I Appoint Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, to Print this Examination, Narrative and Letter; Perused and Signed by me, According to the Order of the HOUSE OF COMMONS; And that no other Person presume to Print them.
THE EXAMINATION OF Captain William Bedlow Deceased, Relating to The Popish Plot, Taken in his last Sickness, by Sir FRANCIS NORTH, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Together with the Narrative of Sir Francis North, at the Council Board: And the Letter of Sir Francis North, to Mr. Secretary JENKINS, Relating to this EXAMINATION.
Perused and Signed to be Printed, According to the Order of the House of Commons, BY ME William Williams, Speaker.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1680.
The EXAMINATION OF Capt. WILLIAM BEDLOW, Taken upon Oath before the Lord Chief Justice NORTH, AT BRISTOL, On Monday the 16 th of August. 1680.
THe Examinant saith, That the Duke of York hath bin so far engaged in the Plot, as he hath seen by Letters in Cardinal Barbarini's Secretaries Study, that no part that hath bin proved against any man already, that hath suffered, but that to the full those Letters have made him guilty of it; all but what [Page 6] tended to the Kings Death. And at Rome I asked Father Anderton, and Father Lodge, two Jesuits, What would the Duke do with his Brother when he was King? And they answered me, They would find a means for that: they would give him no trouble about it. Then I told them, I believed the Duke loved his Brother so well, he would suffer no Violence to be done to Him. They said, No: If the Duke could be brought to that, as he had bin Religiously to every thing else, they might do their work: their other business was ready; and they might do it presently. But they knew they could not bring him to that Point: but they would take care for that themselves. They had not begun with him, to leave him in such scruples as that. But they would set him into his Throne; and there he should Reign blindfold three or four days: for they had settled some they should pitch the Action upon, should clear their Party. And then he should flie upon them with the Sword of Revenge.
And this Examinant doth further add, That the Queen is not, to this Examinants [Page 7] knowledge, nor by any thing that he could ever find out, any way concerned in the Murder of the King: but barely by Her Letters consenting and promising to Contribute what Money she could to the Introducing the Catholick Religion. Nay, 'twas a great while, and it made Her weep, before she could be brought to that.
Jurat. 16. die Aug. 1680. Coram me,
AT my first coming to Mr. Rumseys house, where I was to Lodge at Bristol, upon Munday the 16 th day of August in the Afternoon, being the First day of the Assises, Sir John Knight came to me, and said, That Mr. Bedlow lay dangerously ill of a Feaver, and had little hopes of Life; and desired that I would give him a Visit, that he might Impart something of great Consequence to me before his Death. I told [Page 9] him I would give him a Visit that night after Supper, about Nine a Clock, if I might be satisfied of two things: First, That there was no Infection in his Distemper: Secondly, That the time would not be inconvenient, but he might Discourse to me without prejudice to his Condition. After a little while, two Physicians came to me, and assured me, that there was no danger of Infection, and that the time I had appointed would be most proper; for commonly he took his repose in the Afternoon, and at Nine a Clock he would in all probability be refreshed, and fit to Discourse with me. Thereupon I declared my Resolution of going, and desired the Company of the Two Sheriffs, and my brother Roger North, and appointed my Marshal William Janes to go with me. As we were upon the way, Mr. Crossman, a Minister in that City, told me Mr. Bedlow had desired him to come with me to him: I said, It was very well, and I should be glad of his Company. Whereupon we went all together; and being come into the Room where Mr. Bedlow lay, I saluted him, and said, I was extreme sorry to find him so ill. I [Page 10] came to Visit him upon his own desires. I did imagine he had something to impart to me as a Privy-Councellor; and therefore if he thought fit, the Company might withdraw. He told me, That needed not yet, for he had much to say, which was proper for the Company to hear: And having saluted the Sheriffs, and Mr. Crossman, he discoursed to this purpose.
