Prov. 31. 12.

She will do him good and not evil, all the daies of her life.

London Printed: Anno Dom. 1673.

Prov. 12. 4. ‘A virtuous Woman is a Crown unto her Husband.’
AS in one Day and Night, all life we find;
As more of either is the same again;
So each Wife is a Brief of Woman-kind,
And doth, in little, full as much contain:
God form'd her so▪ that to her Husband she,
Like Eve, should all the world of Woman be.
So form'd he both, that neither power he gave
Vse of them-selves, but by Exchange, to make:
Whence in their cheekes the Fair no pleasure have,
But by reflex of what thence others take:
Our lips in their own Kiss no Sweetness find;
And both our Eyes are, t'ward our own Face, blind.
Thus God in Eve a perfect man begun;
Till now, in vain much of him-self Man had:
In Adam God created only one;
Eve and the World to come, in Eve he made.
We are two halfes: While male from female straies,
Both barren are; Joyn'd, both their like can raise.
At first both Sexes were in Man combind;
Within his Body, Man did She-man breed:
Adam was Eves, Eve Mother of Mankind;
Eve from live-flesh, Man did from Dust, proceed:
One thus made two, Marriage unites again;
Two Sexes make one flesh, One flesh makes Twain.
Since Man [...]d but the well-being of this life
From Woman took; Since Being, She from Him;
Since God at first created Eve a Wife,
Since her Sex did, for Adams sake begin;
Marriage is Womens Crown: their Being then,
Their now-Perfection, they receive from Men.
Marriage; to all whose joyes two parties be;
Whose joyes are doubled, being parted so;
Wherein the bed of love is Chastitie;
Whereby two Soules into one Body go;
Which makes two, one, while They two living be,
And, after death, one in their progenie.
God to each man a private Woman gave,
That in that Center his Desires might stint;
That he a Consort like Himself might have,
And that on Her his like he might imprint:
Double is womans use: part of her end
Doth to this Age, part to the next, extend.
We fill but part of Time, and can not die
Till we the world a fresh supply have lent:
Children are Bodies sole Eternitie:
Nature is Gods, Art is Mans, instrument;
Now all mans Art no living Thing can make,
But herein Men in Things of life partake.
For wandring Lust; I know 'tis infinite;
It still begins, and adds not more to more:
The Guilt is everlasting, the Delight
This instant doth not feel, of that before:
The Tast of it is onely in the Sense;
The Guilt is poison in the Conscience.
Woman is not lusts bounds, but Woman-kind;
One is Loves number; Who from that doth fall
Hath lost his Hold, and no now rest shall find;
Vice hath no Mean, but not to be at all:
A Wife is that Enough which lust can't find;
For lust is still with want, or too much, pin'd.
Bate lust the Sin, my share is even with His;
For not to lust, and to enjoy, is one:
And (more or less past) equal Nothing is;
I still have one; He one at once, alone:
And, though the Woman be oft varied, He
Is still the same without varietie.
If in a single life we take no joy,
Marriage our Lust (as 'twere with fewell fire)
Will▪ with a Medicine of the same, allay;
And not forbid, but rectifie, Desire:
When high flames threaten chimnies, lay on wood;
This makes the Fire, and keepes the Fabrick, good.
Nor doth my Marriage order lust alone;
A Second-selfe may help me every way;
And, 'gainst my failings, make me two for one:
My self I cannot chuse, my Wife I may;
And, in the choice of Her, it much doth lie,
To mend My self in my posteritie.
O rather let me love, then be in love;
So let me chuse, as Wife and Friend to find;
Let me forget her Sex, when I approve;
Beasts likeing dwells in Sense, but Ours in Mind:
Our Soules no Sexes have; their Love is clean,
And (like Souls) pure; Wives, in their Souls, are Men.
But Physick for our lust their Bodies be;
But matter fit to shew our love upon;
But merely shells for out Posteritie:
Their Souls were given, lest men should be alone:
Without Words Bodies are no companie;
And, but the Souls interpreters, Words be▪
What goodly Frame we see of Flesh and Blood,
Their Fashion is, not Weight; It is (I say)
But their Lay-part, but Well-digested food;
'Tis but, 'twixt Dust and Dust, Lifes middle-way:
Of no worth were the Lump of Flesh that's seen,
Did it not entertain a Soul within.
All the Externall Beautie of my Wife
Is but skin-deep, but to two Senses known;
Short even of Pictures, shorter liv'd then life;
Yet doth that Love survive which's built thereon:
For our Imagination is so high,
