Correct these Errours following.
PAge 3. line 14. for this read thus, l. 15. for ♌ 25. r. ♌ 28. p. 12. for decanale r. decanate, p. 16. l. 5. for signification r. Significator, p. 17. for Bonal. r. Bonat. p. 18. l. 12. for Hilea r. Hileg. l. 24. dele □, p. 20. l. 5. r. Opposition of Saturn and Square of Jupiter, l. ult. r. Plato's, p. 21. l. 1. & 2. for communicated to some r. advanced by others, l. 5. r. uratur, p. 28. l. 30. dele sequel.
VOX LUNARIS, BEING A Philosophical & Astrological Discourse OF Two MOONS Which were seen at LONDON And the parts Adjacent, June the Eleventh 1679. a little before Midnight.
And what may in a Course of Nature be expected from this Phasma in Europe.
With some particular Remarques upon the Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and of the Eclipses in Gemini, &c. for 120 years last past.
By John Partridge Student in Physick and Astrology.
London, Printed for William Bromwich at the Three Bibles, over against St. Martins Church within Ludgate, 1679.
To all the Learned and Loyal Sons of Urania, and to all other Inquiring and Ingenious Lovers of Truth.
I have no better Argument to court your Approbation, and win your good Nature, then by making you both Masters and Judges at once, of my unworthy Labours; I well knowing that Ingenious men cannot be unkind; but if they should chance to be so, it is not their Nature, and therefore not dureable. However, I will adventure to present you with this Manipulus benevolentiae, in which you may see both the desire and endeavour of,
To the Honest, Ingenious and Christian READER.
I do not here intend to perswade thee to believe that these Phasma's are the causes of any natural effect in the World; or that they do produce any thing by Sympathetical operation, either upon Men or Things, as other Configurations of the Heavens do; for those things act and work by a natural impulse, inclining the sensitive part of a man to action; hence their effects are more or less visible according as the Rational Soul, is either active or passive, for Agunt non Cogunt, and in this point man useth the freedom of his will, according as he is inspired by a Natural Vertue or the Divine Grace (chuse you by which name you will call it) for a mans fate is not bound to the Stars as some think, for they do but work upon the senses and incline, yet so strongly in some who are of depraved and vicious nature, that they are not able to resist it; hence we may observe, that he who hath his Moon and Mercury strong, and in good Aspect with Saturn and Jupiter, hath a natural command of his will, which others have not; therefore the contention of the Naturals with the Supernaturals, (or as St. Paul words it, the Flesh and Spirit) causeth those dolorous Passions of the mind, which being conquered, prove the best of pleasures; and of these kind of concussions Plato speaks in his Dialogue, Philebus vel de summo bono, when [Page] he saith, sunt igitur mixtiones corporis quidem ipsius in Corporibus, animae & anima, & dolores animae & corpòris voluptatibus mixtos reperiemus; eamque utrorumque commixtionem interdum voluptatem, interdum vero dolorem Cognominatum, that there are divers mixtures of the body existent, that of the body in the [...]ody, that of the Soul in the Soul, and the dolors of the Soul and Body we shall find mixt with pleasures; and either of them or the commixtion of both, are sometimes called pleasure, and sometimes pain.
But these kind of Apparitions, as, Parelii, Paraselene and Comets, are but the Ambassadors of Nature, being sent by the Superiour Powers to tell the World that God is angry, which Dubartas thus observeth,
And a little after thus.
And indeed this is not much unlike that of Herodotus the Philosopher, who saith, That when God intended to punish a City or Nation, he first shews them his Design by Prodigies and Apparitions, that he may leave them inexcusable, under the scourge of their sins— for —. Loquitur cum hominibus Deus non modo Linguâ humanâ per Prophetas, Apostolas & Pastores sed non nunquam etiam ipsis Elementis in formas & magines diversas Compositis, i. e. God doth not only teach us by the mouths of his Prophets, Apostles and Pastors, but sometimes by Elementary Messengers, composed into divers Forms and Images. For when the course of nature is changed, it is not to inform the Superior, but the Inferior World, for man is made as well for Speculation as Contemplation, and therefore what Preternatural sights are afforded either in Heaven or Earth is designed for mans inspection, and by how much the more they differ from the usual course of nature, by so much the more they are to be taken notice of; and Hippocratis (the princeps Medicorum) in his Book de Insomniis, hath a Learned Discourse of Dreams, of the Sun, Moon and Stars, which if they appear in their natural quality, course and motion, they then signifie Health, but if otherwise the contrary, Vide in libro citato: Yet indeed these are no new things, for History is fertile with Presidents and examples of this, as you may find in History.
