THE SPEECHE WHICH THE FRENCH KING made to the Lords of the Parliament on the fifth of Ianuary. 1599.

Faithfully translated out of French, by H.W.


Imprinted at London by Iohn VVolfe, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley, neere vnto the Ex­change. 1599.

The speech which the King made to the Lordes of the Parlement, on the 5. of Ianuarie 1599.

BEfore I speake of that, for which I caused you to be héere assembled, I will tell you a historie, which euen now I put the Marshall De la Chastre in minde of.

Presently after S. Bartholmeus, foure of vs playing at Dice, sawe some drops of blood appearing on the Table, the which being wiped twice out, they still returned againe. And for the third time, I sayd I would play no longer, and that it was an Augure against them which had spilt it: The Lord Guise being one of the companie.

This talke ended, his Maiestie said as followeth.

YOu sée me in my closet, where I come to speake with you, not in Royall habitements, with my Rapier and Helmet, as my predecessors, norlike a Prince who in­tendeth to speake to forraigne. Embassadors: but appar­relled like a father of a familie, in a doublet, to speake fa­miliarlie to his children. That which I haue to say, is to pray you, to verifie the Edict which I haue graunted vn­to those of the Religion. That which I haue doone, is for the good of the peace, which I haue concluded with­out, and I will now haue it within my Realme. You ought to obay me, although there were no other conside­ration, but my qualitie, and the obligation of all my sub­iects, and especially you of my Parlement. Some I haue replaced in their houses, from which they were banished: and other some in the faith which otherwise they would [Page 2] not haue had. If the obedience was doone to my predeces­sors: as much or more is dew to me, because that I haue reestablished the estate: God hauing chosen mee, to set me in the kingdome which is dewe to me by inheritance and purchase. The Lordes of my Parliament should not be in their seates without me. I will not vaunt nor boast, but thus much I will say, that I haue no other example to imitate, but my selfe: I know full well, that there hath béene great briberie: and that seditious preachings haue béene raised vp. But I will set good order for those men, and will not referre the same to you: It is euen the way which was taken, to make the Barricadoes, and to come by degrées to the murther of the late King. Naye I will looke to all that, I will cut the roote of all those factions, and of all factious Sermons, and will shorten all those which shall raise them. I haue leaped vpon the walles of Citties, I shall also be able to leape vppon your Barrica­does, which are not so high. Alleadge not vnto me, the Catholique religion: I loue it better then you: I am more Catholique then you: I am the eldest sonne to the church, which none of you is, nor cannot bee: you deceiue your selues greatly, in supposing your selues in the Popes fa­uour: I am in it better then you. (If in case that I will vndertake it, I will cause all you to be declared hereticks for not obeying me. I haue more intelligence at Rome then you: you may doe enough, I shall know what eue­rie one of you saye: I know all what is in your houses: I know all what you doe and say: I haue a little Demon, who reuealeth it all vnto me. Those which will not haue my Edict to passe, séeke warres. I will declare them to morrowe to those of the Religion: but I will not make the warres. You your selues shall goe thether, with your gownes, and gather againe the procession of the Cappu­chins, which shall carrie their Muskets vpon their gar­ments: It will bee a goodly sight to sée you. If you will [Page 3] not passe my Edict, you will make me goe to the Parlia­ment: You shall be vnkinde, when you shall haue engen­dred me this enuie: Witnesse those of my counsaile which haue found the Edict good and needfull, for the estate of my affaires: my Lord the Constable, my Lord Chaunce­lor, my Lords of Belliure, of Sancy, de Sillery and Villeron, I haue doone it by their aduice, and of the Dukes and Peeres. There was not one of them, that durst name himselfe Protector of the Catholique Religion, or that durst denie to haue giuen me his aduice therein. I am the onely conseruator of the Religion. I will, well enough dissipate the commotions which will bee [...]owed. They haue complained at Paris, that I would make some leuy­ing of Switzers, or other gathering of troopes. Well, I haue doone it: It ought to bee well thought of, and it should be to a good end, by reason of all my forepassed de­meanors. Witnesse what I haue doone for the reconquest of Amiens: where I haue employed the moneys of the Edicts, which you would not haue passed, had I not gone to the Parliament. Necessitie constraind me to make this Edict: through the same necessitie I haue at other times playde the Souldier. It is spoken of, and yet I haue not made any semblance thereof. I am King now, and speak like a King. I will be obeyed.