That Bodies mett can't true love satisfie.
All Shapes, all Colours, are alike in Night;
Nor doth our Touch distinguish Foul, or Fair,
But our observing Mind, and busie Sight;
These, but one week: By mutual converse are
Both made alike, which differed at first view;
Nor can long Absence first dis-likes renew.
Nor can those Features seated in her Face,
(More then through self-deluding Fancies) be
Of us enjoy'd in an inferiour place:
Nor, in enjoying, can those Features she
Her-self make Ours: Love, while it rangeth, errs;
We doat on lookes which are, not Ours, but Hers.
Birth less then Beautie shall my reason blind;
Her Birth comes to my Children, not to Me:
Let me (that active Gentrie) virtue find,
Rather then (passive Gentrie) Ancestrie:
Alive in Her more worth one virtue is,
Then all the rest dead in her Pedegrees.
For high Degrees; High rather be she plac'd
In gifts of Nature, then of Policie;
Gentrie is a good Relique of Times past;
Yet love doth only what is present see.
Things were first made, then Words: She is the same
With, or without, this Title, or that Name.
As for (the odds of Sexes) Portion;
Nor will I shun it, nor mine Aim, it make:
Bi [...]th, Beautie, Wealth, are nothing worth alone;
All these I would for good Additions take,
Not for good Parts: They two are ill combind,
Whom what they have, not what they are, hath joynd.
Instead of these, the Object of my love
Shall Virtue be: When these with Virtue go,
They (in themselves inifferent) virtuous prove;
What's good (like fire) turns all things to be [...]:
Thine image in her Soul, LORD; let Me place
My love upon, not Adams in her Face.
Good is a fairer Attribute, then White:
This (the Minds beautie) keepes the other sweet:
This is nor born, nor mortall, with the light;
Nor gloss, nor painting, can it counterfeit:
Nor doth it raise Desires which ever tend
At once, to their perfection, and their End.
I, by a Good, a Holy Wife designe;
So God she cannot love, and not love Me;
Mans law can onely Words and Deedes refine,
Gods law our inward Thoughts doth Sanctifie:
Whence a Maid ravish'd more a Virgin is,
Then that Maid which hath onely wish'd amiss.
Lust onely by religion is with-stood:
Lust▪ Object is with-out, its Strength within;
Moralty resists but in cold blood;
Respect of Credit feareth Shame, not Sin:
But no place dark enough for such Offence,
She findes, that's watch'd by her own Conscience.
Now may I trust her Body with her Mind;
Yea, here-upon secure, I nere shall rue
The pangs of Jealousie; yet Love doth find
More pain to doubt, then know, she is Vn-true:
For Patience is the Cure of Evils-known;
But Doubt is still impatient, Doubt hath none.
Be then that Thought once stirr'd, 'twill never die;
Nor will my greif more mild by custom prove:
Untill her new life my Fears satisfie,
Th' Anguish is more or less, as is my Love:
This punishment to Jealousie is due,
That it may prove one False, can't prove one True.
Suspicion may the Will of Lust restrain,
Goodness prevents from having such a will;
A Wife that's Good doth Chast, and more, contain;
Chastitie is but Abstinence from ill,
And is, though in a Wife that's bad, the best
Of qualities, in a Good Wife the least.
Prudence must keep us Chast, not Jealousie:
Such lawfull things to be avoided are
As may the cause of things unlawfull be;
Lust, ere it hurts, is best descri'd a far:
Lust is a sin of two: He that is sure
Of either person, is of both secure.
Give me, next Good, an Vunderstanding Wife;
By Nature wise, not learned by much Art:
Some Knowledg in her, will to all my life
More Scope of Conversation impart;
Besides, 'twill in-bred virtue fortifie;
They are most firmly good, who best know why.
A passive Vnderstanding to conceive,
And judgment to discern, I wish to find:
Beyond these, all as hazardous I leave:
Learning and pregnant witt, in Woman-kind
What they find malleable, that they make frail;
And do not add more Ballast, but more Sail.
Domestick Charge doth best that Sex befit;
Contiguous Business; so to fix the Mind,
That leisure space for Fancies not admit;
Their leisure 'tis, corrupteth Woman-kind:
Else, being plac'd from many Vices free,
They had to Heaven a speedier way then we.
Bookes are a part of Mans prerogative;
In formall Ink they Thoughts and Voices hold;
That we to them our best spare houres may give;
And make Time present travel that of old:
Our life Fame peiceth longer at the end;
And Bookes our life do farther backward send.
As Good and Knowing, let her be Discreet;
