A IORNALL OF Certaine principall passages in and before the Towne of S'hertogenbosh, From the 18. of August till the 1. of September, at what time they fell to capitulation concerning the Rendition of the Towne. VVhereunto is added, A Sermon made by the Bishop of S'hertogenbosh in S. Johns Church, (before the Towne was rendred) to appease the Burgers and Inhabitants, which were in an vprore:
LONDON, Printed for Nicholas Bourne at the South Entrance of the Royall Exchange. 1629.
A Jornall of certaine principall passages in and before the towne of S'hertogenbosh, From the 18. of August till the first of September, at what time they fell to capitulation concerning the Rendition of the towne:
From the Quarter of the Prince of Orenge at Vucht the 21 of August. 1629.
IN this siege the Prince of Orenge is very carefull, and taketh good order for all, at the same time, the said Towne was battred as well from this quarter as of all other quarters as fast as the Ordnance could play, so that they make great holes in the walls, they within played very fiercely with their Ordnance, The gallery was with all haste that could bee made almost brought into the walles; on every side of the gallery is made a battery of two peeces of Ordance, by the which we did keepe the Ordnance Ordnance of the Enemies within the Citty, that they can doe nothing to hinder vs: On the same day at night our Ordance played vpon the Citty all night long, and there were yet some granads shot into the Towne. The 22 came a Trumpetter from the Enemies, into the Leager, for to ransome and release the Crabatts, which ours [Page 2]haue taken Prisoners, in the defeating of the Comp. of Crabatts, which we did defeat some dayes since; Against night our Cannon begun againe to play vpon the walls and houses, and continued the whole night through. They within had put vpon the walles an Ancient with a Bourgous crosse, which we shot al in peeces. On the same night haue they within the Towne made an allarme, calling fall to, fall to; and they came out in the meane while with some boates, and tooke in the battery, which lay betweene the great Sconce, & the quarter of Pinsen, spoyling the victulers, but found none Ordnance, because it is everynight brought vnder the great Sconce, and are so againe returned into the Towne.
Another the 22. of the same.
SInce yesterday we were speedily dispatched for the setting of the bints, or beames, so that now already are set into the ditches 41. bintes, whereby to day, there shall come ten more, and all is gone well forth without any hinderance. Last night haue ours with boates brought over the dommell, into the ditch, aboue 60. Sconcekorues, for to make a new battery, wherewith we shall hinder the Towne, and yet we brought great store of earth and boughes, for to fill vp the ditches.
For to see what the Enemies did within the Towne his Princely Excellence hath given order [Page 3]to be made two ladders, with boates by the Vuchter gate; But when ours were for to clime vpon the ladders, they within did so furiously shoore vpon them, that ours were forced to retire, with the losse of 8. men slaine, and 11. hurt, and brought their ladders againe in the quarter. Last night were brought vpon the end of the ditch two halfe Cortowes, which did stand afore vpon the new battery, and ours haue the same night sent some granads into the Towne, which did worke well. The 19. was slaine (in the approaches of the Prince of Orange) the Lieuetenant of the Collonell Vere. Our troopes which haue beene out, neere Tongeren in the County of Luike, report, that they haue vnderstood, that the Emperour would besiege Laycke, whereupon those of Luicke haue written for assistance vnto their Bishop, which hee refused; whereupon they laboured to haue assistance from other Potentates, as of France, and of Savoy.
From the quarter of his Highnes Count Ernest, the 23. of August. 1629.
THe 17. we haue brought over the little gallery into the Horneworke; and wee began presently to mine thereunder, the 19. wee put a mine on fire, which flew in the ayre, and did worke well, and there were slaine aboue 150. of the Enemies side, whereupon we presently fell [Page 4]on our Enemies, that were within the Towne, and three severall times, we were repulsed, with great staues, pikes, and such other things, whereby our side were killed, and hurt, two Captaines, with one Lieutenant, and some others? Meane while we did play vpon the Towne, with 8 halfe Curtowes, as fast as the Ordnance could play; which neverthelesse showed themselues vpon the walles. Presently after that, we began to myne again, which we put on fire, & wrought well: A Friesland Captain which had the watch there, fell presently with all his forces vpon the same, and made them within the Towne to retire, but be cause hee was not presently assisted of his Lieutenant, those of the Towne did make him retire back againe; So that the said Captaine, with some other soldiers were slaine, and his sonne deadly hurt.
