Adders underneath their lips, the deadly poyson is.
verse 4 Lord, from their hands that wicked are, and from the man me save
that's violent, who to o'rethrow my goings purpos'd have.
verse 5 The proud most cunningly, a snare and cords for me did hide,
they have set grinnes, and spread a net for me by the way side.
verse 6 I humbly said unto the Lord, thou art a God to me,
and let my supplications voyce, O Lord, be heard by thee.
verse 7 Thou that of my salvation art the strength, (O God, the Lord:)
a covering in the day of warre, did'st to my head afford.
verse 8 Grant not unto the wicked man, that which he doth desire,
nor further not his wicked plot, lest proudly they aspire.
verse 9 As for the head of all those men, about that compasse me,
even by the mischiefe of their lips, let them all covered be.
verse 10 Let burning coales upon them fall, and throw them in the fire,
even headlong down in dungeons deep, whence they may not retire.
verse 11 Let not that man who speaketh evill, be stablish'd here below,
and evill the man that's violent, shall hunt him to o'rethrow.
verse 12 I know the Lord of the distress'd, will still the cause maintaine,
and of the poore defend the right, that they may safe remaine.
verse 13 The righteous shall in giving thanks unto thy name excell,
and they that upright are in heart, shall in thy presence dwell.

Psalme CXLI.

[...] O Lord my God, to thee I cry, make haste and come to mee,
and give thine eare unto my voyce, when as I cry to thee.
verse 2 Let still my prayer be set forth, as incense before thee;
and make as th'evening sacrifice, my lifted hands to be.
verse 3 Lord, lest my mouth too lavish prove, a watch set it before,
and of my lips to save me so, keep ever safe the dore.
verse 4 Doe not incline my heart to evill, let me not act, nor treate
with them that worke iniquity, nor of their dainties eate.
verse 5 Let him that righteous is, me smite, a kindenesse it shall be:
let him reprove me, it shall prove as pretious oyle to me.
Which being so by them apply'd, shall breake my head no way,
for, yet in their calamities I even for them will pray.
verse 6 When as their Iudges all o'rethrowne in stony places meete,
they shall with comfort heare my words, for they are very sweet.
verse 7 Loe, at the gaping graves vast mouth, our bones doe scattered lye,
as when one wood to cut, or cleave, on th'earth his strength doth try.
verse 8 But Lord, mine eyes are fix'd on thee, in thee my trust I place,
and never leave thou destitute my soule in any case.
verse 9 O keepe me from the subtile snare by which they me attend,
and from the engines of all those who mischiefe doe intend.
verse 10 The nets which wicked men have laid, let them their owners trap,
that there they may together fall, whil'st I withall escape.

Psal. CXLII.

Sing this as the 141. Psalme.
WIth earnest cryes unto the Lord, I made my voyce ascend,
my supplication to the Lord, I with my voyce did send.
verse 2 Before his presence my complaints I poured out in store,
and all wherewith I troubled was, I shewed him before.
verse 3 When as my sprite was quite o'rewhelm'd, thou then my path did'st see;
they privily where I did walke, haue layd a snare for me.
verse 4 I look'd about on my right hand, to see what help was there:
but none would know me, all help fail'd, none for my soule did care.
verse 5 I cry'd to thee, O Lord, and thou my refuge art, did'st say,
and in the land of them that liue, my portion art for aye.
verse 6 Since now I am brought very low, attend unto my cry,
saue me from them that me pursue, they are more strong then I.
verse 7 That I may praise thy name, my soule set from the prison free,
the iust shall compasse me, for thou shalt liberall be to me.


