A VINDICATION OF The Arch-Bishop And several other Bishops. FROM THE IMPUTATIONS and CALUMNIES Cast upon them By the Author of the Modest Enquiry.
VVHereas in a late Pamphlet, Entituled, A Modest Enquiry into the Causes of the present Disasters, &c. We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, are among others represented as the Authors and Abetters of Englands miseries; and under the abusive Names of the Lambeth Holy Club, the holy Jacobite Club, and the Oeconomick Council of the whole Party, are charged with a Third Plot, and with the composing of a New Liturgy, and using it in our Cabals; and whereas the Clergy, such of them as are styl'd Malecontents, are said (together with others) to have presented a Memorial to the King of France, to perswade him to Invade England; and are also affirmed to have kept a constant Correspondence with Monsieur de Croissy in order thereunto.
We do hereby solemnly, as in the presence of God, Protest and Declare:
I. That these Accusations cast upon us are all of them malicious Calumnies, and diabolical Inventions; that we are innocent of them all; and we defie the Libeller (whoever he be) to produce, if he can, any legal Proof of our Guiltiness therein▪
II. That we know not who was the Author of the New Liturgy, as the Libel calls it; That we had no hand in it, either in Club, Cabal, or otherwise; nor was it composed, or publish'd, by Our Order, Consent, or Privity, nor hath it been used at any time by Us, or any of Us.
III. That neither We, nor any of Us ever held any Correspondence, directly or indirectly, with Monsieur de Croissy, or with any other Minister, or Agent, of France: And if any such Memorial as the Libel mentions, was ever really presented to the French King, we never knew any thing of it, or any thing relating thereto: And we do utterly renounce both That, and all other Invitations, suggested to be made by Us, in order to any Invasion of this Kingdom by the French.
[Page 2] IV. That we utterly deny and disavow all Plots charged upon us as contrived, or carried on, in our Meetings at Lambeth; the intent thereof being to advise, how in our present Difficulties we might best keep Consciences void of offence towards God, and towards Man.
V. That we are so far from being the Authors or Abbettors of England' s Miseries, (whatever the Spirit of Lying and Calumny may vent against us) that We do, and shall to our dying Hour, heartily, and incessantly pray for the Peace, Prosperity, and Glory of England; and shall always, by God's Grace, make it our daily Practise to study to be quiet, to bear our Cross patiently, and to seek the good of our Native Country.
Who the Author of this Libel is, we know not: But whoever he is, we desire, as our Lord hath taught us, to return him good for evil: He barbarously endeavours to raise in the whole English Nation such a Fury, as may end in De Witting us (a Bloudy word, but too well understood!) But we recommend him to the Divine Mercy, humbly beseeching God to forgive him.
We have all of us, not long since, either Actually, or in full Preparation of Mind, hazarded all we had in the World in opposing Popery, and Arbitrary Power in England; and we shall, by God's Grace, with greater Zeal again Sacrifice all we have, and our very Lives too, if God shall be pleased to call us thereto, to prevent Popery, and the Arbitrary Power of France, from coming upon us, and prevailing over us; The Persecution of our Protestant Brethren there being fresh in our Memories.
It is our great Unhappiness, That we have not opportunity to publish full and particular Answers to those many Libels, which are industriously spread against us: But we hope, that our Countrymen will never be moved to hate us without a cause; but will be so just, and charitable to us, as to believe this solemn Protestation of our Innocence.
- W. Cant.
- W. Norwich,
- Fr. Ely,
- Tho. Bath, and Wells,
- Tho. Petriburg.