This, to the others Substance, lustre brings;
Discretion doth consider what is meet,
Goodness but what is lawfull; only Things,
Not Circumstances: Without this, even holy
Mens learning and witt are curious folly.
To keep their Name, since 'tis in others hands,
Needs Discretion: Their Credit is by farr
More frail then Them: On likelihoods it stands;
And hard to be disprove'd Lusts slanders are.
Their Carriage, not their Chastitie alone,
Must keep their Name chaste from Suspicion.
Womens Behaviour is a surer Barr
Then is their No; This fairely doth denie,
Without denying; Hereby fond men are
Kept even from Hope: In part too blam is she,
Which hath (without consent) bin onely tride;
He comes too neer, that comes to be denied.
Now, since a Woman we to marrie are,
A Soul and Body, not a Soul alone;
When one is Good, then be the other Fair:
Beautie is Health and Beautie, both in one.
Be she so Fair, that she most Wives contain;
So Fair that change can yeeld to Me no gain.
So Fair at least let me imagine Her;
That Thought to me is Truth: Opinion
Cannot in matter of Opinion err:
With no eyes, shall I see her, but mine own:
And, as my heart conceiveth Her to be,
Such is she to my Sight, my Touch, and Me.
The Face we may the Seat of Beautie call;
In it a Taste of the whole Bodie lies;
Nay, even a Relish of the Mind with-all:
And, of the Face, the life moves in the Eyes:
So like each other these two Eyes we see,
That these two Eyes, two but in number, be.
Beautie, in decent Shape and Colour, lies;
Colours the matter are, and Shape the Soul;
The Soul doth from no single part arise,
But keeps a just proportion in the whole:
Such is the pure spirituall harmonie
Of every part united in the Eye.
Love is a kind of Superstition
Fearing that Idoll which it self hath fram'd;
Lust is a Fire, which rather from its own
Temper, then from its Object, is enflam'd:
Beautie is loves object; Wom [...]n, lusts, to gain;
Love, love requires; Lust, only to obtain.
No circumstance doth Beautie beautifie
Like gracefull Fashion, native Comliness:
This even getts pardon for Deformitie:
Beget, Art cannot; but Art may redress:
When Nature had fix'd Beantie perfect made,
Something she left for Motion to adde.
But let that Motion more to Modestie
Tend, then t' Assurance; Modestie doth set
The Face in her just Form, from Passions free:
'Tis both the Minds, and Bodies Beautie, met:
But Modestie, no Virtue can Eye see;
This is the Faces onely Chastitie.
Where Goodness failes, there Modestie withstands:
Hence 'tis, that Women (though they weaker be,
And their Desires more strong, yet) in their hands
The Chastitie of Men doth often lie:
Of all sins, lusts would sins most common grow,
All these good parts a perfect Woman make;
Add Love to me, they make a perfect Wife;
Without her love, her Beautie I did take
For (that of Pictures) dead; Love gives it life:
Till now [...] Beautie (like the Sun) did shine
[...] it onely Alive.
And of this love let Reason Father be,
And Passion Mother: Let it from the one,
Its Being take; from th' other, its Degree;
Self-love, which second loves are built upon,
Will make me, if not Her, her love regard;
No man but favours his own worths reward.
As Good and Wise, so be she Fit for me;
With me to will, and Not to will, the same:
My Wife is mine Adopted Self: and She,
As Me, so what I love, to love must frame:
[...] God to Men in Marriage Wom [...] gi [...]es,
[...] must submit to [...] not [...].

Sir Thomas Overburie his Epitaph written by Him-self.

THe Span of my daies measur'd, here I rest;
That is, my Body; but my Soul, its Guest,
Is hence ascended: Whither, neither Time,
Nor Faith, nor Hope, but onely Love, can climbe:
Where, being now enlightned, she doth know
The Truth of all, men argue of below:
Onely this Dust doth here in pawn remain,
That, when the World dissolves, She'l come again.

G. O. to the Reader:

THe Husband, having well set down his Wife,
Joynes his own Epitaph next under-neath:
To wit, Though Marriage be a double life,
That double life is plac'd next door to Death:
That is, To such as neither Flesh controul▪
Nor do, to their LORDS CHRIST, espouse their Soul:
But Graves them-selves are made a Marriage-bed,
To such as die to sin, and JESUS wedd.
Pro: 19. 14. 18. 22.

A prudent Wife is from the LORD: and whosoever findeth her, obtaineth a favour from the LORD.

To him (in all his Dispensations) be glory
forever and ever ascribed, Amen, Amen.



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