CERTAINE Praiers collected out of a fourme of godly Meditations, set foorth by her Maiesties authoritie in the great Mortalitie, in the fift yeere of her Highnesse raigne, and most necessarie to be vsed at this time in the like present visitation of Gods heauie hand for our manifold sinnes, and com­mended vnto the Ministers and people of London, by the Reuerend Father in God, Iohn Bishop of London, &c. Iuly. 1593.

Imprinted at London by the De­puties of Christopher Barker, Prin­ter to the Queenes most excel­lent Maiestie.

❧ The Preface.

WE bee taught by many and sundry examples of holy Scriptures, that vpon occasion of particu­lar punishments, afflictions, and perils, which God of his most iust iudgement hath sometimes sent among his people, to shew his wrath against sinne, and to call his people to repentance, and to the redresse of their liues, the godly haue bene prouoked and stirred vp to more feruencie & diligence in pray­er, fasting, and almes deedes, to a more deepe consideration of their consciences, to ponder their vnthankefulnesse and forgetfulnesse of Gods mercifull benefites towards them, with crauing of pardon for the time past, and to aske his assistance for the time to come, to liue more godly, and so to be defended and deliuered from all further perils and dangers. 2. Sam. 24 So king Dauid in the time of plague and pestilence which ensued vpon his vaine numbring of the people, prayed vnto God with wonderfull feruencie, confessing his fault, desiring God to spare the people, and rather to turne his ire to himward, who had chiefly offen­ded in that transgression. 2. Chro. 2 2. Reg. 19 The like was done by the vertuous kings Iosaphat and Ezechias in their distresse of warres and foreine inua­sions. So did Iudith and Hester fall to humble prayers in like perils of their people. So did Daniel in his captiuitie, Iudith 9.2 Ester 14.1 Dan. 9 4. and many other moe in their troubles. Nowe therefore calling to minde, that God hath bene prouoked by vs to visite vs at this present with the plague and o­ther grieuous diseases, and partly also with trouble of warres: It hath bene thought meete to excite and stirre vp all godly people within this Realme, to pray earnestly and heartily to God, to turne away his de­serued wrath from vs, and to restore vs as well to the health of our bodies by the wholesomnesse of the aire, as also to godly and profitable peace and quietnesse. And although it is euery Christian mans due­tie, of his owne deuotion to pray at all times: yet for that the corrupt nature of man is so slouthfull and negligent in this his dutie, hee hath need by often and sundry meanes to bee stirred vp and put in remem­brance of his duetie, For the effectuall accomplishment whereof, it is ordered and appointed, as followeth.

First, that all Curates and Pastours, shall exhort their Parishio­ners to endeuour themselues to come vnto the Church, with so many of their families as may be spared from their necessarie businesse, (ha­uing yet a prudent respect in such assemblies to keepe the sicke from the whole, in places where the plague reigneth) and they to resort, not onely on Sundayes and holy dayes: but also on Wednesdayes and Fri­dayes, during the time of these present afflictions, exhorting them, there reuerently and godly to behaue themselues, and with penitent hearts to pray vnto God to turne these plagues from vs, which wee through our vnthankefulnesse and sinfull life, haue deserued.

Secondly, that the sayde Curates shall then distinctly, and playnely reade the generall Confession appoynted in the booke of Seruice, and the Absolution following.

Then shall beginne the Lordes prayer. Our Father &c.

Then likewise shall followe. O Lord open thou our lips. &c.

Then shall be sayde this Psalme following. Psal. 95. O come, let vs sing vnto the Lorde, &c.

Afterwardes, some three of these Psalmes. Psal. 91.94.130.

Then for the first Lesson one of these Chapters. 2. Samuel. 24. 2. Reg. 24.

Then Te Deum shall followe.

Then for the second Lesson one of these Chapters. Matth. 6.24.

Then Benedictus, with the other accustomed prayers.

Then the Letanie. And after the ende of these Collectes, O God mercifull Father, &c. Wee humbly beseech thee, &c. O Lord our heauenly Father, almightie & euerlasting God, &c. O almightie God, King of all Kings, &c. Almightie God, which in thy wrath, &c. shall follow this Psalme: one verse sayde by the Minister, and an other by the people.

¶ The Psalme to be saide in the Leta­nie: Whereof one verse to be saide of the Minister, and another by the people, Clarke or Clarks.

