At the Court at Whitehall, June the Sixth, 1673.
- The Kings most Excellent Majesty
- His Royal Highness the Duke of York
- Lord Chancellour
- Lord Treasurer
- Lord Privy Seal
- Duke of Lauderdale
- Duke of Ormond
- Earl of Ogle
- Lord Chamberlain
- Earl of Bridgwater
- Earle of Bathe
- Earle of Carlisle
- Earl of Craven
- Earl of Arlington
- Earl of Carbery
- Viscount Halifax
- Lord Maynard
- Lord Newport
- Lord Berkeley
- Lord Holles
- M r Secretary Coventry
- M r Chancellour of the Exchequer
- M r Chancellour of the Dutchy
- Master of the Ordnance
- Sir Thomas Osborne
- M r Speaker.
WHereas by the late Address of both Houses of Parliament, His Majesty was humbly desired by His own Example to Encourage the constant wearing of the Manufactures of His own Kingdoms and Dominions, and to discountenance such persons, Men or Women in His Majesties Court, as should wear any Manufactures made in Forreign Countreys; And that pursuant hereunto His Majesty had Graciously Declared, That He would not onely do it by His own Example, but would discountenance all other persons that should wear Forreign Manufactures; And that His Majesty had given Order to the Lord Treasurer, to Direct the Commissioners of the Customs, to cause all Goods of Forreign Manufacture Prohibited by Law, to be Seized, at what Port, or on whose Account soever they shall be Imported into this Kingdom, and that his Lordship shall grant no Warrant for the Release of them. And whereas upon the Petition of the Silk Weavers of London, Presented to His Majesty in Council, setting forth, That they have attained to great Skill in Contriving and Making of Silks and Stuffs, Figured and Plain, and that if due Encouragement were given to them, and to several other Manual Trades, by Prohibiting the Importation of Forreign Manufactures, they should increase and flourish. His Majesty was pleased to Declare, and accordingly then gave Order to the Master of His Robes, That he should not Prepare for His Majesties Use in His Wearing Apparel, any kind of Silks or Stuffs Wrought out of His own Dominions, nor any Ribons, Gloves, Hatts, or other things for His Wearing, which were Manufactured beyond the Seas, unless as hereafter Excepted. And likewise that the Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Houshold should take Care, and give due Order, That no person or persons should presume to come into His Majesties presence, wearing any of the things aforesaid, being of Forreign Manufacture, nor any other whatever, unless as followeth; Namely, The Lace commonly called Point de Venice, which may be worn by any until the First day of May next (and no longer) as also Linen, and Calicoes, and such other wearing things as by Our own Trade are Imported from the East Indies.
To the end therefore that these His Majesties Commands and Orders may be Publickly taken notice of, and the more exactly obeyed, It is this day further Ordered by His Majesty in Council, That the Right Honourable the Lord Treasurer do Renew his Orders to the Commissioners of the Customs, That they direct the Seizure and Confiscation of all manner of Forreign Wearing Manufactures that are Prohibited by Law; And to cause His Majesties part thereof to be Publickly Burnt; That so the Petitioners, His Majesties Subjects, may find all due Encouragement and Advantage in the Prosecution of their several Trades and Callings; And this Order is to be Printed and Affixed in all the Ports and Customhouses of England.