The humble Petition of the poore distressed Prisoners in the hole of the Poultry Compter.

Being about threescore and ten persons in number.

Against this time of the birth of our Saviour Iesus Christ.

[blazon of the Freemen of London]

Bessed is he that considereth the poor and needy the Lord shall deliver him in the need­full time of trouble, and his seed shall be blessed upon earth.

Psal. 41.

MOST humbly sheweth to your Christian Charity, the lamentable estate of the poore prisoners in the hole of the Poultry Compter, being about three­score & ten persons in number, & the most part of us Freemen of this Honourable City greatly afflicted with many miseries, as hunger, cold, na­kednes, noisomesmels, with many other calamities that dwell with vs in this our loathsome Dungeon. Neuerthelesse knowing, like so many good Samaritans, you neede no instigation to poure the oyle of Charity into the deepe wounds of our afflictions, we are emboldned to present this our humble Petition, only to pray and beseech your fauourable remembrance of vs in your godly and charitable beneuolence extended towards our reliefes and comfort, against this time of the birth of our Lord & Sauiour Jesus Christ, who once was a prisoner himselfe for vs all. Your reward shall be, for giuing vs bread to feed our bodies, the food of Angells to re­fresh your soules, for giuing vs water to quench our thirst, you shall tast of the Well of Life: and for being good to vs Prisoners, you shal be made free Denizons of that old and glorious City Ierusalem. Therefore doe as God shall moue your hearts; and so blessed be his name for all our good Benefactors.

We most humbly pray and beseech, that your Charity may be put into this bearers box, sealed with the houses Seale, as it is figured vp­on this Petition.

God preserue and keep the Kings most Excellent Maiesty and his great Councell of Parliament.

Printed by M.F. One thousand sixe hundred forty and foure, ⟨Decemb: 20th 1644⟩

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