1 Psal. 95. O Come, let vs humble our selues, and fall downe before the Lord, with reuerence and feare.

2 For he is the Lord our God: and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheepe of his hands.

3 Ose. 6.2. Come therefore, let vs turne againe vnto our Lord, for hee hath smitten vs, and he shall heale vs.

4 Actes. 3. Let vs repent, and turne from our wickednes: and our sinnes shalbe forgiuen vs.

5 Iona. 3. Let vs turne, and the Lorde will turne from his heauie wrath, and will pardon vs, and we shall not perish.

6 Psal. 51. For we knowledge our faults: and our sins be euer before vs.

7 Lament. 3. We haue sore prouoked thine anger, O Lord, thy wrath is waxed hote, and thy heauy displeasure is sore kindled against vs.

8 Thou hast made vs heare of the noise of wars, and hast trou­bled vs by the vexation of enemies.

9 Esa. 64. Thou hast in thine indignation striken vs with greeuous sickenes, and by and by we haue fallen as leaues beaten downe with a vehe­ment winde.

10 Iudith. 8. Iob 11. Sap. 11. Indeed we acknowledge, that all punishments are lesse then our deseruings: but yet of thy mercy Lorde correct vs to a­mendment, and plague vs not to our destruction.

11 For thy hand is not shortened, that thou canst not helpe: neither is thy goodnes abated, that thou wilt not heare.

12 Esa. 65. Thou hast promised, O Lorde, that afore wee crie thou wilt heare vs: whilest wee yet speake thou wilt haue mercy vpon vs.

13 For none that trust in thee shalbe confounded: neither any that cal vpon thee shal be despised.

14 Tob. 3. Iob 5. Ose. 6. For thou art the only Lord, who woundest, and doest heale againe, who killest, and reuiuest, bringest euen to hell, and bringest backe againe.

15 [...]l. 22. Our fathers hoped in thee, they trusted in thee, and thou diddest deliuer them.

16 They called vpon thee, and were helped: they put their trust in thee, and were not confounded.

17 Psal. 6. O Lord, rebuke not vs in thine indignation: neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure.

18 Psal. 25. O remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth: but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon vs, O Lorde, for thy goodnes.

19 Haue mercie vpon vs, O Lord, for we are weake: O Lorde heale vs for our bones are vexed.

20 Baruc. 3. Iona. 2. And now in the vexation of our spirites, and the anguish of our soules, we remember thee, and we crie vnto thee: heare Lord, and haue mercie.

21 Dan. 9. For thine owne sake, and for thy holie name sake, incline thine eare, and heare, O mercifull Lord.

22 For we do not powre out our praiers before thy face, trusting in our owne righteousnesse: but in thy great and manifolde mercies.

23 Wash vs throughly from our wickednes: and clense vs from our sinnes.

24 Turne thy face from our sinnes, & put out all our misdeedes.

25 Make vs cleane hearts, O God: and renew a right spirit within vs.

26 Help vs, O God of our saluation, for the glory of thy name: O deliuer vs, and be mercifull vnto our sins for thy names sake.

27 Psal. 79. So we that be thy people, and sheepe of thy Pasture, shal giue thee thankes for euer, and will alwayes be shewing foorth thy praise, from generation to generation.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

After this Psalme, shalbe saide by the Curate or Minister o­penly and with an high voyce, one of these three prayers follow­ing. At which time, the people shall deuoutly giue eare, and shall both with minde and speach to themselues, assent to the same prayers humbly vpon their knees.

❧ A Prayer, conteining also a Con­fession of sinnes. Which is to be said after the Letany, aswell vpon Sundayes, as Wednesdaies and Fridaies.