Sing this as the 141. Psalme.
LOrd heare the prayers and requests, which I present to thee,
and as thou iust and faithfull art, an answer make to me.
verse 2 And with thy seruant enter not in iudgement to contend,
for none that liues can in thy sight, himselfe as iust defend.
verse 3 The foe my soule did persecute, my life he low makes lye:
he hathin darknesse made me dwell, as who long since did dye.
verse 4 My spirit therefore me within, o'rewhelmed is by this,
my heauy heart within me too, all desolate now is.
verse 5 Then are the dayes that were of old, to my remembrance brought;
I meditate on all thy works, works that thy hands haue wrought.
verse 6 I unto thee stretch forth my hands, yea, and my soule in me,
euen as a land that thirsty is, still thirsteth after thee.
verse 7 Lord, heare with speed, my sp'rit doth fail, hide not from me thy face,
like them that goe downe to the pit, lest I provein short space.
verse 8 Make me betimes thy kindenesse heare, for thee my trust attends,
shew me the way where I should walk, to thee my soule ascends.
verse 9 From all mine enemies, O Lord in mercy set me free,
I unto thee have my recourse, that I may hidden be.
verse 10 Thou art my God, thy sprite is good, teach me thy will to doe,
leade me that I into the land of uprightnesse may goe.
verse 11 Lord for the glory of thy name, with power come-quicken me;
and as thou righteousnesse do'st love, my soule from trouble free.
verse 12 And of thy mercy raze my foes, and them destroy each one
that doe afflict my grieved soule, for I serve thee alone.

Psal. CXLIV.

Sing this as the 141. Psalme.
BLest be the Lord, for all my strength is onely from his might,
he doth my hands teach how to warre, my fingers how to fight.
verse 2 My goodnesse, fortresse, my high tower, my Saviour, and my shield
in whom I trust, and who to me doth make my people yeeld.
verse 3 Lord, what is man that thou of him should'st any knowledge take,
or yet mans sonne, that thou of him so great account should'st make?
verse 4 Man, loe, resembling vanity, uncertaine here doth stray
his dayes (like shadowes) dark and swift, doe vanish straight away.
verse 5 Bow down thy heavens, and Lord come down, I humbly thee invoke:
doe thou but once the mountains touch, and all of them shal smoake.
verse 6 Cast glancing flames of lightning forth, and so them scatter soone,
shoot out thine arrowes to destroy, till they be quite undone.
verse 7 Send then in mercy from above, thy mighty hand, rid me
from waters great, and from the hand of children strange me free,
verse 8 Whose mouth doth utter words, which doe with vanity abound,
and their right hand, a right hand is of falshood onely found.
verse 9 I'le sing a new song, O my God, upon a Psaltery:
on instrument that hath ten strings, thy praises sing will I.
verse 10 Loe he it is who wholy gives salvation unto kings,
his servant David from the sword, who still in safety brings.
verse 11 Rid me, & from strange childrens hands (who vainly speake) me save,
and their right hand, a right hand is of falshood to deceive.
verse 12 That like to plants our sonnes may be, in youth growne up that are,
our daughters as the corner stones, that grace a Pallace rare.
verse 13 That in our garners of all sorts, we may with plenty meete,
that thousands may our sheep bring forth, ten thousands in our street.
verse 14 That all our Oxen strong may prove, that there no breaking be,
nor in, nor out, that from complaints our streets may still be free.
verse 15 The people happy is, that is with such like blessings stor'd:
yea, happy is that people, who have for their God, the Lord.

Psal. CXLV.

[...] O Thou my God that art my King, thee now extoll I will,
and likewise I thy holy name, will blesse for ever still.
verse 2 I every day while as I live, will heartily blesse thee
for ever, and for ever shall thy name be prais'd by me.
verse 3 The Lord is great, and to be prais'd, of right he greatly ought;
his greatnesse is unsearchable above what can be thought.
verse 4 One generation shall thy workes praise to another still,
and with the fame of thy great acts, shall seek the world to fill.
verse 5 The honour that so glorious is of thy great maiestie,
and all thy works that wondrous are, my tongue shall magnifie.
verse 6 And of thy dreadfull acts the power, to speake men shall not spare,
and I thy greatnesse to the world, will publikely declare.
verse 7 They utter shall abundantly, the memory to all
of thy great goodnesse, and still sing thy righteousnesse they shall.
verse 8 The Lord is gratiously dispos'd, compassionately kinde,
and, though provok'd, to anger slow, to mercy still inclin'd.