Anno 1551. at Antwerp were three Suns seen, and twice two Mock-Moons; after it the Duke of Somerset was Beheaded, great Disputes in Germany about Religion, and the French Invade the Empire.
Anno 1553. three Suns appeared, and after Sun-set three Moons, the English Papists and Protestants Dispute [Page] about Religion, and Queen Mary comes to the Crown.
Anno 1622. there were three Suns seen, and divers Circles about the Sun and Moon, what Calamities then fell upon the Palatinate, some yet living have cause to lament; many more examples of this kind might be produced, but they being more proper for a Treatise then a Preface, I forbear to trouble you with any more of these in this place, and so I leave this following Treatise to be Read and Censured as the Ingenious Reader shall think fit, desiring him to remember, With what measure you meet, &c.
From the Corner of James-street, next door to the Kings-head in Covent-Garden, where Astrology is Studied and Practised in all its parts
AN Astrological Discourse OF Two MOONS Which were seen the Eleventh day of June last, a little before Midnight.
NExt to the Holy Writ, Phylosophy (Speculative and Practical) is the only means to let us know, that God hath left a lively Inscription of his Finger upon all his works; not Graphical by a Literal Composition of Letters or Characters; but Mystical, of the several forms, orders and constitutions of things, which aptly and duely put together Spells all the effects of nature, — as — Number, Measure, Weight, Quantity, Quality, Matter, Form, Privation, Generation, Corruption, Motion, Rest, Soul, Body, Life and Death, and after the same Pylosophical method, though in a more holy sense, the Wise, Omnipotent calls the Stars by their Names; and by the same Mystical order did Adam give each Creature a name peculiar to its nature in Paradice, and nature doth then most visibly shew the Treasures of her fertility, when she doth unbosom her self to the whole World by diversities of Phaenomina's, whose nature and effects are only examinable by Natural Phylosophy, and therefore take this short account of their generation and [Page 2] and existence, before I come to speak in particular to the Astrological effects hence depending.
The cause and generation of these Mock-Moons, is the same with the Parelii or Mock-Suns; for as the Mock-Suns are called Parelii from [...] and [...] so these are called Paraselene from [...] and [...]; and although this is not so much taken notice of as the Parelii (it being an accident of the lesser Luminary) yet it is from the same Cause, of the same Nature, though less forcible in effect, and of the same name also the particulars considered, they being both the effect of Refraction, Reflection, whose subject matter is a Cloud that is thick, plain and watery, and the Air quiet and free from Wind; for a turbulent Air dissipates the matter that produceth the Reflection, and this is the second of this kind of Phasma's that have been seen since Christmas last, the first of which was seen the sixth day of January about Eleven of the Clock at Night, and was observed by divers sufficient men of Hereford, but especially by Mr. Mathews a very Ingenious Gentleman; the last of these hapned the Eleventh of June last, a little, before Midnight: But besides these two Phasma's, there were also two others before of the Sun seen in England; the first of which happened the 28th. day of July about Eight of the Clock in the Morning, and was seen in Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire; Thus the true Sun had on each side of it another like it with a Circle passing through the Center of the two Mock-Suns, and a right Line passing through them all three.
The other happened October the 10 day about four in the Afternoon, and was observed at Windsor, the true Sun being Besieged by two false ones, and one of them exceeded the true one in Light and Glory: Upon this occasion I took the pains to write a few Sheets upon the then present Affairs, and what might in a course of nature be expected the Winter following, but Authority would not afford me the Liberty of the Press, and so my Labours were doom'd to Oblivion; but of these former ones I have given a better Account in my Almanack for 1680, and thither do I refer my Reader for further satisfaction, and hasten to my Astrological Discourse upon this Phaenomenon, deduced from a [Page 3] Figure erected to the middle of their appearance as near as can be gotten from those divers relations of its Spectators, that is 50 Minutes after Eleven of the Clock at Night.