O Almightie, most iust and mer­cifull God, we here acknow­ledge our selues most vnwoor­thy to lift vp our eies vnto hea­uen, for our conscience doth ac­cuse vs, & our sins do reprooue vs. Wee knowe also that thou, Lord, being a iust iudge, must needes punish the sinnes of them which trans­gresse thy Lawe. And when wee consider and examine all our whole life, wee finde nothing in our selues, that deserueth anie other thing but eternall damnation. But because thou, O Lorde, of thy vnspeakable mercie, hast com­maunded vs in all our necessities to call onelie vpon thee, and hast also promised, that thou wilt heare our Prayers, not for anie our desert (which is none) but for the merits of thy Sonne our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ, whome thou hast ordeined to be our onlie Mediatour and In­tercessour. We lay away all confidence in man, and doe flee to the throne of thy onelie mercie, by the intercession of thy only Sonne our Sauiour Iesu Christ. And first of all, wee doe most la­ment and bewayle, from the bottome of our [Page]hearts, our vnkindnesse and vnthankefulnesse towardes thee our Lorde, considering that be­sides those thy benefites which wee enioy as thy creatures, common with all mankinde, thou hast bestowed many and singular speciall bene­fites vpon vs, which wee are not able in heart to conceyue, much lesse in wordes worthily to expresse. Thou hast called vs to the knowledge of thy Gospell. Thou hast released vs from the harde seruitude of Sathan. Thou hast deliue­red vs from all horrible and execrable Idolatry, wherein wee were vtterly drowned, and hast brought vs into the most cleare and comforta­ble light of thy blessed worde, by the which wee are taught how to serue and honour thee, and howe to liue orderly with our neighbours in trueth and veritie. But wee most vnminde­full in times of prosperitie, of these thy great benefites, haue neglected thy commandements, haue abused the knowledge of thy Gospell, and haue followed our carnall libertie, and ser­ued our owne lustes, and through our sinnefull life, haue not worshipped and honoured thee as we ought to haue done. And nowe, O Lorde, be­ing euen compelled with thy correction, wee doe most humbly confesse that wee haue sinned, and haue most grieuously offended thee by many and sundry wayes. And if thou, O Lorde, wouldest now being prouoked with our disobedience, so deale with vs as thou might, and as we haue de­serued, there remayneth nothing els to be looked [Page]for, but vniuersall and continual plagues in this world, and hereafter eternall death and damna­tion, both of our bodies and of our soules. For if we shoulde excuse our selues, our owne conscien­ces would accuse vs before thee, and our owne disobedience and wickednesse woulde beare wit­nesse against vs. Yea, euen thy plagues and pu­nishmentes which thou doest nowe lay vpon vs in sundry places, doe teach vs to acknowledge our sinnes. For seeing, O Lord, that thou art iust, yea euen iustice it selfe, thou punishest no peo­ple without desert. Yea, euen at this present O Lorde, wee see thy hand terribly stretched out to plague vs, and punish vs. But although thou shouldest punish vs more grieuously then thou hast done, and for one plague send an hundreth, if thou shouldest powre vpon vs all those thy te­stimonies of thy most iust wrath, which in times passed thou powredst on thy owne chosen people of Israel: yet shouldest thou doe vs no wrong, neyther could wee deny but wee had iustly deser­ued the same. But yet, O mercifull Lord, thou art our God, and wee nothing but dust and ashes: Thou art our creatour, and we the worke of thy handes: Thou art our pastor, we are thy flocke: Thou art our redeemer, and we thy people redee­med: Thou art our heauenly father, we are thy children, wherefore punish vs not, O Lorde, in thine anger, but chasten vs in thy mercy. Re­gard not the horror of our sinnes, but the re­pentaunce thereof: Perfite that worke which [Page]thou hast begunne in vs, that the whole worlde may know, that thou art our God and mercifull deliuerer. Thy people of Israel often times of­fended thee, and thou most iustly afflicted them: but as oft as they returned to thee, thou diddest receiue them to mercie. And though their sinnes were neuer so great, yet thou alwayes turnedst away thy wrath from them, and the punishment prepared for them, and that for thy couenant sake, which thou madest with thy seruantes, A­braham, Isaac, and Iacob. Thou hast made the same couenant with vs (O heauenly Father) or rather a couenant of more excellencie and effica­cie, and that namely through the mediation of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauiour, with whose most precious blood, it pleased thee that this couenant should be, as it were, written, sealed, and confirmed. Wherfore, O heauenly Fa­ther, we nowe casting away all confidence in our selues or any other creature, doe flee to this most holy couenant & Testament, wherein our Lord & Sauiour Iesus Christ, once offered himselfe a sacrifice for vs on the crosse, hath reconciled vs to thee foreuer. Looke therefore, O mercifull God, not vpon the sinnes which wee continually com­mit: but vpō our mediatour & peace maker Iesus Christ, that by his intercession thy wrath may be pacified, & we again by thy fatherly countenance relieued and comforted. Receaue vs also into thy heauenly defence, and gouerne vs by thy holy spirite, to frame in vs a newenesse of life, therein [Page]to laude and magnifie thy blessed name for euer, and to liue euery of vs according to the seuerall state of life whereunto thou Lorde hast ordeyned vs in godly feare & trembling before thee. And al­though we are vnworthy (O heauenly father) by meanes of our former foule life, to craue any thing of thee: yet because thou hast commaunded vs to pray for all men, wee most humbly here vp­on our knees beseech thee, saue and defende thy holy Church, be mercifull, O Lorde to all com­mon weales, Countreyes, Princes, and Magi­strates, and especially to this our Realme, and to our most gracious Queene and gouernour Queene Elizabeth, increase the number of god­ly Ministers, indue them with thy grace to bee found faithfull and prudent in their office, defend the Queenes Maiesties Councell, and all that be in aucthoritie vnder her, or that serue in any place by her commaundement for this Realme. We commend also to thy fatherly mercy, all those that be in pouertie, exyle, imprisonment, sicknes, or any other kinde of aduersitie, and namely those whome thy hand now hath touched with any contagious and dangerous sickenesse, which wee beseech thee, O Lorde, of thy mercie (when thy blessed will is) to remoue from vs, and in the meane time, graunt vs grace and true repen­tance, stedfast faith, and constant patience, that whether we liue or dye, wee may alwayes conti­nue thine, and euer praise thy holy name, and be brought to the fruition of thy Godhead. Graunt [Page]vs these and all other our humble petitions (O mercifull father) for thy deare sonnes sake Ie­sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Or else in the steade of the other, this prayer may be vsed, and so to vse the one one day, the other an other.

