Great News from Dublin: GIVING A true and full Account of the present Posture of the Late King JAMES's Affairs in IRELAND.
As also a Remarkable Account of a BLOODY FIGHT, MAINTAINED By a Lady (at her own House) against the Rebels: WITH A Relation of the taking of a Ship and a Thousand Arms, as they were going to the Rebels in SCOTLAND.
Together with several other Important Matters relating to Ireland.
In a Letter from Chester, Dated May 12.

Licensed according to Order.

Kind SIR,

THe many Favours that you have formerly vouchsafed, has oblged me so much, as that I think my self bound to make you a return, especially in so facile a way as you have injoyned me, as to give you an Account of what occurs here from time to time, and more especially any thing from Dublin or Ireland.

On the 4th. instant from Dublin, came one Collonel Daynes's Servant, who made his Escape in an open Boat, who gives an Account that all the Irish that were Quarrered in Dublin, were removed to the Hill of Tarah; though they made all the Opposition they could against it, and also marched out of the City with very much Regret, but all to no purpose; for such was the Ascendency of the French Faction there, being so overaw'd by the Usurping Authority of that Tyrant their Master; so that what they say is a Law: Whereupon 3000 French were Quartered in their room, and since has been so Rapa­cious and Cruel, that they have Robbed and Plundered several of the Protestants, and has committed other great Outrages; nay, in particular, one great Villany was perpe­trated on an Irish Lieutenant by a French Officer; they being together in Company, they Quarrelled and fought, but the Irish Man worsting the French Man, he immediately left him, and going to his Lodging, he fetcht his Fuzee, and watching his opportunity, shot the Irish Officer dead through the Back, upon which he was taken and carryed away Prisoner to the Castle, and the Irish made all the interest they could for Justice; yet none could be had: The French espousing his cause in great numbers, and so was [...]et at Li­berty, [Page 2]without giving the least Satisfaction: Which has exceedingly disgusted the Irish. He says likewise, that it is reported there, that the late King will have 30000 men in the Field this Summer, and it is feared will be as soon in the Field as we, if we be not before June; for their grass was very forward, especially all about Dublin. He also says, that the late King had an express from Charlemont, giving an account that they were so close blockt up, and the number of men that were beaten back by the English, were reduc't to so great extremity, as that they were forc't to eat Horse-flesh. Which News was Confirmed by some Letters from Belfast of the 4th. instant: Which say, that though they have had no late Action, yet the Army was divided into four Bodies, and are March't several ways towards the Enemy, the General leaving behind 1500. men closely to Besiege Charlemont.

Some Letters now Arrived from Belfast, give an account that a Deserter was come o­ver to our Forces out of Charlemont, and informed them that the Garrison was in ex­tream want of Provisions, and that they had no Meat but Horse-Flesh, and must of force Surrender in few days.

These Letters add, that a Lady with about 40. Women and Children, were come to our Army in the North, having no Cloaths, but a few Raggs to cover their Nakedness.

The Lady saith, that for some considerable time, she Defended her own House against the Enemy; but at last after a Desperate and Bloody Encounter, she was forc't to Surrender upon Articles, viz. That they should not burn it, and let her carry away her Goods, but the Enemy no sooner was in possession, but they pull'd down the greatest part of the House, and plundered her of all she had.

We have an Account here, that in the last great Defeat of the Highlanders, that Collonel Canon was taken, and that in the search of the Dead, the Lord Loqueil was found kill'd.

We have an Account here, that a small Vessel was sent from Dublin by the late King for the Highlands of Scotland; which put in to a blind narrow Creek between High-Lake, and Wier, to be supplyed with Powder and Ball, she had 1000. Arms on Board, but was there with the men seized, and upon the Examination of the Master and Men, they gave Information that some men of Wier, and who they were that was to furnish them with Powder and Ball for that Expedition, and so thereupon seized; of which I will if I can give you a farther account by my next, and with which I shall conclude, with my re­spects to all Friends, and so rest,

Your most Affectionate Friend, William Nichols.

☞ THere is Published a New Play, Entituled, The Bloody Duke, or the Adventures for a Crown, a Tragi-Comedy, as it was Acted (with great applause) at the Court at Alba Regalis, by several Per­sons of great Quality.

The ACTORS Names.
King of Hungary, a mild, good natur'd Prince, but excessively given to his Pleasures.
his Brother, a bloody, malitious and designing man.
The Dukes Confidents.
  • Count Paulbrough,
  • Le Talbo.
the Dukes Secretary.
a wise, grave Prince, near Kinsman to the King, and a great Friend to the Hungarians.
Count d' Arlin,
Favourite of the Kings, and Poysoned by the Duke.
a wise, pious Noble-man, but murder'd by the appointment of the Duke.
an honest Tribune of the People, but murder'd by Order of the Duke.
a Mercenary buffoon Scribler, Creature of the Duke's, and set on by him co invent ridiculous Storys to amuse the People, and take their Eyes off from marking his Designs.
an honest Hungarian, and a deep Observer of the Court Intrigues.
Dutchess of Portora, a French insinuating Jilt, Concubine to the King, but holds private Intrigues with the Duke.
another of the Kings Concubines, but in League with the Duke.
Maid to Corinna.
Guards, Cut-throats, Knights of the Post, Rabble, Messen­gers and Jebusites.

This Play, together with those two New Ones, entituled, The Abdicated Prince, and The Late Revolution, contain a full Account of the private Intreagues of the two last Reigns, and of the most memorable Transactions that have hapned since. All 3 Sold by the Booksellers of London.

LONDON, Printed for John Palmer. 1690.

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