Longitu. Solis | ♋ | 0 | 27 |
Ascen. Rec. | ☉ | 90 | 29 |
Ascen. Recta temporis | 165 | 0 | |
12 | 30 | ||
Ascen. Rect. M. C. add. 90 | 257 | 56 | |
Obli. Asen. Ascen. | 357 | 59 |
♄ | 28 | 28 | ♊ | all direct. |
♃ | 3 | 48 | ♉ | |
♂ | 8 | 40 | ♍ | |
☉ | 0 | 27 | ♋ | |
♀ | 3 | 48 | ☊ | |
☿ | 13 | 3 | ♊ | |
☽ | 5 | 35 | ♐ | Lat. So. 3 d 14 |
I have the rather taken this pains at this time, because his [...] happened so unhapily upon the Suns entrance into Cancer, the most Northern point of the whole Zodiack, and the Stars so unfortunately placed as you may see: Saturn is in Conjunction with the Sun, and both in Opposition to the Medium Caeli, the Moon in Conjunction with the Scorpions heart in Square to Mars, and Opposition of Mercury, Jupiter in the Horoscope in partile Square to Venus in the sixth house, and Mercury Lord of the fourth, in Square to Mars Lord of the first and eight.
With these consider also the double bodied Signs, Saturn afflicts the Sun in Gemini, a double bodied Sign, the Moon and Mercury are both afflicted in double bodied Signs, by Mars Lord of the eight house and Pisces a Bicorporeal Sign ascends the [...], hence may an ordinary Astrologer with little consideration give a rational satisfactory judgment upon this Figure, as it concerns the general Affairs the next six months succeeding and more, which will afford matter enough for the Actors and Spectators of this Tragy-comedy to gaze at: For the World is but the vast universal Theater, and men and women the Puppets with which the Fates sport themselves. ‘Ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus.’
This ensuing Judgment may be divided into two Parts, as it were under two Heads, viz. General and Particular.
First in General, the first thing considerable is Saturn in the fourth house casting his Square to the Ascendant, and his Opposition to the tenth, and by his proximity afflicts the Sun, this old Gentleman Saturn in this Figure performs the place and business of a common incendiary, he whispers to one, and he writes to another, and indeed he disturbs the peace of all, sure he should be a Jesuit, or one indued with such principles by his action and endeavour, here he disturbs the minds of Nobles, he poisons the hearts of the people, and he sets them against their Superiors; for here you see he is in direct Opposition to the tenth house, the house of dignity, and if there be difference between his Opposition and the tenth house, it is yet applying by reason of his Latitude, but yet as Saturn and the Sun are the only Stars angular in this Figure, and [Page 5] both within Orbs of the Sextile of Jupiter, so there shall be some who on the other side will use their utmost endeavour to preserve Peace and security, to prevent dangers, and preserve their Prince in safety, as Guido Bonat. well observes part. 4. chap. 59.
In the Preventional New Moon Saturn, was directly opposite to his place here, and the Sun and Moon also upon the place of the last Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, hasting to a Conjunction of Saturn in the tenth House; and at the ingress of the Sun into Cancer they were both in Conjuction upon the Cusp of M. C. Hence I am of Opinion that there will be still strange Devices and Intentions both against Princes and their Government: But for their Incouragement I can tell them, that the Moon is in Conjunction with the Seorpions heart, in Opposition to Mercury, and Square of Mars Lord of the eight House, and Saturn the great Patron of this work is afflicted by Combustion in the fourth House. Mars Lunae tetragonis aut oppositis radiis Configuratus in Signis humanis Seditione, Bello, aut propria Manu Natos interficiendas decernit: Thus Argul. Cor. Scorpio cum Luminaribus cruentam mortem significat, Origan. 723. Saturnus Soli junctus Lapidationem, Strangulationem, vel Suffocationem Igne vel Aqua portendit: Item amputationem Capitis, Suspendium, &c. Ptolo. Par. Fol. 137. In English thus, Mars Configurated by Square or Opposition to the Moon from humane Signs, it shews some shall be slain by Sedition, by War, or by their own Hand; also the Cor. Scorpio with the Luminaries signifies a violent Death: And lastly, Saturn joyn'd to the Sun, doth portend Stoning, Strangling, or Suffocation by Fire or Water; also Beheading, Hanging, &c. Let the Vulgar cease their Murmurs, for the Governours not only of our Kingdom, but of others too, will use their utmost endeavours, not only to prevent future miseries, but also to punish false offences; and to this purpose and end it is the happiness of England to have an established Law, Judicious and Learned Judges, a Discreet Loyal Parliament, a Wise Council, and a Merciful Gracious Prince.
Saturn in this Figure personates Religious men of the Roman Church: and I am of the Opinion that the effect of this Figure [Page 6] will appear in matters of that nature and quality, that is in reference to their quiet or disquiet, being or banishment, life or death, and not only of them, but of their Friends and Favorers also; Saturn is here in the last degrees of Gemini: And Bethen saith, That a Planet in the last degrees of a Sign, is as a man falling from his former estate, Apho. 22. and Apori. 25.
