I would you neuer had said so,

To the tune of vpon the Meddow brow.
TWo louing Friends once meeting
by chaunce vpon the way:
In kindnesse gaue each other,
the good time of the day:
And the one desir'd the other,
along with him to goe:
The other denayd, and to him said,
I would you had not said so.
Beeing demaunded why,
that he that wish desir'd?
Why sir quoth he my reason is,
because I am almost tyr'd?
And are you tyr'd quoth he,
tis more then I did know?
Then truely since with all my hart,
I would you had not said so.
But seeing you are weary,
now let vs take repose:
Heere let vs sit and rest vs,
and to you Ile disclose:
Some Vices in the Country,
amongst vs dayly grow:
If youle attend good Sir quoth hee,
I would you had not said so.
For truely in the Citty,
from whence I came are more:
More hatefull vices, name you one,
Ile name you halfe a score:
Ist possible (quoth he)
the Citty so should flow?
With Vice in such abundance,
I would you had not said so.
But now sir for the Country,
because I must begin?
Ile first speake of the Mizer,
that lump, that heape of sinne:
This vrchin is a Farmer,
whom many men doe know:
He scrapes and hoards the Diuell and all
I would you had not said so.
Though Barnes and Racks be full,
though Chists be cram'd with Coine:
And though he nothing wanteth,
yet must he needs purloyne:
His Tennants Rents heele raise,
his Neighbors heele vndoe:
By remouing of their Land markes,
I would you had not said so.
And if a Neighbour hath,
neere him a pee [...] of ground:
Heele neuer leaue by right nor wrong,
till it to him be bound:
If true meanes cannot get it,
he then to Law will goe:
And wrong a poore man for his owne,
I would you had not said so.

The Second part.

To the same Tune.
THere are some in our Parrish,
that too much are to blame:
For in a yeere scarse once,
they to the Church ere came:
But doth the Alehouse haunt,
and so themselues vndoe:
O Lord sure quoth the other againe,
I would you had not said so.
O sir I could reueale quoth hee,
of truths a number more:
Which shame makes me conceale,
but yet I greeue therefore:
For many doe offend,
which heare I may not show:
Truely replide the other then,
I would you had not said so.
Then heare me (qv.) the Townesman
for fearelesse Ile begin:
Apparantly to tell you,
now of the Citties sinne:
There's all the acts of Rogarie,
or ought that longs thereto:
Fore tend it quoth the Countryman,
I would you had not said so.
The Courtiers proud, and Lawyers,
doth knauish cunning vse:
The Trades man by his bying,
doth many men abuse:
All the Informers are turnd knaues,
they little good do do:
The Sargeants cruell, sir quoth he,
I would you had not said so.
The Broker in the Hundred takes:
good man but Foure score:
His Conscience is so vpright,
he will not aske for more:
The Bawd she will turne honest,
when whores she doth forgoe:
That will be neuer, sir quoth hee,
I would you had not said so.
The Curtiz [...]us shall vertious prooue,
when all their faults are fled:
And Punckes shall surely honest liue,
when Panders all are dead:
The Taylour he [...]ll steale no more,
when he hath no worke to doe:
He cannot then the other said,
I would you had not said so.
The Brother gainst his brother,
and Father gainst the Sonne:
The sonne against the Father goes,
till they are all vndone:
And Wiues against their Husbands,
doe make to much a doe:
Sir this quoth th'other grieues me most,
I would you had not said so.
Most men so impious are,
that they deuise all euills:
And in their dealings worser prooue,
then doe incarnate Diuells,
The Citty Wiues phantastick proue,
yet make a modest show:
Their wiles theyle haue the other said,
I would you had not said so.
Their Scycophanting Parrazites,
their Mistris humours smooth,
And eke the cheating vasse Decoy,
poore country men doe sooth:
Till by their Cheating tricks,
they quite doe them vndoe:
Quoth he this case is pittifull,
I would you had not said so.
Thus haue you heard what newes,
is now within the Citty:
How all doe practise villanie,
without remorse or pittie:
Let vs now hauing rested,
vpon our Iorney goe,
Where to, though loath hee greed, yet said
I would you had not said so.
Trust me it is great pitty,
to heare this bad report:
Of Country, and of Citty,
how all men doe extort:
I would they would reforme,
and thinke whats best to doe:
That Countryman nor Cittizen,
Might neuer gainst them say soe.

Printed at London for T.L.

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