Roome for Companie, heere comes Good Fellowes.

To a pleasant new tune.
ROome for Company,
héere comes good fellowes,
Roome for Company,
in Bartholmew Faire,
Coblers and Broome-men,
Iaylors and Loome-men:
Roome for Company
in Bartholmew Faire.
Botchers and Taylors,
Shipwrights and Saylors,
Roome for Company,
well may they fare.
Roome for Company,
here comes good fellowes,
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew fare.
Tinkers and Brasiers,
Glassemen and Glasiers:
Roome for Company,
in Bartholmew fare.
Fidlers and Pipers,
Drummes, Flagges, & Fiffers,
Roome for company,
well may they fare,
Roome for Company,
here comes good fellowes, &c.
Coopers, and Cutlers,
Then Cookes and Butlers:
Roome for company
in Bartholmew fare.
Tanners and Curryers,
Tawers and Furryers:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for Company,
here comes good fellowes, &c.
Pauiers, Bricklayers
Potters and Brickmakers,
Roome for company, &c.
Pinners and Pewterers,
Plommars and Frewterers,
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for Company,
here comes good fellowes.
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew faire.
Pointers and Hosters,
Salemen and Clothiers,
Roome for company, &c.
Horse coursers, Carryers:
Blacksmithes and Farryers,
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for Company,
here comes, &c.
Girdlers, Imbrotherers,
Spurryers and Soderers,
Roome for company, &c.
Carmen, Car [...]takers,
And Basket-makers:
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for company,
héere comes, &c.
Turners and Draymen,
Horners and Laymen,
Roome for company, &c.
Chandlers and Salters,
Millers and Malsters,
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for company, &c.
Belfounders, Clock-makers,
Lockesmithes and Iackemakers,
Roome for company, &c.
Carpenters and Ioyners,
Clippers ad Coyners:
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for company, &c.
Fencers, Inkéepers,
And Chimniswéepers:
Roome for company, &c.
Hatmakers, Sadlers,
Shoemakers, Haglers,
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for Company,
here comes good fellowes,
Roome for company
in Bartholmew faire,
Brokers, Tobaccosellers,
Tapsters in Béere-cellers:
Roome for company, &c.
Glouers and Cakebakers,
With Cumfetmakers:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company,
here comes, &c,
Collyers and Caruers,
Barbers and Weauers,
Roome for company, &c.
Sargiants and Yeomen,
Farmers and Ploughmen:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company, &c.
Drouers and Shepheards,
Sowgelders, Neatheards:
Roome for company, &c.
Kéepers and Cunny-catchers,
Baylyes and Rat-catchers,
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for company, &c.
Lyers and Swearers,
With water-bearers,
Roome for company, &c.
Iuglers and Iesters,
And Borrowers and Testers:
Roome for company, &c.
Roome for company, &c.
Shéeremen and Wolmen,
Milpickers and Mealemen,
Roome for company, &c.
Scullers and Fishermen,
Oastlers and Night-men:
Roome for company, &c.

The Second part of Roome for Company. &c

ROome for company,
here come good fellowes,
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew faire.
Butchers and Poulters:
Drunkards and Porters:
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew faire,
Clarkes, I and Scriueners,
Informers and Sumners:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company,
here comes good followes,
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew faire,
Beareherds and Ropemakers,
Ploughwrights and Haymakers:
Roome for company
here comes, &c.
Canters, Quacksaluers,
Mummers and Maunders,
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company, &c.
Brewers and Bakers,
And Tabacco takers,
Roome for company, &c.
Fréemasons and Playsterers,
Taylers and Labourers:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company,
here comes, &c,
Belfounders, Felmongers,
Ballousmenders, Woodmongers,
Roome for, &c.
Pumpmakers, Glassemakers,
Chamberlaines and Matmakers
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for company,
here comes good Fellowes, &c.
Collermakers, Néedlemakers,
Buttonmakers, Fiddlemakers:
Roome for company, &c.
Fletchers and Bowyers,
Drawers and Sawyers:
Roome for company,
well may they fare.
Roome for Company,
here come good Fellowes,
Roome for Company,
in Bartholmew Faire,
Cutpurses and Cheaters,
And Bawdy-house-doore kéepers.
Roome for company, &c.
Punkes, I and Pander [...],
And Cashéer'd Commanders:
Roome for Company,
ill may they fare.
Roome for company,
here comes good fellowes, &c.
Alcumistes and Pedlers,
Whoores, Bawdes, & Beggers:
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew Faire:
Auncients and Banners,
Concluders, with Scanners,
Roome for company,
in Bartholmew Faire.

Imprinted as London for E. W.

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