Jupiter the great Patron of the Clergy, is almost in Sextile of the Sun and Saturn; the Governours and Rulers of Kingdoms and Nations will adhere to the Churchmen and Lawyers, and will confirm them in their Rites and Priviledges. Yet Venus who hath dignities in the Horoscope, and by that she hath some signification of the Commonalty of Kingdoms, and she also deposeth of Jupiter in the first; hence there will be differences about properties, and great debates and disputes concerning the priviledges of men and Societies, and in the conclusion it will scarce appear to have been worth their while.
The Moon, Venus and Mercury are of one party, and Jupiter; Sol and Mars of the other, and according to their strength and power so will the effects in these affairs be, which I judge will happen this time to the Moon, Venus and Mercury after much struggling and contention; and while these two parties are contending, Saturn is undermining of them both by secret Councils and Clandestine Designs. God preserve us from Popish Plots, (in good earnest) about August and the latter end of September, and also from Murders and Treacherous Actions.
Some Ambassador, Agent, or rather Minister of State imployed in Forreign Affairs, seems to be questioned about his neglect, or ill performing his business; the matter is managed with great force and violence, but in the end it will appear not to be so bad as was supposed.
Mars being indeed Lord of the Horoscope principally, as having his day house Aries wholly incercepted there, will after much debate turn the Scene of Affairs wonderfully; yet Jupiter in reception with the Moon will bear as great sway as any of them, if not all; and those who are personated by Jupiter will be the only and effectually active for some Months, and who those are, [Page 7] may be easily known, if you consider what House he is Lord of; the Angle he is in, and the Moon he is in Reception with; and if you observe, Jupiter hath but one enemy in the whole Figure, and that is Venus who is in Trine to the Moon from regal fiery Signs. If the Reader pleases to observe what House Venus is Lady of, he may soon guess at the cause of this difference, divitiae discordiam faciunt, or in Ovid's term, irritamenta malorum.
And as Venus is Lady of the second and seventh Houses, and in Square to Jupiter in the first from fixed Signs, this shews tenacious differences, and that about Money and Priviledges; the Cauda draconis in the first House, will be the cause of much Sorrow, Evil and Poverty to some Countries and People in Europe; Good and Honest men are Abused and Scoft at by the base and inferior rabble.
These kind of Phasma's or Apparitions never happen, but they presage some hurry or storm in the World, as we have had large experience of within a few Months: And a Learned Philosopher gives this account of their effects. Pluvias naturaliter significat, ob copiam humoris in nubibus comprehensam, Politice denotat magnum conflictum aut Cladem. That there will in some Country be difference, both Popular and Private, is without Controversy; but with what kind of cloak the babe shall be covered I will not dispute, but this I am sure, that every threed of the whole garment will be lined with Religion, and things of that make and nature: And that I may prove Astrologically what I have here said. Observe.
That Jupiter who is Lord of the ninth, is also Lord of the Ascendant in the Ascendant, and disposeth of the Moon who is but just removed out of the ninth House, and Mercury who is Lord of the seventh and dispositor of Saturn, is in direct Opposition to the Moon and Cusp of that House also; and Mars who disposeth of the Dragons Tail, was in Square to the Moon during her passage through the ninth Houth, and during the first half of the time of the appearance of this Phasma the Moon was wholly and locally in the ninth House, and also the Moon who was but a few Minutes before in the ninth House, is in Reception with Jupiter the Lord thereof, and he the great Patron of Religion, and the last Conjunction [Page 8] of Saturn and Jupiter, anno 1663. was upon the Cusp of the ninth House in this Figure, and the Moon at that great Conjunction was in Gemini, and in this Figure she is in the ninth in Opposition to her dispositor in that: Hence it may appear to any who is Astrologically Learned, that the effects of this Phasma principally will discover it self in raising up the spirits of all sorts of Dissenters from our Religion established by Laws, to the unhappy disturbance thereof: And that such Configurations have formerly so done (though blessed be God without advantage to those who have aimed at its ruine) will manifestly appear by this Astrological History following. And first consider whether Saturn doth not cause some hurry and molestation about Religion in the World the fifteenth year always after his Conjunction with Jupiter, and perhaps this may better satisfie the Reader, if he considers the years 1578, 1598, 1618, 1638, 1658. and lastly the year 1678. with what Aspects then happened, relating to the several Countries according to the place where their Aspects happen, and that when they chance to fall in Gemini, Sagitarius, Aries or Libra with their Quadrangles, they concern England, and particularly when their Aspects happen in humane Signes, they then work upon men, and their actions at home; but if in Quadrupedian Signes, then their effects are Extraneous and Forreign; but of this matter some examples will more perfectly illustrate the Discourse.