O Eternall and euerliuing God, most mercifull Father, which of thy great long suffering and patience, hast hitherto suffered and borne with vs most miserable offenders, who haue so long strayed out of thy way, and bro­ken all thy lawes and commaundements, and haue, neither by thy manifolde benefites besto­wed vpon vs vnworthie and vnthankefull sin­ners, nor by the boyce of thy seruauntes and preachers, by continuall threatninges out of thy holy word, hitherto ben moued, either as thy children, of loue to returne vnto thee our most gratious Father, either for feare of thy iudge­mentes, as humble and lowely seruants to turne from our wickednesse. And therfore, most righ­teous Iudge, thy patience being (as it were) o­uercome at the last, with our obstinate vnrepen­tance, thou best most iustly executed those thy ter­rible threates now partly vpon vs, by plaging vs so (with most dreadful & deadly sicknes) whereby great multitudes of vs are dayly afflicted & con­sumed. [Page]We beseech thee, O merciful Father, that in thy wrath thou wilt remember thy old great merices, and to correct vs in thy iudgments, and not in thy iust anger, lest we bee all consumed and brought to nought. Looke not so much vp­on vs and our deseruings, O most righteous iudge, to take iust vengeance on our sinnes: but rather remember thy infinite mercies, O most mercifull Father, promised to vs by thy dearely beloued Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ, for whose sake, and in whose name, we doe earnest­ly and humbly craue mercie and forgiuenesse of our sinnes, and deliuerance from this horrible sicknesse, being thy iust punishment and plague for the same. And as thy holy worde doeth testifie, that thy people of all ages, being iustly plaged for their sinnes, and yet in their distresse vnfained­ly turning vnto thee, and suing for thy mercie, obteined the same: So like wise we most worthi­ly nowe afflicted with greuous and dreadfull plagues for our iniquites, pray thee, O mercifull Father, to grant vs thy heauenly grace, that we may like wife both truely and vnfeinedly repent, and obteine thy mercie, and deliuerance from the same, which we beseech thee, O Father of al mer­cies, and God of all consolation, to graunt vs, for the same Iesus Christes sake, our onely Sauiour, Media­tour and aduocate. Amen.

This prayer may be said euery third day.