Yesterday after dinner time, at three of the clocke, we haue put on fire a myne, by the Hornworke, whereupon ours presently did fall with great force vpon them, that they within not onely did retire, but were forced to leaue altogether the Horneworke; wherein now ours did fortifie themselues, and approached to the Hintemer-gate. The water mills dryed vp the Land round about the Towne.
The 19. ours haue gotten a Carre with powder, which came from Hasselt, out of the County of Luike, saying, that he would sell it in the Leager amongst the horsemen, though it is not beleeved; But it is likely, they would haue [Page 5]brought it into the Towne, in little sackes, the powder is vnladen, and the Carre-man is kept safely, we haue shot this night vpon the Towne as fiercely, as ever we haue done hitherto.
Another from the Leager before S'hertogenbosh the 23.
SInce yesterday wee did not advance much with our gallery, because they within did play very fast vpon our new gallery, and haue spoiled two of our bintes or beames; And wee are still busie to bring earth, and bavins. This whole night wee did play with our Ordnance vpon the houses, and last night wee haue sent some granads into the Towne, therefore they within did play very fast with their Ordnance.
Yesterday were taken by our men 50. horses, and some Prisoners, and brought vp to the Leager. The Lord of Brederode hath this night played very fast both with his Cannon, and musketts, vpon the Towne, wee hope in a short time to be in the walles by the Hintemer gate; because there is no ditch betweene the Horneworke and the gate, that can hinder vs. His Highnesse Count William doth advance well with his approaches, and shot yesterday very fiercely vpon the Towne.
Another of the Leager before S'hertogenbosh the 24. 26 27. and 30. of August 1629.
THe 24. we haue here in the Leager made bone-fires, for the great victory of Wesel, after we had given thankes vnto the Lord; and the Triumph was after the Leagers manner as followeth.
His Excellence commanded, that none should begin, before the signall of the Iacht before Creveceur were done. The Princesse was her selfe vpon the walls of Creveceur, and the Iacht played his Cannon, then those of the fort Creveceur did play with 18. peeces, and then were played by those of the Roudoutes along the ditch of the Bosh, then the Lord Piusen, then the great and little Sconces, and then the Ordnance about the quarter of the Prince of Orange; Then after those the quarter of Brederode from his fort, against the Petteler. There his Highnesse Count Ernest, with his whole and halfe Cortowes, as also at Orten. When the Ordnance had played on all places, began all the Muskettiers of the whole Leager. Those of the quarter of his Princely Excellency began first, and then Eastward the one after the other round about all the Leager as a running fire; The Pikemen and the servants of the horsemen did carry burdens of straw vpon their Pikes and staucs, going so through all parts of the Leager, [Page 7]that it made a great light. When the second charge of the Canon began was cast into the Towne a Morter, what it did worke we did not heare yet. Vpon the same time wee shot vpon the Towne all the Ordnance, with the muskets, and other fireworkes of flying dragons, and fire piles we did not want, so that the whole leager was like a flame. The skippers in the quarter of Englen did burne pitch tonnes, and did hang out lanternes on their masts. These bonefires were seene of the Prince, and of the Princesse, but not of Grobbendouck, because hee had the gout. Betweene 24. and 25. those of our side brought a great store of Sconce korues vpon the end of the ditch, where they are busie to make a battery: And there was bespoken to be made a gallery for 28000. gilders along the ditch from the Vuchter bulworke vnto the gate, where those of the Petteler Sconce went it, and out the Towne, were set Sconce korues, and made Trenches for to hinder them to goe out and in the Towne. In the night the Enemies did come out we thought they would haue come vpon the dommell, but did nothing; onely they tooke two or three Prisoners of my Lord of Beeverworts Comp. with a voluntary, and hurt a messenger, and slew a Wagoner, so they retired, with some losse of theirs. Vpon the 25. in the night there were 45. bintes of our gallery brought over, & shalbe made so strong, that no firebals shall hinder them. Our new batteries on each side of the gallery play still vpon the town, [Page 8]when they see advantage for the defending of the gallery, they are daily busie on the dommel behinde the defence or blinde; and are yet busie to make two batteries, with two Corps de gardes. The Trenches, which wee make from the Vuchter gate vnto the Petteler gate are stayed for a time, because we haue need of earth and bavins for the galleries and batteries, which is to be fetched a great way off. Last night is brought hither great store of earth and bavins more then we can spend to day; so that the gallery will speedily bee advanced. The 26. wee played with our Ordnance fiercely vpon the Towne. Yesternight wee learned out of the quarter of Count Ernest that of the Enemies, most of them were departed from the Horneworke, and are retired in the halfe Moone. Those of the quarters of Brederode, Count William, and Pinsen, did their indeavours with their Ordnance.