Anno 1563. In August there was a Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Cancer, after which followed that third Bloody War in France about Religion; and the Dukes d' Alva made horrible work in the Low Countries: And the Massacre in France suceeded also.
Anno 1578. Being 15 years after the Conjunction, Saturn came to the Opposition hereof, and Mars was that year in August in Quartile to Saturn and in Opposition to Jupiter and the Sun. Pope Gregory the 13. Conspired with the Spaniards to Depose Queen Elizabeth, and to restore the Romish Religion; and to this purpose one Stukely, an English Fugitive, was sent with 800 Italians to Invade Ireland, and joyn there with the Popish Rebels who in 1579. did many Murders.
Anno 1581. Edmond Campian the Jesuit was Executed, with others, and new Laws made against the Papists; Mars that year did transite Gemini, and in July, Mercury in Leo passed by the Opposition of Saturn in Aquarius.
Anno 1583. There was a Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces, and in July Mars being in Virgo, passed by the Opposition of them both; and shortly after Francis Throckmorton Esq was Executed for contriving the death of the Queen, and shortly after William Parrey, for a Fact of the same kind, together with a horrid Plot (discovered by one Creighton a Scotch Jesuit, who was taken upon the Seas by Dutch Pirates) of the Pope, and the Spaniards Resolution to Invade England: By the Parliament, this year were all forbid to Harbour Papists, who were commanded to depart the Realm in 40 days.
Anno 1588. When that so well known damnable design of the Spaniards was put in practice against England, there was a Conjunction of Saturn, Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Taurus: Yet without doubt this was but the effect of the last Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces with some other causes, advanced by the Opposition of Saturn and Mercury from Aries and Libra in 1585. and their Conjunction in Aries 1386. These without doubt were the Causes of those disturbances in those years by Mr. Babington, Giffard a Priest, Ballard a Priest, and Hodgon one of the same Trade, together with l'Aubespine the French Ambassador, all contriving the Queens death.
Anno 1589. The Papists again endeavour to Invade England again, by the means of Bruse a Priest, and Creighton a Jesuit, who drawed Huntley, Arral, Crawford, by perswasion into Arms, but were by the care of King James prevented: Saturn was now in Gemini, in Opposition to Mars in Sagitary, and Jupiter in Virgo in Square to Saturn; and shortly after Mars in Pisces near the place of the former Conjunction in Square to Saturn.
Anno 1594. Doctor Lopar was Executed undertaking to Poison the Queen, and Cullen, York, and Williams were apprehended for undertaking to Burn the Fleet with Fire Balls; there was then in July a Conjunction of the Moon, Saturn, Mars, Venus, [Page 10] and Mercury in Leo in Opposition to Jupiter: Mars at the time of the Conjunction was very near the Lyons-heart.
Anno 1597. Saturn comes to the opposite place of the last Conjunction in Square to Mars in Gemini. Edward Squire was Executed for endeavouring to Poison the Pommel of the Queens Saddle, and the Pommel of the Earl of Essex's Chair: To this he was perswaded by Walpoole the Jesuit, who gave him this Benediction. God bless thee and give thee strength my Son, and give thee good courage, I pawn my Soul for thine, and thou shalt have my Prayers dead and alive.
Anno 1603. June there was an Opposition of Saturn and Mercury from Sagitary and Gemini, upon which Opposition there was a horrible Plot discovered against King James: Those concerned were the Lord Cobham, the Lord Gray of Wilton, Sir Walter Rawleigh, Sir Griffin Markham, Sir Edward Parham, Brook, Brooksby, Copley, Watson and Clark, Priests; Their Indictment was for Conspiring the Kings death, to raise Rebellion, to alter Religion, to subvert the State, and procure Forreign Invasion: They were all found guilty but Parham, of whom there were but three put death, that is Clark, Brooks and Watson, who was the man that drew all the rest into the Plot.