The second part.

verse 9 The Lord our God to all the world is good even every where,
and over al the workes he doth, his tender mercies are.
verse 10 Thy works, O Lord, shall all praise thee, & all thy Saints thee blesse:
verse 11 Thy kingdomes glory they shall tell, and shall thy power expresse.
verse 12 That all his acts for might admird, the sonnes of men might know,
and of his kingdomes glorious state, the maiesty to show.
verse 13 Thy kingdome a great kingdome is, which last for ever will:
and thy dominion lasts throughout all generations still.
verse 14 All them that but through weakenesse fall, the Lord doth still sustain,
and likewise those that are bow'd downe, he doth raise up againe.
verse 15 The eyes of all things wait on thee, the giver of all good;
and thou, when time the same requires, doth furnish them with food.
verse 16 Thou open do'st thy liberall hand, which doth abundance bring,
and do'st content the longing wish of every living thing.
verse 17 The Lord entirely righteous proves, in every way of his,
and still in all the workes he doth, for ever holy is.
verse 18 The Lord to all that call on him, is nigh in every part,
even to all such as call on him in uprightnesse of heart.
verse 19 He that desires will satisfie of them that feare him right,
he will give eare unto their cry, and save them by his might.
verse 20 The Lord doth save them who him love, that nought can them annoy,
but all the wicked in his wrath, will utterly destroy.
verse 21 My mouth shall duely of the Lord, the praises all proclaime,
and let all flesh for evermore, still blesse his holy name.

Psal. CXLVI.

Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
PRaise ye the Lord, O praise the Lord, my soule, him whil'st I live
verse 2 I'le praise, and whil'st I am, my song to him due praise shall give.
verse 3 Put not your trust in Princes, though the world them mighty call,
nor in the sonne of man, in whom there is no helpe at all.
verse 4 His breath doth suddenly goe forth, he turneth to his dust,
and in that very day with him, his thoughts all perish must.
verse 5 O happy he whom Iacobs God to give him help attends,
whose hope upon the Lord his God, continually depends.
verse 6 By whom the heaven and earth were made, and all the restlesse deeps,
with all the things that they containe, who truth for ever keepes.
verse 7 Who iudgement executes for them, that sore oppressed be,
who gives the hungry food, the Lord the prisoners doth free.
verse 8 The Lord doth open up their eyes, who are to blindenesse thrall;
the Lord doth raise the humble up, he loves the righteous all.
verse 9 The Lord the strangers doth preserve, the widow weake that mourns,
and fatherlesse he doth releeve, but wicked wayes o'returnes.
verse 10 The Lord shall ever (Sion) raigne, thy God by thee ador'd,
from age to age, shall still endure, O then praise ye the Lord.

Psalme CXLVII.

Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
PRaise ye the Lord, for it is good, praise to our God to sing:
for it exceeding pleasant is, praise is a comely thing.
verse 2 The Lord that mighty is, builds up Ierusalem with care,
and Israels outcasts all by him, together gathered are.
verse 3 He doth them heale with timely cure, that broken are in heart,
and lovingly binds up the wounds that had made them to smart.
verse 4 The starres though seeming numberlesse, by him are numbred all:
and he upon each one of them, even by their names doth call.
verse 5 Great is our Lord, & of great power, his wisedome nought can bound.
verse 6 The Lord doth raise the meeke, and cast the wicked to the ground.
verse 7 With thankefulnesse unto the Lord, to sing your courage raise,
upon the Harpe unto our God, with cheerefulnesse sing praise.
verse 8 Who cover doth the heaven with clouds, who for the earth below
prepareth raine, who maketh grasse upon the mountaines grow.
verse 9 He to the beasts that reason want, doth daily furnish food,
so doth he likewise when they cry unto the Ravens yong brood.
verse 10 He by the strength of any horse cannot delighted be,
and in the legges of any man, no pleasure taketh he.
verse 11 But loe, the Lord doth still delight in them that feare him right,
and they that in his mercy hope, are gratious in his sight.
verse 12 O praise the Lord (Ierusalem,) thy God prais'd (Sion) be:
verse 13 For thy gates bars he strengthened hath, and bless'd thy brood in thee.
verse 14 He in thy borders every where, doth make peace flourish still,
and with the finest of the wheate, he likewise doth thee fill.
verse 15 He his Commandement doth send of th'earth unto alllands,
and his true word doth swiftly runne, where ever he commands.
verse 16 He often times the earth with snow, (like soft white wooll) doth load,
and straight he doth the hoary frost like ashes cast abroad.
verse 17 By him cast forth in morsels, ice like christall we behold,
and who (what ever strength he hath) can stand before his cold?
verse 18 He sends his word, and melteth them, and he doth cause to blow
his stormy winde, whereby he makes the waters straight to flow.
verse 19 To Iacob he (as dearly lov'd) his heavenly word doth show,
his statutes and his iudgements all, he Israel makes to know.
verse 20 He not to any nation thus, like favour did afford,
nor yet have they his iudgements known, therefore praise ye the Lord.