Since the 26. at that day and last night is the Towne fiercely battred with Ordnance, those within answered, but few times; our gallery before the Vuchter gate doth advance well, and there are at this present brought over 51. bintes. Our new Batteries with the Corps de gardes shall be ready to day, and the gallery shall also bee brought over, whereto already were brought great store of Materialls for to doe it with the first. Wee haue yesterday sent some granads into the Towne. Wee learne also from the quarter of Count Ernest, that [Page 9]the Enemies yesterday did throw with granads vpon the Horneworke, (which wee haue gotten from them) which hinder vs much, so that the great gallery cannot speede so well.
Last night went out two Companies of horsemen and 200. fire lockes for to try their fortune, and to see what the Enemies will attempt vpon vs, because there was speach that they would try their fortune againe against vs. The water milles did not worke, because the water did run very fast of it selfe, and that the Mase began to grow little, and doth run very fast downe. We expect every day some newes, because ours were very busie for to get wood, bavins, and earth, so that it shall not be long ere we be Masters of the Towne. Notwithstanding they put out vpon the walles on all sides the Bourgous Crosses. Now presently we got tidings that the Enemies haue left the rest of their Horneworke by the Hintemer gate, and that those of our side keepe their lodging there, and that ours advance with all force their approaches by the halfe Moone. Now at this present came one that ran out of the Towne, which was brought to his Excellency, wherefore the Committies of the high and mighty States, are by his Excellency, for to examine him, he that was runne over said that the house of the Governour Grobbendouck was kept with 9. guards, because the Burgers will speake with him, and he will not heare them, therefore the Burgers are in great alteration [Page 10]with him, they would faine yeeld the Towne, the Clergy seeke all practises for to appease the Burgers, requiring them that they yet vvould haue patience for 14. dayes, if not, that they will employ some other meanes. Among the Common Burgers there is great necessitie, and two monthes since they haue not had in their houses neither butter nor cheese, (as it is reported by the said man which was runne out of the Towne:) further there is great mortality in the Towne, there dyed of theirs 3400 men as well by shot as otherwise. The 29 did those of our side play very fiercely vpon the Towne. On the same day is brought here great store of earth and bavins with ships, there are already set 55. bintes, wee cannot set two bintes more. Last night did seven men worke all night in the gallery. Those horsemen and firelockes, whereof I haue spoken here before, haue defeated a convoy of the Enemies, which went for Breda, there were slaine about 50 men, and haue brought Prisoners with them, 40. men, with a Ritmaster, and a Lieutenant, with a Cornet, and betwixt 70. or 80. braue horses well furnished.
On the 29. we began to make another gallery betweene the Corps de garde, whereof already are set 6. bints, running straight vpon the towne.
On the same day in the quarter of Count Ernest is brought about 200. wagons with bavins for the great gallery.