Anno 1603. There was a Conjuncton of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagitary, and from that time to the end of June following Mercury was in Libra, which was the space of seven Months; and in October following Mars came to a Conjunction of them both in Sagitary (there was now a great Plague in England most part of this year 1604.) under the influence of these Positions they laid the ensuing Plot to blow up the Parliament House. And in 1605. when Mars came to an Opposition of Saturn from Gemini and Sagitary in June, they began to fall close to their work, and to hasten the bringing in of their materials to perform their design: And near the end of October Mercury came into Virgo to a Square of Saturn, and suddenly after the whole Plot was discovered, in which was Winter, Fauks, Keys, Bates, Winter, Graunt, Rookwood, Digby. all which were Executed; and suddenly after Garnet the Provincial of the English Jesuits was Executed also; at [Page 11] which time there was also Proclamation for all Jesuits, Priests and Friers to depart the Land upon pain of death.
Anno 1610. In the beginning of the year there w [...] [...] Opposition of Jupiter and Mars from Gemini and Sagitary; there was now new Proclamation put forth to command all Roman Priests and Jesuits to depart the Kingdom by the fourth of July following upon pain of death.
Anno 1618. Which was the fifteenth year after the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter; in June there was a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the beginning of Gemini, within six degrees of the opposite point of the last Conjunction, and Jupiter at that time in Square to them both: At this time not only England, but divers parts beyond Sea are in a general disturbance about Religion; the Pope perswades the Papists to keep a day of Jubilee, and to implore Gods assistance to the Catholick Cause; the Elector of Saxony at that time remembring that it was 100 years since Luther opposed the Popes power, he ordained a solemn Feast of three days for Thanksgiving to God for their deliverance from the Tyranny of Rome; to this the Universities of Lipsick and Wittemberg, and the Imperial Towns of Frankford, Worms and Normberg gave their Suffrage: Nay the Calvinists also freely consented to observe the same Jubilee in opposition to the Romish Church; the Protestants put forth Declarations of their Sufferings from the Popish party, and in the end both parties took Arms.
The Spaniards seek to Consummate the Match between the Infanta and the Prince of Wales, in hopes to advance the Romish Faction; which causeth much Jealousies, and many fears among the Subjects. Gondamor endeavoureth and accomplisheth the death of Sir Walter Rawleigh, as a common enemy to the Spanish cause: In a word, it would take up a particular Volume to relate the Troubles and Consternations of Europe about Religion at that time, and the principle end of all was to reduce this Kingdom of England to the Romish perswasion; but before Saturn got out of Gemini, Mars came to an Opposition of him in Sagitary. These Hurries did not end here with 1618, but continued at least four years and more, till the Conjunction in Leo gave fresh matter to the motion of Nature.
Anno 1623. In July there was a Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo: The Marriage of the Prince of Wales to the Infanta, is the publick and common business of both Kingdoms, the Bishop of Conchen Inquisitor General of Spain, and Conde Olivares sollicite the Prince to turn Papist, to which end they tamper with the Duke of Buckingham, and the Pope sends a Letter both to the Prince and Duke about the same matter; in the end the Match is disliked, and the Papists of England apprehend themselves in danger thereby: The Prince leaves Spain, and shortly after Marries the French Lady; the Spaniards also prepare for a War with England; They that would see more of these matters, let them read our Learned and Honest Country man John Rushworth's Historical Collection of private passages of State.
Anno 1621. There was a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Libra, a humane Signe, and an Opposition of Jupiter, and the Sun from Sagitary and Gemini, the people commit divers Outrages in and about London, Dr. Lamb is Murdered in the Streets, the Duke of Buckingham is Killed by John Felton who is also Executed, great Severities are used against the Papists, who are Imprisoned and proceeded against according to Law, divers Priests and Jesuits taken at Clerkenwell and sent to Newgate; new Proclamations against all Priests and Jesuits, but particularly against the Titular Archbishop of Calcedon, and all others who had taken Orders from the See of Rome.
Anno 1638. Which was the fifteenth year after the Conjunction, Saturn comes to the opposite point of the Conjunction, and Mars the same year is seven Months passing through the Sign Sagitary, that is, from the begining of February to the beginning of September: The Scots quarrel with the Common-Prayer Book lately sent into Scotland, and it occasions Tumultuous Meetings, The Scots enter into a Covenant, Charles the first declares against Innovations in Religion, The Queen Mother of France comes into England, The Covenanters take Arms, and Sollicite France for Aid, The King leads an Army into Scotland against them, he Encamps within two Miles of Berwick in view of the Scotch Army, they come to a Treaty, Peace is Concluded, and the Armies are both [Page 13] Disbanded, and not long after the Troubles of England began, that is, in the year 1640. about Bishops and Religion.
