A DECLARATION OF The Committee for the Militia: CONCERNING The Penalties that are to be inflicted upon those of the TRAINED-BANDS that exempt themselves in this present Expedition.

Together with a Declaration of the COMMONS Assembled in Parliament, for the raising of Money, Plate, and Horse, to be imployed for the Aid and Assistance of the Lord FAIRFAX.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this be forthwith printed and published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Printed for Edward Husbands, October 18. 1643.

ALl Gentlemen Souldiers, under the command of Lieutenant Co­lonell John Hopson, repair to your Colours at your Rendevouze in this present VVednesday morning, being the Eighteenth day of October, 1643. completely Armed, fit for service, by Seven of the clock there to receive further command from the Earl of Essex his Excellencie, or other Offi­cers under him: And if any shall fail to be ready to march away at the hour of Eight of the clock, he shall forfeit Five shillings; And if they shall not appear by Nine of the clock, Ten shillings; And if they shall not appear by Twelve of the clock in Saint James field, to march as they shall be directed; Then their shops [Page 4] are to be shut up, and they deprived of Trade, and liable to the Expulsion out of the Lines of Communica­tion.

And the Committee for the Militia sitting at Worcester-house do further declare, that it is ordred, that every Parish from whence the Regiment is drawn, shall speedily prepare a large Table to be fixed within the re­spective Churches, wherein shall be inscribed the Names of all such Souldiers that shall voluntarily in person expresse their alacrity and courage in so commendable a ser­vice, as a testimony of their good affections, and a perpetuall memo­riall to the honour of them and their posterity.

A Declaration of the Commons in Par­liament, &c.

IT is this day ordered by the Com­mons in Parliament assembled, That the Aid and assistance of the Lord Fairfax shall be especially and respectively recōmended to the coun­ties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Lin­coln, & to the city & county of the ci­ty of Norwich; And the House doth declare, That it is and shall be held an acceptable service in any man that will give any assistahce in Men, Mo­ney, Plate, Horse, or Ammunition, to the said Lord Fairfax; And this House doth ingage the Publique-Faith for repayment; And this House [Page 6] doth further Declare, That it shalbe held an acceptable service in all such as have, or shall encourage others to a cheerfull assistance of the said Lord Fairfax. And it is further ordered, That Sir William Constable Baronet, and such as he shall depute and ap­point, shall have power to receive the severall sums of Money, Plate, Horse, and Ammunition subscribed, or to be hereafter subscribed as abovesaid, within the severall and respective counties of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincoln, and the city and county of the city of Norwich, and to apprize the said Horses, and to give Acquit­tances and Receipts for the same; which Receipts shalbe presented to the Treasurers at Guild-hall, London, to be by the said Treasurers received [Page 7] and entred in as full and beneficiall a manner, as if the severall Subscri­bers had actually paid in the severall sums subscribed unto the said Trea­surers at Guild-hall, London, whereby the severall contributers may have the security of the Publique-Faith for their repayment, as was upon the former Propositions for the Subscri­ptions of Money, Horse and Plate, &c. The which Money, Plate and Horse, the said Sir William Constable or his Deputies, shall discharge them­selves of by order of the Lord Fair­fax, according to the severall Subscri­ptions, and the intent of the Subscri­bers therein.


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