On the same day we haue throwne great store of bavins and earth into the ditch, so that there [Page 11]doe vvant but tvvo Rods, and vve thought betvveen the 29. and 30. to fill the rest of the ditch, but those of the tovvne did play so fiercely vpon vs, that it vvas vnpossible; they throvy novv every night vvith pitchd crausses, for to see vvhereabouts ours doe vvorke, vve hope neverthelesse next monday to myne againe.
Those of the Tovvne haue this night made a fire vpon the steeple, vvhereupon vve presume that it vvill not endure long vvith them.
The 30. is here taken Prisoner a Boor, vvhich did take money of both sides.
The Ritmaster Pannecouck vvhich vvas slaine in the defeating of the said convoy is buried to day.
At Middleborrow a man called Cock, whose Father had beene Borromr. of Flushing was beheaded, on the 23. because he had advertised the Enemies the designes and enterprises of the Prince of Orenge in former times, as also the secrets vvhich hee could heare of the East and West India Companies, that hee vvas familiar vvith great persons of State.
The 24. vvas at Revesteiu quartered a Traytor, vvhich thought to yeeld the Tovvne, being a Captaine des armes.
Here followeth a Sermon made by the Bishop within the Towne in S.
Iohns Church, to appease the Burgers and Inhabitants, which mutined, before the delivery of the Towne of
MY loving Friends, and true Romish Catholickes, all yee that are here assembled vpon defire to heare me your good and true teacher, admitted by our most holiest, worthiest Father the Pope of Rome, Gods Lieutenant vpon the earth, by whose authority is given vnto me power to exercise this holy, high and worthy office, because I haue heard and vnderstood (by our good and faithfull brothers the Clergy) and I see also with heavie and sorrowfull eyes, how that yet every day more and more doe increase your mutinies and alterations, and in stead of giving one to an other a good and couragious heart and minde, to withstand the violence of the heretickes) you are in great amazement and feare, though not without great perill and danger, because that since the beginning [Page 13]of this tedious siege, there are in the town already deceased so many thousand soules: But yee (O true good Romish Catholickes) should thinke at all times how happy such men are, which in this so holy place (during this siege) are deceased, yea I know and assure you that the same, and all those which yet may die, after they haue beene a little while in Purgatory, shall bee released, and bee Children of the eternall and everlasting life; I speake of them, which dyed with a good and holy conscience in the olde Romish Catholicke faith. My loving Burgers, and true men of warre, yee which are yet aliue, sight now manfully for the Mother of God, and the holy Church, and doe constantly beleeue that by Gods grace they will not suffer the destruction of their people, by the vnfaithfull heretickes the Geuses: Take a new courage, it may be it is but a short time that we shall be oppressed, which you may beleeue the rather, because the winter is drawing neere, and they can not stay any longer in the field, for the great misery which they shall endure. Let this bee the onely aime for your eyes, That yee (good people) doe know, that all the Saints in heaven, to wit, Mary Queene of the heavens, and also all the loving Apostles, still doe pray for vs vnto the Father; yea not onely for vs which are yet living, but also for such which (during this fiege) are dead: what a great comfort, what a great glorie is this for you to heare, That those of your kindred, either Father, or Mother, Brother, or Sister, Vncle, or Aunt, Cozen, or Neece, are gone to such [Page 14]a glorious and worthy voyage. Good people, if you did but know, in how great and vaspeakable a felicity and ioy they are now in with all the Saints of God, I assure you ye should not seare death, but should present your selues vpon the walles, and runne in despite against your Enemies, that the sooner ye might come into such a blessednesse and happinesse. All what I say here, (my good Catholickes) ye may well belecue it, yea I will pawne my life therefore) where be now the Geuses, haue they such teachers, would or could they assure their people? I warrant you they will not, they will not, they haue not the power as we haue, to forgiue the sinnes and the sinners: They haue not a Pope sitting vpon Peters Apostolicall chaire as wee haue, from vvhence should come the povver vnto them; they haue no Cardinals, no Prelates, no Bishops, no Priests, no Purgatorie, no Saints, no miracles: Also they