A PROCLAMATION Discharging the Importing of Foreign Linnen and Woolen Cloth, Gold and Silver Thread,
Forasmuch as the Lords of Our Privy Council, having for increase of Mony, and improvement of the Manufactures of this Kingdom, appointed a Committee, who with advice of the Merchants, and other Persons experienced in these Affairs, have agreed upon several Conclusions, which are with all possible convenience and expedition, to be formed into a mature and digested Proclamation, for Regulation of the Manufacture and Trade of this Kingdom: But because several Merchants may either by mistake, or upon a sinister design, give order for Importing of these Goods which are Prohibited; Therefore to prevent all inconveniencies which may arise to this Our Antient Kingdom, by the Import of those Commodities, which are either to be debarred, as superfluous in themselves, or supplied by Domestick Manufactures, or private Industry of Our own Subjects, and to make the Importers thereof inexcusible; We with Advice of Our Privy Council, do hereby discharge the Importation of all Silver and Gold Thread, Silver and Gold Lace, Fringes, or Tracing, all Buttons of Gold and Silver Thread, all manner of Stuffs, or Ribbons in which there is any Gold or Silver Thread, all Philagram Work: as also, all Forraign Holland-Linen, Cambrick, Lawn, Dornick, Damask, Tyking, Bousten, or Dametry, Tufted or Striped Holland, Callico, Musline, Selesia and East-India Linen, and all Cloaths, made of Linen or Cotton: As also all Foreign Cloaths and Stuffs whatsoever, made of VVooll-Yarn, or VVool and Lint: all Foreign Silk, and VVoolen Stockings: all Forraign Laces made of Silk, Grimp or Thread, and all manner of Laces and Point of any sort of Colours; all Forreign made Gloves, Shoes, Boots and Slippers; and do hereby discharge all Merchants and others whatsoever, to Import into this Kingdom any of the foresaid Commodies, after the Date hereof; excepting only such as can be made appear upon Oath, to have been ordered by preceding Commissions, and Shipped before the 10th. of March Instant; which time they have to recal their Commissions, if any such have been given; with certification that all such Goods which shall be Imported, shall be burnt and destroyed and the Importers and Ressetters shall be fined in the value of the Goods so Imported; and that if any Taxmen of the Customs, Collectors or Waiters shall connive at the inbringing thereof, they shall be likewise punished, by payment of the value of the Goods Imported, and by being removed from all charge relating to Our Customs, or any Employments depending thereupon. And We Ordain these Presents to be Printed and Published at the Market Cross of Edinburgh, that none pretend ignorance.
God save the King.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to his most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1681. And Reprinted at LONDON for S. J.