[City of London coat of arms]

By the Mayor.

To the Alderman of the Ward of

WHEREAS the last Lords Day there were great Tumults in divers places within this City, on oc­casion of putting the Laws in Execution against Conventicles and Unlawful Meetings, For prevention therefore of the like for the Future, These are by Advice of my Brethren the Aldermen, in his Maje­sties Name, to require You, that You immediately call before you all the Constables within your Ward, and Admonish and streightly Injoyn them that hereafter on the Lords Days they be constantly ready and at hand to keep the Peace, and suppress all Tu­mults and Disorders (if any hereafter happen to arise) on such Occasi­ons, and to perform the Duty incumbent upon them by Act of Parliament. For every Default wherein, each Constable is by the Tenor of the said Act to incurr a Penalty of Five pounds. And to the end the said Constables may be the more Mindful of their Duty in this Particular, You are to deliver to every of them One of the printed Copies herewith sent you. And hereof be very Careful as you tender the Cities Peace.


Printed by Samuel Roycroft Printer to the Honourable City of London. 1682.

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