In déed I confesse, that the Iustice is my right arm. But if now the right arme be infected, the left ought to cut it off. When my regiments doe not serue me, I casheere them. What shall you gaine by not verifying the Edict? for aswell will I passe it. The Preachers may preache their fill, and brawle: as the brother to my Lord of Silery hath doone, to whome I will speake in this companie. And hauing called the saide Lorde of Sillery, he said.

I haue before aduertised you of some complaints doone against your brother, as also I had commaunded you to admonish him to restraine himselfe, and to bee wise. [Page 4] At the first, I beléeued that there was no such matter, that he had preached against the Edict: because there were no proofes, yet was it true: And at last, he got to S. An­drew, where my Generall Atturney hath heard him preach seditiously, against the Edict, but it was not taken vp as it ought, they will accuse him to be mooued by an inconsiderate zeale. But be it of purpose or otherwise, it is alwaies euill, and this inconsiderate zeale deserues a punishment. This complaint done, his Maiesty returning to the Lords of his Parlament, said: There is not one of you but findes me good, when he néedeth me, there be­ing not one amogst you but néed me once a yeere: And yet notwithstanding to me which am so good, you are bad. If the other Parlements, for hauing resisted my will, haue béen causes that those of the Religion, haue de­maunded new thinges: I will not that you also bee cau­ses of other nouilties, by your refusall. Anno. 94. and 95. when I sent you a declaration vpon the Edict of Anno 77. for the prouision of the Officers. I had promised not to prouide any of the religion, with the Estates of the court of Parlement: Since that, the time hath changed the af­faires: yet neuerthelesse I will haue good assuraunce of those vnto whom I commit charges, that they shall be­haue themselues as they ought. Speake not so much of the Catholike Religion. All those great Catholike and Ecclesiastical cryers, if I giue but to the one, a benefice of 2000. crownes, and to another 4000. pounds of rent, they wil play mum, they will not speake a word more. I iudge of this sort of all the rest which speake against the Edict. There are fomelewde, which séeme to hate sinne, but it is, for feare of the paines: and the good hate it for the loue of vertue. I remember once I learned two Lattin verses.

Oderunt peccare male formidine pene,
Oderunt peccare boni virturis Amore.

[Page 5]I haue not repeated these verses these twenty yéers, but at this present, because I know that some of you which hate sinne, do beare the hate for loue of the vertue: and I wish punishment to those which shall hate it for feare of the paine. And afterwards (as doth a sonne to his Fa­ther) they will thanke me for the punishment. I had not thought to haue sent for you but yester night late. Séeing the Edict whereof I tell you, is the Edict of the late King: Also it is mine: for it hath this day béen done by me, and I doe yet confirme it. I finde not good to haue one thing in my mind and to write another. And although some others haue done so, yet will I not doe it. The last words which you shall haue of me is. That you follow the exāple of Monsieur du meyne: who, whē some desiring him to make some enterprizes against my wil: answered that he was too much bound vnto me, as also all my sub­iectes, amongst the which he would alwaies be one, who should expose his life to pleasure me: Because that I haue reestablished Fraunce, in dispight of those which sought the ruine thereof: Although that in times past, he would haue assayed all wayes and meanes to ouerthrow the E­state. If then the head of the league, hath spoken so: how much more ought you which I haue reestablished? Those which alwaies haue béene faithfull vnto me: Those which I haue replaced in their houses: In fine what ought they to doe? Finally, grant vnto my requests: what you will not graunt to threates, yet shall you not haue a­ny of me: doe what I commaund you, and what I pray you. Yee shall not onely doe it for me, but also for your selues, and to the good of the peace.


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