That he looked upon himself as a dying man, and found within himself that he could not last long, but must shortly appear before the Lord of Hosts, to give an account of all his Actions. And because many Persons had made it their business to baffle and deride the Plot, he did, for the satisfaction of the World, there declare upon the Faith of a dying Man, and as he hoped for Salvation, That whatever he had Testified concerning the Plot, was True. And that he had wronged no Man by his Testimony, but had Testified rather under than over what was Truth. That he had nothing lay upon his Conscience upon that Account. That he should appear cheerfully before the Lord of Hosts: which he did verily believe he [Page 11] must do in a short time. He said, He had many Witnesses to produce, who would make the Plot as clear as the Sun: and he had other things to Discover, which were of great Importance to the King, and the Countrey. Hereupon he making some pause, I told him, The Plot was so evidently made out, that no reasonable man, no Protestant, I was sure, could doubt of the Truth of it: But he ought not to have Concealed any thing that concerned the King so highly. He ought to Discover his whole knowledge in matters of Treason, that Traitors may be Apprehended and Secured; who otherwise may have opportunity to Execute their Treasonable Designs. To this he replied, That much of that which he had not Discovered was to Corroborate his former Testimony: That he had Concealed nothing that was absolutely necessary to the Kings Preservation. That he thought it not fit to Accuse more Persons, till he had ended with those whom he had already Accused. He expressed great grief and trouble at the Condition of his poor King and Countrey (so he termed them) whom he knew at that time to [Page 12] be in Eminent danger from the Jesuits, who had Resolved the Kings Death: and he was sure they would spare him no longer then he continued to be kind to them. He said, He was privy to their Consultations at Salamanca and Valladolid, where they used to observe the favourable Conjuncture they had to Introduce their Religion into England: which consisted in their having a Head, who must be set up whatever came of it: and, If they let slip that opportunity, they should never have such another: For without a Head they could do nothing. He said further, He knew the Wickedness and Resolution of the Jesuits: they stuck at nothing to compass their own ends. They had attempted to Poison him, but he had escaped.
When he had finished this Discourse, (which lasted about a quarter of an hour) I asked him, If the Company should now withdraw? And he said, Yes: and Ordered his Nurses to go out, and only his Wife to stay to tend him. And thereupon all went out, saving Mrs. Bedlow, my self, and my servant William Janes. Then I told him, I thought it convenient that what he should then [Page 13] say unto me; should be upon Oath. He replied, That it was necessary it should be so: and called for a Bible. But my Servant having brought a Book with him, Administred the Oath to him; and laying his Paper upon a Chair by the Bedside, writ down his Deposition as he delivered it.
When Mr. Bedlow had concluded, and said, That was all he had to Inform me of, I took the Paper, and Read it over distinctly to him, and he approved it, and Signed it, laying the Paper upon a Pillow.
I thought it not fit, considering his Condition, to perplex him with Questions, but took his Information as he offered it, and held no Discourse with him when the Company was withdrawn, but concerning the true setting down his Depositions: and when he seemed to be weary, to mind him of taking Cordials, which his Wife reached to him as he desired them.
The next day Mr Bedlows Brother came to me, and told me that his Brother desired a Copy of the Deposition he made before me. But I told him, I had well considered it, and could not [Page 14] give him a Copy without the Kings leave. But I would move the King in it: and if He gave leave, I would take care to send one to him. And Mr Bedlows Brother then told me, That it was his Brothers desire that I should represent to His Majesty his Condition; and that his Sickness was very Chargeable: and move His Majesty on his behalf for some Supply of money for his Subsistence; which I promised to do.
This is all that I can recollect of what passed upon this Occasion, and is in Substance true: but the very Words, or the Order, I cannot positively remember.
To the Right Honourable Sir LYONELL JENKINS, One of His Majesties Principal SECRETARIES of STATE.
I Always intended to Write from hence, to pay my thanks for the whole Circuit, which was much more pleasant, by your favour of holding Correspondence with me. But now I have business of some Importance: For as soon as I came to this City, I received a Message from Mr. Bedlow, by Sir John Knight, That he being very ill, and in the judgment of Physicians in great danger of Death, had some business of great moment to impart to me. I knowing the Man, and the season, would not refuse the pains to give him a Visit: and being satisfied by Physicians that there was no Contagious quality in his Distemper, (though I did not much fear it) I went well accompanied; and in the presence of the Company he Declared, That whatever he had said relating to the Plot, was True. And he being a dying Man, had nothing lay upon his Conscience upon that score. The greatest trouble he had, was the danger the KING (whom he loved above all things) was in from the Papists at this time: who would attempt His Life as soon as ever he should cease to be kind to them: and many other Expressions of this kind. After this I asked if he had any thing to impart to me in private. He told me, He had. And having made the Company withdraw, all but my Clerk, I [Page 16] took the inclosed Examination upon Oath; you may imagine I was not curious to perplex him with Questions. I took it just as he delivered it. Of what signification it will be, I leave to wiser Men. I think my duty is to send it to you, that you may Inform His Majesty of the Truth. I shall wait upon you at Windsor upon Sunday next, to receive your further Commands.
Ten at Night. The Copy inclosed is hastily and ill Taken. I shall bring the Original with me.