PRaise ye the Lord, praise ye,
Even frō the heavens the Lord;
In parts that highest be,
To him due praise afford.
verse 2 And praise him most,
You Angels pure,
His praise procure,
All you his hoast.
verse 3 His praise at length dilate,
Thou Sun that shin'st so bright,
Praise him with stars in state,
Thou moon that clear'st the night.
verse 4 Heavens, heavens him praise;
Ye flouds that move,
The heavens above,
His glory raise.
verse 5 To magnifie his name,
Let this them freely leade,
Which doth obedience claime,
They by his word were made.
verse 6 He fix'd them fast,
So still to be,
[...]d his decree
Shall ever last.
verse 7 From earth to heavens high spheres,
Of God the praises sound
You dragons forcing feares,
And deeps of all this round.
verse 8 You vapours still,
Fire, haile, and snow,
And stormes that blow
To work Gods will.
verse 9 You mountains high and large,
And hils more low that lye,
You trees which fruits doe charge,
And Cedars mounting high.
verse 10 You troupes of store,
You creeping things,
And you with wings
Aloft that soare.
verse 11 You Kings that doe command,
And people great and small,
You Princes of the land,
And you worlds Iudges all.
verse 12 You gallants strong,
And Virgins faire,
You ag'd that are,
And infants yong.
verse 13 Let them all ioyn'd in one,
The Lords name praise aright,
For his great name alone
Is excellent at height.
verse 14 His glory love,
Which none can even:
It earth and heaven
Is farre above.
verse 15 And he doth strongly raise
His peoples horne by grace;
Of all his Saints the praise;
Yea, even of Israels race.
With children stor'd,
A people neare,
And to him deare,
Praise ye the Lord.

Psal. CXLIX.

Sing this as the 145. Psalme.
PRaise ye the Lord, sing to the Lord a song all made of new,
and where his Saints assembled are, give him his praises due.
verse 2 Let Israel in him reioyce, who by his might him made,
let them that Sions children are, in their owne king be glad.
verse 3 Let them out of their ioyfulnesse, his name praise in the dance:
let them with Timbrell and with Harp, his praise in songs advance.
verse 4 For in his people (loe) the Lord doth ever pleasure take,
and he the meek will beautifull by his salvation make.
verse 5 Let all the Saints in glory great, be ravished with ioy,
let them themselves upon their beds, to sing aloud imploy.
verse 6 Let in their mouth of our great God, the praises high remaine,
and let their hand a sword two edg'd, victoriously retaine.
verse 7 To execute the iudgement due, upon the heathen all,
and make deserved punishment upon the people fall.
verse 8 And even with chains (as slaues) to binde the kings that them com­mand,
yea, and with iron fetters strong, the nobles of their land.
verse 9 To make the iudgement fall on them, which sacred writs record:
this honour haue all his deare Saints, therefore praise ye the Lord.

Psal. CL.

Sing this as the 137. Psalme.
PRaise ye the Lord, our God within his Sanctuary praise;
within his firmament of power, his glory duely raise.
verse 2 Praise him for all the mighty acts that haue by him been wrought;
praise him as doth his greatnesse fit, above what can be thought.
verse 3 Euen with the Trumpets stately sound, praise ye him cheerefully,
and give due praises unto him with Harpe and Psaltery.
verse 4 Him with the Timbrell praise, and dance, give praises to his name;
with instruments that stringed are, with Organs doe the same.
verse 5 Praise him with Cimbals, praise to him with Cimbals loud afford,
let each thing that hath breath him praise: for ever praise the Lord.

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