At the Court at Whitehall, the Tenth of May, 1672.


  • The Kings most Excellent Majesty.
  • His Highness Prince Rupert
  • Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Lord Keeper
  • Duke of Lauderdaill
  • Duke of Ormonde
  • Marquess of Worcester
  • Lord Chamberlain
  • Earl of Bridgwater
  • Earl of Essex
  • Earl of Anglesey
  • Earl of Bathe
  • Earl of Carlisle
  • Earl of Craven
  • Earl of Arlington
  • Earl of Shaftesbury
  • Viscount Fauconberge
  • Viscount Halifax
  • Lord Bishop of London
  • Lord Newport
  • Lord Holles
  • Lord Clifford
  • Mr. Vice Chamberlain
  • Mr. Secretary Trevor
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy
  • Master of the Ordnance
  • Sir Thomas Osborne.

It was Ordered by His Majesty in Council, That an Order this day read and Approved as the Board for dispensing for some time with certain Clauses of several Acts, concerning Trade, Shipping, and Navigation, be forthwith Printed and Published.


HIs Majesty by and with the Advice of His Privy Coun­cil is pleased to Declare, and Order, That an Act of Par­liament, made in the Parlia­ment begun at Westminster the Five and Twentieth day of April in the Twelfth Year of His Majesties Reign, and Confirmed by the Par­liament, begun at Westminster the Eighth day of May in the Thirteenth Year of His Majesties Reign, [Page 2] Reign, Intituled, [ An Act for Encouraging and In­creasing of Shipping and Navigation] and all the Proceedings therein, or thereby directed, Be to­tally suspended in all the matters and things there­in Contained, concerning or relating to any Ships or Vessels, their Masters or Mariners, their Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammunition, and Apparel, or to any Goods or Commodities Imported or Ex­ported to, or from Norway, or the Baltique Sea.

And His Majesty doth further Order, That the said Act, and all the Proceedings therein or thereby directed, be totally suspended in all the Matters and things therein Contained, concerning or rela­ting to any Ships or Vessels, their Masters or Ma­riners, their Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammuniti­on and Apparel, or to any Goods or Commodities Imported or Exported to, or from any parts of Ger­many, Flanders, or France, whereof the Merchants and Owners shall be His Majesties natural born Subjects.

And His Majesty is graciously pleased to Declare and Grant, That not onely His Majesties natural born Subjects, but all Merchants of any Nation, may Import from any Ports whatsoever, Hemp, Pitch, Tarr, Masts, Salt-peter, and Copper, and up­on Importation thereof shall be Liable to pay only such Duties as by the Act of Tonnage and Pound­age are Imposed upon His Majesties natural born Subjects and no other; Any thing in the said Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

And his Majesty doth further Order, That not­withstanding the said Act for Encouraging and In­creasing of Shipping and Navigation. And one other Act made in the said Parliament, begun at West­minster the Eighth day of May in the Thirteenth Year of His Majesties Reign, Intituled, [ An Act [Page 3] for the Encouragement of Trade] or either of them, or any Clause or Clauses in them, or either of them to the Contrary; It shall and may be lawful for any English Merchants, and they are hereby Authorized freely and without Interruption to make use of, and Imploy any Foreign Ships, or Vessels whatsoever, Navigated by Mariners, or Seamen of any Nation, for Importing, or Exporting of all Goods and Commodities, to or from any Port in England or Wales, or to or from any of His Majesties Planta­tions, they paying only the aforesaid Duties Im­posed upon His Majesties natural born Subjects, as for Goods Exported in English-built Bottoms, and no other.

Provided, That no Goods or Commodities whatsoever, be by them Imported into any of His Majesties said Plantations, but what shall be with­out fraud, Laden, and Shipped in England or Wales, and thence directly carried, and from no other Place to His Majesties said Plantations.

Provided also, That such Goods and Commo­dities as shall be by them Laden and taken on Board at His Majesties said Plantations, or any of them, be brought directly from thence to some of His Majesties said Ports in England or Wales; And all Governours and Officers of the Customs, are hereby Charged, and required strictly to observe all Rules, Directions, and Orders for taking of Bonds or other Securities, and exacting all For­feitures and Penalties by the said Acts, or either of them required or enjoyned, save only in the two Clauses concerning English Ships, and English Mariners herein before Dispensed with.

And lastly His Majesty doth Declare, That this shall continue and be in force during His Majesties pleasure: And when His Majesty shall think fit [Page 4] to Determine the Dispensation hereby Granted, He will by His Royal Proclamation give Six Moneths notice thereof, to the end no Merchant or other Person herein concerned may be sur­prized.

  • Lord Keeper
  • Duke of Lauderdaill
  • Duke of Ormonde
  • Marquess of Worcester
  • Lord Chamberlain
  • Earl of Bridgwater
  • Earl of Essex
  • Earl of Anglesey
  • Earl of Bathe
  • Earl of Carlisle
  • Earl of Craven
  • Earl of Arlington
  • Earl of Shaftesbury
  • Viscount Fauconberge
  • Viscount Halifax
  • Lord Newport
  • Lord Holles
  • Lord Clifford
  • Mr. Vice-Chamberlain
  • Mr. Secretary Trevor
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy
  • Sir Thomas Osborne

In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christo­pher Barker, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1672.

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