YOu are too Wise, and Noble, to need either a Direction, or a Spur, where your Judgement, or Honour lies at Stake: And to tell you, that to make your self the Happiest Person in Nature, you must Deliver us from being the most Miserable People, is but to speak your own Thoughts, and Purposes. Yet, such is the Passion I have for your Personal, and for the publique Good, that a Burthen lies upon my Soul, till I have given some Testimonie of my Respects, and Tenderness both for the One, and the Other, how-superfluous-soever, toward a Judgement, and Inclination, so well Qualified for the Knowledge, and Practice, of what is Honorable.
My Lord, We are a wretched People, and Providence hath put it in your power, to finish all our Troubles. The Eyes of Men, and Angels are upon You, and the whole Nation courts You as their Tutelarie Spirit. Never was any Action so easie, and so Glorious at once, as our Deliverance. 'Tis wrought without the hazzard, or expence either of Blood, Time, or Treasure. The Hearts, the Hands, and Fortunes of the People, are all at Your Devotion. Nay, lest You should submit to be misled by Popular Applause, Ambition, or anie other Frailty; Heaven hath annexed Your Interest to Your Duty, (forgive the Language) You must be Mad too, to be Wicked, & Quit all other Principles of Beneficial Prudence, with those of commune Honestie, and Conscience. Ballance (my Lord) the main Accompt. Heaven and Hell, are the Difference. One way, You are sure to be as Great, and Safe, as Love, and Gratitude can make You; whereas all other Acquisitions are deceitfull. A word now of the means to effect our Quiet; and that with all due respect to better Reason.
First, In the Case of differing Perswasions, be pleased to form such an Expedient, that all may quietly enjoy, and exercise their opinions, so far as they Consist with the word of God, and with the publick Peace.
Secondly, Appoint an Act of Oblivion to be drawn ( if you please) as Comprehensive of all Interests, as care, and skill can make it; and after this, let a Free Parliament be called (with this previous Engagement imposed upon them) That they shall first secure these two Particulars, of Conscience, and Property, according to the true Intention of the Parties therein Concerned, ere they proceed further; and that they may then apply themselves to other Debates at Liberty, and settle what Government that shall think fit. This I presume not to deliver as the Arrogant Imposition of a single Person; but I do offer it humblie, as the sence of a Numerous, and Sober party. Some Mutinous, and Peevish Spirits there are, whom nothing can please, but what displeases all the World beside. It were pittie, to alter the whole Frame of the Law, to gratifie the humour of so Inconsiderable a part of the People. Changes are Slow and Dangerous; God and Truth, are Invariable; We were well, till We shifted, and never since; having tried all other Postures in vain; vvere it not better to attempt That once again, than thus expose our selves to be Restless for ever?