doe denie the fiue Sacraments, the Confirmation, the Priesthood, the Marriage, the Auricular Confession, the extreme vnction: They denie also the adoration of the Saints, and will not suffer their pictures in their Churches to be as bookes of remembrance: they doe no Pilgrimages, no Invocation of Saints, &c. I could rehearse an hundred things more that they yet doe denie, but the time vvill not permit it, though I most tell you this, they dare stoutly deny, that our most holiest, vvorthiest Father, the Pope of Rome hath not povver to forgiue sinnes: vvherefore doth then the holy Apostle Masthew vvrite in his eighteenth Chapter, Verily [Page 15]I say vnto you, whatsoeuer ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen, and whatsoeuer ye shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen. These are the words of Christ, who dare deny them? and because it is knowne to all the holy Romish Catholickes, what power our most holiest, worthiest Father and Pope of Rome hath, who is admitted of the most Highest as a Lieutenant on earth ouer men, at present sitting vpon the holy Romish Seate of the Apostle Peter, hauing full power, when it pleaseth his Holinesse, to put in, and out of banne and paine, all Kings, Dukes, Princes, Counts, also all Spirituall and Temporall persons: yea he hath power of the most Highest, if any body doth offend and resist against our holy Mother the Romish Church, to pursue, proceede, and prosecute against the same with power and sorces, and seeke to destroy these Heretickes and Sectaries: our most holiest Father the Pope of Rome, will presently breake their attemps, intents, and desines: also bring their Leager to nothing, and vs oppressed Catholickes he will release and deliuet, chiefly this our holy Towne of S'Hertogenbosh, which was neuer taken nor inhabited by the Heretickes, albeit this towne hath suffered seuerall hard sieges, but neuer so fast round about as it is now, though it seemes vnpossible for vs to be relieued, and because the Heretickes (the Geuses) haue vnexpectedly [Page 16]taken the strong towne of Wesell, which Count Henry vanden Berg might and could well haue helped, therefore wee feare that our most holiest Father can but little helpe vs in this our vttermost need.
O my good true Catholickes, all which are here assembled, let my words enter into your eares, and remember them well in your hearts, because wee are now all hopeles to be relieued from without, so will I according to my power comfort you, whereby yee may get againe a good courage. Good people, remember how in times past the Cittie Bethulia was besieged, and almost famished by Holofernes, so that there was no hope of reliefe for them to expect, yet by the desine of a woman to wit, Iudith, is Holefernes put to death, his Leager destroyed, and the towne relieued: this was not onely by Iudith, but by the prayers and fasting, which they within (during the siege) vncessantly continued, and confessed publikely their great sinnes, and offences, which they had done before.
Therefore, ye true Romish Catholickes, Yee which are in like case, heare the words I shall say vnto you, what yee shall doe, and it shall helpe vs: Confesse your sinnes before God, then before the Priest: and then yee shall doe Sacrifices and offrings vnto Mary the mother of God: also to all Saints [Page 17]which are in heauen, vnto them shall yee call, that they may be your Intercessors, and pray for vs, that this our holy towne may not fall into the hands of the Heretickes, for the prayers of the Saints shall be sooner heard by God then our prayers, and no doubt Mary the holy mother of our Lord Iesus Christ, shall easily and surely command her deare Sonne, to release vs out of all our miseries, wherein we are at this present. Meane while: good people, pray and fast vncessantly: in the morning when you rise, yee shall say ouer thrice your Beades or Roosencrosses, and fiue Aue Marias, with two Pater nosters: at dinner yee shall read one Roosencrosse and three Aue Marias: at night againe fiue Roosencrosses, with three Pater nosters, and one Credo: it may be (true Romish Catholickes and deuoute hearts) that will helpe vs, I doe not doubt of it, be ye no more so mutinous among your selues, I pray you, good people, be contented yet for a day, three or foure, if ye are not helped, then, as I haue said, in my Sermon, so doe then what you please, and so I take my leaue of you, and be yee mindfull at all times of that which I haue taught here by this my Sermon: So I commend you to God, the blessed Mary, the holy mother of God, with all the Saints. Amen.