Anno 1643. In the Month of February there was a Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 25 degrees of Pisces and Mars at the same time in Gemini in Square with the Sun and hastening to a Square of Saturn, both in Pisces: The Capuchins at Somerset-house were banished by Order of Parliament, the Cross in Cheapside demolished, &c. The difference in England grows bloody, now in good earnest, what the Causes of these differences were, together with the particular transactions of the management, are so well known to all men in general, that it will save me both time and Paper in the further inlargement thereon.
Anno 1656. Saturn came to the opposite point of the last Conjunction, and so made up not full fourteen years; but that Conjunction should have fallen in Aries and Saturn would have come to its Opposition in 1658; yet nevertheless when he came to his fifteenth year, you may observe what a hurry here was in England, Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Hewit died upon Tower-hill, Oliver Cromwel died also, Richard Cromwel was quickly after made Protector, and was afterwards quickly found useless; there were now divers new cuts of Government, as a Council of State, the Keepers of the Liberty of England, a Committee of Safety, &c.
Anno 1663. There was a Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 13 degrees of Sagitary, and a little before the Counjunction Mars opposed them both from Gemini; The January following there were 19 or 20 men Executed in Yorkshire as Conspirators, and the March following there was four more Condemned and Executed in the same County for the same Facts, and in the year following the Wars with Holland began.
Anno 1678. Saturn came to an Opposition of the place of the former Conjunction, and within two Months after he came to a Conjunction of Mars near the same place, this being compleatly the 15 year after the Conjunction; the Michaelmas day at night following there was a Horrid Popish Plot discovered at Whitehall to take away His Majesties Life, &c. To alter Religion, bringing in Popery, and change the Government, for which thirteen men [Page 14] have suffered, namely Coleman, Green, Berry, Hill, Ireland, Groves, Pickering, Whitebread, Harcourt, Gawen, Turner, Fenwick and Mr. Langhorn: But this may be observed by the Studious Reader, that from the beginning of October 1678. (suddenly after this Plot was discovered) to the end of May last past the Fiery Planet Mars was passing through Leo, which was almost eight Months, a thing not usual; what hath been the effect of this in England, I suppose the whole Kingdom knows; neither need I be at the pains to Insert the particulars thereof, they being so well known to every one.
Thus have I endeavoured to prove the fifteenth year after the Conjunction to be a year of Trouble, especially to England, if at that time Saturn or Mars happen to be in Sagitary or Gemini; and that at those times there happens debates and differences about Religion, as I have before proved.
Hence it may appear that these subsequent years are like to be years of great trouble in the World; to omit a particular Judgment of all the troublesome years, I only here speak in the general (for I well know that Saturn and Jupiter make no less then four Conjunctions in the Sign Leo, and I could speak something of their effects, but it is not my business in this place, perhaps I may live to do it.) But I speak according to the precedent Hypothesis.
First, 1686. Jupiter in Scorpio in Quartile to the place of the last Conjunction, and Mars in Gemini in Quartile to Saturn in Virgo; some difference now about Religious Affairs.
Secondly, 1690. Saturn comes to the Quadrate of the Conjunction, and there Stationary in Opposition to Mercury; this threatens some Country with Wars and Calamities.
Anno 1692. Mars Stationary in Gemini in Opposition to Saturn in Sagitary, this seems to portend a Storm to London about Religion, and this is confirmed by Mars his Conjunction with Saturn in Sagitary, and both in Opposition to Jupiter in Gemini in the same year, which I fear may be continued to 1693.
Anno 1698. Which is the fourteenth year after their fourth Conjunction in Leo 1683. Saturn comes to the opposite place of the [Page 15] Conjunction in Quartile to Jupiter and Mercury in Conjunction in Scorpio, and in 1699. Mercury comes to a Conjunction of Saturn in Aquarius, in direct Opposition to the degree of the Conjunction 1682. God preserve some parts of Europe from Murders and Slaughters, &c. Why may there not some Factions arise among the Roman Clergy in order to the ruine of that See? I am of the Opinion there will now, and within a few years succeeding.
The fate of Kingdoms and Countries doth not depend only upon the Conjunction and Aspects of the Planets only, but also upon the motion of the Nodes; for by their motion through the Signes, are Eclipses caused in divers parts of the Heavens: And when they (especially those of the Sun) happen near the Horoscopes of Kingdoms or Cities, they cause divers Accidents and Calamities according to their then signification; and it will not be amiss here to give a Historical Account of their effects as they have for many years concerned Great Brittain and France.