IT had bene the best for vs, O most righteous Iudge, & our most merci­full Father, that in our wealthes and quietnes, and in the middest of thy manifold benefites continually bestowed vpon vs most vnworthy sinners, wee had of loue hearkened to thy voyce, & turned vnto thee our most louing and gracious father: For in so doing, we had done the parts of good and obe­dient louing children. It had also bene well, if at thy dreadfull threats out of thy holy word con­tinually pronounced vnto vs by thy seruauntes our preachers, we had of feare, as corrigible ser­uants, turned frō our wickednes. But alas we haue shewed hitherto our selues towardes thee, neyther as louing children (O most merciful fa­ther) neyther as tolerable seruants, O Lorde most mightie. Wherefore now we feele thy heauy wrath, O most righteous Iudge, iustly puni­shing vs with grieuous and deadly sicknesse and plagues, we doe now confesse and acknowledge, and to our most iust punishment doe find in deede, that to bee most true, which wee haue so often heard threatned to vs out of thy holy scriptures, the worde of thy eternall veritie: that thou art the same vnchangeable God, of the same iustice that thou wilt, and of the same power that thou canst punish the like wickednesse and obstinacie of vs impenitent sinners in these dayes, as thou hast done in all ages heretofore. But the same [Page]thy holy Scriptures, the word of thy trueth doe also testifie, that thy strength is not shortened, but that thou canst, neyther thy goodnes abated, but that thou wilt, helpe those that in their di­stresse do flee vnto thy mercies, and that thou art the same God of all, rich in mercie towardes all that call vpon thy name, and that thou doest not intend to destroy vs vtterly, but fatherly to cor­rect vs, who hast pitie vpon vs, euen when thou doest scourge vs, as by thy sayd holy worde, thy gracious promises, & the examples of thy saintes in thy holy Scriptures expressed for our comfort, thou hast assured vs. Graunt vs, O most merci­full father, that wee fall not into the vttermost of all mischiefs, to become worse vnder thy scourge, but that this thy rodde may by thy heauenly grace, speedily worke in vs the fruite and effect of true repentance, vnfayned turning and conuer­ting vnto thee, and perfect amendement of our whole liues, that as we through our impeniten­cie, doe nowe most worthily feele thy iustice puni­shing vs: so by this thy correction, wee may also feele the sweete comfort of thy mercies, gracious­ly pardoning our sinnes, and pitifully releasing these grieuous punishmentes, and dreadfull plagues. This we craue at thy hands (O most merciful father) for thy deare Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christs sake. Amen.

❧ Order for the Fast.

THe godly vse of Fasting, in time of common calamitie, as warre, famine, pestilence, and also whē any weighty mat­ter was in hand, for the Church and common wealth, is e­uident in holy Scriptures. Wherefore it is necessarie in so contagious time of sickenesse, and troublous state of the Realme, (our sinnes procuring iustly the wrath of God) that folowing the godly examples of king Iosaphat, 2. Chron. 20. Ionas 3. and the King of Niniue, with others, fasting with prayer be com­mended to the people by their preachers, exhorting their audience chiefely to these points.

  • 1 That this fasting be euery weeke vpon the Wednesday.
  • 2 All persons betweene the age of 16. and 60. yeares, (sicke folkes, and haruest labourers, or the like excepted) shall on that day eate but one compe­tent and moderate meale: abseruing sobrietie of diet, without superfuitie of ri­otous fare, respecting necessitie, and not voluptuousnes.
  • 3 The quantitie being but sufficient, and without delicacie, it is indifferent to eate flesh or fish. Let no publike order be contemned herein, nor dissimulation with God committed, pretending like hypocrites godlie abstinence, but doing nothing lesse.
  • 4 The wealthier sort, are to be mooued to giue of that they spare, and are besides able inough to giue, to releeue the poore, considering the misery and di­stresse, of a number of poore miserable soules, either staruing for lacke of foode, or being sicke with eating vnseasonable meats.
  • 5 This day the people are to bee warned, to forbeare bodily working, and common buying, and sessing, and to be exercised in holy prayer, deuout studie, reading the Scriptures, instructing their children, reforming all their familie: especially to take heede they spend it not in playes, pastimes, idlenes, haunting Tauernes, lasciuious wantonnes, surfeiting, and drunkennesse, for which sinnes (the proper sinnes of this nation) the heauy displeasure, and wrath of God is time vpon vs.
  • 6 Admonition is heere lastly to be giuen, that on the fasting day they haue but one Sermon at Morning Prayer, and the same not aboue an houre long, to auoyde the inconuenience that may growe by abuse of fasting: as sonne make it a faction more then religion, and other with ouermuch wearines and tedious­nesse, keepe the people a whole day together, which in this time of contagion, is more dangerous in so thicke and close assemblies of the multitudes. God giue vs grace to repent, and in his mercy turne away his punishments from vs. Amen.

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