Aleyn Mayor.
A Common-Councell Holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, the 21 day of May 1660.
ORdered that the Letter sent to His Majesties by this Court in Answer to His Majesties gracious Letter and Declaration be printed.
Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1660.
YOur Majesties most loyal, humble, and affectionate Subjects, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of this Your City of London, being this day assembled in Common-council, received Your Majesties gracious Letter and Declaration of the 4/14 April last, by the hands of the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Mordant, and Sir John Greenvile, in which they finde, that God hath been pleased at last to give a bountiful return to their constant Prayers, patient hopes, and loyal endeavours; by Your Majesties owning and acceptance thereof, and by inclining Your Princely heart to descend so far, [Page 2]not onely to impart to them Your Majesties benign Declaration of Grace extended to Your Majesties Subjects in general, but also to conveigh it to them under a particular assurance of special Love & tenderness to this City, to which they presume not to entitle themselves on any other account, then upon that of Your Majesties gracious inclinations; for they confess that all those manifestations of their affections, for which Your Majesty is pleased to put those signal marks of favour upon this City, were but a partial payment of that duty which they owe to Your Majesties right, as Subjects, and virtues, as Christians. And therefore, as they desire to bless God for inclining the hearts of both Houses of Parliament this day to express their joyful sense of, and their humble and hearty thanks for Your [Page 3]Majesties gracious offers: And to profess their loyalty and duty to Your Majesty, so they desire, that their entire and unanimous concurrence therein, may in its place finde Your gracious acceptance, which they hope Your Majesty will give them leave in all humility to claim when Your Majesty shall have seen their enclosed Declaration and Vindication, which their innocence and affections warranted them to publish to the world, before they received the honour and encouragement of Your Majesties Letter. And they cannot omit to acquaint Your Majesty, that the most eminent and clear characters of Your Princely goodness expressed in this Your Letter and Declaration, hath, as by a miracle at once, bound them all up in one common band of Loyalty to Your Majesty, and affection among [Page 4]themselves; and given them more then pregnant hopes, that God will sodainly establish Your Majesty in an honourable and peaceful Government of these Your Kingdomes, and fixe You among them as the Center; in which all the opposite Lines of the distracted interests of this Nation will meet and acquiesce, to the glory of God, and the perpetual settlement, peace, and welfare of Your Subjects. They have entrusted their fellow Members, Thomas Adams and Abraham Reynardson Aldermen, William Wild Esquire Recorder, John Langham, Sir James Bunce Baronet, Richard Brown, William Tompson, John Frederick, John Robinson, Anthony Bateman and William Wale Aldermen, Sir Nicholas Crisp Knight, [Page 5] Theophilus Biddulph, William Bateman, William Vincent, Thomas Bludworth, Thomas Chamberlen, Richard Ford, Laurence Bromfield & John Lewes Esquires, to present to Your Majesties Royal hand this their humble and hearty profession of duty and affection, and with it a small earnest of the reality thereof, which though it be extremely disproportionable to Your Royal Dignity, and the measure of their zeal to Your service, yet they begge most instantly that it may finde Your gracious acceptance, as comming from that City which have been the greatest sharers in the many and heavy pressures and losses that have befallen Your Subjects during the want of Your Royal Protection. And assuring Your Majesty of their continued prayers to God [Page 6]for Your Majesties speedy and safe return into these Your panting Dominions, that Your Majesty may enjoy your undoubted legal Soveraignty, and we your Subjects, the long'd-for influence thereof, by your maintaining them in the exercise of the Protestant Religion according to the Scriptures, and the example of the best Reformed Churches, and injoyment of our civil liberties and properties according to the ancient fundamental Laws of this Nation, and those other immunities and favours expressed in your Majesties Letter and Declaration;
We doe most humbly take leave, and have hereunto set the seal of this your Majesties Royal Chamber the City of London, the first of May 1660.