Anno 1554. There was an Opposition of Saturn and Jupiter from Virgo and Pisces, and the next year the North Node transited Gemini; in those years were the great Persecutions in Queen Marys dayes, and other differences and disputes about Religion, which may be easily remembred by the Reformed Churches still.
Anno 1564. The North Node transited Sagitary, about this time the Duke of Guise Killed 1500 people at a Sermon, great troubles throughout France; and there was a Rebellion in the North of England.
Anno 1574. The Prince of Conde heads the Protestants, and so begins the first Civil War in France about Religion, which by Act of Pacification was ended anno 1576. the South Node then transited Gemini.
Anno 1583, and 1584. The North Node again transited Sagitary, now great troubles in England with Plots against the Queen and Protestants.
Anno 1592. The North Node passeth through Gemini; the Popish Lords rise in Scotland, some Hang'd for Writing Seditious Books, and shortly after the Plot of Dr. Lopez.
Anno 1602. The North Node again passed through Sagitary, [Page 16] the Jesuits and Secular Priests in England quarrel, and the year following the Plot of Watson and Clark against King James is discovered.
Anno 1611. There was a total Eclipse of the Sun in Gemini, Proclamations against Priests and Jesuits; two Arrian Hereticks Burnt, the one at London, the other at Lichfield, and Prince Henry the Flower of England dies.
Anno 1621. There was a great Eclipse in the beginning of Gemini, Gondamore is abused by the people in London Streets, and the French Protestants are troubled by the Papists.
Anno 1630. There was two very great Eclipses of the Sun, the one in Gemini, the other in Sagitary; the Earl of Castlehaven Beheaded on Tower-hill, London-Bridge lamentably ruined by Fire, soon after some Tumults in Ireland.
Anno 1639. There were two very great Eclipses of the Sun, the one in Gemini, the other in Sagitary; the King Marches down into Scotland against the Scots then in Arms, the Spaniards and Dutch Fight in the Downs, the Scots Invade England, &c.
Anno 1648. There was a Total Eclipse of the Sun in the last degree of Gemini; Francis Lord Villiers slain, Colchester surrendred, and Lucas and Lisle Shot, the King Murdered, the Irish Rebellion, and shortly after the Powder-blow in Tower-Street, Cum multis aliis.
Anno 1658. There was two Central Eclipses of the Sun in Sagitary and Gemini; Cromwel dies, an Insurrection in Chesshire, Monck Marches toward London, Tumults and Uproars in the City, the Gates and Portcullises of London pull'd down.
Anno 1666. In December there was almost an Central Eclipse of the Moon in Gemini, and in May following there happen'd another as great in Sagitary, and in November following there was another as great as either in Gemini, all of the Moon; the Boyes Rise Tumultuously in London, and withstand the Kings Guards; shortly after the then Mayor laying hold of the Penal Laws, set the City into a common hurry, by committing divers of the Aldermen and other Citizens to Prison for Religion.
Anno 1676. There were two Central Eclipses of the Sun, the [Page 17] one in Gemini, the other in Sagitary; Tumultuous Risings in London, the Weavers Rise about the Abuses of their Trade, the Train-bands are raised to prevent Disturbances; here are also new Proclamations and old Laws put in force against the Nonconformists.
By this Rule, we must expect some effects of some such like nature, when the North-Node transites Gemini, which is in the year 1785, and 1686. But what these effects will be, let time shew.
But secondly and lastly in particular, the effects of this Phasma or two Moons will appear more visibly about the beginning of August, Saturn and Mars then having been in Square a little before: So also about the middle of November, Mars then comes to the opposite point of the last Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, and toward the end of November the Sun comes to the same point: December will be a Month of great Action in some Countrys of Europe, and so will January following, neither will March be a Month of less Action then the rest: France and Germany are under Aries, God preserve those places and all others under Aries from Differences and Wars.
I thought to have insisted Astrologically upon those Oppositions of Saturn and Mars, and Saturn and the Sun in December next; but because it is a work of a different nature from this here before us, I will refer it to some other opportunity, or else leave it for some abler Pen: In the mean time I pray God bless England, Scotland and Ireland, with Peace and Plenty, and let all our Contention be who shall be most Zealous, and who shall perform the most Acts of Justice in the fear of God, then may England be called the Holy Land, and London, The New Jerusalem, the City of our God: And as Ovid himself said, so do I.